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I I Phil Blair -. WHAT A SWEET PARLAY IT WAS! STRIDEAWAY 6.20, WON JUSTINIAN 3.20, WON YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BARGELLO ...LOST HERENDEEN LOST Sir-Chance of a Lifetime Todays BOTH HORSES ARE HANDLED by shrewd horseman and are the MEDIUM of a GIGANTIC CLEANUP. PRICES WILL BE PLENTY. GET YOURS . TERMS, DAILY - CALL IN PERSON or PHONE HARRISON 8528. We will send messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 20 W. JACKSON Suite 1414 CHICAGO. ILL. T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE. LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting Mr DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY-W2 The two horses you receive are thand horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: SAZERAC :, r .40, WON SPANISH PLAY . . . , . .00, WON WIN OR LOSE, PRICES -BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. SPBIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY-fKi DfT Subscribe Today Receive These Two Good Things Subscribe! Subscribe! -Tp WWe have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. IT SUBSCRIBE FOR. TODAYS BIG PARLAY 0 TO DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING A BIG BET TODAY - Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the parlay by fast. wire. No waiting. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. "NEWWSKPMSS 145 W. 45th Street, Room 1107, Bryant 9-2761 New York City NEW ILLUSTRATED 12-PAGE EDITION COMING WINNERS ALL STANDS TODAY PRICE, 15 CENTS ALL OVER THE WORLD Contains the famous LAWTON RATINGS, supreme for 28 years. Biggest success ever scored by a racing weekly. A sell-out in the big cities of the United States and Canada. Now in its eighth big successful year. Are you reading it? GO TO THE NEAREST STAND AND BUY IT NOW! THE NEW YORK PRESS DE LUXE SPECIALS are the last word in RELIABLE TURF INFORMATION. They consist of STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY at the very nominal cost of PER DAY. YESTERDAYS DE LUXE SPECIALS: BROOKSIE 5.50, .40, 3RD DOWNPOUR See 6th Race Fair Grounds MONDAYS DE LUXE SPECIALS: SHORT STORY 7.80, WON LOYAL LOUIE 3.40, WON WINTER RACING SERVICE GOING BIG TOUGH GAME, BEATING THE HORSES You have probably found it so and, as a general principle, "all horse players must die broke." The Tnan who beats the races, hits and runs. He doesnt play every race every day. It isnt in the cards to beat them all. BUT THERE ARE SPOTS ! ! Smart men, successful players, men that wind up the year on the winning side, wait for spots. If you are beating the races, you need no help. If you are floundering on "the sea like a ship without a rudder you need a guiding star. While THE NEW YORK PRESS racing staff promises you nothing except a square, honest deal, we feel that we can aid you. Our dockers and correspondents are at the winter tracks and wire us daily. TWO HORSES ONLY THE NEW YORK PRESS DE LUXE SPECIALS TERMS: DAILY BY TELEGRAM OR IN PERSON Telegraph your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address, THE NEW YORK PRESS DE LUXE SERVICE 145 West 45th St., Room 1107 New York City, N. Y. M M Yt IV IX IV 58 PER CENT WINNERS 16 NET PROFIT FIRST FOURTEEN DAYS AT FAIR GROUNDS Billy Kellys KELLY KODE KARD releases gave his followers at Fair Grounds a neat profit during the first 14 racing days of the meeting. Out of the 14 releases at Fair Grounds, 2 were scratched, leaving 12 to go to the post. Seven of the 12 won, or slightly better than 58 per cent. This is the ype of service you need. No costly telegrams or telephone calls; no delays. Kelly Kode Kards regularly priced at each are sold now for only , while an introductory offer lasts. Kelly Kode releases are made daily in Kelly ads published by leading racing dailies all over the country. The releases are made in code and may be deciphered by users of Kelly Kode Kards. WEDNESDAYS KELLY RELEASES: FAIR GROUNDS E-6-16-24-3. HIALEAH A-23-4-24-20. TUESDAYS KELLY HIALEAH RELEASE: GRIFFIN .00, WON RUSH YOUR ORDER NOW JUST MAIL TO WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. BILLY KELLYS LAST-MINUTE-SERVICE ONE HORSE DAILY The last word in turf information. In addition to his two coded releases daily for followers of Kelly Kode Kard, Billy Kelly has decided to expand his private last-miriute service by wire. A limited number of new clients will be added at the regular price of S5 WEEKLY Big betting transactions often leak out just a few hours before post time. Also "good things" planned far in advance often go wrong the day of the race when a dangerous horse turns up. These factors make a late information service valuable. Billy Kelly has connections at all major tracks. He learns what is going on. He offers you the latest in racing information for only 5 weekly. His.bne-horso daily will be sent to you by fast telegram. Wire Subscriptions to William Burke Kelly at? Above Address MASTER CLOCKER WEDNESDAYS FREE CODES: FAIR GROUNDS: Buffalo-Level-Launch-Honor-Human. HIALEAH: Albany-Niche-Flora-Hedge-Jewel. C. C. Curtis YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: SQUEEZE PLAY 1.80, WON DEXTRO .60, WON FINAL AND POSITIVE O. K. TODAY WIN 00 FOR TODAYS TWO HORSES are fit, fast and ready. All interested will WIN PLENTY as PRICES will be 10 OR 12 TO 1 EACH. Terms Daily CALL IN PERSON or PHONE DEARBORN 1489 and I will send messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire S3. 155 N. CLARK SUITE 513 CHICAGO, ILL. Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Expert CARMACS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: HIALEAH One-14-54. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: FAIR GROUNDS Three-18-29. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 13 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE WorldsGreatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL ONLY BY PAYING FOR THE BEST CAN ONE RECEIVE IT Our information is reliable. Send us your telegraph money order for 10 for our daily transaction and be convinced. VAIL : 509 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. V. FREE 100 TO 1 I prove It to yon. Beat the mntnels every day. Mention "Double Keys." Let me show you what I have found. ITS HEW. X. C. WOODS, Dejt. 865, Urban, HI. DAILY TELEG.H The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents BASSETTS MONDAY FAIR GROUNDS SPECIAL: ERIN GO BRAGH 0.00 Place, 9.00 Show STRIDEAWAY McCartys Good Odds Tip at Fair Grounds .6.20, WON JUSTINIAN McCartys Good Odds Tip at Fair Grounds 13.20, WON DOUBLE HEART Regrens Hraleah Park Special 6.00, WON WHAT HAVE YOU Regrens Best Bet 4.80, WON PRINCE TOKALON Regrens Hialeah Park Standout . 7.10, WON PRINCE TOKALON WAS A FREE CODE WINNER. These horses are producing profits every day for those who follow the code as given regularly in this advertisement. r i-jf . Wednesdays Free Codes: :. FAIR GROUNDS: Fred-6-21-2. HlALEAH TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail FINAL WORD 50 Cents Daily Parlay on All Stands TODAYS DE LUXE BUDDY DOUBLE: F. G. Yellow-7-20-4. F. G. Green-8-24-12. NOTICE Chance of a Lifetime! I will put you next to a little racing secret that will place you above want as long as you live. Write- T, SEC0R Box B Aurora, Illinois NEW SYSTEM m 5 PER WEEK net profit on 81 flat bets. Will send it to you for trial. Pay later if satisfied. CHICAGO SYSTEM EXCHANGE P.O.Box 466 Dept. 55 Chicago. Illinois SUPREME FLASH TODAYS FREE CODE: FAIR GROUNDS J an. -21-1 9-8-7. CLOCKERS REVIEW Todays Free Code: Miami Black-17-34. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: Fair Grounds Tan-26-1?. Miami Eed-14-18. CROMWELL rt- TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: F. G . H oof-24-25-1 9-23; F. G. Slow-20-18. Subscribe for Daily "Racing Form J. J. LEWIS FAMOUS TURFMAN - AND AGAIN WE WON YESTERDAYS PARLAY: SQUEEZE PLAY 1180, WON SPANISH PLAY $ 8.00, WON MONDAYS WIN PARLAY: LOYAL LOUIE 3.40, WON JUSTINIAN 3.20, WON Todays two horses should win breezing and pay a nice price. My clients urge a win parlay only. Dont fail to subscribe for todays two winners. Reduced Terms, "Daily City clients may call in person or phone RANDOLPH 8781. Out-of-town players, telegraph your and you will get parlay by fast wire. J.J. LEWIS , Suite 1010, 64 W. Randolph Street Chicago, III. Garrick Theatre Bldg. THE THUNDERBOLT Todays Free Code: HIALEAH Colcnels-16-75-18-46. Todays Editors Cods Farlay: Hialeah Jini-39-41-25-12. Hialeah Frank-39-18-59-53. Todays Editors Code: HIALEAH Harry-H-36-70.31. For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000