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1 J r a I s s f 2 I 3 1 1 J 1 1 J j J 1 1 ; FAIRM0UNT DERBY ENTRIES J. N. Camden Names Sydney,. Ladrone and Winslow Fifteen Already on List. COLLINSVILLE, 111., April 19. J. N. Camden sent in three nominations for the Fair-mount Derby, which is to be run on May 24 at the Collinsville course. His three nominees Sydney, Ladrone and Winslow also are being pointed for the Kentucky Derby, which will be run a week before the Fairmount stake. Secretary Julius Reeder announces that he already has in hand some fifteen nominations for the Fairmount Derby, the list including Michigan Boy, winner of the Louisiana Derby ; Audley Farms Gallant Knight ; Reichert Brothers Wizardry; J. C. Ellis Playfellows Dream, second in the Florida Derby ; George Collins Thistle Ann ; J. G. Demarests By Product ; R. C. Stables Longus; Charlie Graffagninis Whileawaj; Harry Payne Whitneys Niato. Mose Goldblatt sent word that he would endeavor to have Mr. Whitney give permission to run Crazy Coot in the Fairmount Derby before returning East following the running of the Kentucky Derby. A concerted drive is being made for club house membership this season, Fairmount boasting of a beautiful club, which was erected three years ago at a cost of 50,000. As an added incentive for this membership a golf course has been specially constructed. The membership for club house with golfing privileges cost 00 use of the golf course being permitted the year around. Nine holes will be completed for play before opening day. The course is on the Fairmount property, adjacent to the track proper. General manager Robert S. Eddy, Jr., left this evening for Culver, Ind., to visit his two sons who are attending the Culver Military Institute. He will return to Collinsville on Tuesday. Horsemen, now racing at Havre de Grace and which have been assigned stable room at Fairmount, have informed secretary Reeder that they will ship on the conclusion of the Havre de Grace meeting. Horsemen at the course are taking advantage of the splendid weather being enjoyed here and have been exercising their charges during the afternoons. Several shipments are expected in today from New Orleans.