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- tt-t ; . . ; . - Jw ORKOUTS I yBdWC jiftC yffijjft at left of horses name is last workout of horse. Letters following time iDate indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up., t - : --4 TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track- sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 1-5 Chris. Pascn :43 b 1-6 Pollys Folly. :40 b 1-6 Crysl Prince :37h Princs Elsie :41 b 1-7 Griego :45 b Trsformtin :37h One-Half Mile. 12-10 Buty Secret. :57 b 1-7 Mai Moza... :56 b 1-6 Catalog..... :52h 1-7 Prince Reno. :55h 1-7 Don Benito.. :54 h 1-3 Sallys Hour. :52 b 1-10 Double Cheer :54 b 1-11 Tony Joe :50b 12-14 Dar-Fur ..... :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-2 Bunthorne ..1:11 b 12-9 Estin l:05h 1-9 Durva .....1:08 b 1-7 Finland ....1:11 b 11- 28 Diodoro ....1:07 b 12-27 Golden Light.l:10h 12- 29 Donna Dear.l:07 h 1-8 M. Kennedy.l:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 12-30 Blush. Mdnl:20b 1-5 Ms N. Cnlnl:24 h 12-23 Don T .1:23 h 1-11 Mrge Collinsl:23b 1-9 Ed Reese... .1:27 h 1-1 Nl Kuhlmanl:24 h 1-11 Gold Handle. 1:29 b 1-11 T. Rochesterl:24h 1-7 Lunacy ....1:24 h - . One Mile 1-5 Pot Full.... 1:49 h Nothing worthy of comment. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 1-8 Anny J...... :39 h 12-21 Jean Desaiblo :41 b 1-6 Big Blue:... :39h 9 23 Michign Girl :42h 1-8 Beauty Bride :36 h 1-10 Otilla ...... :39 h 1-10 Blk Patricia :40b 1-8 Surpass . :38h 1-9 Bachelor Hal :38h 12-6 Sistony :41 h 1-10 Englewood . :43 b One-Half Mile. 1-9 Claret :54 h 1-10 My Hobby. . . :51h 1-11 Circus Pradc :53h 1-9 Rivet . :52 h 1-3 French Lad. . :55 h 12-30 Robo? :54 h 1-9 Guide Left.. :54 h l-10Trudgeon .. :53 h 1-10 Must Hurry. :53h 1-11 T; Show. Off . :57b 1-5 Metallurgist. 2 h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-7 Bide a Wee. 1:08 b 1-3 Paldomar ...l:08h 12-16 Cams Caprsl:06h 1-11 Pietro . ... . . .l:08h 1-3 Essare 1:07 b 1-4 Sun Thorn. .l:09h Huraway ...l:08h 1-6 Stephanito ..1:05h 1-2 Hold Hard..l:05h 1-9 Stidd ..1:09 b 1-9 Little Toots. 1:09 b 1-11 Sir Melton. .l:08h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-8 Bay Bloom.. 1:21 b 12-15 Niblick 1:22 h 1-9 Babble 122h 1-9 Orloff ...... .122 h 1-9 Chimny SwplSl b 1-7 Peasant Maidl:22h 1-4 Graphite ...122 h 1-9 Quando ....l:18h 1-11 Helens Pridel:23h 1-11 Qtre Brs II.l:22h 1-7 Hoops .l:18h 1-1 Sandwrack .l:18h 1-9 Jimmy Morinl:21b 1-9 Sargasso ...1:23 h 1-9 Jack Murphyl:22h 1-11 Texas Knightl:22h 12-26 Ls Morrymnl:23h 1-11 Vestal Maid.l:23h 1-9 Makanda ...l:20h 1-9 Vanity Case.l:18h Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-3 Charlie Bills.l:42b 1-7 Little Pan... l:33h 1-9 High Storm.l:37b 1-9 Spanish, Playl:35b "1-9 Juxtapositn 1:35 h -One Mile. 1-9 Stronghcart .l:51b TROPICAL PARK. , Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. e 1-7 Big Leaguer. :38h 1-7 Dodie ...... :39h I- 6 Blue Nile.... :38h Jean Broun. :38 h Bright Monk :39h 1-7 Pncess Vale :38h 1-6 Denny C... :39h 1-11 Yargce ..... :38h One-Half Mile. 12-16 Maunaolu .. :52h . Winnie C.. . . :54h 1-2 Pretty Penny :53 h 1-8 Zambar . . . . :54h 1-5 Sir Alvvingtn :55 h Three-Quarters Mile. 12-23 Francock . . .l:18h 1-9 Stelvio .... .1:21 h 1-3 Jimmie C."...l:18h 12-28 Sour Mash..l:16h 1-9 Observation .l:2lh . HAVANA. , Weather clear; track fast - One-Quarter Mile. 1-9 Athol ....... :26 1-10 Jaz Pearl.:.. :25 1-8 Birdie-Wrack... :28 1-10 Spectacular . . :25 1-9 Cabaret :24 12-30 Trapperman. . :26 9-7 Jodhpur :25 Three-Eiahths Mile. " 1-8 "Best Maifou.. :42 1-9 Lancer ...... :40 1-7 Black Knight. :38 1-7 Mexican D. ... :36 1-8 Barston ..... :37 1-10 Pere Noel.... :36 Beau Aspin.. :35 1-7 Pomfret ..... :41 1-8 Carloman .... :36 1-9 Princss Zelda :38 1-10 Early Amcan. :40 12-19 Regina H :40 1-8 Fair Vagary. . :39 1-9 Ray Ruddy. . . :39 1-9 Hy Title..... :39 1-5 Stefans Lass. . :36 1-2 Heilbroun ... :38 1-7 Sun Dance... :37 1-8 Juno Bride... :39 1-8 Union W. :37 1-10 Justa Shade. . :40 Valley V :3614 One-Half Mile 12-20 Blackstrap .. :54 1-10 Ma Sun :51 1-10 Dolesia -54 1-7 Mming Pines :51 1-9 Floria Zel.... :56 12-22 Our Sis....... :52 1-8 Inarage :48 12-28 Quorum :53 II- 24 Mueller :51 1-9 Torchfire .... :50 Five-Eighths Mile. 10- 14 Betty Ann.... 1:07 12-18 Miracle 1:08 1-8 Black Signal. 1:01 12-28 McWiggle ....1:05 1-7 Camp Parole. .1:07 12-19 Step Sis 1:03 1-9 Consummationl:02 12-20 Sweep-Net . . .1:06 1-10 General Courtl:03 12-31 Trappy 1:18 1-10 Innisfail .....1:11 1-10 White Basket.l:03 12-31 In Command. 1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-9 Burning Up. .1:17 1-6 Indiazen 1:16 1-10 Bad Axe 1:19 1-9 John F 1:19 1-9 Captain J. S..l:14 1-9 Norwalk 1:18 11- 27 Fndatn Stonel:23 1-8 Shasta Plum.l:20 1-9 Gay Party.... 1:18 1-5 Ulverston ...1:15 1-9 Gun Man 1:19 1-7 Westys Fox. .1:18 12- 28 Goldn Sandalsl:21 1-9 Winter Play. .1:16 1-9 Hal Dale 1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Brit Spangle.l:31 1-10 Kadiak ......1:34 1-8 First Mission.. 1:34 1-5 Switch 1:34 12-22 Jack Biener. .1:35 One Mile. 1-10 Baked Apple. .1:47 12-28 Regusted ....1:44 1-5 Dave Miller... 1:47 1-9 Thunderstruckl:43 1-9 Good Jest.... 1:46 1-9 William J 1:47 l-10Hernan Cortesl:47 1-9 Water Port... 1:45 1-7 Monkjr Shinel:44 HIALEAH. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Bleak :37 h 1-8 Mr. Dick.... :37 h 12-28 Coady :37 h 1-7 On Sir...... :36h 1-8 Cholla ..... :36b 12-27 Peach Rose.. :39 b 1-9 Dear Duff. . . :36h 1-7 Pancho Lopez :39" h 1-7 Don Romano :38 h 1-9 Rocktor .... :37h 1-9 Evelyn Barr. :40 h 11-23 Spanish Flirt :35 h 1-9 EI Puma.... :37h 1-2 Song Hit.... :40 b 1-9 Floor Walker :38 h 1-10 Trombone , . :36h 1-9 Forgetnotme :38 h 1-9 The Heathen :37 h 1-9 Lucky Racket :37h One-Half Mile. 1-10 Afro Amcan :53 b 1-9 La Goldrina :49h 1-5 Brush :50h 1-9 Mike Carey.. :47h 1-10 Celsus :49b 1-5 My Purchase :49h 1-5 Chas. Clarke :53 b 1-10 My Sin :50 b 1-7 Dedicate .... :48h 1-7 Night Edition :50h 1-10 Ellanglock . -. :52 h 1-7 Outburst ... :51 h 1-10 Fabricate ... :53 h 1-8 Silver Lake. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Brilliant Budl:06 h 1-8 K. Comnderl:01h 1-10 Briquet ....1:06 h 1-10 Little Amca.l:06 H 1-9 Bway Lightsl:00 h 1-9 Morden 1:04 h 1-9 Chf Exutivel:01h 1-10 Mare ve .....l:01h 1-5 Calf Roper.. l:01h 1-10 Native Wit.. 1:06 h 1-10 Curiosy Shpl:06 h 1-10 Nansen l:01h 1-9 Dyak l:02h 1-9 Nardo lKlh 1-9 Espinaca ...l:05h 1-6 Sonnelli ....l:00h 1-9 Flying Heels. 1:02 b 1-10 Sideshow .. .1:06 h 1-2 For Play.... 1:03 h 1-5 Teach .Me.,. l:03h Jungle Dawnl:04h Three-Quarters Mile.-1-9 Apple Cart..l:14h 1-9 Negopoli ,...1:21 b 1-8 Bacciocco ..1:15 h 1-9 Oil Queen... 1:17 h 1-10 Common ...l:15h 1-9 Playfole ....1:20 b 1-9 Clean PIay..l:15h 1-7 Pennate ....1-J.5h 1-9 Chkerberry l:16h 1-9 Raccoon ....l:14h 1-lOChicsu .....l:26b 1-7 River Lee... 1:21 h 1-llChatford ...1:16 h 1-9 Sun Shadow. 1:19 h 1-9 Dunrode ...1:14 h 1-8 Strategy i..l:15h 1-10 Evening l:15h 1-9 Stretcher .1:22 h 1-5 Foreign Play.l:16 h 1-9 Spunky 121 h 1-9 Glenside ....l:15h 1-9 Thursday ...l:26h 1-9 Helianthus .1:14 h 1-9 Tlieatrical ..1:18 h 1-11 Ill Get By. .1:18 b 1-11 The Gen.... 1:1? h 1-9 Knowlton ..1:15 h 1-9 Tom .......1:18 b 1-lOMordrom ...l:16h 1-8 Unencumbd 1:17 h 1-9 Martinelli ..1:19 b 1-9 Westys Lad.l:17h 1-9 Mig. A. Srezl:20 b 1-6 Westko .....l:25h 1-9 Mgrite Starl:18 b 1-9 AVild Cress. .1:18 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Blue Arab... l:31h 1-7 Leros 19 h 1-10 Blackmock .l:28b -1-8 Sunfire .....1:29 h 1-8 Flg Brigade.l:29 h 1-11 Torcalong ..1:31 h 1-9 Fair BIanchel:33 h 1-7 Wisecrack ..l:31h 1-11 Haramzada .l:30h One Mile.. 1-9 Cstockory .1:47 h 1-9 Pfelws Dml:46h 1-ll Cabildo 1:48 h 1-9 Royal Ruffnl:41 h 1-9 Dr. Syntax. .l:42h 1-9 Stellanova . .1:43 h 1-9 Fervid 1:44 h T-10 Sam Pass... 1:52 b 1-9 Iron Czar... 1:44 h 1-9 Star Crest:.. 1:45 h 1-9 Impish .....1:45 h 1-7 Voila A-Ab AGUA CALIENTE. Weather drizzly; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. ;12-7 Alma Borland :38 e 10-16 Liolele :37 c 1-5 Clarabel A... :38 b 12-1 Marv Bane.. :38b . 1-9 Dealer :37b Pariganath. .. :36h. 1-8 Diggins .... :37e 1-7 Royal Dlton :35h 1-10 Frqnt Man... :36h 12-30 Senator Seth :37e Gailmont . .. :36h 10-6 5antoyette . :36h Gold Book. . .:37e 12-17 Shortv O.... :37h 12-30 Hpy Fellow. :38b 1-8 Wn Soldier. :36h 1-9 Jaz Pal :37e N One-Half Mile 18 Brown Bank :49h 1-9 My Own Lad :51 b 12-29 Boocap :49h l-10Ormonds Py :51 b 1-8 Golden M.... :50 e 12-28 Peenzio Belle :51 b 12-23 Dosjardines . :50 b 1-9 Pawn :51 e i2-30Durango .... :50o 12-5 Question H.. :49h 1-3 Evelena :49h 1-8 Runshot ... :50e 1-7 Maxie Binder :50 e 1-6 Wild Bella.. :51 b -1-10 Mild ....... :49e Five-Eighths Mile. 1-6 Beth Hogan.l:02h 1-9 Houseboy ..l:02h 1-7 Dacite l:02e 1-10 John Bane. .1:03 h -1-9 Fleeting Firel:01h 12-8 North Yprcs.l:02d 12-31 Fair Boy.... 1:03 e 12-26 Patuxant ...1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-7 By Wire....l:16h 1-10 Mucker ....l:16h 1-6 Dutch Boy..l:16h 1-10 Night Patroll:16 h 1-9 Irfanch ....1:19 b 1-5 Sure Hills. . .l:17e 1-9 Klair ..... .l:16h 1-8 Umpire 1:21 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Belgian Lassl:30h One Mile. 1-9 Brownie Slel:46 c 1-8 Shasta Monkl:45 h 1-8 Fcis Seymrl:47 e