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NOTE Date at left of horses name Is last previous workout of horse. Letters following time indie te: b breezing; d driving; e easily; h handily; o all out; u eased up. . , i I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 ST. JOHNS PARK. .Weather rainy; track sloppy Tnree-Eighths Mile. 317 Bo Ballot... :39 h 3-12 Golden Hue..:39h 3-20 Caerloon . . . :35h 2-25 Sobieha .... :38h 3-20Guffle :40 h 3-8 Tuffy Doe... :39h 1- 3 Gold Star... :37h 3-9 Westys Lad.. :39h 3-9 General A... :39 h One-Half Mile. 3-16Dunrode ... :55 b 3-20 P tic License :54h 3-22 Danger Zone -AandAh 3-22 Toy Town... :53 h 3-20 Laga :49d 3-11 Try Mack... :52 h 3-21 Norman :54 h 3-18 Tantalizing . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-16Dble Heart.l:03 h 3-21 Panetian ...1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-13 Corbeau ....l:19h 2-9 Full Swing. .1:23 h 2- 28Chianti 125 h 2-25 Kavanaugh .1:22 h 3- 14 Deserve ...,l:23h 3-14 Sun Teatime.l:21 b AGUA CALIENTE. .Weather clear; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 3-16 Aggressor ..:38 b 2-10 Pollys Boy.. :39b 3-17Fleetg Fire. :36h 3-18 Parawick ... :36h 3-14 Lottabother . :38 b One-Half Mile. 3-20Chat Eagle.. :49h 3-21 Miss Susan.. -.51 b 3-17 Capn Dangr :52 b 3-16 McGonigle . . :49e 3-14Captn Fried :49 h 2-29 Question H.. :50h 3-21 Dixie Binder :49h 3-20 Taches :52 b 3-9 Dolly Bay... -50 e 3-17 Trinket .... :53 b 3-17Genl Hebert 2 b 3-18 Watermark , :50e 2- 12Genl Blaze.. :50 e Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 21 Breakaway .lK5b 3-16 On Edge.... 1:03 h 3-14 Bwn Masterl:03h 3-16 Seths Hope.l:03M;e 3-15 K.-M.-Gme 1:07 b 3-17 Torch 1:09 b I- 19Nisia 1:09 b 3-11 Wood Fay. . .1:04 b Our Joan 1:04 e Three-Quarters Mile. 3-18Chiclero ....1:16 h 3-14 Jaz Pal 121 b 3-llErvast 121 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-16Parnell Boy.l:30h One Mile. 321 Sure Hills... 1:46 e TANFORAN. .Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. J2-21 Aunt Peggy. :39 h 12-25 Q. OScotch. :39andh Brie Oliver. :41h 12-28 Royal Duke. :39 h 12-13 Cherry Flip. :38h 3-21 Sam Gilmore :38 b 12-17 Dlin Hills.. :39h 12-23 Serra ....... :38d 12-25 El Galivan.. :39b Shekas Best :40 h 12-23 Fgn Relans :41 h Tunlaw .... :36h 11- llJay Walker. :43 b 11-7 War Glow... :37b 12- 14 One Cent. . . ":40b War Shot... :37b 11- 21 Prince Volta. :39b 1-2 Welcker .... :40b One-Half Mile. 12- 2 Cali G :50b 11-19 Marymede .. :52ih 3-21 Celtic Queen :51d 3-17 Paige :574ie 12-19 Fly Wood... :51d 12-25 Richu :57b 12-31 Favorit II... :52 b 12-7 Sedreg :53 b 12-24 Gden State. :50h Sper to Ser :51b 12-31 Lamp Black. :50b 12-9 Sweet Cargo. :52h II- 15 Leader :584ie 12-25 Tkle "Star. . . :53 h 12-9 Mie Mdows :52e Five-Eighths Mile. 12-14 Bright Hopesl:06 e 12-30 Ltle Toney.l:06b Dude Rcherl:06h Msion Inn..l:05b 12-28 Epco 1:05 h 3-21 Nanice ...... l:06e 3-21 Golden Sun.l:06 h 11-22 Ruthie lK54ih 12-9 Helen F lK4d 12-19 School Hills. l:03d 12-7 In the Eye. .l:08b War Light... l:04b 3-21 Irish Spree. .lMe Three-Quarters Mile. 12-19 Chazzan ...l:21h Gwanna ...,l:19e 12-22 Coalizer 1:20 b 12-13 Ormonbird .1:19 b 12-30 De Swascy..l:17 h 12-30 Rasper 1:19 b One Mile. 12-31 Anaesthetic .1:49 h 12-17 Suitor 1:47 e 11-1 Deposition .1:49 h 12-22 Wirt G. Banl:47 e