Explanation of Daily Racing Form Past Performances, Daily Racing Form, 1931-05-28

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" EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES S BEST COMPANY AND WEIGHT «!? fe o Position .., »..« biRace — .- . CAHHIED t, a cnd Lcngtbi u " "* *" »hows horse wob. bent eom- £ § t g «3 Behind Win- •« J P»nj is second, third and fourth horses. * « *» £*• j t« Kof Uotie g 8"C5 It aecond, best company is first, 5S ["J • «o J;£ j, «S K0* third aDd t°urtn horses. % S •"* 5 *S 1 „tt 1 1 "| *S ° If thlrd best fompany «• «"t, « ■ 2 m 5 J f 1 £| I 1 1 * * if 1 « •econd «nd to»Tth hor«ea. f oS 3S Jj g J? "S ra * « t I? £* » " unplaced, best company to first. 5 V. h Oho U £• k a c m °. h ho 5 second and third horses. Fehl3 31«F.G 14 1:55%** 49 110 1 11 10" 10 HornG* 1500 12 HySchdrllO.CollCp sl05,SnSwty 105

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931052801/drf1931052801_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1931052801_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800