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j CODED INDEX For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 For Sale At All Newsstands and 20 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. COPY TAT NO MORE 51 COI?Y EPFNew Issue OutQ Be sure you receive the issue marked MERCURY EDITION If You See It in the Red Seal Turf Weekly, Its Official We State the Truth and Nothing But the Truth SATURDAYS SUPER PARLAY: INCEPTION 0.10, Won FULL DRESS . .6D, Won FRIDAYS SUPER PARLAY: BAKED APPLE 5.70, WON CHATTERING $ 6.10, WON Sensational information in this new issue. Buy one today. You cant go wrong. MONDAY SUPER PARLAY ! A REAL BIG DOUBLE Do Not Miss Mondays Big Super Parlay! PARLAY SHOUXD WIN AND PAY 50 FOR GO THE XIMITt If you want to cash on this sensational turf information purchase a copy of the BED SEAL TURF WEEKLY MERCURY EDITION, turn to pages 4 and 5 and act accordingly. THE LEADING TURF WEEKLY IN AMERICA, BAR NONE MONDAYS CODB nORSES: HAVRE DE GRACE Packard - 2- 5-2-20 HAVRE DE GRACE Buick-15-14-14-15 BUY THE MERCURY EDITION TODAY If your newsdealer cannot supply you, remit direct to this office. Single copy, . Office Open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. RED SEAL TURF WEEKLY 193 BROADWAY Suito 10021 NEW YORK CITY ! I RALTI3IORE It ACES COL. J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER Thirty Years Experience as Trainer, Clocker You can employ me to work for you. 5 for any ten days. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance. 1214 N. CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD. Important Announcement ! COL. WINLEY AND THE WHIP Two of the Leading Turf News Organizations in the Country Have Formed a Combine to Be Known as COL. WINLEYS WHIP Starting Saturday, April 26, 1930, a Weekly Book and a Daily Telephone Sheet will be placed on sale with leading newsdealers in the following cities: DETROITS TWO LEADING NEWSSTANDS: Dunn s Newsstand Park Newsstand Michigan and Shelby Streets, Woodward and Adams Streets, opposite Book-Cadillac Hotel at Grand Circus Park Cleveland Lexington Kansas City Cincinnati St. Louis Louisville Hamilton, O. Youngstown Toledo Chicago Omaha Columbus Dayton Akron and Indianapolis NEWSDEALERS ARE BEING APPOINTED TO ACT AS AGENTS IN . THE ABOVE CITIES BY OUR GENERAL AGENT, PARK NEWSSTAND, OF DETROIT Special Attention ! Mr. Follower Arrangements are being made to obtain the best turf information that money can secure. This information will be phoned to us at noon every day from several sources, and to assure the public of their worth connections have agreed t3 advertise their releases for the next 5 days, starting with Monday, April 21, info. The name of each source will be listed with their releases for the day. WATCH THIS PAPER EVERY DAY AND BE CONVINCED THAT COL. WINLEYS WHIP WILL WHIP THE BOOKMAKER FOR YOU gS Double Parlay Week X Beginning next Saturday, April 2G. we will have a SPECIAL. DOUBLE PARLAY WEEK. Starting Saturday, April 2G. to Saturday, May 3, inclusive, we will wire subscribers two distinct parlays each day for 7 days one parlay from Kentucky and one parlay from Maryland. Our price for this special Double Parlay Week service is only . Both Parlays Will Be Wired Daily on One Telegram For years the regular price of our daily ONE-HORSE WIRE FROM AXY ONE TRACK has been for six wires, but during this special Double Parlay Week subscribers receive two horses from Kentucky and two from Maryland each day for a week for ?5. Act quickly to get your subscription to us in time. You can send either by mail or wire, but SEND YOUR ADDRESS, WHERE WIRES WILD REACH YOU QUICKLY. Just send and say: Tor your special Double Parlay Week." THIS SPECIAL OFFER POSITIVELY EXPIRES SATURDAY, APRIL 2G GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Same name, same address for years. "We do not Issue daily sheets AC RPPPIUC A II or "tips" of any kind for sale through newsdealers. Dont get "stung." " C nHUul V C I VI MIL- SI SPECIALS AND OCCASIONAL IOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS and 20 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. TODAYS FREE CODE: LEXINGTON: Dunkirk-Lament-Lagoon-Human-Petard. Smart trick and ready to carry the bankroll. LOOK! SATURDAYS ADV. OCCASIONAL: Pagan Laddie, .16, Won And once again the Master Clocker crowd collected. TODAYS Occasional FAST AS LIGHTNING And word has been received to get down here for the very LIMIT. So, by all means, dont fail to get todays Master Clocker Occasional FOE SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS REWARD Hail me this ad and you will be rewarded with a free copy of "The Secret of Beating the Races." J. K. WILLIS 5122 N. W. 18th Ave. Miami, Fin. Cbcr 100 to 1 Irve It to you. UKAl rnLU THE MUTUELS EVERY DAT. Let mo show yon what I have found. Its new. L. C. WOODS Dept. 8C5 URBAN A, Illinois BillyKellys CODE BOOK NO. 452 KELLYS CODE FOR MONDAY: LEXINGTON V-40-5G-46-56. SATURDAYS CODE HORSE: PENNATE .00, WON A new book with new code published every Thursday. Price, Sold by your newsdealer or direct from William Burke Kelly 25 EAST CONGRESS STREET CHICAGO ILLINOIS A Racing System that picked 1,890 winners April 1, 1929, to March 01, 1930 12 months an average of 8 winners daily. This wonderful System can be had FREE. Write me now. RICH WILLIS, Dayton, Ky. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES riay horses that FIGURE to win. Accurate handicapping is simple when vou know how. There is no excuse for anyone not knowing how to handicap. Full particulars FREE no strings attached. Secure your free copy of "Pick Your Own "Winners." Learn to handicap and be a winner. Write TODAY E. J. BELL 10407 Clifton Blvd. Cleveland. Ohio Free Phone Results, Call Wabash 7000