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BEATEN BY A TOUGH BREAK YESTERDAYS HORSES: JACK CAMPBELL .40, WON SPECIAL BURGOO Won Disqualified Mondays Parlay WON PAID LIMIT ODDS "YOU CAN BEAT 100-1 PARLAY TODAY" m by just making a parlay on my two horses today that positively should win, as my connections are down for a big chunk on both WIN ONLY. BOTH WILL PAY PLENTYV Terms, for Todays Parlay Chicago players, call at my "office and see me personally or phone DEARBORN 1876. Out-of-town players, rush for parlay. JEFF GRAY 89 N. CLARK ST., SUITE 203 CHICAGO, ILL.. p i j II J 1 aR Baa B MB 1W 1 WW flM l M B Bi 0 BBB B 0 0 WMi!! BBB IT 1 Tl 0 BBB U WM 11 m i M-IJ1 11 m IB "T I Do Y-O-U 6et j Full Value Out of Your j Daily Racing Form? ! If Not, the Reason May Be That You Do Not j Take Advantage of the Many Valuable j Features Found Only in the Worlds J j Greatest Racing Paper J For Instance, Do YOU Clip Out the Charts of Races on Various Tracks? I By All Means Every Reader of Daily Racing j ! Form Should Clip Out the Charts J j of Races Every Day j j These charts should he pasted in the ordinary j j stenographers notebook in the order of index numbers j ! shown at the top of each race. With the aid of these j J marvelous index numbers an exclusive feature of Daily , ! Racing Form, you are enabled to trace back every race j which any horse may have run on any recognized track j j in this country, Canada, Mexico or Cuba. j s j By This Method You Have a Ready and Handy j Reference to the Most Recent Races j J of Any Horse Starting j I You also have the complete charts of these races 1 j before you without any loss of time or inconvenience. j j This is the method employed by the various handicap- J pers on the staff of Daily Racing Form, as well as many j j . old-time readers, who have found these clipped charts j j of great value in scanning the most recent performances j I of any particular horse appearing in the days entries. j j The Usual Procedure Is to Keep These Clipped j J Charts Until a Few Days After the I j First of Each Month 1 I You may then discard them for the Monthly Form, j J the neatly printed boolk containing the charts of all the j J races run during the entire month with alphabetical j index of every horse starting from January 1 of the j j current year. The Monthly Form Book is highly praised j j by competent turf critics and is extremely low priced j AT .50 THE COPY I Other Valuable Information in Daily Racing J Form Which It Is Advisable to Preserve for Reference Are the Workouts J J and the Scratches 1 ! The workouts are indexed in a similar manner to f j the charts and by this process the reader may refer to j j any previous training gallop by keeping a file of these I j workouts, merely clipping them out of Daily Racing J j Form in the same manner as the charts. The same pro- j cedure may be used with regard to the scratches. f ABOVE ARE JUST A FEW HINTS HOW YOU MAY GET FULL VALUE OUT OF DAILY RACING FORM mm ii am ii ii u in in ci unauH axoBnommQmmQmmomcmmQmmoH3mmammammammomBQmQmmijmmawmim S