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NOTE Date at left of horses name is last J previous workout of horse. Letters following time indie-te: b breezing; d driving; f e easily; h handily; o all out; u eased up. ! . . THURSDAY, MARCH 24 . ST. JOHNS PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 3-22 Barn Dance. :37h 3-21 Maeone .... :39h 2- 23Bogan :38h 3-21 Paprice :39h 3- 23 Golden Hue. :38h 3-21 Sir Barley... :39 h 3-21 Lucille K.... :39h 3-22 Silver Cord.. :39h 3-5 Malolo ..... :38h 3-21 Tom Ormont :38h 3-22 Make Speed.. 8Vsh 2-22 Winnie C... :39 h One-Half Mile. 2- 10 Bding Deep :54 h 3-22 Nim t. Nyph :53h 3- 16 Best Man... :54 h 3-13 Flay Furious. :52h 1- 19 Castle Rock. :53 h 3-20 Petto Pangle :50h 3-11 James River :52h 2-28 Talky :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-21 Fly. Dragon.l:07 b 3-21 Lady Blue.. 1:08 h 3-18Flyalong ...1:07 h 3-8 Pcia Marianl:07h 3-18 Gon Planet.l:07 b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-19 Bob Brkbrnl:19h 3-17 Jola Shot... 1:22 b 3-22 Crack PIay..l:19h 2-28 Rose Trnatl:20h 3-8 Flying Heels.l0 h 3-4 Sun Meddlerl:22 h 3-7 Fqurs Pridel:22 h Sammy Star.l:21 b 3-22 Ignite .1:21 h 3-4 Thtle Fyrn..l:23 h 3-21 Just Even... 1:23 h AGTJA CALTENTE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 3-16 Double Chin. :39b 3-14 Sun :39b 3-19 Gleamig Star :37 e 2-28 Salona ..... :36h 3-17 Mailliw :37b 3-14 Shasta Bullet :37 e 3-11 Meadow Boy. :37 e One-Half Mile. 3-14 Amour :51 b 3-16 Hill Parade.. :49 li 3-17 Book Maid.. :49 h 3-12 Mild :51b - 2-29Carilina .... :52b 3-21 Rockhawk . :54 b 3-22 Domint Star -.50 h 3-17 Spanish Jack :48h 3-16 Diggins . . . . :53 b 3-21 Willies Maid :51 b 3-22Gaylene C... :50e Five-Eighths Mile. 3-19 Annette ...1:01 h 3-17 Facsimile ..1:04 b 3-19 Capn Gilbertl:07 b 3-11 Mk Anthonyl:04 b 3-18 Country Bellel:05b 3-19 Wingo l:03h 3-14Deepie l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-21 Concordia .1:20 b 3-15 Poitou 1:17 h 3-10 Euonymous .l:17h 3-19 Spanish LightlO b 3-21 H. Tpk Jr.l0b 1-28 Vcrdevale ,.l:18e 3-16 Lakeland ...1:17 e One Mile. 3-21 Foolhardy ..l:49b 3-22Ltle Captainl:49b 3-22Idealia 1:45 h 3-19 Marine 1:45 e One and One-Half Miles. 3-23 McGonigle ..2:38 h 3-23 Seths Hope.2:35 h TANFORAN. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 12-10 Bit o Scotch. :38b 12-21 Miss Vacuum :39h Ermac :39 h Plesippus .. :37b Jerry Bogan. :39 h 3-21 Prins Stolla. :36d 12-8 Maurice D... :36d One-Half Mile. 3-21Atcincs :50h Parsimonius . 54h 3-2lBonfield .... :50ysh Ramsey Mac. :54h 11- 24 Call to Arms :53h 12-3 Sweeping Ray. :50h Dimrock ... :50h 3-21 Setright .... :50h 2- 4 Happy Fellow :51h 3-22 Sen Ruben. .. :49h Kitty Kop.. 53h Sleive Pride.. :52e Five-Eighths Mile. 12- 21 Boyd McGee.l:03d 12-24 Miss Moroccol:06 e 12-22 Flag Time. . .l:02b 12-29 Miss Beryl. ..1:07 h 3- 21 Golden Prcel:04 d Monacamp ..1:10 h 3-21 Hillsborough 1:04 d 3-21 Nifty l:03h 3-21 Jugband . . . .1:08 h 3-21 Pat OConnorl:08h 12-6 Lady Va Va.l:09d 3-22 Rara Avis. ..l:03d 12-27 La Wanda... 1:06 d 3-21 Sidney Grantl:05 b 3-21 Lady Noyes..l:07h 10-27 Zinn l:03d Motor Craft. .l:06h Three-Quarters Mile. Busy Boy... 1:19 d 12-30 Morage l:24b 12-1 Bill Bane.... Id9b 3-21 Polydorus . ..1:18 e 11- 3 Bbie Doyle..l:20 h 3-21 Printer ....l:19andh Conciliator .1:17 d Pat 1:17 h 3-21Cartago ....l:18-ih 12-15 Rufe McClainl:21 b 3-21 Don Alvaro.l:20 h Shock l:19h 3-21 Hry H. Bellld9 b 12-16 Sundot .....1:15 d 3-21 Hindu Jim...l:17h 12-7 Tom Hill.... 1:18 h 3-2lListo l:16h Yola Bola.-..l:18e One Mile. 3-21 Bumpsie Rayl:46h 12-20 Gallant Sir. .1:44 d 12- 11 Conciliation .l:48h 3-21 Mopeco ....l:45h 3-21 Freight Clerkl:564ib