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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES WHEELING HALF 3IILE TRACK : MONDAY, APRIL 21 Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time Indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK PAand.T " Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. 1 st Wheeling Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds ami upward. Claiming. Mile iXOTE Claiming iiriee, 00. Reaten non-winners at this meeting which hare not Avon two races this year. 3-year-olds, m pounds; older, 117 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Ilan Ind. PP. Dorse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han 4G747 2BItAKDALBAXE . 4GG5G 1 Saratoga 0 112. .GOO Tij 111 l:01Ii 11 112 X 723 40747 3Sunday Clothes. C 112XG00 4GG13 oTlatoon 4 112.. 713 4G721 7Bed Dome M 4GC353 13 J. J. Bambriek. 4 117X710 Aqu 103 l:00fin 3 IOC. COO 40721 SLnng M 3 101.. 703 4G721 OOmen M 3 100.. C90 4G549 4Betty Bowman. 4G723 10 Vitalize 4 112.. COO Tij 111 1:00 4 107X700 4CC13 12 Tiay Tag 7 H7XC90 4G391 CChantry 4 107.. 093 4G720 14Agnes WynnM 4 107X090 40551 llBIue Agate 5 112. .093 4G722 15Xayarit .... 9 112XG90 4CG90 17 Vladimir . .Was 109 1:02 3 111XC95 4GC93 10 Dashaway 3 100. .090 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. and Str.Fin. Jockey TP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Bracdalbaiie 1 1 9 Cn 11 by Jack Atkin Princess Pat, by Stalwart. Xu Xrainer, J. D. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Son. See Saturdays first Wheeling chart. Aptl7-303Whe E 1:04 hy a 111 1 1 21 21 DuhonS1 9 TwoBillslll.Vitalize 104,SinMden 103 C Apr.l2-30WJie g l:02ft 7 109 3 1 lnk 21 ColnsJD 10 Buehonlll.A.B.BVgerlll.BritPlumelOO C Mae 2-30Hav 5 f 1:03 ft 5 108 4 1 2" 5 BryantD9 12 Munning 108, MadSketch 113, Fifia OS C Ffe24-30Hav 2 l:lG4sl 6 117 1 1 2" Vi DouertyF 9 Lassa 117, Fifia 107, CliftonsMaid 102 C TA. 1-30IIav 5J f l:0Ssl 2i 109 1 1 l3 l1 ColvinA9 12 Era 107,Coverwood 112,Xorth Breeze 107 C Jan.30-30Hav 51fl:10m 3 107 1 1 1 2 ColvinA 10 Munning 107,SIac Day 107. Laguna 105 C Jan.lO-30Hav 51 f 1:09 ft 10 107 1 1 1 41 ColvinA 12 SvcrWe97.Capt.Gbert97,Cplication 112 C OctlDTul 6Jfl:0Dtft 12 97 79 MercdithR 9 LittleBroom lOG.Mala 100,LevuIose 107 C , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .26 5 3 5 5 2.3C5 This year.. 7 12 0 $ 1,-100; PlatOOIl T I O Bn c 4 by Westy Hogan Mary Leo. by Marta Santa. XI. Trainer, H. C. Rumagc. Owner, H. C. Rumage. Arr.l4-303Whe gl:01ft 15 106 G 2 31 43 LoganL9 12 Vandionlll.RyIBellslOSJ.J.J.Bbrklll C Apr. 9-30Whe l:03hyl2-5f 111 12 10 10"10"1 StransldC19 12 AunBrml09,EllaBanklOGl.J.J.BbrklJ2 O Matl4-30IIav 5Jfl:07,ft 8-5 112 10 7 0" S11 LoganL 11 SunDncell2,Theo.Fayll2,LastCliargell2 O Ha 5-30Hav 3 l:llft 4-5 11G 3.1 l3 1 DouchcrJ 11 Futuroll5MsFshionlrtel03,My WdllS O Mae 2-303IIav 5Jfl:07ft 3 103 3 2 2 2" RasseroJ3 10 PetitPanllO,SiinDancell3,GardnerDrll3 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 8 1 1 1 5 1.300 This year.. 8 1 1 0 5 900. J. .7. Baillbrick 1 1 7 Ch" e y Theo. Cook Erla Lee, by Hindoo. "Last work: OS 1-2.... :59:,m J-J- I Tiainor. W. C. Daly, Jr. Owner, Mrs. W. C. Daly, Jr. ApclG-SOnVho" S l:025im 9-10 113 2 2 23 23 MaddcnL C Thco.Fay 110,Lenny lOi.RoyalBells 10G d Aptl4-303Wlio E l:01ft 13 111 1 4 43 3! JIaddcnL3 12 Vandion 111, UoyalBcllslC5J, Platoon 100 O Apcl2-30Wlio 3 1:17 ft 31 11G 7 4 41 5 JIaddenL 10 ClayligconllCReighSliotlll.FlahertyllG C Are D-30JWlie g l:03hy!2-5f 112 5 3 31 3 MaddenL 12 AtiiP.iinlOO.EUaBnklOOl.LastChgelOO O MatlG-SOniav 1:13 ft 12 113 1 2 33 73i LongL3 12 KieLhmnllS.Thco.Fyll.l.LslChge 113 O MatlO-30:IIav J 1:11 ft 10 110 2 2 23 4 LoganL 12 Slish.MkllG.LastChgellO.PM.vFrrtyllO O Mae 4-30IIav 3 1:14 ft 15 113 1 2 2 431 WdstocUF9 12 Frl.egn ll.l.Sshllk 115,CdIdolizr 113 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 35 4 5 5 $ 2.085 This year.. 19 114? 1,090 Lanir T HI Ch- f 3 by My p:ay Toucanet, by Vulcain. JLUJL Trainer. U. S. Wishard. Owner. S. Ross. Apr.lS-305Whe g.l:03sl S-5 107 2 2 2i 2J FatorE3 S KingPalll5,DocK.112,WccGcntlenian 112 O Apr.l4-303Vhe g 1:01 ft ISf 99 9 S 9CJ11 CoganC11 12 Paquette 10G, Vinlin 10S, Vladimir 10G O Apr.lO-30WhG g l:04gd 6 99 5 3 2" 3J CoganC10 12 LuckyDrift 107,Snnolin 101.ltobertaL.103 O DcL 4-29Lrl 51 fl:0Ssl 57 115 9 6 9,1113 MrglerJC 11 Oonagh 115, Ann C. 115, The Kid 215 M Srp.2G-293HdG 55 f l:077sft 4S 107 3 5 CJ 7,s SteffenE 8 JrdKissll4,nyLoeustlll.Distingshl071 A Sep.20-29sIIdG 5i f l:07ft 49 101 4 6 78i CJ LeiscirnR 7 Flimsy 111, Khara 11G. Snooze 10G A Aug2C-29Sar 5J f J Of gd CO 107 3 9 10;J 9 KenndyE 10 PsyWkerllC.GalayllC.BIkManiy 109 A i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 This year.. 3 0 1 1 ? 150 Betty BoWIliail "1 H 7 3r y Paicines Eetty Frank, by Peter Quince. JLU I Trainer, L. Young. Owner, 1. Young. ApUO-SOnVhe gl:04gd G 106 3 5 Sill" ColvinA3 12 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 104, Lang 99 0 Manll-30IIav 21:14V6ft 5 98 2 3 5-1 S RileyG 11 Lew Black 103, Doncru 05,Tvo Bills 103 O Ftb.l9-30llav 5ifl:14hy 5 102 2 3 23 33 ColvinA 8 EllaBank 103,Tidgee 102,Seths.Iewcl 97 O Jan.l3-C0IIav 5Jfl:075ft 21 107 1 1 3 3 PasseroJ 12 KanchLass 112.PhiDeltal07.SunBridc 112 C Dec:20-293Hav 5h f l:ll,ihy 6 103 1 5 551 5Ri RileyG 11 ShortyO. 110, Clemmie 101, Vandion 10S O DcclS-:9IIav 5Jfl:09 m 10 100 2 2 21 23 RileyG C Blk.VsatelOS,L.nustnlOO.PsylvalI.108 O Dcc.l4-293Hav 5J f l:07VSft 30 104 6 7 Vi 8 RileyG 1 9 CdnprDrm.TmyLadl.Timekper 110 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. -35 4 9 2 5 2.G87 This year.. 4 0 0 2 5 140 Cliailtry 1 H7 by Lerner Vesper Hour, by Star Shoot. Last work: 109 1-2 " :.r3hy I Trainer, J. Id. Reed. Owner, J. M. Reed. Apr.l2-S0Wlie 3 l:17?Vft 8 100 7 G G1! 5"! RecdW 10 Kalakaua llCEFnAdair ICO.VeraC. 100 O JIarlG-30Hav 3 l:14,Sft 6 108 3 4 G52 Si SeaboG19 10 MtDaisy 10S,B"kAgatc 113,Salufn 118.0 Matl5-30IIav 21:14ft 6 102 8 8 G5 43S NashE3 12 TwoBills 107,AVhiteKnec 97,SeaKaie 112 O Macll-SOHav 31:14 ft 2 107 4 5 53 65i CongoreJ3 12 Mona 101.3I.of Pearl lOl.Stl.acruse 103 O rtt21-30IIav 3 l-.lGsl 31 109 8 8 91 93i CongoreJ" 9 Lassa 117, Fifia 107. CliftonsMaid 102 O Feb.22-303IIav o f l:10iliy 2 109 7 5 41 53i CongoreJ 8 Kanawhal07,PlstSmilcsll2,Brigand 107 C Ftb. 9-30Hav oi f l:12hy 7-10 10G 3 4 Zl 23 ColvinA 10 MissFouiitnlOl.CloudyS.lOC.A.Wynn 107 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Von.- Last year.. 6 0 2 0 5 225 This year. .11 0 2 2 5 440 Blue Agate 1 T Q Ch c 5 ty Tea Ca1dy Blue Green Belle, by Great Heavens. Last work: 109 5-8 l:llhy JLi Trainer, F. H. McDonald. Owner, M. E. Nelson, Arr.lO-303Vhe gl:03gd 18 112 8 8 S9 S19 PregunJ3 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117;DoJ.Lcighton 107 O 6eP.2S-29,Akn 5J f l:13ft 33-10 109 5"! CarterT C ChtgCIitsl20,BeIarnl03.LvePite 100 H Sep. 19-29 Beu g l:03iySft E2 111 7! TaylorW 10 JghAbbey 103,MallyS. llO.KinFolks 110 O Ancl4-293Bbg 3 l:17hy 16 110 6 4 Gi 61 RoseM 8 Arrogant 112. ElfricdaG. 101. Bolton 100 O Aug 3-29Bbg 31:16 m 6 113 3 3 4i 6J Roseil 12 J.J.Babrick lOl.Shorty llO.Unlucky 110 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 13 1 3 1 5 900 This year.. 1 Vladimir 111 B, c, 3, lj Stefan The Great Espoir Dore, by St. Amant. J- -1 Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Apr.l7-30Whe 1:04 hy 13 109 G G 531 431 FatorE 7 Sureway lll,Pao,uette lOG.DcConner 108 O I Apr.14-303 Wlie g 1:01 ft 13 106 4 4 33i 33i GoodichE 12 Paquette 100, Vinlin 103. Milano 111 C Apr. O-SOWhe g l:03hy 16 109 12 10 S9 713 FowlerD 12 StairyDawn 103,ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 O 3Iar.28-303St.J 3 1:17 sy 32 93 6 8 8J 8Ji SherryJ" 12 Acquire 105,Nayarit 107,nandiworkcr 98 O JIan25-30St.J f 1:10 ft 20 106 7 4 33 53i FowlerD 8 OurOwn 113, Buthie 103. Blazoner 108 O JIar.21-303St.J 3 l:15ft 30 10G 3 1 lh 41 FowlerD3 12 PaulBevere HG.Toanna llG.Ruthie 103 O Manl9-303St.J 5ifl:10m 13f 108 2 2 G 913 FowlerD 11 JnyCnipbll llS.PIRvre HS.Amir 118 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 8 1 0 1 5 1.000 This year.. 10 0 0 1 $ 50 . " Saratoga T 1 O s y Polyraelian Armine II., by Louvois. JL JL Li Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr.lC-303AVhe gl:03 m 43 110 9 8 Sl 7 BernierE 10 ThelmaL. 103,Vinlin 107.FranccsE. 107 O Mar2S-30cSt.J 5J f l:097isy 9Jf 117 8 S 10 10 CritchfdC 12 Dowager llC.WarXymph HO.MyGirl 111 O Mae2G-30!St.J "31:1375ft 27f 114 12 12 12,12, CritchfldC9 12 Trappylll.Sargallaje 109,MissOnine 109 O MaE20-30St.J 3 l:IGft 39-10 115 7 G!S 7t0 McCoyJ 8 MissOnine 107. Vera C.105,Honeyfish 112 G Matl7-303St.J 31:15 ft 52f 116 11 9 7" 8 McCoyJ3 12 Jack Crain 113. Voyage 108. Mote 1110 JIaEl3-30:St.J 31:14ft 23 116 8 8 7 79 SmithW 9 SaratogaMajelll.Motelll.Graccland 111 O Mac 8-30:Mia 2:34 ft 30 107 7 8 715 8 ShorryJ 9 Elfin Star 114, Blanco 102. Dolan 107 O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 9 This year. .14 1 0 0 5 750 Sunday ClotlieS 1 1 O A B. 6, by Sir Barton Madras Gingham, by Delhi. j Last work: 107 1-2 :3Sm JLJLj Trainer, W. Lutz. Owner, V. J. Palmer. See Saturdays first Wheeling chart. Matl5-303St,J 31:16m 20f 109 10 10 Hll" McDottT 11 Dowager 113,GaineswdllS.MsOnino 113 O -JIae 5-303Mia 31:14 ft CO 110 S 9 10-1033 McDottT 10 IIobcawllC.JackCrainimSunMedler 1110 Mat 3-30sMia lj. l:47J,gd CO 109 1 5 G" 5" McDmtL1 9 BayRuddy lll.Blanco 113.IIoneyfisli 114 G FcU24-30!Mia l l:43ft 100 112 5 12 123,12;s McDmtT13 12 Wliistler 114, Confidential lOO.FireOn 119 O Ftb.21-30,Mia 3 1:12 ft 100 109 9 11 U,91133 GnbergS 11 LetalonellSl.SptUalhan 118.0urOwnll4 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 25 4 2 1 5 2,725 This year.. 10 Red DoniO "1 CCK Ch f 3 by Dominant Ecd Wreath, by Peter Pan. "7 JLUO Trainer, P. Pellettieri. Owner, F. A. Ulrica. Apr.lS-303Whe gl:03sl G 113 S 8 73 711 LongW 8 King Pal 115, Lang 107, DoeK. 112G Mar.lG-30Hav 3 l:14Sft 8 SS 2 7 9 Si LongJ 10 MtDaisy lOS.BkAgate 113,Salufn 118 O MarlO-SOHav EJ f l:0Slft 3 104 2 1 l1 2" LongJ 12 Smitliersll2,NtyXaughtyl07.Jcannine9G O Mae 3-303IIav 3 l:15ft 7-5 971 1 1 23 LongJ 11 OhMe 105.StrghtEight lOo.LkyMllt 104 O Fct2G-30Hav f l:09gd 1 112 1 1 SJ 9" LongW 12 Flaneur 107, Doncru 105. Jcannine 95 O Fi-U C-30Hav 3 l:143gd 21 103 2 4 llll" HorvthlC 12 Flitphenl07,Promptitudel03,PrItube 103 A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 5 0 1 0 5 200 This year.. 8 0 2 0 5 300 , OlIlCIl 1 Ofi B" s 3 M ty 0rraonaale Sana light, by Rock Sand. JLUO Trainer, R. Dollaway. Owner, G. W. Dollaway. Apr.lS-C03Whe g 1:03,1 19 107 4 4 5 5S2 GoodrichE 8 King Pal 113, Lang 107, DocK. 112 0 Apr.l4-301Whe gl:01 ft 43 105 S S S3 93 LoganL 10 Dr.IIickn HO,Surewayl07.LyLei;andl04 C Apr.l0-303Whe g l:03gd SJf 103 11 10 10M013 BenoitA 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.7 3 Vitalize 1 1 Q B f 4 by Mackenzle n- Sil- y Cornstalk. JL JL Li Trainer. W. Twining. Owner, W. Twining. Apr.lS-30sWhe 2 l:19sy 71 10S 4 3 C3 75 FatorE9 9 RbcrtaL. 102,nll!ells lOO.PhiDlta 10S O Arr.l7-30;Whe g 1:04 hy 10 1041 5 3 3;i 3;1 ReedW8 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbne lll.SniMden 103 C Apr.l5-30Whe 3 l:13ft 5 106 2 3 411 616 GrnbergS3 8 Lassall4,Timekprll4,JnWiIliamlI.lll O Apr.ll-30Who gl:02ft 12 10G 1 3 33 21 DouglasF 12 Pquette 103, Sureway 107, Sniper 109 O Mat29-30St.J 3 1:17 si 10 114 4 3 7 710 YerratA 9 BoyalBellsl02,BlazonerllG,KitExtra 103 O JIar.2S-30;St.J 3 l:lGsy 29 114 9 2 23 3 Yen-atiV" 11 Amir HO.SirD.OXeil 107,FrankLake 112 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. :rd. Won.- Last year. .19 4 1 1 5 2.225 This year.. 16 0 5 3 $ 550 j Play Tag I I 7 B. g, 7, by Donnacona Tag, by Contcstor. r- Last work: 993-8 1:10m - -- Trainer. C. W. Gebhard. Owner, J. C. Hertel. Apr.l4-30Whe gl:015ft 9f 111 8 8 OllO"!! FatorE3 12 Vandionlll,RylBellsl05J,J.J.Bbrklll C Apr.ll-30Whe g l:02Vsft 1C 112 5 4 75112" KiniryF 12 Paquette 105, Vitalize 103, Sureway 107 O Sth 6-29Whe a g Sm 10 111 Left at post.CollinsJD 7 TidBit lOG.LampWard lll.MaryG. 103 O Sep. 3-29Vhe a f :58 f t 27 110 7" FisherW 7 SamMgelllO,PocketMonsell7.MarjG.102 O Jun.lO-293Whe a :58ft 31 113 8,s RiceJ 0 Adorable 110, Jibe 110. Middle Man 115 O Majr 4-29Rav a g l:04and3l 7-5 110 1 RiceJH 7 MallyS.110,JosieIIartmanl03,Perhaps 10S O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 18 1 1 3 5 480 This year.. 2 AgllCS Wyilll T 07 B f 4 M by Meridian Orphan Agnes, by Mediator. -Lvy I Trainer, O. Tuggle. Owner, O. Tuggle. AptlS-303Whe g l:02sl 57 107 3 6 3i 51 BernierE S I.igurian 117,Sunolin 107,AliceIIerx 112 O Apr.l4-303Tie g l:01ft 9f 104 12 11 11111 BernierE 12 Vandionlll,Ryll!ellsl05.J.J.Bbrklll G SlatlS-SOHav 5fl:07ft 20 102 5 7 G9i G NashE3 12 MtDaisyl02,PregativclO7,T.Angers 107 O Mai:ll-303IIav 3 1:14 ft 30 9S 11 8 9 9 NashE 12 Mona lOl.M.of Pearl lOl.Stl.acruse 103 O Mae 5-303IIav 3 1:15 ft 12 105 10 G 7 VI NashE 12 May Bar 103,SeaKale llS.Lew Black 110 C rtbL2G-30:Hav 5fl:09igd 15 107 11 8 G3j 51 RoseM19 12 Librarnl03.GayBroeck95,BernadBee 100 O rdi.22-303Hav 5J f mohy 30 108 8 8 S S3 PazJ 8 Kanawhal07.PrstSmilesll2,Brigand 107 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 24 0 0 2 5 275 This year. .14 0 0 1 5 70 Nayarit "1 1 O B- B. 9, by Disguise Sis Martin, by Sir Martin. J.. J.Lj Trainer. J. Switcher. Owner, J. Switcher. Arr.lS-30Whe 31:17sl CG 109 3 9 93 9" DuhonS 9 CheckmatellS, PlezalllOO, noatzinllC O Apr.l4-303Whe g l:01ft 34 1071 2 10 102 Sci DuhonS1 12 Vandionlll.RylBcllslOSl.J.J.Bbrklll C Apr.l2-30nVho g l:01ift 27 111 5 3 S13 911 SeaboG9 10 Dr.IIickmnll4,TimekprlOC,Ligurianll4 C Apr.lO-303Who gl:03gd 31f 109 4 5 5 5 1 GrnbergS3 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117.Dod.Leighton 107 0 Mae2S-303StJ 31:17 sy 12f 107 3 3 2i 2J GrnbergS19 12 AcquirelOS.Uandiworker 98,Pipestem 114 O Mat2C-30;St.J 1:15 ft 50 112 2 1 41 5 ReedWG1 12 Havoc 118, Amir 118. Pipestem 10S O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 25 0 1 2 5 155 This year.. 15 0 1 1 5 150 Dasliaway 1 CG. B. f, 3, by Midway Thelma K., by Ogden. Last work: 843-8 :39ft J-VO Trainer, M. Reiser. Owner, W. F. Knebelkamp. Apr.l7-30Whe GJfl:27syiy 31 106 3 7 719 Cl CollinsJD3 10 Milano lOSJ.XotGuilty lOl.Blazouer 105 O Apr.l4-303Who "gl:01 ft 12 111 8 9 Scl 9 GuerraJ1 12 Paquette 10G. Vinlin 10S, Vladimir 100 O Apr. 9-30Who 3 1:22 hy IS 103 S 8 V 7s! ColnsJD 9 ShoityO.107,TetraGlassll2.MslilScthll2 C Mar2S-30St.J ll:49sy 20 108 2 3 4J 5 PasseroJ3 b Lakeland 114, Nelson HS.MissScotia 1010 Jtae2G-303St,J 3 l:15ft 49-10 113 5 2 2 21 CarrollW3 Nelson llS.Huesman HS.FullCloud 118 C Mai:20-30,St.J 3 l:IGf t 7 103 3 3 41 3!1 CarrollW 10 Alamae 103, Nihil 120. Finnath 120 O Macl2-30:St.J 3 l:13ft 21 101 2 1 l3 l3 CarrollW1 11 Morpat lOl.BoyalBellsOfi.DonBomano 10G C MaelO-SOSt.J 3 1:15 . ft 22f .103 5,5 33 3 CollinsG1! . 11 Lindy llS.WarNympb 117.Anaconda 118 C I , : Starts.. 1st. .2nd. 3rd.1" Won.r-, . -Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won!-, 1 Last year.. 1 This year.. 13 "1 ,1 3 $ S00 2nd Wheeling- a Parse . 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-4 Mile JfOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,700. 3-ycar-olds and upward which hare not won more than three races this year, "-year-olds, 112 pounds; older, 110 pounds. 2fon-winncrs at this mcct:ng allowed 2 pounds; two races since February 15, pounds; one race this year, 7 pounds. Ind. VP. Dorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 40723 S Royal BellsSt.J 90 1:16 3 100.. 725 4G531 1 Hand Maiden 40591 7 The AngclusIIav 102 1:13 r. 112.. 720 Tij 10S 1:14 . 4 112.. COO 40720 3Alice llcrk M 4 112. .715 4GC91 2Sewing Hour... 40571 llBroadmoor .liar 10S 1:1216 G 112X710 Mia 105 1:15 4 107., COO 4CC01 13Bright Plume.. 4G720 4 Bright FlagM Ilav 102 1:1514 5 107 X 705 F.G 11G 1:141s 3 111XG00 40740 13BIlen AdairBbg 101 1:14 4 107. .700 40747 5Si:rface ...KdG 102 1:17 4 112. .COO 40750 CUennsylvania II. 40G0O 9White KnceBbg 110 1:141and 3 100.. 090 Tij 103 1:121s 4 107..C05 40050 10 Salt Peter 13 117.. COO 40050 12 Winsome . .liar 10G 1:13 7 112.. 095 40058 14 Neptunis M.. 40014 ITSwect Tidings.. Lut 107 1:15 4 117X090 L.F 10Sll:15 3 101..C05 4G74S lGToltec F.P 111 1:14 3 100X 090 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout -and racing record: .D.tte. : Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. ItOJal Bells "1 Ai Gr. f, 3, by Royal Canopy Bow Bells, by Knight of the Thistle. Last work: SS 1-2 :54m J-UO Trainer, J. J. Maroney. Owner, Blue Belle Park Stable. Aprl8-30Whe 2 l:lusy 7 100 3 1 lnk 21 CoopcrR" 0 RbertaL. 102,1hiDelta 10S,RkQn 113 C Apr.lG-SOWho 0 l:02m 33-10 1031 1 4 4"! 4Ti WimcrM? G Thoo.Fayll0,J.J.15ambrickll5,Lenny 107 C Apr.ll-30Whe g l:0ttandft 10 103i 4 1 2J 2 ViinmorJI 12 Vandionlll.J.J.Bambricklll, Platoon 100 C Aprll-30Wlio g 1:0214ft 15 Ml!!1 3 CooperR" 12 Vandionlll.TIieo.FaylOO.Dr.IIickmanlll C Mac29-30"St.J 3 1:17 Bl 5 102 5 1 1" li PasseroJ 0 BlnzonerllG.NightExtralOS.SalMahdi 113 C Mac27-30St.J 5 f 1:09 ft 10 101 G 4 5 5 DaintyF 12 SrcwylOI.RdioSrice lOG.Enlfute HOC , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 3 This year.. 11 1 2 2 $ 795 The AllgeluS 119 B rn y Harmonicon Garner, by Radium. Xast work: 100 3-8 :45m J-J-" Trainer, W. H. Schwartz. Owner, W. H. Schwartz. Apr.l2-30Whe 2 l:17ft 30 111 10 9 9 9i OMalleyJi 10 Kalakaua HG.ElnAdalr lOC.VeraC. 10C C Macl5-30IIav 3 l:14ft 15 107 7 12 112UG5 MltcholUJT 12 TwoBills 107,WhiteKnee 97,SeaKale 112 C Macl3-30Hav 5J f 1:0774ft 8 107 2 3 4s 3 MitchellM 12 MtDaisyl02,PregativelO7,H.Maidcn 102 C Mac 9-30 "Ha v 2 1:1514ft 5 107 11 11 112 9i ColvinA 12 Treacle 93. Tid Bit 102, Mont Daisy 102 C Mac 3-30Hav gl:15ft 5 100 S 9 7s 5i RileyG 11 OhMe 103,RedDome 07,Str,ghtEight 105 C Fcb.25-30IIav 5Jfl:0Sgd SO 115 3 6 SJ 9 JudyJ" 12 Era 110. May Bar 105, Not Guilty HOC Feb.l5-30IIav S 1:14 ft 20 103 6 7 52 6s! JudyJ 12 Slias.Bellel03.Pequeto 103,MicbaelB. 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd; Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 1 1 3 5 800 This year.. 11 0 0 1 70 Alice Ilerx IIP B. f, 4 M, by Hildur Becky, by Transvaal. J-J-Li Trainer, C. Boyle. Owner, C. Boyle. Apr.lS-30Whe g l:02sl 24 112 4 1 P 3 TaylorW S Liguriau 117,Suno:in 107,EuRoute 112 C Apr.U-30Whe g 1:0214ft 43 109 3 C G 7si FatorE1 12 Paauette 105, Vitalize 100, Sureway 107 C Arr.2G-2SIIdG 4Vf :54ft 4f 112 11 13514" SmtthJ 15 P.Michellcll0,Recgnitnl05,G.Colna 112 M , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won This year.. 2 0 0 1 ? 50 Broadmoor 119 B e " by Faicines Blind Beauty, by Helmet. JL-L- Trainer. J. G. Angner. Owner. J. G. Angner. Apcll-SOWhe g 1:0214ft 15-5t 115 10 10 10U108! LongW 12 Vandion lll.TIieo.Fay lOO.RoyalBells 99 C MclG-30IIav S 1:15 ft 2S 113 2 G 63 G5 I.ongJ" 12 EieLhmull3,Theo.Fyll3,LstCkge H3 C KaclO-30IIav 2 1:1414ft 8 115 4 8 5 31 MozerR 10 FairDawn 95,Blk.gatell0,Theo.Fay 115 C Mac 3-30Hav 2 1:14 ft 12 117 1 4 4i 41 MozerR 8 Iloatzin lll.Chcster 114.Timekeeper 114 C rrfxl9-305Hav 51fl:111Uiy 6 115 7 S llll MozerR" 11 CuerasllO.Complication llO.IIi.Chief HOC TeUll-SOav 3 l:lG14Bd G 112 5 G GJJ 8i KashK 12 Iloatzin 112.PIetSmiIesll2,Col.F-lon 112 C Tdv 3-305IIav 3 l:12ft 10 107 5 4 9111" MozerR 12 Bbinalong 112,RhLass 107,Sunfast 107 C Jjo-DS-SOIIav 5J f 1:0814ft 3 112 1113 lJ MozerR1 12 MyWordllS.Coverwd 112,F.namiItnl07 L , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .30 4 7 3 2.9G5 This year. .11 1 0 1 S20 Bright Plume 1 07 Ch m by Colonel Vennie Orlo, by Orby. J.J I Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Apnl7-30Whe g 1:04 hy .13 111J 2 5 5 6 CoIvinA 9 TvvoBillslll.Bdalbane lll.Vitftlizc 101? C . Apcl2-30;Whe g l:02ft 30 106 7 5 5 4J ColvinA 10 Buclionlll.BrMlbnelOO.A.B.Bnsgrlll C .Ape 10-30 Wlie g l:03gd Gi 10G 5 4 4 41 ColvinA" 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 C Macl5-303Hav 2 l:liy3ft 5 102 3 1 35i.75J LoganL1 12 TwoBills 107.WhiteKnee 97,SeaKale 112 C Macl3-30UIav 5J f 1:0714ft 8-5 102 2 1 li 2J RilcyG1 12 E.Lehmnl07.M.F.Pl,tel07.S.a.D.Man 112 C FA-lO-SOIIav f 1:11 si 8-5 113 ! 1 l1 I1 TonrowR" 11 Whervane lOS.FayUaiitonlOS.Iotal 108 C Feb. 7-30"Hav 5Xfl:13m 4 109 112" Sl TownrowR1 12 C.Pasclienll2,Flam,noll4.Adminttorll2 C Jan.lG-30Hav 5Jfl:10sy 4 107 2 6 910 TonrowR ll Joan Shirley 102,PhiDelta lOG.Okay 112 C - , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 9-110.$ 375 This year.. 8 0 2 0 $ 300 Xllen Adair 107 S " by -lsn Noon Spindale, by Horron. J-v I Trainer, J. D. Stevens. Owner, J. D. Stevens. See Saturdays third Wheeling chart. Apcl2-S0Who 3 l:17ft 16 10G 2 4 31 2"k BouchcrJ3 10 Kalakaua HC,VeraC. lOG.XotGlty 10G C Macl2-30sIIav 2 1:14 ft 6 104 4 7 8T3 8,s BoucherJ1 8 SirtaBelielOG.CharbuellOS.LkyDrift 100 C Fth.23-305Hav 2 l:lGsl 12 109 8 6 31 2- WstockF 11 ItchI.assl07,Emphatic 10S,NthBrzel07 C FeU.14-30Hav 2 1:1314ft 2 101 2 3 4 cn BrjantD 9 TimjkperllO.I.astChgelOO.SunIaneelll C Jan.22-30Hav f l:09sd 10 110 1 3 ln li WdstockF 10 Frank 115. Owl 115, Gareth 110 C Jan. 7-30IIav 5 f l:10sl 4 110 9 8 8i 8" WstockF 9 LuckySwcep HO.Brigand 107.Panola 108 C , Det3i-29Hav 3 l:15ft 10 108 1 1 1 1 WstockF 11 BetsyJaynel07.Com.Dcel03.Cloud.vS. 110 C , , Slarls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W.n. , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. -. Last year.. 10 1 0 1 $ 800 This year.. 7 12 0 ,000 Pennsvlvailia Ll. 1 07 B 1,7 -anre Polynesia II., by Dark Ronald. J-v I Trainer, II. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. See Saturdays fourth Wheeling chart Apr.l2-30Vhe 21:17 -ft 16. 106 G 5 7n 7i BouchcrJ? 10 ClaylMgeonllG.ReighShotlll.FlahertyllG C Mael4r30IIav 5i f 1:0714ft 20 107 9 5 5" 5J LongJ 11 SunDncell2.Tiieo.Fayll2,LastCiiargell2 C Macl2-30Hav 2 1:14 ft 15 102 6 8 7SJ 61 NashE 8 ShtaBeIIelOG.Cliarbuell08,Lky Drift 100 C Mac Gr30IIav 3 l:14v4ft 12 112 9 6 5 7 DouertyF .12 NotGuiltyll2,Flmarnol07.MOjoncs 107 C JIac l-30UIav 14 l:52ft 15 105 4 8 U"ll GoodrichE 11 BumpkinllO,ThtIeCootll5.NthBrze 115 C . . FeUCt-sbHav 1 l:16Vandsl. 15 102 1 5 73 G BouchcrJ 10 Prig 112, Elmer n. 107. Frankman 107 C Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Last year.. 21 0 3 2 $ 495 This year.. 17 12 0 ,050 lYinSOIllC 1 1 Q ch m 7 y Spur rert y Pebbles. J- J- Trainer, J. Gorga. Owner, J. Gorga. Apr.lG-30:Who g 1:03 m 16 110 5 4 7i 8o BarrW10 10 ThelmaL. 103,Vinlin 107,FrancesE. 107 Cj Apr.l4-30HVhe g 1:01 ft 30 114 5 4 57i BarrW 10 Dr Hickn 110,SurewaylO7,IyLeI5andlO4 C 6fp.l3-29Del g l:02gd 4 113 6i BardalesJ 7 GoelandlOS.Calnbria 107, Lady Chilton 113 C Bep.ll-29Del g l:03gd 16 101 31 MircaultB 8 KveofCbslOG.MgerEverslOC.Probte H2 C Bep.lO-29Del g l:05sy 12-5 116 2i JosiahJ 8 Tropelainellu.SirGIenllu.AnieGracelll C Aug21-29:Dor 2 1:1314ft 42 106 11 10 llni" FodenN "11 L.McXeill 101,Sw tLacrse lOo.Lenny 100 C r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 3 4 2 ? 1.S00 This year.. 2 Sweet Tidings 101 Cn 3 17 Msssenser Garden Rose, by Colin. Last work: 101 3-S :43ft X Trainer, J. H. Munson. Owner, C. Davis. Apr.l4-30Whe g 1:01 ft 46 103 5 7 7s Gi WatsonR 12 Paquette 100. Vinlin 108, Vladimir 100 C Mac G-30;Mia 2 1:1314ft 40 101 4 G G" 8" DaintyF 8 Wingo 114,Billie N. lOl.Royal Casta 114 C rtb.l2-30Mia 2 l:13ft 100 105 10 10 109il0 DupuyM1 12 BveKnitl05,BlucCanpyllU.ItolgSeaU3 C Jaii.31-305Mia 5J f l:08gd 50 110 10 11 llUOi RemlardP 12 Jar 115, The Moon 110. Teaspoon 105 t Oct31-29Aur 21:1914m 30 105 6 4 9 9 WilsonLA 12 Title Oak 110. Cabildo 110. Leadgold 108 C OcL2S-29Aur 2 l:15gd 14 104 1 2 1 lJ WilsonLA H2 Bunyora 105, Tariff 112. Swiftway 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 21 1 4 2 $ 1,375 This year.. 4 Hand Maiden 1 "I Q Br. t, 4, by Hand Grenade Cazadora, by Runnymeds. J. X Trainer, J. Noel. Owner. 3. Noel. ApclO-DOWho g l:03ed 30 107 7 7 7S LoganL1 12 ObliauelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 C Mael3-30IIav X f l:07ft 4 102 6 5 3i 47i GoodicliE4 12 MtDaisyl02,Pregativel07.T.Angels 107 C Ftb.27-30IIav 21:14ft 8 1C9 10 11 lllll1 JudyJ 12 Salutatnll2,W.Crckerll2.M.F.PIate 107 C rcU19-30Hav 5fl:15hy 8 105 5 4 Z G2 BoucherJ 10 Shre105.CratySaint HO.F.IIamilton 105 C TtU. 9-30!Ilav 5S f l:llhy 15 101 5 6 7 7 PasseroJ t L. UubstcinlOCKauawlia lll.Elvans 101 C Ftb. G-30IIav 3 l:ll35gd 15 109 5 5 5i CJ3 JudyJ 12 FirLegionll4.F.G.Menken3.Brigand 100 C , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 9 This year.. 10 0 1 0 $ 150 Sewillg1 Hour 107 B 4 y I,ucky Hour Watch Your Stitch, by Star Shoot. Ist work: 100 1-2 :54m J-v I Trainer, H. Wcndera. Owner, H. Wandera. Apr.l7-30Whe g 1:01 hy 47 109 S 9 9" 9l FlynnJ7 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbano lll.Vitalize 101J C M.w20-30St.J 2 l:lfift 51 115 8 6 10 10l DaintyF 10 Alamae 105, Nihil 120, Dashaway 105 C MaclO-SOSLJ 2 l:15ft 32f 113 10 12 11"11 CollinsJDJ 12 NineDllarsll3,Nevermre H3.naroc 117 C FetUO-SOIIa 3 l:12ft 50 107 12 12 12"12:o McGinisP 12 Tinllat 114, MyDella 100. Lemnos 114 C TtU S-SOMia 2 l:12ft 0 107 9 12 12U2 GmvoodC 12 I"gnLdiell2.SltnallianH4,SignOffll4 C . Mac 4-29Mia 1" l:45ft 12 97 4 S 10"10" S Hebrt 10 Supersedell3,Gcniai 113,AdmsApple 100 C Fel.26-29AI!a 2 l:14ft 7 106 1 3 4 4J T Maliy 8 Essie lOO.GrejMarch -lOS.Lewniack 120 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 1 1 1 $ 975 This year.. 5 Bright Flag "I I "I B. o, 3 M, by Pennant Water Dame, by Waterboy. Last work: 8G 5-S. .. .l:03ft J- J-J- Trainer, J. G. Demarest. Owner. J. G. Demarest. , Apr.lS-30;Whe g l:02sl 43-10 112 G 5 G5 GJ GarrityP6 S Ligurian 117,Sunplin 107,AHceUerx 112 C Mat21-305J.P 21:16 si 16 10S 7 7 S:3 SJ GarrityP 12 N"lieBallotl09.Arrogantl09,Poisonlvyl05 C -Mac GtSOJ.P 2 1:15 ft 29-10.116 7 5 Gi GJ KnightM 12 JudgeDixon HG.Stajior HO.MissPat 1U M. . Jan-COF.G 31:17 m 15 1U 4 10 11I31115 HornG 12 Am.C.lOS.BbyPowerslOO.SwtChance 108 C Jan.lO-30K.G 2 l:12ft 19 116 7 5 5s 5 LeBPncL 12 Gambol 111. Kincsen 111. Gotoit 111 and De-SOU.P 2 1:1614ft 22-5 110 3 1 2 2 HornG 12 Solus lll.ZuyderZee 112,CnptainColl 10S C , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 9 0 1 0 $ 175 This year.. 5 C f -I -f Q B. c, 4, by Trap Rock Javelin, by Assagai. Oliri.lCL l.Zi Trainer, F. McCoy. Owner, G. B. Foley. Slo"wheS fnit-0lStehn27 10 10103 Hayll 10 Dr.nickm-nll4.Timekprl0J.Ligurianll4 C -rttLlO 30St J 6t f l-ioyra 4 US 4 3 5J 61 McGinisP3 11 MyGirl 113.ItegurBroom J03,Acqulrc 113 C . -Macll-30St J 5iifl-10tn 21f IIG.U.,7.4 51 GuerraJM 12 Photograph llO.Maryctta 102.Weenie. 100 , -DecO.-gUCyP IX l-CO ft ..20 104 .5 7 1212 HiusinsJ "12 VayagelOS.Clarifierll2.Confident!al 109 J C, v -Kbri-Bow 1 l:Wft-24f. 101..5 1. SJ 9:RenickS M3,GrandmaG.10Q.GrabBagl08.Scar-gton 112 C; oTc2T29UIdG "l-i514hy 84.102 9 7 1010 EabyJ 13 Mortgagel07.TheTtar in.Coplicat. nl07 C Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. .Won.-, r -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd.- iYpn Last year.. 15 1 2 1 $ 515 This year.. 3 White Knee 1 Ofi Ch g ? y AhelinS II. Wedgwood, by Ballot. Last work: 101 1-2 :5Gft J-vD Trainer, R. Robertson. Owner, R. Robertson. Apt 17-30" Who 1:04 hy 45 101 7 7 P.up. "WatsonR3 7 Sureway lll.Paquette lOG.DcConner 108 0 Macl6-30Hav 2 l:14ft 4 102 8 3 3"i 4" LongJ 8 Doncru 107,WtrChf HC.SverWave 100 C Macl3-30IIav 2 l:llft 10 97 G 5 2" 2h LonffJ"9 12 TwoBills 107, SeaKale 112, Chantry 102 C Mac 8-30 "Ha v 5ifl:08 ft 10 112 G 5 7"J 9" LongW4 12 PoorRube 107,Athos ;04,ScthsJevcl 102 O Mae 2-30:lHav 5J f 1:07 ft 15 101 2 7 Gls G5 LongJ 7 Patsyll. 103.Col.Drage 108.PoorRube 103 O Jin. 3-30IIav 2 l:ltft 4 104 2 6 7 7 RileyG 8 WilirainlOO.Clif tonMaid lOl.MaSun 114 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 6 0 1 0 $ 150 Salt Peter 117 Ch Ef 13 ly Peter Quince Yolanda, by St. Florian. Last work: 1053-8 :40ft J- J- Trainer, R. Crawford. Owner, R. Crawford. ApclG-30Whe gl:03 m 32 1141 8 9 9 9" PsmoreW8 10 ThelmaL. 103, Vinlin 107.FrancesE. 107 C An531-29Whe 61 f 1:23 ft 7 115 CJ BrownN 8 UrsnMajorlll.TidBit 103,Finnisterrc 111 C An829-29liC.F aGJ f l:25ft 23-10 118 1" BrownN 10 Sauey 109, BessMartin 112. ElMoute 110 G Jut 4-29Ebg a 2 l:lGft 14-5 117 1 1 l 1" PsmoreW 8 Rout Step 112, Gricrson 117, Oh Me 109 C Jul. 3-29Elg a 3 1:17 tt 2 119 1 1 lJ 1 PsmoreW 8 II.Miss 114. Bud-Bud 114.SIowPoke 119 C Jun.l3-29Whe 2 1:18 ft 7-5 118 2 PsmoreW 7 KinFolfcsll3,Mqsitoll3.ChtgChtcrsllO 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 6 4 1 0 S 1.350 This year.. 1 Ncptnilis 117 B- c 4 by Colonel Vennie Little Rock, by Trap Rock Last work: 102 1-4 :2Gft J-J- Trainer. J. W. Bartholomew. Owner, Miss B. Watson. Apr.lG-COWho 6ifl:2Gm 70 10S 3 10 10no5" BenoitA" 10 ClayPigeon 118.Sunolin 105,Flaherty 108 C Apr.l5-30Whe 2 l:15ft SO J09 4 7 7 " 7" BenoiLtV 8 LansalU.Timekprm.JnWilliamll.lll C Apr.l2-rOWnio 2 l:17ft 56 111 4 5 5" Gl BenoitA1 10 Kalakaua HG.ElnAdair 10G,VeraC. 100 0 Ape 9-30Whe g l:03hy 50 103 10 12 1212" BenoitA 12 Au nBlinl09.EllaBanklOC,J.J.Bbrkli2 O 0.t.l9-291Lat 1J 1:52 t 190 108 2 7 7" 7" DouglasF 8 OldTimes 110.Kadiakll2.LsviIIoI.ou 105 0 Oct. 3-23Haw 1,. l:53sl 40f 105 9 10 9" 8" MeyerC 11 TrueBoy lOS.Mgt Gaut O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 11 This year.. 4 TolteC 1 Oi B" " 3 by Westy HSan Loma, by Jack Atkin. Last work: 99 1-4 :29m J-UO Trainer, J. R. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. Sse Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.l7-30Who g 1:04 hy 1G 101 3 4 33i 5 GoodichEi 7 Sureway Hl.Pafptette lOG.DcConner 10S C Apr. 9-30Who 2 1:22 hy 41 102 G Tull. up. StranskiC J SiortyO.107.Tetra!assll2.MVh"lSethll2 C Mac24-30J.P 2 l:lS14sl 17 102 4 3 3" 41 LandG 12 ParinettelOS.BrushlngllO.WdFlower 105 O Macl5-30J.P 2 l:17m 23 106 5 G 12"12is CavcnsJ4 12 IIcadPinlOl.GoodShep.icrdlll .Oldl!illl03 O Mac S-30J.P 2 1:14 Pd 114 HO 5 4 5 G CavcnsJ" 12 MyP.caiitylOS.MsChoicelOO.ChafcIieelOa O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 18 2 3 2 5 2.450 This year.. 5 3rd Wheeling aroundsville Purse. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Mile Claiming. iXOTE Claiming price, 51,000. yon-winners of two races at this meeting. 3-year-olds, 112 pounds; older, 11G pounds. 2fon-winners of one race at this meeting allowed 2 pounds; since Alarcli 1, 5 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 40748 4 Vinliu Sar 103 1:00 3 102X725 44174s 5 Tubero.e 4 100X0115 40055s SLenny 5 101.. 720 40748 11 Bright Flash... 3 102XG93 40747 5 100713 lOMohnny Agee... 4CC0J Conner. Lat 111 1:00 3 103..C90 40718 OThelma L..A.D 113 1:01 3 102X710 40723 7 Buchon 5 110.. 705 -"399 2 Max Brick 9 111XC90 40039 3 Ella Bank 4 100X 700 4G747 G Reigh Celene... 4 10G..G90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Raco. Vinlin 1 0 ch 3 by Dunlin Divine, by Trap Hock. X.J Lt Trainer, E. Pons. Owner, S. Most. Sec Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.lG-30Whe Ql:03 m 8-3 107 1 1 21 21 Hayll" 10 ThelmaL.103,FrancesE.107,MadSkchll7 C Apr.lI-COWho 1:01 ft 41 108 2 1 lttk 22 HayH" 12 Paquette 100. iadimir 100, Milano 111 O Apr. 9-30Who S l:03hy41-10f 109 4 1 31 31 Hayll"9 12 St ryDanl05.ThlmaL.10S,WthaAnnlOOi G Mae22-30St.J 2 1:17 sy 17-5 106 1 1 21 3" McGinisP 8 Gracell., Ill, Nevermore 120,Donnaco 100 O Macl9-30St.J 5i f l:10m 6 108 1 1 21 3s McGlnnisP 8 MyDella 105,Calaraityll3.LordBritainll3 G Mactt-SOt.J 21:1614ft 6 107 9 6 mill"! McGinnisP 12 PensChlcUl.BrandonChan HG.Amir 11G C Macl4-30St.J 5ifl:1074ra 22 105 2 1 U 2" McGinisP4 12 SandyllatchllO.WarNymph H3.Talkylll C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3d. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 1 0 0 $ 950 This year.. 13 0 4 4 $ 590 Lenny 101 Ch" m 5 by Spanish Prince II. Finalee, by McGeo. X U X Trainer, W. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Son. Apr.lG-30Who S l:02m 19 107 3 3 31 37 ColnsJD 0 Tlieo.Bay 110,J.J.Bbrkll3,PtlBellslO0i C FeUl4-30Ilav 2 1:1314ft 31 107 4 5. 7"! 9"" ColvinA 9 rimekpcrllO.LastChgelOO.SunDancclll O reU 9-30Hav 2 l:1814hy 5 105 5 1 Is 1" ColvinA5 8 Clodomirll. llO.Critic HO.Bockdale 105 C nix l-305IIav 51 f l:0714sl 2 103 2 2 4 SJ ColvinA 9 MryWindsrllO.Cdomirll. 112.Cvas 115 C im.29-30IIav 5Jf 1:0714ft 21 102 3 1 1 1 ColvinA8 12 Brigand 112. Pequeto 107. Col.Fallon 112 C Jn22-30Hav 5Jfl:09gd, 4 102 7 2 3i 5 ColvinA 10 Ellen Adair 110, Frank 115, Owl 115 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd.. Won. Last year.. 20 2 7 3 $ 1.775 This year.. 6 2 0 1 $ 1,550 Johnny Agee X09 B 8 HiSl Time iady Winsome, by Meddler or Fitx Trainer, G. Alexandra, Jr. Owner, J. E. Smallman. See Saturdays first Wheeling chart. HaclS-SOHav 2 l:13ft S-5 113 2 1 l1 11 RileyG" 10 StylishMackll8.Vandionll3,PrRubel04 C Mae 8-30Hav 2 1:1414ft. 8-5 107 G 1 1M! AustinM 9 CrittalU07.ScotlandGirl 102,ShortyO. HOC jrat 6-3QHav 3 1:13 ft G 117 1 1 1" 21 AustinM G Listerine 104,Gideon lOO.FairThorn 109 O JLic 1-30Hav 31:13, ft .21 110 7 4 35 5i HarperW" 8 Hasty.Girl lOS.Col.Fallon 105,Chester 10S O Fi4i.27t30:Hav CJ f l:0S7ift 5 lp7 1 4 21 1" HarperW1 8 Lassa 115. Donora 92. Platoon 105 C Feb.ll-30IIav 3 l:15gd 8-5 117 1 1 lJ 2 MoonF 10 Biloxi 107,JolinWniIl. 112,SanAnto 112 C , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won . , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 25 2. 9 6 5 2.860 This year. .12 3 4 2 ,990 Tlielllia L. 1 0 Cn f 3- by High Noon Cheapside, by The Finn. Last work: 8G 1-2....... :49ft J-vi Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. See Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.l6-30AVhe fj 1:03 m G-5 103 4 2 11 1"! GoodichE1 10 Vinlin 107, FrancesE. 107,MadSketchil7 C Apcll-SOWie Gl f 1:2214ft 14-5 108 3 4 Gs G-l FatorEs 10 KyCo.onel 10S.Malc-lmll2,BeauAspinll7 C Apr. 9-30 lWhe Ol:05hy S-5 10S 3 2 2" 2i DyerJ3 12 StryDavnl05, ViulinlOO.WelthaAnnlOoY G 3Iac29-30J.P 5Jfl:1014sl " 10 105 11 9 81 G DyerJ1 12 Arrogntlll.AutmnBlmllC.RoundUplll C Mac20-S0J.P 2 l:19hy 5 101 1 1 1"! lh MeysME5 12 DonTinky 115, Solus 111, Beekeeper 111 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 3 3 4 5 2.S00 This year.. 9 3 2 1 5 2,100 BllChOIl 1 1 fi 5, by Bunting Lady Fanchon, by Great Britain. Last work: 10." 1-2.... :3214ft J-J-v? Trainer, R. Guciardo. Owner, M. Guciardo. Apr.l8-305Whe 2 l:1974sy 51 113 1 2 4;J 5 OMalleyJJ 9 RbertaL. 102,RlBells lOO.PhiDlta 10S C Apr.l6-30Whe 2 1:1874m 2G 111 1 4 4i 5 OMalleyJ" 7 D.Ntionl03,LtChgel08,MyMcClain 104 G Apr.l2-30Whe g l:02ft 5 111 4 2 2"k 11 OMalleyJ 10 BrbnelOO.A.B.Bnsgrlll.BrtPlumelOO 0 Apr.lO-30sWhe 0 l:03gd 23-5 117 1 2 21 2 OMalleyJ 12 Obliiuel09,Dod.Lghtonl07,BtPlume 100 C Mac2S-30J.P 3 l:lS14m 28 110 1 1 2" 2s LandG13 12 DonTinkyll2.OneCentll0J.dyONeil 110 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 27 and 3 2 $ 2.050 This year.. 8 1 2 0 5 625 Ella Bank 1 O Br f l,y Kins Heather May Maulsby, by Stalwart. Last work: 104 1-4.... :25ft J-vO Trainer. A. G. Tarn. Owner. A. G. Tarn. Apr.l6-30sWhe 2 1:1874m 31 10S 4 5 G3 G" ColvinA 7 D.Ntionl03,LtCh"gel0S.MyMcCIain 104 G Apr.l5-305Whe g l:0OJ4ft G-5 103 G G Gi 62 LoganL8 7 MyGirl 105,TetraGlassll3.MshlSethlll C Ape 9-30;Whe I:03v4hyll-i0 106! 3 1 1 21 ColvinA 12 AutnBlml09,J.J.Bbkll2,LastChgel03 O Maclt-SOIIav 5!fl:0S74ft 5 107 1 1 Is 3 LoganL-" 12 JimmyFinnll2,Salutationll3,MayBar 10S C F.b.23-30IIav 31:lG74sl G 102 3 1 11U1 LoganL."9 11 IfcliLassl07,ErnAdairl09,Enuihatic 10S O FiUl9-30IIav 51 f l:14hy .8-5 105 3 1 1 Is GoodicliE" 8 TIdgeel02.BtyBowmanl02,ShsJewel 97 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 6 3 0 1 5 1.7G5 This year.. S 1 1 1 5 920 TllherOSC 1 Ofi y usy American Crystal, by The Commoner. Last work: S5 1-2.... :3274ft XVU Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner, Seagram Stable. Ioand17-29KyP 2 l:14ft Si"" 105 4 5 35i 3 McGinisP 1 7 Lasiandra 104, Windfall H3.LightAir 107 O Octll-29Lrl 2 l:12ft 2U 110 10 9 SJ GJ AbelA 12 Moscow 112, Paulina!,. lOO.Scotland 120 C Oct. 3-29 :Lrl 2 1:1314ft 2 111 3 3 4"J 63 -AbelA 1 9 CnlgaryKsyl05.Donnatiiial02,Volantell4 C Scp.2G-29Wdb 2 1:1414ft 27-10 103! 2 1 1! in McGinisP 1 9 Maurice 110, Voyage 105, Care Free 10G C Scp.l2-29Thf 5 l:CG74ft 23-10 101 4 1 1" 2" McGinifP 9 Watergapl03,FairTlinl04,EngerPlay 10S C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 7 1-2 1 5 1,305 Bright Flash I B, f, 3, by Bright Knight Flying Comet, by Peter Pan. X.J Lt Trainer, IT. S. Wishard. Owner, S. Ross. See Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.l4-30Vlio g 1:0114ft 9f 97 10 G G5 62 CoganC" 12 Vandionlll,RylBellsl05J.J..T.Bbrklll C Apr-lO-COnVhe 0 l:C274sd 30 103 7 S S52 S! CoganC 8 Mote 112, Spectre 109, OldKickapoo 110 A Macll-30St.J 51 f 1:10 m 12 105 3 3 5 51 McGinisP4 C Lindy HS,BettyAnnl05,MyCnwlBoy 118 O Macl2-30St.J .2.1:1374ft- 32 105. .4 1 5 S" McGinisP 0 Truncheon 112, Alamae 102, Hobcaw 117 O JIac 7-30Mia 3 1:12 ft 25 109 4 3 3s 52 .McGinisP 12 Guilder 109, Syrell 109, Betty Ann 101 O . Starts. 1st. 2au. 3rd, Won. -Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 4. 1 0 0 5 650 This year.. 15 4 2 0 5 1.645 DOC Conner - -1 0Y B 3, hy Colonsl Vennie Ciruella, by McGee. Last work: 98-1-2...:.. :59m Trainer, A.. M. Jacobus. Ownjr, J. B, Bcsness. Apr.n-30Wlio . g 1:04 hy G JOS 4 3 41 3" Mcla-linE 7 Sureway lll.Panuette 10G, Aladimir 1Q9 C Apcll-SOWhe CJ f l:224ft 33 .106. 2. 1 2" 41 McLalinE" 10 KyCoIonel 10S,MaIe-lmll2,Bcau.Vspinli7 C Apr.ll-30Wlie Gif 1:2474ft 10 103 4 5 7 . 82. BoucherJ S Shorty0.112,LastChargell4,Paternal il4 O Apr. 9-30 WHie 31:22 hy 16 1131 3 3 8 Sl LongW 9 ShortyO.107.TetrandGlassll2,MshlSethll2 C JIac 9-30ilav . 21:14 ft 5 109 1 1 1" 1"! BoucherJ 10 CapnGilbtlO7,ClisLassl02,MshFire 10G C rtU27-30iHav 5J f nOSt ...21 100 3 2 5J Gl GoodrhE 8 Johnny Agee 107. Lassa 115. Donora 92 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 2 This year. .15 3 0 2 $ 2,370 3rax Brick 111 Ch s 9 hy Sir Martin May Alley, by Star Shoot. Last work: 1083-8... :12hy XXX Trainer, J. M. Murphy. Owner, J, M. Murphy, Angl9-295B.G 1 1:3974ft 11-10 116 1 TunstcllJ 7 UoldenTop Hl.JohnJ.Jr. HO.Atador HOC ,Augl5.-29L.C.F g l:0lft. 21 116 1" NapierL 7 CheatgCbtsHG.Dicknell Hl.SutSusllG O Ju.25-29Lat 3 l:lG54sl .20 116 1 5 a 5 PascmaA 8 8 Master 105, Efeldee 103, Dark Angel 111 C JjuwlOrCOLat If,-, 1:49 gd 24 109 8 7 5 51 SrabckF. 11 BrkThderl09.AdaAdrl07.Col.Gmorell4 C JJan.l7r29I.Lat .1? lShy 13, ,115 . 6 7, 7" G KernW 7 Respond 110, Turn Over 115, Soiree 105 O Jun.l5r29Lat . 1" l.:47 si. 13 113 G 1 Is 1 KernW - 1 8 Latch Key 97. Chiz 102. Never Bust 113 C K -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. .Won.-, r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. " i Last year. .21 3 14 $ 1,685 Kcigh Celcne 1 fi Ch 4i 7 Sunreigh Sobranje, by Jolymelui. JLvU Trainer, H. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. Bee Saturdayi first Wheeling chart. a Mat l-30!Hav 2 l:14ft 30 100 9 11 8 10" NashE3 12 NotGuilty 103,Pequeto 100,Reproducel03 C j Frii22-303Hav 5J f l:10V4hy 20 103 7 5 51 3" LoganL 8 riilDeltal07,Gol JcnM. 107,LowBlack 112 C y Fifc20-303Hav 5 fl:16hy 20 102 5 4 4 4 BoucherJ fi Ascot 107,Sca Kale 112,Wildrake 107 C j rttl3-30IIav Efl:14hy 12 103 4 7 6 G2 RileyG3 8 EliaBankl05,Tidgeel02,BtyBowman 102 C j M Jn.lS-30;IIav 3 1:21 hy 20 09 7 6 77i 716 BoucherJ 8 Acme 107,M.idSketch 112,T.Ensineer 109 C fcn.l3-30IIav 5Jf 1:0716ft 20 112 10 10 lOoiO" McyerM9 . 12 RchLassll2,riiiDeItal07.ByBowmnl07 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 29 112 $ 1,000 This year.. 10 I 4th AIieelinfif i . Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Mile 2TOTE Claiming price, ,000; If for 00, allowed 3 pounds. 3-year-olds, ill pounds; older, 11C pounds. Con-winners at this meeting allowed 3 pounds. "Winners to carry 2 j pounds extra. Ind. rr. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. lnd. PP. Horse. Wf. Itec. A.Wt.nan. 40030 4 I.assa Mia 109 1:12 C 118X725 4G7233 12Plit Delta.. nav 105 1:13 5 108XC95 40724 5I.ueky DrittUav 104 1:12 8 10SX720 40749 lBlazoner M . . 4CC12 CDr. Hickman .. Hav 102 1:15 4 103.. COO Hav 113 1:13 13 113XT15 -46748 . 3Captain Gilbert 4CG38 14Sweepstakes .. . Hav 108 1:14 3 100 X COO ..F.P 115 1:14 10 113X710 4C390 . 7 Macks Baby . . 4CC3CJ. .2TimekccFer Dcv 109 1:13 . 5 10SX705 Mia io8Jl-14 6 108:-:G90 4G7223 OHoatzin ...Hav 110 1:146 C10S..700. . . -,n 1O...C90 n SMr- CIark-13 40013 10The Hunt.. Mia 110 1:12 9 103G95 4CC37 llSwift Current . 4C572 13 Bernad Bee M Lat 113 1:1416 3 103. .095 Hav 107 1:15 3 105.. COO ; The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout f and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St.. 4 Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. jjggj! 1 1 Q Cn s by ultimatum I-assair, by Ormondale. , Last work- 925-8 l:03.t J--A-O Trainer. H. "W: Fry. Owner, North Star Stable. Arr.l5-304Vlie 3 l:15ft VslU 3 2 2h IS FatorE3 S Tiniekprll4,J.WilmlI. lll.RkQunlOG C : APr.ll-305Whc 61 f l:24ft G 114 2 4 4 431 FatorE1 S SliortyO.H2,LastChargell4,Paternal 114 C Hat 1-30IIav 2 1:13 ft 3 113 G 8 Fell. PazJ7 8 HastyGirl 108,CoI. Fallon 105.Chester 10S C r4x27-303Hav 51 f l:0Sft 4 113 G 5 33 2 PazJ 8 JoiinnyAgee 107. Donora 02, Platoon 103 C Fa.24-30Hav 21:lGsl 2 117 5 2 lh U PazJ1 9 Fifial07,ClifsMdl02,CommisnerDee 103 C Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Last year.. 22 2 3 3 5 2.365 This year.. 11 3 1 2 $ 2,215 T,n pit v Drift 1 AO Ch. m, 8, by Huon Drift, by Pataud. J JLlO Trainer. J. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Son. Apr.lS-30cAYlie 1"1:31 sy 2 10S 1 1 l1 lJ ColvinA5 6 ElfriedaG. lOS.Acme 107, Cornbelt 11S C Apr.l4-30;Wlio . g l:01ff 3 106 5 5 53 51 GoodichE 12 Vai;dionlll,RylBelIsl051,J.J.Bbrklll C Apr.lO-SOWhc g l:01gd 7-10 107 1111 li GoodichE3 12 Sunolin 104, Lang 09, Roberta L. 103 C Macl2-303Hav 21:11 ft S 106 2 4 3U 33 ColvinA4 8 ShstaBellel0C,Cliarbucn08.Belascoain 99 C Mac 1-30IIav 3 1:13 ft G 103 1 3 4s 43 PasseroJ" 8 HastyGirl lOS.Col.Fallon 105,Chester 10S C rib.23-S0IHav 2 l:lCsl 5 104 2 3 4i 65 GoodicliE8 11 R,clir.assl07.ErnAdairlOO.Emphatic 10S C , Starts. 1st. 2ni. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 35 4 14 4 ,917 This year.. 10 2 0 3 ,160 Dr Hickman 1 1 Q B St 13, y ""y Bonero lady McGee, by McGee. I.ast work-108 1-4... :23liy -L-LO Trainer, C. K. Campbell. Owner, C. Hicks. Arr.14 SOnviie S 1:01 "ft "9-5 11G 1 1 l1 12 FatorE 10 SnrcwaylOTJdyLellandlOl.Tlieo.FaylOG C Apr.l2-30Wlio g l:01ft 39-10 114 3 1 1 li FatorE10 10 Timekper 10G,I.i3urIanll4,JmjFinn 114 C Apr.ll-SOnVhe 0 l:02,Jft G 111 5 4 4-1 4 FatorE1 12 Vandion lll.Tlieo.Fay 109,IioyalI5ells 99 C Kot G-29Pim 21:15 ft CS 115 4 2 75il0 Kenlyll 12Sunclien 110, Spectre 114. Prompter 11C C Oct 2-29Has a 2 1:23 m 9-10 117 1J JonesJ 8 J.Fnesanin.JsylinBlotlM.M.Fley 117 C Sep. 4-29Beu 2 1:15 ft 33-10 107 2 SnawT 8 BigBillTson 108,Pan 108,MintToddy 104 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 24 7 7 3 $ 3,590 This year.. 3 2 0 0 50 SAVeCDStalteS -i I O B. g. lO, by Sweep Gold Ten. by Goldcrest. Last work: 105 1-4... :23ft -L-J-O Trainer, H. Skaggs. Owner, Miss M. Hunter. Aprl3-30i;Wlje" 171:49 ft 19-5 111 1 2 lh li LoganL1 7 Clarifier 103, IxveiFivellO, Smacker 105 C Apr. 9-30"Vhe loSo hy S-3 111 1 3 33i 33i LoganL1 7 EIfricdaG.102,LaftarlOS,IJeferendiim 113 C Mac2S-30cJ.P ll:54 m 24-5 10S 7 3 3;S lh DcperiniR" 11 LittleSpied 94, Endor 114, Marabou 109 C HaE23-30J.P lfff 1:51 gd 8 101 2 8 8S2 733 CimerakG 11 UilIPliillips99,Torclier 109,Turf King 114 C Jfc-SOJ.P 3 1:19 m 51 111 3 5 25 25 MeysME0 11 FavoritIL lll.Buntborne lll.BallGce 111 C WatlS-30;J.P 5 l:21hy 28 111 5 6 5" 4si MeysME 11 Arrogntlll.A.P.Canalelll.BoysPfd 109 C Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 17 5 2 4 $ 3,300 This year.. 7 2 1 1 $ 1,200 Timekeeper 1 OR Ch s 6 by Hisn Time Toucan, by Star Huby. Last work: 102 1-4.. :25ft J-VO Trainer, B. E. llumage. Owner, Mrs. A. D. Freeman. Apr.lo-SOhe" 21:15ft S-s" 114 1 1 1" 2i GoodichE1 S Lassall4,JnWilliamII.lll,UkQueenl0p C Apr.l2-30HVhe Q l:01,4ft 1 10G 8 2 2 21 StranskiC 10 Dr.IIickiiianll4,Ligurianll4,JmyFinnll4 C Apr.lO-30Whe 2 1:19 gd 12 10S 5 4 31 2J StranskiC7 10 AiitumnBloom lll.Curvcur 111. Amir 109 C Mat 3-303Hav 2 l:14ft 31 114 5 1 l" 3i StranskiC1 8 Hoatzin 114,Cliestcr 114,Broadmpor 117 C Ftln23-30Hav 2 l:16sl a 109 G 10 952 8si StranskiC 11 n,eliLassl07,ErnAdairl09,Empliatie 108 C , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , :starts. lsc. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .33 4 1 7 $ 3,274 This year;. 14 2 4 3 ,160 Hoatzin I AO B. g, 6, by Atheling II. Orange Blossom, by Joe Carey. JL UO Trainer, J. 1. Scobey. Owner, J. L. Scobey. Apr.lS-30Wlie 3 l:17sl 23-10 11G 7 5 33 33 LoganL1 9 CIieckmatell3, PlezalllOO. MadSketclillS C Apr.l3-303Whe CJ f 1:23 ft 33-10 112 5 2 21 2: LoganL 10 VeiaCim.CapfnGilbertlOC.FlaliertyllS C JIan S-303Hav "g l:14ft . 5 110 9 9 S:2 75i LoganL 10 BeauAspin HO.Belascoain OS.Biloxi 107 C Man 3-303Hav 2 l:14ft 4 114 6 5 Si li LoganL 8 Chester 114,Timekper lll.Broadmr 117 C Frfj.20-30Hav 2 l:2241iy 4 109 1 4 331 35 LoganL 7 Vandion lOO.Braliman lll.Belascoain 99 C Fib.ll-30JHav 2 ltlGUgd. 8 112 9 8 41 ln LoganL" 12 PrtSmilesll2,Col.F,lonll2,Pricesita 112 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .34 4 4 4 5 2,022 This year.. 11 3 2 2 ,620 Tlie Runt 1 AC Ch. g, 9, by Meridian Queen of Paradise, by Hastings. Last work: S3 3-S :43sy J-VtJ Trainer, G. F.- Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Apr.l4-30Wlie Gi f l:22ft 25 104 9 9 S" Ss2 KeedW10 10 KyColonel 10S,Malclmll2,BeauAspinll7 C Apr.l0-D03wnie 0 l:03gd 6 117 10 11 11,51213 FowlcrD 12 ObliquelOO.Buclion 117,Dod.Leigliton 107 C Mat27-303St.J ljc l:30Vift 40 107 1 2 4si 7 SherryJ3 12 Derondall3.Wrackeenl07,FairJusticc 102 C : MaclS-303St.J 2 l:13ft 31 111 G 9 9S1 93 GuerraJ 9 Apostlel09,WarXymplil09,KyColoneI 114 C Matl4-D0;St.J 5Jfl:10m 24-3 11G G G C10 711 GrmvdC 12 SandynatclillC.VinlinlOS.WarXympli 115 C , Starts. 1st, 2n 1. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .35 8 4 8 C.150 This year. .12 0 2 0 $ 300 Swift Current 10 Ch f 3 ty Pcter Qulnce Falc0 y light Brigade. luO Trainer. R. Dollaway. Owner, C. Dollaway. Apr.lG-303Whe 6Jfl:25im 12 99 1 1 l3 1 GoodichE1 10 PliiDelta lOS.Jibe 108, A.B.Bensingcrll3 C Apr.l4-303Who g 1:01 ft 56 99 6 5 5i 5SS BouclierJ 12 aquettc 100, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 100 C .Apr. 9-30lWlie g l:05liy 31 102 11 12 12"12" GoodichE3 12 StarryDawn 103,TlielmaL. 108, Vinlin 109 C Noill-293Lat 2 1:23 hy 20 112 7 7 7" 9s TurkC 10 FriskyFloll2,MissPgcrll2,Llenpusll2 M Not. 4-29Lat 3 1:21 hy 17 106 4 9 911 6 TurkC c12 AccGsmithl04,MissSdlil01,Eil-Wrll2 C ; Oct2G-29sLat 2 l:lShy 43 113.1 5 43 4 TurkC "12 Midsolea 115,FriskyFIo 115,FigLeaf 115 M , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 10 This year.. 3 1 0 0 $ 425 Plli Delta 1 Q Ch- m- 5 by Flittergold Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. VJO Trainer, E. W. Roberts. Owner. J. T. Ireland. Apr.lS-30sWho 21:19sy 7 10S 9 6 533 32 LoganLS 9 IfbertaL. 102,ltlBells lOO.UkQun 113 C Apr.lG-303Vhe Clfl:25m 41 108 3 2 2; 23 LoganL1 10 Swif tCurt99,Jibel08,A.B.15ensinger 113 C ! Apr.ll-SOWHie 2 l:18ft 7 104 2 2 2i l1 LoganL4 10 Panorel lOC.LordMarmionlll.BIazonerlOG C MaclO-30;Hav 21:14 ft 12 103 7 8 6 o1 BoucherJ 12 SlisliMkllG.LastCirgcllO.PdyFrrtyllO C Mac 2-C0;Hav 51fl:07ft 12 108 9 10 Gi G8 PazJ 10 TetitPan llO.Platoon 105,SunDancc 113 C IYt22-30:Hav 51 f l:10Vhy 5 107 1 2 21 l3 JudyJ3 S GoldenM. 107,LcwBIackll2,My Word 112 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 16 3 2 2 1.355 This year.. 13 2 3 .1 ,625 Blazoner 10 Bn C 4 M by B!azes Carpet Sweeper, by Sweep. Last work: 701-2 :51ft --VU Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. See Saturdays third Wheeling chart. Apr.l7-30Whe CJ f l:27hy 32 103 7 3 3i 31 BernierES 10 MilanolOSJ.XotGtylOl.TyFIveSixty 108 C Aiir.ll-30AVho 2 l:lSift 41 106 3 3 43 43 BoucherJ3 10 PliiDeltalOl.Panorcl lOO.LdMannion 111 C : MaE;9-30St.J 2 1:17 si 12 11G 7 6 31 2i BoucherJ 9 PvoyalBellsl02,NtExtral05.SalMahdi 113 C - Mar.25-30St.J 5 f 1:10 ft 39 10S 6 7 CJ 3i BoucherJ3 S OurOwn 113,r.uthie 105,Nevermore 113 C ManlO-SOSLJ 55 f 1:11 m 20 118 2 S Si S33 HohsteinC1 8 IialCastal08,Ruthiel03,OIcmanliIverl08 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. . 7 0 0 1 $ 50 This year. . 7 0 1 2 $ 230 I Captain Gilbert 100 Br B 3 by Top Hat Cemas by Charles Edward. Last work: 1051-4 :26ft -LvU Trainer, O. Tuggle. Owner, O. Tuggle. Sue Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.l3-303Whe CJfl:23 ft S 106 4 3 34 i 35 BernlerE3 10 Vera.C. 107. Hoatzin 112, Flaherty 113 C : APr.ll-303Whe 2 l:lSft 8 109 6 4 31 3i BemicrE3 7 IIdiwkrlOO.J.MillerlOO.FthrMack 10S C - Mat29-30;St.J 2 l:15Vtsl 30f 101 8 8 Si 71! BernierEs 11 Apostle 112,SaratogaMajell2,Tinnat 112 C C Macl5-303IIav 3 l:13ft 8 103 Lost rider. NashE3 10 JnyAgeell3.StylishMackll8, Vandion 113 C : Macl2-30Hav 2 l:13andft 8 106 8 7 G7 VI RileyG 8 CnelDgell2,BeauAspinllC,MyWsorll3 C C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 4 0 0 1 $ 75 This year. .18 2 4 4 $ 2,310 Macks Baby 1 OS Cb" m 6 by Mwa-y Gossip Avenue, by Bulse. Last work: 1073-4 1:27m J-VO Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner, W. J. Whalen. Mat2S-303J.P 21:18 m 9 10S 9 5 41! 41 MeysME1 12 GligsKbanllS.MilanolOCWestnLitlOS C C Mtt21-303J.P 2 1:16 si 10 109 11 8 73 Ol LeylandJ4 12NlieBalIotl09,Arrogantl09,PoisonIvyl05 C Matl4-303J.P 2 1:18 m 8-5 113 1 5 71 7i LeylandJ" 12 T.HugnotllS.MrSwpllS.MsFrmt 110 C - Matl0-30J.P 2 l:lltft 41-10 111 7 2 23 11 LeylandJ 12 Omnia 113, Copper 111, Boottop 108 C - ItU 4-303F.G 1J l:5S!hy CJ 104 4 2 2 3s MeyersME1 12 J.IIorganlOO.CoHCmpslOO.ScyPlylOS C c Jan.29-30F.G lj l:53hy 71 100 3 4 3"! 3 MeyersME3 12 LsqucnetllO,TmyTkIel05,Svp-XetlOO C C , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .41 4 5 11 $ 4,677 This year.. 8 1 1 2 $ 925 Dr. Clark TO Ch B 13 by Broomstick Panasine, by Peter Pan. Last work: 106 3-S :42m J-Vtl Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Mac 7-305IIav 11:48 ft 6 108 2 6 7" 71S LoganL3 7 TtlcCootll3,Abingtonll3,FrsCooper 108 C 3 Tib. 4-30cHav 1J 1:54 ft 6 103 4 7 710 7" LoganL1 7 Parnell 105,Corposant 105,TryAgain 100 C C Jn.23-30Hav 1,j l:4S-igd 8 106 10 10 101511" LoganL 31 Deronda lCS.Finnster lll.IIappyJacklll C G Jan. 4-30IIav Its 1:48 ft 21 109 1 1 1 11 LoganL1 8 ShaGrande 104,As ApplelOO, Iandy 104 !C C 3an. l-30Hav l:47Hft 6 105 3 2 lh 2" LoganL1 9 Mainshcet 103,Benl?oItIll. Ill, Burnt 100 C Starts, ist. 2nd. 3rd. Won , -Starts! 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won" Last year. .31 3 4 4 ? -2,650 This year.. 5 1 1 0 $ 900 a j y j j M I i j ; f : , : ; ! : - I : C - C C C : C C C C C C - C - C c C C C 3 C C C G !C C C Bernad Bee 10 B c 3 111,1 by Vindex Miss Hooney, by Zeu. Last work: 1085-8 l:09hy -LvU Trainer, H Caplin. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplin. Apr.ll-303Wio 2 l:18ft 23 108 7 7 7 " 7" TcrratA3 7 HdiwkrlOC,J.MilIerl09,CapnGilbrtl09 O Mar.l3-30Hav 2 l:15ft 10 100 10 11 S:i 7C1 NashE3 12 Doncru 100, WelthaAnn 99, Jeannine 95 O MatlO-30Hav 5Jfl:0S"5ft 12 101 8 8 G3 G1 NashE 12 Smithersll2,nedDomel01,N"tyXauty 107 C Mat S-30Hav 5J f 1:08 ft 12 107 3 S 6i 5s RoseM1 12 PoorRube 107,Athos lOl.SethsJewel 102 O l-30Hav l50 1:45 ft 15 93 6 9 11"113 RileyG5 11 BronChicf 108,AVasVnRose90,Ondora 103 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd.- Won.-y , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 4 , This year.. 15 0 1 2 $ 290 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 6 1.-2 Fur. 3fOTE Claiming: price, 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward which have not won two races at this meeting or three races this year. 3-ycar-olds, 112 pounds; older, 118 pounds. Xon- Avinncrs at this meeting allowed 2 pounds; two races his year, 4 pounds; one race, C pounds. lad. TP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. TP. norse. "Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 40749 10T1ilO. Fay...... S 113X725 40722 3VIad Sketch 4 111X093 40057 2 Saucy Polly.... 4 113.. 720 407223 5Plezall 3 98.. 093 46091 CCritic 5 107 X715 4C722 13 Fair Legion.... S 11C..693 40750 S John William . 40748 9Queen Goriu.... 3 100 X090 II 0 114X710 4C722 11 Ferry of Fate.. 5 114X690 46750 7 Common Gold... 7 109 x 705 40749 12Fill D 4 107. .090 46C573 4Mibe S 107 X 700 40594 14 Weathervane ... C 109X090 40724 lBlue Flag 5 109 X 695 40747 15 Reigh Shot.... O 107.. 690 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. TlieO. Fay 1 1 O B. g, 8, by Theo. Cook Fay-a-way, by Horron. Last work: 983-8 :44m -L-LO Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner, Mrs. A. R. Smith. See Saturdays third AVheeling chart. AprlO-COnVho g l:02m 21-5 110 4 1 l3 1 McLalinE6 0 J.J.Bbrickll3,Lennyl07,RoylBells 106J O Aprll-SOnVhe g 1:01 ft 31 106 6 5 4fl 43 LaulinE 10 Dr.Uickn 110,SurewaylO7,LyLoBandl01 O Apr.ll-303WThe 0 l:024ft 6 109 6 3 3i 23 McLalinE" 12 Vandionlll,RoyalBells99,Dr.Hickiianlll C MarS-SOSt.J EJf l:09sy 33 112 9 9 97 9si McLalinE 12 Dowager llC.WarNymph HO.MyGirl 111 O Manl6-30;Hav 21:15 ft 5 113 5 1 l3 2 McLalinE10 12 EdieLhmnllS.LtChgellS.IshSpre 113 O Mael4-30Hav 5J f l:07ift 10 112 5 2 23 21 SniderA 11 SunDncell2,LastChrgell2,I,riuccsital67 C , Starts. 1st, 2n:l. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 17 4 0 0 $ 2,575 This year.. 14 2 3 0 ,575 SailCV Polly " 1 Q Cb f 4 by Audacious Princess Polly, by Prince Palatins. JL JL O Trainer. R. Guciardo. Owner, M. Guciardo. .rr.l6-303Whe 6 f l:25andm 13-5 113 9 S Sci 632 OMalleyJo 10 Swif tCuirent 99,PhiDelta lOS.Jibe 108 O Arr.l2-30:Whe 1-S l:51ft 11-5 110 1 3 21 21 OMalleyJ3 7 Laftar 105,Rcferdum 110.C16doinirII.103 O Apr.lO-30AVho lIol:50gd 3-2 111 1 1 l1 l"" OMalleyJ1 7 Ly Viola lOO.Elmorll. lOO.GmeSecd 111 0 Matig-SOJ.P 11 2:0!Vsl 11 10S 6 3 3 2i OMalleyJ" 12 LansqntllC,GrilmaG.103,CofgeBoyl08 O Mai:27-S0,!J.P 11:50 ft 23-10 107v 5 3 1 11 OMalleyJ7 11 ShaBally 107,Lunacy90,SportingVein 112 O Man24-C07J.P 1J 2:01sl 1S-5 10GV 5 2 31 35i OMalleyJ8 12 Cornbeltlll,M.Mahoiey9S,ltocky Way 111 O - , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 32 3 2 6 $ 1.260 This year.. 18 2 4 3 $ 1,725 Critic 107 h e 5 by way Sentimental, by Marathon. J.J I Trainer. H. C. Rumagc. Owner, H. C. Rumage. .pr.l7-30sWhe S 1:01 hy 13 10S 7 7 77i 7s StranskiC3 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbane lll.Vitalize 104 C Fb.24-307Hav Is" l:46al 8 107 5 4 Si S1" StranskiC 10 Prig 112, Elmer II. 107. Frankman 107 O IVb.21-305IIav 2l:19liy 5 112 1 3 37 4 GuerraJ" 10 Mozart 107. Munning 107, Eugene S. 112 O Feb.20-C0Hav 2 l:22hy 31 107 7 6 672 3i AustinM3 7 Vandion109, Brahman 114, Hoatzin 109 C ... rvulO-SOOHav l50 l:47sl 6 110 2 1 4s 4i StranskiC4 7 AnnioRoon 93,LittIeScoutl07,FrkmanllO O Fib. 9-30Hav 2 l:lSVShy 2 110 2 6 31 31 StranskiC7 S I.cuny 105,CIodomir II. llO.Rockdale 103 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .31 9 3 5 $ 6,965 This year.. 10 0 1 1 $ 220 John William II. 1 1 A E E 6 by Cudgel Islingoia, by Islington. Last work: 109 1-4... :2073liy Trainer, E. H. Short. Owner, C. E. Drummond. See Saturdays fourth Wheeling chart. 21:15ft 23 111 5 4 3 35i SeaboG1 S Las?a 114,Timekcepcrll4,RoekQneen 100 C Mar 3-30Hav 1 l:51ft 21 112 4 2 2i 21 DougrtyF3 8 Biloxi 107,Partnership 104, Profiteer 112 C Feb,24-303IIav 2 l:15sl 5 115 11 10 910 S10 Goodi ichE 11 Roughneck 103iDonora 102.Princesita 110 O Ftb.22-30:Hav l50 l:4Shy 1 107 4 4 21 2i GoodiichE3 8 Seallawk 107,Checkmatel07,Fasciste 112 C Ftb-lS-SOav 1J l:53gd 4-5 107 2 1 l3 l3 GbodrhE 10 Brown Lady 102, Picador 9S, Festic 112 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 5 0 2 2 $ 550 This year.. C 1 2 2 $ 1,170 Common Gold 1 OQ El by Go Enamel Maudie, by The Commoner. . Last work: 1003-8 :40m J-Ut7 Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. See Saturdays fourth AVheeling chart. Apr.lS-303Whe 2 l:19sy 25 111 S 9 Ssi S5i ColvinA3 9 RbertaL. 102,RlBells lOO.PhiDlta 108 0 MaclO-305Hav l50 l:44ft 7-5 103 10 10 lOlO" LoganL" 10 TwelvcSixty 105. PotFull 105, Era 111 O Mai: 4-303Hav 21:14 ft 3 113 11 9 Si 632 LoganL" 12 Frl.egn 113,SshMk 115,CdIdolizr 113 O Jn.25-305IIav 1J l:34f t 5 103 7 6 65 611 LoganL S nkCandyl05,JoeAdamsl0.5,TryAgain 110 O Jan.l9-30IIav 1!0 l:31hy 21 108 8 5 4i 431 LoganL 8 Black Wrack 108,Finnster 108,1rig 108 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .32 6 8 4 $ 4,945 This year.. 8 1 1 0 $ 900 jjje 1 Cn B. g, 8, by Spur Quip, by Out of Reach. Last work: SO 3-8 :42ft Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H, T. Palmer. Apr.l6-303Whe Ci f l:25m 26 10S 7 3 4:1 33 BernierES 10 Sw:ftCurt99,PhiDeltalOS,A.B.BVgrll3 C Apnl2-30UVhe g l:01V3ft 30 109 9 7 68 6"i Boucher.!7 10 Dr.Hickmnll4,TimekprlOO,Ligurianll4 C -Mar.2S-303St.J 21:17-sy 12f 114 1 5 51 53i BoucherJ3 12 Acquire 105,Xayarit 107,IIandiworker 98 O Mac26-30:St.J 2 1:16 ft 4S- 113 11 11 9" 7,: BoucherJ8 12 Havoc 118. Amir 118, Pipestcm 108 C Mai:22-30:St.J 21:17 sy 30 116 9 8 SI ST2 BoucherJ1 12 RedCrsPrincsll2,PcterFizll7,Laftarl20 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 32 6 9 4 $ 3.200 This year.. 16 0 2 1 $ 350 Blue Flag 1 OQ B" s 5l by Tryster Bhame, by Broomstick. JL J J Trainer. R. Robertson. Owner, R. Robertson. Apr.lS-30Wlie 10 1:31 sy 34 107 4 4 58J l WatsonR1 C LkyDrif t lOS.ElfricdaG. lOS.Acme 107 O Marlt-SOSHav ljl:53ft .20 108 9 10 10;o10 AustinM1 10 Era 113, Lady Viola 103, Sam Slick 108 O MaclO-303Hav l50 l:44ft 20 103 9 5 6 1-1 WatsonR" 10 TuelveSixty 105, Pot Full 105, Era 111 O Mac 5-30IIav l5,l:43ft 20 107 6 4 6i 913 WatsonR3 11 UnionJkll2,FcsCooprl07.NtliBrzel07 0 Max l-CCHav l50 1:45 -ft 15 103 S 11 102 95 BryantD" 11 BronChief 108,WashnRose90,Ondora 105 O , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .33 4 7 3 $ 2,990 This year.. 9 1 0 0 $ 750 Mad Sketch Til Br- s 4 by Mad Hatter Sketchy, by Peter Pan. JL X JL Trainer. J. M. Reed. Owner, J. M. Reed. Apr.lS-304Whc 21:17sl 41 113 4 3 4 4G ComgoreJ9 9 Checkmatell3, riezalUOO, noatziullO C ApEl6-30:W7he g 1:03 m 19 117 2 6 43i i-l CongoreJ 10 ThelmaL. 103,Viiilin 107,1raneesE. 107 C ApK-SOnVhe gl:02ft 13 114 S 9 91 73i CongoreJo 10 Buelionlll,Brdlb.nel09,A.B.Bnsgrlll C Apr.ll-30;WhG g l:02Vft 71 11G 9 8 S1! Sl CongoreJ3 12 Vandion lll.Tlieo.Fay lOO.RoyalBclls 99 G Hat 9-307IIav i5l:43 ft 31 112 1 4 43i 47 CongoreJ1 9 Crittall 107,MyAgsK. 93,NtGuilty 104 O Mac 6-30:IIav 21:13ift 8 117 6 2 21 lk CongoreJ3 12 Sun Dance 112, Era 112, Salutation 117 0 , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .21 17 3 $ 1,790 This year.. 19 2 3 0 ,950 PlCZilll Q Q B fi 3 y Sweep On Fairmond, by Fariman. Last work: SI 3-8.... :41sy tO Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Apr.lS-30YVhc 2 l:17sl 13-5 100 1 1 l1 21 GoodiichE5 9 Checkmatell3,noatziullO,MadSketch 113 C Apr.l5-30Whe 6.fl:24 ft 11-5 108 3 2 21 4i FatorE7 10 RolertaL.99,Fill D. 108,ArrovIIawk 10S C Apnll-SOVlie "2,l:18ft 21 106 4 5 G 671 DyerJ1 7 UdhvkrlOO.J.Millerl09,CapnGilbrtl09 C Man20-305J.P 2 l:ll!.ft 6S 104 4 6 7s 9 o MeysME3 12 Sunvicwll3.RingTruell3.ThistleJcan 101 O Macll-SOJ.P 21:13 gd 16-5 109 5 1 li In KnightM3 12 Star 113, Miss Pat 108, Head Pin 114 0 Ftt.lS-30;F.G 2 l:13ft 14 104 6 7 631 5s HanfordB 11 Dominal00,MothersChel03,MaePrice 109 O- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, Won Last year.. 5 This year.. 8 1 1 0 $ 725 Fair Lesion 1 1 C B- s 5 by Fair Gain Laura y Wooisthorpe. Last work: 1063-8 1:07m J-J-O Trainer, P. Pellattieri. Owner, R. Sabbatino. Apr.l8-30Whc 2 l:I7sl 24 113 5 6 57 67 LongW7 9 CheekmatellS, PlezalllOO, noatzinllO C jraC13-303IIav 21:13ft 8 118 6 8 87i S"! LongW1 10. JnyAgeell3,StylishMackllS.Vandion 113 C Mac S-303IIav 2 l:1476ft 8 112 8 6 Sci S LongW7 9 Crittalll07,ScotIandGirl 102,ShortyO. 110 O -Mac 4-30UIav 21:14 ft 0 113 2 1 l1 in LongW 12 SshMkllS.Cdldzer 113.J.J. Bmck 113 O Mac l-SOniav 1J1:45 ft C 113 1 3 S52 S11 LongW llUronChief lOS.WashnRostOO.Omlora 103 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wtn , Starts. lt 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 16 1 2 1 $ 875 This year. .10 2 0 0 ,500 Queen Gorin 1 OO Ch fl 3 ty Kins Gorin Almandine II., by Fauchaur. lyu Trainer, H. Caplan. Owner, I. Caplan. See Saturdays second Wheeling chart. Anr. 9-30Whe gl:03hy 12 104 2 0 7 10"1 YerratA3 12 StarryDawn 103,ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C Ffcb.2I-30IIav 5Sfl:14liy 12 105 5 S 92 S5 LoganL3 10 Lagunal07.Clif tsLassl05,StrryDawnl02 C FtUlS-SOniav l3oi:52hy. 12 96 3 5 8" S13 BoucherJ1 j LittleScout 105.Soirce lOl.Wrackecn 113 O rrfi.l6-20;Hav 21:13" 8 103 9 9 951 9s BoucherJ7 9 MurgPinesllO.WdyLonglOS.Alamae 108 O Jan.20-303Hav 15 1:50 hy 4 106 4 5 613 633 TonrowR3 0 G.Isabul07,OIenrnShinell2.Willrn 108 O Jan.l7-30Hav 21:l9hy 2 103 6 6 63 611 LoganL 0 OImnSshinelOo.MaSunllO.ClifsLasslOo C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts, ist. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 19 3 4 4 $ 2,775 This year.. 6 . " Ferry Of Fate " 1 A S B 5 by Kl7isship Final Shot, by Watercress. J-ix Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner, Seagram Stable. Apr.lS-30Who 21:17sl 13 111 fi 4 72 S10 Ilayll3 9 Chcckmatell3, PlezalllOO, noatzinllO C Apr.l2-30:Whe g l:02ft 12 114 10 10 10"110"J Ilayll6 10 Buchoulll.BrdlbnclOO.A.B.Busgrlll C Jan.20-303Mia li 1:51 ft 23 113 4 5 10l,ll3 McGinnisP 12 "rPlaylOC,Architectl08,JgeCaverly 113 C Jan. S-303Pom 1 l:3Sft 9-5 113 4 3 3s 413 McGinsP1 C Bozo 108. Toanna 113. RoiConf idence 10S C Jan. 7-303Pom 55 f l:07.rt 27-10 113 2 3 11 l3 McGinsP3 5 Dunworkin 103, Tariff 100. Vinlin 93 O Jan. 4-303Pom 2 l:16ft 2 115 2 1 2 23 McGinnisP3 S Toanna 109,MuIlIgansSonll3,ObIige 1CH O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 13 2 2 1 $ 1,820 This year.. 6 1 1 0 $ 435 pjl J -I rrj B. g, 4, by Cataract Marian Caser, by Star Ruby. JLU I Trainer, E. C. Sutton. Owner, Capt. F. Eaton, See Saturdays third Wheeling chart." Apr.l5-303Vho 61 f 1:21 ft 15 10S 5 4 31 2J BenoitA10 10 RohertaL.99,Arrownawk lOS.Plezall 10S C Apr.l2-303Who 21:17 ft 30 111 4 6 CI C"! LoganL3 10 ClayligconllC.ReighShotlll.FiahertyllC C Apr. 9-303Who C f 1:28 hy 43 104 4 6 G10 69 LoganL1 10 Chkmtelll.Iatrnl HC.KyColonel 100 C Mac 6-30f,IIav lfz lYtGUft 20 107 7 9 910 913 BoucherJ" 10 Deliiionicol03,Itulal09,Lad.vAlIumeur 108 O Ft-SOHav lje l:4Sft 12 110 3 8 6:J 6 MantzJ" 9 TryAgalhl05,Worthman 105,I.adyEa 105 O Fib. 23-30 Hav lf l:51sl 10 107" 2 S 61 371 BryantD3 9 Coverwd 112,CampelIa 109,Brigand"107 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd; Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd: Won 1 Last year.. 24- 2 . 1 - : 3 $ 940 - This year. .13 0 2 0 $ 250 Wcatliervane 1 HQ B m 6 by War fame Afton Water, by Argregor. JLVt? Trainer, J. NoeL Owner, Mrs. J. Noei. Apr.l2-30Who 2 l:17ft 30 10G C 7 7S1 732 ColvinA 10 Kalafcaua llG.ElnAdair lOG.VeraC. IOC C A Ape 9-30Whe g l:05hy 31 104 1 5 G75 7S5 LoganL 12 AunBrmlOO.ElIaBanklOGl.J.J.Bbrtm G A Mac 2-30Hav 5 t 1:0S ft 15 103 11 10 9i 75i PasscroJ" 12 Munning 108, MadSkctch 113, Fifia OS C M IVM9-30Hav f 1:14 hy 12 105 10 10 101 10" BouchcrJ 11 FlorinsalOS.BlkAgatellO.J.J.BbrkllO C M l-eb.lO-30IIav 5J f 1:11 31 10S 1 3 21 l1 BouchcrJ 11 Brhtriumem.FaynailtonlOS.Iotal 108 C 31 Tib. S-30Hav 3 l:21hy 4 101 1 3 25 25 BoucherJ 0 Soiree lOl.DixieBeauty lOl.SeaKale 111 C F , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .31 5 3 4 ,110 This year. .12 112 ,040 ItCigll Shot 1 Cn Ch- m. 6. by Sunrcigh Magic Shot, by Magic II. Last work: 94 5-S l:049f.m --V Trainer, W. D. Hendley. Owner, W. D. Hendley. See Saturdays first Wheeling chart. .A Apr.lG-30IVIie Cifl:23m 11 108 G 7 7 S52 TaylorW3 10 SwiftCurrent OO.PhiDelta lOS.Jibe 103 C A Apcl2-30Who 2 1:17 ft 20 111 2 2 25 2 TaylorW 10 ClaylignllG.FlahertyllG.LowerFive 11G C Jl Ape 9-30!Wlie g l:05hy 42 1C5 9 9 9 975 TaylorW13 12 AnnBlinl09,ElInBanklOGl,J.J.Bbrkll2 C J Oct 7-29Duf 6J f l:25tt G 105 5J ZatesloG 8 Voyage 1031, Balum 104, Assail 103J C J: Oct. 3-29JDuf G5 f l:26ft 23-10 105 67 ZatesloG 7 Trappy 108. Peter 31. 09, FortWorth 107 C a Sep. 7-20,Thf 3 l:13Vft 24 112 3 8 11 11 ZatesloG 12 JnyAgeoll2.Jk ofClubsll2,Pipestenill2 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 17 2 0 1 $ 1,370 This year.. 3 0 1 0 $ 100 6th Wheeling- 5 Purse 00. mn 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. 672 Furlongs 1 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Ilorsc. Wt. Kec. A.Wt.nan. 4GG1G r. Gideon CD 108 1:20 5 117X725 4GG1G3 1 Merry Windsor. 4 107.. 703 4G753 2 ltaucona 4 112 x720 4GGG0 8 Portsur 3 105.. 700 4G753 G Lancer 8 112X715 4G59G 7 Jean 3 103XG95 f 4G0GO5 4 Smoldering CD 115 1:20 5 110X710 4G000 3 Graydale 4 110XG90 i i The past performances of -the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout j and racing record: i Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Cost Company Class of Race. Gideon 117 B 6 y Ial Hock Fairy Nymph, by Mediator. Last work: 100 1-2 :5Ggd -- Trainer. J. R. Carlock. Owner, H. "W. Miller. . Apr.14-305 Who 6. f l:21ft 21-10 113 1 2 3 52-GoodchE 7 U.-iuconal0S,MerryWIndsorl05.Lncerl091 C Apr.lO-305Wlic Gl f l:24gdl9-10 108 4 1 15 15 GoodichE3 5 MyWindsorl07,I51kAliccl09,Lactu- 110 C j Mae 6-303Hav 3 1:13 ft 3 1C9 3 2 2 3l ColvinA G LlsterinelOl.JnyAgee 117,FairThorn 109 O reb.2S-30Hav 2 l:13ft 8-5 112 5 2 3 575 GoodrichE7 7 rringStcp 114,lrifter llO.FairThorn 112 C j Fib.21-30IIav 2 l:1154sl 5 111 2 1 1 1 GoodrichE3 S Poorltubel01,FateMannll3,GleeClub 109 C j FcU.lS-30Hav 2 l:Mhy 8 10G 10 10 10" 9" GoodrichE9 10 WdyLong 105,Alamae Ol.DuskyMdn 91 C j , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 20 3 4 4 $ 4,035 This year. .12 2 12 1.G65 HauCOna 1 "I Q 2, f, 4, by Donnacona Rauma, by Hessian or Plaudit, Last work: 109 1-4 :2Ghy Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. See Saturdays seventh Wheeling chart. Apeli-SOWhe Gi " f i:21ft 9-5 10S 2 1 l3 15 FatorE 7 MryWindsorl03,Lanccrl09,BlkAlicelll C 1 , Ape 9-30sWhe 2 l:21hy 18 10G S 7 675 G75 DyerJ AgaptliuslOii.TommyLadlOS.WacketlOO A Macl0-30eJ.r 1,e l:47ft 5 110 9 4 G5J 710 KnightM 9 Cometll2.P,ejation 107,LillianMooar 107 C J lb.20-305F.G If l:47ft 35 103 5 2 21 2" MartinL7 7 Lit.G.vpll0,Braggadoeioll2,nighLife 115 C reUl8-30cF.G 1J l:53ft 85 103 4 2 51 5J Martini.1 5 Nicodcnius llO.Pollywog HO.Ituane 109 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ,Won.- Last year.. 27 5 2 2 $ 4,225 This year.. 9 2 2 0 $ 1.GD7 LanCCr "119 g, 8, by Sir Martin Miss Kearney, by Flanudes. Last work: 10S 3-S :44hy J-J- Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. 1 See Saturdays seventh Wheeling chart. Apr.l4-305Whe G5fl:2Uft 21 1095 G G 55 3i Colvin.M 7 RauconalOS,MyWindsorl05,BlkAlicelll C MaclG-305Hav 1s l:ltft 4e 102 8 7 55 5s BouchcrJ 9 KingDavid lOO.SanCarlos 112,Crash 109 C Jiicl3-305llav 1 l:15ft 5 113 2 5 G32 55 LoganL 7 Pacheco 113, Belmona 10G, Tangram 103 C Man 9-30Hav 1 l:52ft 2 10G 7 8 7i 75 DocrtyF 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore OO.ChanningL. 10G U Man 2-305IIav lfe l:45ft 8 100 10 11 10 101 DocrtyF5 13 SanCarlos lll.MartMalone lOS.Crash 114 II , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 28 2 1 3 2.148 This year. .12 3 0 2 ,370 Snioldcrin? 1 1 O B s 5 by Campfire Bandana III., by Meddler. Last workf 87 1-2 :5Gsy -L-i-U Trainer, O. Viau. Owner, O. Viau. Apr.lG-WWie 2 l:lSni 11-5 109 G 3 2l 3:1 GarrityP1 7 Sawdustl07,SanCarlosll7,O!dKkapool09 A Apcl2-305Who 2 l:16ft 23 103 7 7 5" 4! YerratA 11 SanCarlos 114,MretCal lOl.Sawdust 9G n Apr. O-SOWhe 2 l:21hy 5 109 1 4 7s 78 BucUleyR5 9 AEapthusl071,ToinmyLadlOS,Wacketl09 A Jlan22-30J.P 15 l::Gm 9 104 5 2 2 5" QnbusliG o KliugstonelOl, Galahad 120,ByProduct 97 n , irac20-303J.P 2 1:1S hy 8 109 4 2 2 2 LandoltC G OldDtch HO.Snford 112.Eliz.BoHa 103 A JIatl7-303J.P 1" 1:53 hy 7-5 10S 2 2 2s 2J LandoltC 5 Sanford 102, Virado 105. Broad Axe 109 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. 20 3 1 C $ 4.425 This year. .14 15 2$ 1,722 Merry Windsor 107 B y Bac Servant Windsor, by North Star III. 3 . JLU I Trainer, E. W. Roberts. Owner. J. T. Ireland. GJ f l:21ft "5 105 3 3 2 ;5 LoganL4 7 ltaucona lOS.Lancer 1091, Black Alice 111 C Apr.lO-SOWhe G5 f l:2l7gd 8-5 107 2 2 25 25 BoucherJ1 5 Gideon 108,BlackAHce lOO.Lactarius 110 C . Manl6-30:IIav lso l:12?5ft 3 102 2 1 1: l1 BoucherJ1 7 ChanningL. 110, Hula 103, Belraona 107 C JlacH-SOIlav 2 l:13ft 3 113 7 8 5 3s SniderA1 8 ColonelDragcll2.BeauAspin llG.Pan 118 C Hat 4-30Hav 5J " f 1:07 ft 3i 112 2 2 211 lh BoucherJ 8 CollDgel08.ShastaBlel07,Pd,tSethllO C rdv23-301IIav 2 l:15!sl 4 110 2 1 lh 25 JudyJ 7 PachecollO.FteJIannllO.WoodyLong 97 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 35 4 9 5 $ 3,220 This year.. 12 5 4 2 ,390 Portsur -j AC Ch. c, 3, by The Porter Surplice", by Fair Play. Last work: 104 3-4. . .l:20f " t -LUO Trainer. E. D. Springer. Owner, Bennett and Springer. Apr-lG-SOHVlie 2 lSm 19 1035 3 7 G1 583 BucUleyR1 7 Sawdustl07,Sa!Carlosll7, Smoldering 109 A ; Mac27-30JJ.P 51:13ft 14-5 105 7 3 35 4s QnbushG1 9 Tl;os.Sethl05,l!n:Fiyerll3,LittleGyp 10S C ; Karl0-303J.P 2 l:liy5ft 8 110 7 G 53 3J JonesL 9 Myllobbylll.VicksbglOS.G.Chauvelotlla C Mat G-30J.P 151:45 ft 12 107 2 3 42 4" LcylandJ1 G Di.-ueLacUOO, Associate 102,CoIumbus 107 A Mac 4-30F.G 2 1:13 ft 49-10 118 8 6 55 5T LcylandJ 9 Clumbusll8,UltimteVtcl08,Grgry 113 C : , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 24 1 5 5 $ 2,975 This year.. 14 2 G 1 ,450 jgjjj -j A Q Br. f, 3. by Sweep Lady Eastman, by Masetto. Last work: 103 3-8....1:0Gft -LvO Trainer, J. W. Bartholomew. Owner, Miss B. Watson, Apr.l2-30!Vho 3 l:lGft 41f 98 8 9 91 S"5 CoopcrR 11 SanCarlos 114,MrefCal 104,Sawdust 9G n Apr.lO-30sWhe g l:02gd 25 10G 1 G Gi 5 DouglasF2 8 Mote 112, Spectre 109, OldKickapoo 110 A Masll-SOJ.P 2 l:lgd IS 103 9 6 G3J 75 QnbushG" 12 MissKmsey lOG.Jar 118,MaryEloise 111 C : ltb.2S-30F.G 2 l:lSm 31-10 103 7 1 Is 15 QnbushG1 10 MrSamrll4,SvtChcell4,MngBmsl09 C : IV4k21-305F.G 2 l:ll4isd 9 107 1 2 31 3 LcylandJ" 12 P.ingTruelll,Beekeeperl07,ThelmaL. 102 C : IU.12-30:F.G 21:14ft 22 105 9 G 35 3J FryeL" 12 TlielmaL.100,PkBlossonil02,W.Light 105 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .IS 3 2 0 $ 3.025 This year.. 10 1 0 2 $ 900 Griydale "I 1 A B. c, 4, by Ormondale Ethel Gray, by Hessian. 3 JL X U Trainer. 0. L. Foster. Owner, 0. L. Foster. Mac 9-305Hav 1 l:52ft G 104 9 9 51 45 MitchellSI8 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore OO.ChanningL. 10G H c Mac 2-305Hav 1 l:45ft 8 103 12 12 12s 11" SniderA- 13 SanCarlos lll.MartMalone lOS.Crash 114 II ; reU24-305IIav 15U 1:43 si 4 107 10 10 10" S" SniderA1 10 Kingsportll3,MtMalonel08,Baltimore92 II I rtUll-30IIav l50 1:43 ft G 110 5 5 51 2t5CongoreJ3 5 SanCarlosll0,KgDavidll3,MtMalonell0 A Tvb. 2-30JIIav 2 l:13ft 8 112 5 7 G5 65 CongoreJ 7 Algol lOO.M.Malonc 112,Ctcmplate 112 A Placed first through disqualification. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 22 3 4 $ 3,592 This year.. 7 1 0 0 . $ 825 7th Wheeling Purse SpGOO. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 M.-70 m Yds. iNOTE Claiming price, 00. INon-wlnncrs this year. "Weight, 11" pounds. Starters ; not sccona at this meeting allowed 3 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 4C382 11 Sporting Vein 4GG39 5Elmer II Aur 107 l:48jm G 109 X095 : f Tij 103 1:4G 5 117. .723 4GGG1 9 John J. Jr 10 114XG95 3 4GG583 7FIaherty G 109X720 4G7531 C Itivanna 5 114X090 9 4GG39 2 Edward Gray... 10 114X715 107531 8Powder 7 109XG90 0 4G72T.3 4 Misnomer .Ilav 102 1:4G 5 114x710 4GG35 30WhiteNose 5 109. .090 0 4G5973 It Referendum F.G 107 1:45 5 114X703 4G592 12 Bethlehem .Dor 10S 1:4G G 109.. COO 0 Prim.St.J 110 1:51 G 109. .700 4G751 17Peter 40733j i3.nwom 5 109XC90 0 4fifi!"i 1 Viilcain Park 108 1:43 G 109XG90 0 j Emp 105 1:47 11 109XC95 4G753J 13Easy MoneyAur 4G725 3Long Joe ... C 109XG93 4CG18 lGClodomir II.. . . . 7 109XG00 o The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout t and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt-St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. !. Jiinrrmir Voin 117 Br- 5 h? Sporting Blood Evil, by Rock View. l-50y-4 Trainer, H. D. Cox. Owner, W. Bryan. r t rk- S4-lm Mac4-sVj P 11:50 "ft 39-10 112 4 1 2 43 DyerJ 11 ScyPolly 107,ShstaBally 107,Lunacy 9G c C lii.l-303F.G l- l:49gd 11 112 11 6 55 4C1 DyerJ11 12 OneCent 112,MatMcGoeyll3J,JimBell 112 C n 1G 29 D 3 115 ill 11 12 15u13i CongoreJ 15 MerryManlll,LcvuIoseli3,SwigRay 111 C "Vojipp l"l-17-ft 6 111 1 1 4J4 PevicJ 12 Sunspecl02,Prospcctl0G,MysyBalllot 10G C C c 10 CThf if -0Sift 11 101 6 2 3U 4J AimersT 9 MissMylndl0S.ClceLeBusl05.Trojis 102 C c B B I;56?fsl 11 103 1 2 3i" 33 AimersT 8 Depositnl09.LucleAnnll3.TstleButyll3 C c Bfr Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year..ll 1 1 2 S 720 This year.. 2 -4 r B. h, 6, by Boniface Blaze o Gold, by St. Flonan. Flaherty lJ Trajner 0. Viau. Owner. 0. Viau. . L,!wi!: r rim 7 108 7 5 43. 33 FutrclU 10 ClayPigeon llS.Sunolin lOS.MIIano 108 Z,. C fi- 4i4BuckleyR 10VeraC. 107.noat.In 112,CapfnGilbertl0G C GXfl.-j ft -S 3S 11-iu 113 10 4 4- - r Apr.l5-303Whc C Jig 2 9" G 6 Sue l ,,;.RJ eyS. 10ciayPignllGUeiBhShotlll,LowerFivcllG ! ,Shortya.l07.TetraG.aSsll2MshlSethll2 j; C ? IS 115,GoldBet 115.0mniall5 c C AZTv 39 m V 11 8 5T ffnbushG 12 TigersFlowers " Sl.ll iVj?" i -ylandJ. Htr Thisyer!. 8 P 0 2 00 A A M M 31 F .A A Jl J J: a 5 1 f i i j i . j j j j 1 , J 1 , . ; ; : : : : c ; I ; : f 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 j o t !. c C C C C C C c C c C Z,. C r C j; C c C Edward Gray 111 Bib. B. lO, by Von Tromp-Bonsetta, by Mett. Last work- 1051-2.. .. -54ft Trainor, J. G. Demarest. Owner, J. G. Demarest. Apcl5-30nVho ll:4Sft" 45 110 2 9 P. up. GarrityP1 9 Paternal llG.Fdoodte 112,PtOCnor 103 C Aprll-30Who l70 1:49 ft G 111 7 8 950 9" GarrityP 10 ElfriedaG.lOG.Nihil lOG.IIeatherWine 101 C M27-30TJ.P 11:49 ft 75 112 4 2 52 51 GarrityP 12 CIBoss 107,Peep O.lOSJ.Dvgn Qun 102 C Mac21-30J.P ll:52Vandsl 7 114 1 3 43i GH GarrityP 11 Sly Polly lOG.Theo. Red 114,Jira Bell 109 G Macll-SOJ.P 1-h l:55Jihy 8 111 2 2 52 5:I GarrityP 12 LlcMinlsrlll.RedBlazcllS.FarAwaylOG O Fcb,21-303F.G lj l:49gd 35 107 7 3 3 52 CImcrakG 12 OneCent 112,MatMcGoeyll3,JimBell 112 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 11 3 3 2 $ 3,050 This year.. 8 Misnomer 1 1 A B B, 5, by Wrack Mousse des Bois, by Ajax. Last work: OS 1-2 :59m J-i-i Trainer, A. T. Cragin. Owner. W. H. Hoist. Apr.l8-30Wlie 1-k 1:51 sy 19 113 2 3 35 3S5 BuckleyR3 7 Clarlfier 114, Laftar 114, Txng Joe 108 0 Apel7-30lWhe 1J 2:01 hy 11 111 3 G Pull.up.BucklcyR G Clarifier lll.RkTrap lll.BsyJayne 10G O Mac:9-30J.P 1J 2:01isl 1G 113 1 4 93 9 EamcsC3 12 LansfintllG.Scyl ollylOS.GrdmaG. 103 C jrac25-30"J.P 1:51 gd 29 109 7 10 lOOSEamcsC" 12 Gold Ridge 111, Coy 101, .Finland 109 C Mac20-307J.P 1 2:03hy 2G 112 3 1 2l 23 EamcsC 9 CryBabyl03,GoldRidgell5.IIbAshby 112 O Marl9-307J.P 1. 2:03yshy 1G 111 1 7 G55 Gi EamcsC1 12 CelCampuslOG.MterSverOS.RyWayllO 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .31 4 4 1 $ 2,685 This year.. 12 0 2 1 $ 300 Referendum 111 ch B 5l Ballot Bright Start, by Star Shoot. -LXtc Trainer, H. 1. Munson. Owner, L. Haymaker. Apr.l2-30Who 1 l:51ft 7 110 1 5 435 335 TaylorW1 7 Laftar 105,ScyPolly HO.CIodomirll. 103 O Apr. 9-30Wlio 1" 1:53 hy 23-10 113 5 5 45 45 TaylorW 7 ElfricdaG.102,Laftarl08,Swepstakes 1110 Ape 3-30Bow 1-S l:50m 9 1 09 2 10 7 58i ZatesloG1 13 .T.W.AVebberlOO.Spnrricr 114,FireOu 114 C Koi23-296Bow 15 l:55sl 7 107 1 5 4s 45 SchuttcII 8 Equation 107,FairCIass 112,FairGold 103 O Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 14 0 0 3 $ 350 This year.. 3 0 0 1 $ 50 . Peter Prim 1 HQ B e by Poter Pan Polly Prim, by Pirate of Penzance. Last work: 79 3-4 l:2Gm -Lv Trciner. -f. Twining. Owner, L. F. Warby. See Saturdays fifth Wheeling chart. Apr.lG-30:Who 1J 2:00m 19 108 5 3 33 35 ReedW G Flapdoodlell3,GeSecondl08,E.Money 103 C Apr.ll-30"Who ll:51ft 1G 109 7 8 852 8r5 GuerraJ2 8 Crnbelt 113,11kTrap lOO.BwnChief 111 C Apr.lO-307Who l l:50gd 21 111 7 7 73 71 YerratA 7 ScyPolly lll.LyViola lOG.ElmerH. 10G 0 Mar29-30l!St.J 11:51 ft 31 115 3 5 552 48 YerratA3 8 PssimisticlOG.M.ScotialOO.Wrackecn 114 C Mac2G-30ISt.J 1 j 2:11 ft 49 109 4 8 87 851 FutrellJ1 8 P.lanco 101, Ray P.udd7 HO.Mascara 105 C Mac25-30:St.J l50 1:13 ft 30f 110 9 10 91! 9" IlicksS 11 RnllDugclll.SvtnSistylOo.Princelylll C Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 5 0 0 1 $ 150 This year.. 11 0 0 1 $ 50 Viilcain Park 1 HQ Ch E U 17 Vulcain Floral ark, by Burgomaster. JLUt Trainer, J. M. Reed. Owner, J. M. Reed. Aptn-SOWhe 65 f l:27hy 120 111 9 8 6 55i CongoreJ10 10 Milano 1081,NotGuiUy 104,Blazoner 105 C Apr.l4-30Who "gl:01 ft 4G 114 9 7 711 75 CongoreJ1 10 Dr.IIickn HG,Surewayl07,LyLeBandl04 C Mac G-SOIIav 1 l:4Gft 4 112 G 7 7T5 S Mitchcllll4 10 Delmonicol03,IIulal09tLadyAIliimeur 108 G Mae 3-30Hav 2 1:15 ft 10 110 12 10 8i 5 MitchcllM." 12 Thco.FayllO,Ttbuildcrl05,LdBrown 105 G reh.l5-30IIav 2 l:Hft 12 108 9 10 10"10 BakcrR 12 M.AgnesK.100,MyAVordll3,PltSmilesll3 C Jan. 7-30"Hav 1; 1:49 si 5 110 4 4 45 4s BakcrR 7 PiutellO.AdamsAplellO.ShtaGrde 110 O Jan. 4-305Hav 1 l:17ft 25 109 G G G3J 6 BakerR 10 CldldolizerlW.FinnstcrlH.RkCandylOO O Jan. 1-30Hav 2 l:13ft 8 107 8 8 andl BakerR3 8 Curvcur 113. Black Agate 113, Mona 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . This year.. 8 LonCT JOC 1 HQ B S. 6. by Horron Carreno, by Lally. lUi Trainer, J. D. Miksl. Owner, W. M. Mikel and Son. ApclS-SOiWhe lfs 1:51 sy 9 108 7 4 435 V ColvinA6 7 Clarifier 111, Laftar 114, Misnomer 113 C Apr.l2-305Who lc l:51ft S 103 4 1 45 45 GoodichE 8 StcenSisty 103,RkTrap HO.Wrfld 110 C Macl5-30-Hav 2 l:llft 12 108 11 10 12"12" ColvinA3 12 TwoBills 107,WhiteKnee 97,SeaKale 112 O Jn.27-305IIav 1 l:4t ft 4 110 8 9 9,: 8" ColvinA3 11 Bumpkinl07,Frankmanl07,HlandChf 110 0 Jan.25-30lIlav li l:48:t 25 105 5 3 435 455 BoucherJ1 8 Corposant 110,Frankmanl05,GoldcnM.110 O Jan.l5-30IIav ll:44ft 4 107 2 2 l1 2" ColvinA 11 Our Joan 102. Prosima 104, Burnt 107 G fan. 9-D0Hav li 1:55 ft 8 105 4 6 7S3 71. ColvinA3 12 Finnster 110, Jibe lOS.Betsy Jayne, 100 0 Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 29 9 11 1 $ 5,070 This year.. 8 0 1 0 $ 150 Elmer II. 1 HQ B" B" 6 by Gunrock Doublet n by Fitz Herbert. JLUt Trainer. A. G. Tarn. Owner. A. G. Tarn. Apr.l5-307Whe ll:4Sft 10 1095 9 5 5J 45 ColvinA 9 Paternal HG.Fdoodle H2.PtOCnor 103 C ApclO-30Who lIol:50gd 21-5 10G 4 3 3 3J ColvinA 7 SyPollylll.Ldy Viola lOG.GmeScd 111 C Apr. 9-30Vho ll:32hy 12 10S 3 2 35 Z ColvinA7 8 TwveSixtylll.RockTrapllO.OurJoan 10G C Macl4-305IIav l l:53ft 5 106 3 5 7J 67 LoganL.3 10 Era 113, Lady Viola 103, Sam Slick 10S C Macl2-305Hav lj l:47ft 6 107 4 3 3 4 LoganL 11 BetsyJ,elOG,M.J.McX.Jr.ll4,Mnshcctlll C Mac S-30sHav lj l:55Vft 4 108 1 3 2h 2 LoganL3 8 Ondora 100. Flamarno .104. SamSlick 108 C Mac 1-30IIav 1 l:52ft 35 110 5 G 6S5 63 LoganL1 11 BumpkinllO,ThtleCootll3.NthBrze 115 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 32 5 2 5 $ 3,830 This year. .14 0 3 2 $ 550 John J. Jr. 1 1 A Ch B 10, ty HanDril3ee Wilhimet, by Hurst Park. Last work: 93 1-2 1:01m J-J- Trainer, R. Cooper. Owner. R. Cooper. ApclG-307Whe lj 2:00m 47 113 4 5 5" 5ts CooperR1 G Flapdoodlcll3,GneSeeondlOS.P.Prim 10S O Apr.l5-30Whe G5fl:21 ft 30 113 7 G G2 T32 CooperRS 10 RobertaL.99,Fill D. 108,ArrowIIawk 10S C Apr.l2-C0Whe 2 l:17ft 4G 11G 8 8 8si S7i CooperR 10 Kalakaua HG.ElnAdair lOC.VeraC. 10G C ApclO-SOnVho S l:04gd 19f 114 12 10 10i 9" CooperR 12 Lucky Drift 107, Sunolin 104. Lang 99 C Mac24-30J.P lJ2:01sl 63 111 1 11 Ull CooperR11 12 Cornbelt lll.M.Mauoney OS.ScyPoIIy 10G C Macl9-30J.P 1,s 2:02hy 72 111 9 12 1212 CooperR 12 Chooeheel05I.Fretwll 113,SrdBrer 115 O An619-29SB.G 1 l:39ft 11 116 31 HampfnO 7 MaxBrick HG.GoldenTop lll.Atador 11G O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 9 1 2 3 $ 310 This year.. 6 Itivanna 111 y Meridian Dinah Do, by Burgomaster. "It: Trainer, R. Crawford. Owner, S. Crawford. See Saturdays eighth Wheeling chart. Apr.l7-30,Whe GJ f l:27hy 19 114 2 10 Pull.up.SanfordP 10 Milano lOSl.XotGnilty lOl.Blazoner 103 O Apcl5-303Whe 6 f 1:23 ft 22 111 9 10 10,710,G PsmoreW7 10 VeraC. 107.Hoatzin 112,CapfnGilbertl0G C Dct 4-29IIag alj; 2:04 hy 9-5 117 6 SanfordP 8 Sandcliff 115.,MissSand 103. Iinoil 117 C Oct l-29eHag 11:58 8 116 l5 SanfordC 7 Vernonlll.Cf-d-OvrellG.WhiteXosellG G Sep. 5-29Whe a J :57rt 29-10 118 1 BrownN 9 LittleFlora 112,Teal 115.TwinkIeStar 112 C Sep. 3-29Who a :5S ft 9-5 115 8 BrownN 9 Brown Rock 107.Basha 120.1IoleCard 113 0 Sep. 2-295Whe a 0 :57ft 23-5 116 5J BrownN 8 GnLocksllS.P.McDond 112,C.Chtersll5 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 11 2 0 1 $ 550 This year.. 2 Powder 1 OQ Br" s 7 by Under Fire Allegro, by Sain. Last work: 77 5-S 1:05ft J-Vt Trainer. R. Robertson. Owner, R. Robertson. See Saturdays eighth Wheeling chart. Apcl8-30Vhe 2 l:17sl 65 109 9 7 G75 52 WatsonR 9 CheckmalellS, PlezalllOO, HoatziullG C 3lacl5-305Hav lsl:41ft 10 103 8 G 553 3s WatsonR 9 Brigand 103,XonStop 103,L!oydBr"wn 103 G lUclS-SOIIav lj l:47ft 30 103 5 5 91115 WatsonR3 12 PeprShot 112,FairCatch lOl.XonStop 107 C 3IaclO-30IIav ljV l:47ft 12 103 5 6 71 72 WatsonR3 9 Cpanellal05.C-domirII.103,LyAmeurlOS G Mac 8-307Hav l50 l:41Vft 0 107 1 5 675 G WatsonR 7 Lady Violal02.Worthmanl07.FrCatch 102 C Mac 4-30IIav l50 1:43 ft 8 103 8 8 G5 535 WatsonR3 12 Charmaiuel02,SwtLuse 107.Peiueto 107 O FcU2S-30IIav 1; l:4Sft 8 105 5 3 33 455 WatsonR3 9 TryAgainlOS.Worthman 105,LadyEa 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .12 1 1 2 - $ S50 This year.. 17 0 1 1 $ 220 White Kose 1 f Q c y Campfire Elizabeth May, by Ormondale. Last work: 103 3-S :41hy J-Vt Trainer, F. Parks. Owner, Mrs. F. Parks. Apcl5-305Whe 65 f 1:23 ft Gl 113 8 8 S11 81 GuerraJ 10 VeraC. 107.Hoatzin 112,CapfnGilbertl0G O Oct 5-29cHag alls 2:0G m 41-10 115 5s MunozF 5 Starmatia 112,lmmolatorllG,SmSlicklll C Oct 3-29IIag a 11 2:33 hy 7 11G 63 MunozF 7 MissSandlOS.Sudcliffelll.C.-d-OvrellG O Oct l-:9sIIag 11:58 39 116 47 DominickJ 7 RivannallG.Aernon lll.Chef-dOvre 11G O Sep. G-29Whe l70 1:32 m 13 110 3 CarterT G S.sPal 102,K.on t.Kcysll2,SpgEditrllO 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .10 0 0 4 $ 105 This year. . 1 Betlllclieill, 1 HQ B" m 6 by -0n Watcl1 CUntonvIUe, by Transvaal. Last work: 103 1-2.... :53ft -U i Tranicr. A. II. Vivell. Owner, H. M. Dixon. Apr.l2-30Who" fj l:02ft 31 109 9 8 Si C3 JacksonC3 10 Buchonlll.BrdlbnelOO.A.n.Bnscrlll C Mae C-307J.P lje 1:19 ft 23 103512 4 455 58J QnbushG 12 ChickUp lOG.BcstBalanceOG.Cornbelt 111 0 Ftti.27-307F.G lj l:47ft 113 109 8 10 911 9 WlllardC9 11 FairFollyl07,Flsyllarel04,Dounatina 109 O Fckl9-303F.G lfa l:47ft 101 109 10 10 107 G75 QnbushG7 12 BlkbrylOO.DnatinalOa.ChattahcheelOl 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .17 1 2 1 $ 710 This year.. 5 Besom 1 ftQ " s by len Broom Perfection, by Ballot. W. lutz. W. J. Palmer. Last work: 85-3-4 1:22ft Trainer, Owner. See Saturdays eighth Wheeling chart. Apr.l5-30Who 6.. 1 1:24 ft 71 108 10 10 10,s 972 McDottT 10 KobertaL.99.Fill D. lOS.ArrowIIawk 10S O Apr.lO-303Unio Sl:03gd 3if 111 12 12 12"11" SeaboGs 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 O JIacl5-307St.J 1J2:14 m 31f 109 10 10 10610 McDmtT 10 LscWilsonlOG.Cfldential 102,McaralOG O Macl2-307St.J 15 l:57tt 49 109 8 8 717 7" McDottT3 8 Maxie 113, Webster 113, Wrackeen 113 O Fitx 4-30M!a 14 2:06 ft CO 110 S 10 11U1 Grnbcrgll3 tl SdorVquezBlollO.P.lieLndlOS.irialOS C Jan.29-30cMia 1J 1:51 ft 40 J09 2 2 55 55 LcnnicW3 7 MargatclOS.Blanco lOO.GnomcSecond 109 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .11 0 5 3 i 590 This year.. 12 Easy Money 1 HQ B s G by Johrcn Bonus. by Gold. Last work: 102 1-4... :2Gft J-Vt? Trainer. B. E. Rumage. Owner, B. E. Rumage. See Saturdays eighth Wheeling chart, Apr.lG-307Whe 1J 2:00m 1G-5 108 G 4 41 410 GoodlchE3 G Flapdoodtell3,GneSecondlOS,P.rrim 103 O Apcl2-305Wio lV l:51ft 85 103 8 5 G2 55 ColvinA7 8 StecnSixty 103,nkTrap HO.Wrfld 110 O Mac 9-30cIIav I0 l:43Jft 20 114 7 8 8"J SJ GonlesII 8 Minted 101, Drifter 109,FnkG.Mnke 113 O Mac 4-30IIav 31:11 ft 30 112 12 12 12112 StranskiC7 12 FrLegn HS.SshMk ll..Cdldollzr 113 O F.Ull-30IIav 2 l:15gd 20 111 11 11 1111" StranskiC3 11 MerryWindsorlOS.OnTrial 03,ShortyO.lll C May 6-297Aur 17 1:44 ft 74 103 6 8 S10 S33 MayT 8 Marabou 103,Red Leather lOS.Endor 103 0 Ape 9-29:Bow l, l:4Sft 3 112 8 9 7" 4 RoberfnA 9 Iraq 110. Polvo 112. Intrepid 115 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , : Starts. IsL 2nd. 3rd. Wor Last year.. 8 1 2 1 $ 1,275 This year.. 5 Clodomir II. 1 HQ B h 7 by Saint Just Cloche-dOr, by Chulo. Vt? Trainer. H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Apell-307Wlic ljff l:51ft 13 103 5 6 53 5J BoucherJ3 S Crnbelt 113,11kTrap lOO.BwnChief 111 0 Apr.l2-307Who lVs l:51ft 14 105 3 2 35 435 BoucherJ3 7 Laftar 103,ScyPolly llO.Referndum 110 O Jtac24-307dt.J 151:57Asl 103 10G 6 G 8" S17 BoucherJ7 9 Parolcll. lll.Margate 100. Fire On 116 O MaelS-SOniav ls0 l:43ft 4 103 2 1 35 3 BouchcrJ 10 S.adD.MnllO.LyAltbrlOO.WtihnrnlOS a MaelO-300IIav 1; l:47ft 8 105 2 3 4J 2 BoucherJ3 9 CpanellalOS.LadyAmeurlOS.WhmanlOG O Mac C-30IIav 31:14ft 8 107 0 8 755 G5 StranskiC3 12 NotGuiltyll2,Fl,marnol07.M,coJones 107 0 Mae l-30Ilav $ l:14ft 4 110 7 7 D35 0 DourtyF3 12 NotGuilty 103,1equeto lOO.P.eproducelOj O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 22 3 5 3 $ 2,090 This year.. 17 0 4 1 $ G70