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M IW IF TV TV TV 52 PER CENT WINNERS 79 NET PROFIT FOR 11 RACING DAYS Billy Kellys Kode Kard Releases Gave His Followers a Neat Profit of 79.00 for the Last Eleven Racing Days Ending March 23 This profit is based on a 0 flat play. Out ofthe twenty-one releases ten won, one ran second, six third, two unplaced and two scratched. A showing of 89 per cent releases in the money. I This is the type of information service you need. No costly telegrams or phone calls, j NO DELAY. Kelly Kode Kards regularly priced at each are now being sold at SI each. j KELLY KODE KARD IS GOOD FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE The following were released in code in all leading racing publications throughout the country for the last eleven days: MOROCCO .-...$ 3.60, WON FORT WORTH Ran Second BAGIEL 15.50, WON J BABY BLUE $ 4.80, WON FAIR BILL Ran Third S ROAN ANTELOPE Lost TIGER FLOWERS Lost j WRACK ROYAL 7.10, WON MARLENE Ran Third j BUNTING LAD 3.80, WON GLENSIDE Ran Third LAWYER Ran Third RAVE . ..Scratched I MONTANARO 6.60, WON MARLENE Ran Third j CLICK 5.00, WON JACK BERRY Ran Third I JACK HOWE 37.50, WON LA FERIA 4.00, WON I ORKIN 5.90, WON MEXICO ....Scratched Kelly releases are made daily in Kelly ads published by leading racing dailies all over the country. The releases are made in code and may be deciphered by use of Kelly Kode Kard. Fridays Kelly Releases: ST. JOHNS C-21 -1-25-62. AGUA C AL I ENT E C-1 7-24-1 7-24. JUST MAIL TO WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. BILLY KELLYS LAST-MINUTE SERVICE ONE HORSE DAILY V The last word in turf information. In addition to his two coded releases daily for followers of Kelly Kode Kard, Billy Kelly has decided to expand his private last-minute service by wire. A limited number of new clients will be added at the regular price of WEEKLY Big betting transactions often leak out just a few hours before post time. Also "good things" planned far in advance often go wrong the day of the race when a dangerous horse turns up. These factors make a late information service valuable. Billy Kelly has connections at all major tracks. He learns what is going on. He offers you the latest in racing information for only 5 weekly. His one-horse daily will be sent to you by fast telegram. Wire Subscriptions to William Burke Kelly at Above Address T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN SUBSCRIBERS NO WAITING EPF Daily Strictly Two Horses Daily-US The two horses you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: MEANY m $.7.10, .30, 2ND HYPOLUXQ LOST WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. 5PF-Big 0 to Win Parlay Goes Today PE Subscribe Today Receive These Two Good Things Subscribe! Subscribe! We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. , W SUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG PARLAY 0 TO SW DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING A BIG BET TODAY m Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the parlay by fast wire. No waiting. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cent FOUR OUT OF FIVE REGREN STANDOUTS WIN The last three that went to the post came through on the nose, two at Agua Caliente and one at St. Johns. Wednesday BOTH STANDOUTS WON TOM PROCTOR, .00, and MOROCCO, .60. BOZO, Regrens Best Bet .60, WON MOROCCO, Free Code Special 3.60, WON CHIEFS CAMILLE, McCarty Tip 7.20, WON GIBBYS CHOICE, Bassett Tip 5.70, WON PRINCETON, Bassett Tip 5.20, WON FRED AYS FREE CODES: ST. JOHNS PARK JIm-21-9-3. ST. JOHNS PARK Paul-10-23-24. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail .Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ST. JOHNS Five-18-6. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ST. JOHNS Seven-51-43. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MARCH 19 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. I FREE CODE TODAY I ST. JOHNS 5th Tail-Stand-Rate. CAN YOU PICK "WINNERS? READ ?25 CASH PRIZE CONTEST M See Turf News Syndicate A HERETOFORE UNHEARD OF OPPORTUNITY Big profits derived from playing the races are made only by those who are in a position to receive expert advice. You are invited to share in a turf counsel the same as your bank or broker invites queries regarding your proposed investments; If you desire a steady income and are qualified to make a substantial investment write or call at our . offices for consultation and complete details of this distinguished turf investment counsel. We have openings for a fey intelligent and reputable men of good character TURF NEWS SYNDICATE SUITE 322, 127 N. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE Chance of a Lifetime ! Itvill putyou next to a little racingsecret that will place you above want as long as you live. Write- T, SECOR Aurora, Illinois READ CAREFULLY. A new discovery that really beats the races. The blffgest sensation yet. Send for full details and list ol winners this year. It will open your eyes I MID WEST PUB. CO. MONTGOMERY, ILLINOIS CLOCKERS REVIEW Todays Free Code: ST. JOHNS Red-14-18. TODAYS BRADY SPECIAL: ST. JOHNS Corn-17-22. CROMWELL TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: IT. JOHNS Mud-8-3. ST. JOHNS Saddle-11-8. SUFRE3D3 FLASH Todays Free Code: ST. JOHNS June-2-22-10-17. TODAYS PARLAY: ; ST. JOHNS Plane-36-1. ST. JOHNS FieId-44-38. . MASTER CLOCKER NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FRIDAYS FREE CODE: ST. JOHNS Albany-Lagoon-Might-Lament-Flora. BUGLE CALL 1 Todays Editors Code: ST. JOHNS Book-39-28-76-49. Todays Code Tarlay: ST. JOHKS Green-88-41-47-12 and ST. JOHNS White-67-58-82-9. Todays Free Codes: AGUA CALIENTE Telephone-9-2-16-13 and AGUA CALIENTE Codo-9-27-11-10. THE THUNDERBOLT Todays Free Code: ST. JOHNS Price-10-27-1-15. Todays Editors Code: ST. JOHNS Barn-10-G-22-10. Todays Code Parlay: ST. JOHNS Joha-39-45-18-18 and ST. JOHNS Lou-6-45-47-29. BLUE BOOK Todays Free Code: ST. JOHNS Zehra-Dakota -New York-Utah. Todays Code Parlay: CALIENTE James-49-27-23-25 nnd CALIENTE Henick-29-47-65-25. Todays MeCanns Itelease: ST. JOHNS Flower-P-A-S-X. For Free Phone Results 1 Call Wabash 7000