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workouts! tf-fr-f hfii rTs tPPTs Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing:: driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all ont; a, eased op. I , i SATURDAY, JUNE 18 WASHINGTON PARK. .Weather clear; track sloppy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 6-11 Battling Girl :38h 6-14 Old Judge. . . :37h. 646 Catwalk :41 h 6-15 Pietjo ....... :40h 6-16 Hamilton ... :41h 6-6 Star Brook.. :39h 6-11 Master Bruce :37h 4-4 Unswept ... :41 h 6-11 Miss Justice :38 h 6-14 Volta Maid. . :42 b One-Half Mile. 5- 29 Chrysostem. . :53 h 6-17 Phaeldale ... :56b 6- 3 Dble Shuffle :55 b 6-11 Pony Up.... :52h 6-14 High Diver. . :52h 6-14 Suniday .... :50h 6-14 High Storm.. :57 b 6-16 Soeur Blche :55 b 6-13 Miss Bunting :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-13 Absurdity ...l:06h Jane Smith. .l:09b 6-15 Border Wrtl:08b 6-17 Ladder l:10b 6-12 Back Kick.. l:08b 6-13 Monks Dude. 1:07 h Larry 1:09 h 6-14 Manitobian ,.l:04h 6-16 Codetta ....l:03h 6-14 Opinion ....l:06h 6-8 Dupee 1:08 b 6-14 Palatine ...1:07 h 6-10EvcrgoId ...l:04h 6-9 Projectile ...l:05b 5- 25 Ebony Lady. 1:10 b 6-8 Rose Bowl. ..1:07 h 6- 2 Flying FIeet.l:03h 6-8 Ridgeview ..1:08 h 6-13 Gladys S.... 1:06 h 6-4 Swifter l:05h 6-llGlynson ....l:06h 6-6 Syrinx .....1:07 b Helen D 1:12 b 6-16 Technique . .l:03h 6-14 Helen Bab... l:04h 6-6 Tangalo ....1:07 b 6-4 Jessie Dear. .1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-17 Adsum 1:23 b 6-14 Hoosier Prcel:23 b 6-17 Black Comet.l:17 h 6-13 Orphan Prcel:174,h 6-15 Booby Bird.. 1:22 b 6-17 Old Depot. ..l:24b 6-15 Bottle Greenl:23 b 6-12 Playdale ....l:17h 6-14 Chesney . . . .1:22 h 6-14 Pri-.ce Volta.l:17h 6-14 Camp Doglasl:25 b 6-16 Sundot 1:20 b - 6-11 Finnic l:23b 6-17 Tonow 1:23 d 6-9 Friars Phoml:25 b 6-11 Viba l:17h 6-11 Glynhurst ..l:18h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-5 Louie Dear.. l:38b 6-17 Royal Guineal:36 h 6-17 On Sir 1:33 b 6-17 Wacker Drivel:34h 6-13 Portccdine . .1:35 h 6-11 Zida . .1:38 b One Mile. 6-11 Black Dust.. 1:49 h 6-14 Street Sin2erl:46h 6-6 Don Romiro.l:48 h 6-14 Wee Drop. ..1:48 h 6-13 Fortunes Fel:52 h 6-16 White Legs. .1:51 h . 6-11 Quick Sale... l:50h One and One-Eiqhth Miles. 6-17 Canfli ......2:01 h 6-16 Pr. a. Potry2:09h All vorks were around the "dogs" this Uaorning. LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 6-16Buzzy Boo... :37h 5-25 Roguish Miss :39h 6-9 Dattner :37h 6-14 Sweepmore .. :38 h 6-10 Jack Pulpit.. :37h 6-13 T. Show Off :37h 6-16 Lazy Mary... :38h 6-15 Upon :38h 645 Mild :41 b One-Half Mile. Austette .... :56 b 6-10 Jack Collins. :53b 6-16 Blue Cloud.. :54ysb 6-12 Lillian Z.... :55 h 6-15Brooksie .... :54 b 6-15 Mintogee ... :51h 6-11 Centennial .. :54b 6-9 Princella ... :54h 6-8 Chicon :50h 6-15 Plutarch .. . . :55 b 6-14 Curmudgeon. :49h 6-14 Rex .Regent.. :50d 6-11 Doramelia .. :50 h 6-15 Sazerac :53b 6-15 Easter Sox.. :54h 6-15 Semester ... :51h 6-14.Ed Lark :52 h 6-15 Seven Up... :54b 6-15Fanfcrn .... :54h 6-13 Skidmore ... :56 b 6-16 Gay Heart... :54b 6-15 Whitherall ... :56 b 6-15Homgen .... :54b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-14 Jackknife ..l:09b 6-12 Our Grief. . .l:05b l-26Kulaman ...1:12 b 6-16 Pr. Suliemanl:05 h 6-15 Lotus Bud... 1:10 b 6-16 Pr. DunroyallK5 h 6-16Ncalon Kay.l:07b 6-14 The Whig...l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-14 Billy Champ.124 b 6-14 Stuart l:18b 6-10 Bright Bird..l:20 b 6-13 Totem l:16h 6-17 Marlene . . . .l:17h 6-14 Take Off. . . .l:18h One Mile. 6-11 Bby Powers.l:48h 6-16 Nit Vintage. l:50b 6-12 Bub McFTndl:48 b 6-15 Mors Choicel:50b 6-11 Bav Leaf. . . .l:49h 6-16 Royal Chargel:50b 6-13 Baiderdash ..l:47h 6-15 Rushing .. ..1:48 h 6-14 Fern F l:47h 6-12 Young rill..l:49b BELMONT PARK. Weather clody; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Chain -36 h 5-10 Irenes Bob. :38 b Dark Sister. :39 b 6-14 Price Tag... :38b Dark Fairy.. :38 b 6-1 Rose Twig... :39 b 5-24 Feudal Lord. :38h 6-7 Speed Boat. :38 b 5- 27 Guardian ... :39 b 6-15 Watch Towr :41 b 6- 16 Happy Knot. :38 b One-Half Mile. 6-10 All Ablaze... :53 b 6-16 Mouthpiece . :50 b 6-9 Alcanale .... :53 b 6-15 Mabla :51b 5- 26 Brown Pet.. :52 b 6-14 Maentico ... :52 b Crap Shter. :50 b 6-15 Nutlet . :50b 6- 16 Carte Blnche :55 b 6-i6 Oriley :52b 3- 31 Counteract . :52 b 6-16 Oconnell ... :52b Caesars Ghst :50 b 6-16 Pending. . . . . :50 b 6-16 Calchas .... :49h 6-16 Queenly Way :52 b 6-9 Filipino . . . . :52 b 6-15 Reticence . . :52 b 6-16 Gdtime Ted :55b 5-30 Rash Moment :52 b 6-11 Helios :54 b 6-9 Stand By. . . . :50b 5- 27 Indian Sign. :52 b 6-3 Villon :52 b 6- 13 Jacobs Lder. :50 b 6-15 Waterway . . :54 b 4- 18 Kitty Kop.. :52 b 6-16 Zosara :52 b 6-15Maeantic ...:52 b Five-Eighths File. 6-14 Caerleon ....1:05 b 5-24 Lazy Daisy. .l:02h 6-10Emercy Aid.l:03 b 6-16 Morsel l:02h 6-2 Kerry Patch.l:04 b 6-16 Ship Ablaze. 1:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-16 Blk Jacket.l:17 b Moonstruck 1:19 b 6-8 Bud DAile.. 1:17 h 6-16 Octaroro ...1:20 b 6-16 Fast Colors.. 1:20 b 6-8 Swincraft ..1:16 h One Mile. 6-3 Argosie ....1:46 b Rosedale ...1:44 h 6-16 Christmas .1:45 b 6-10 Tug o War. .1:46 b Huffy. 1:48 b 6-16 Winnipeg II.. 1:45 b BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 12 Bthday Gift :38 h 6-12 Miss Peggy. . :41h 6- 9 Easy Way. . . :40 h 6-14 Nose Gay. . . :41 h 6-9 Francock . . . :41 b 6-13 Ramsdcll . . :39 h k Main Mint.. ,-39 d 6-10 Sydka :40 h 67 Marabou ... :38d 6-15 Uncle Mitch. :39 h One-Half Mile. 6-16 Al Hour..;. :496d 5-13 Hoops :50b 6-17 Dont Touch. :54 d 5-20 Hornsby ... :52 h Finir :53d 6-17 James T.. :54 d 6-9 Last Hour.. :53 h 6-15 Play Choice. :49d 6-12 Mary Phyllis. :50d 6-12 Spill ....... :49d 6-2 Omagh :54h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-13 Alice Weber.l:04d 6-5 Mildred H..l:03d 6-12 Bill Lutz...l:04h 6-15 Nonvalk ...l:03d 6-7 Cherry Hrt.l:04 d 6-14 Prcs Pcri..l:04d 5- 31 Chris. Pchehl:07b 6-14 Paul T l:03d 6- 14 Frd Charleyl:05d 6-14 Pre Canbarl:04d 6-15 Grand Vodel:04h 6-13 Sweet CIaire.l:04d 6-14 Jim Shahanl:03d 5-11 Victorious ..1:05 h 6-17Masma ......l:05h 2-9 Yalovian ...l:12b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-13BavelIe Frkl:16d 6-7 Mavro l:18h 6-14Efjaybe ....l:20b Nancy Byrd.l:20 b 6-11 Jean l:19h 6-12 Old Tuck. . .l:20b 6-16 Kitty 0Wayl:18h 5-25 Peace Dove.l:16d 6-14 Liquidate ..l:21b 6-11 Sir Dean. ..l:18h 6-16 Lady Sweet. l:24b 6-13Teeare l:17d 6-15 Mn Mount. l:18h .6-15 Yes Yes....l:18h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-15 Gold Finder.l:37b 6-13 Golflex l:41b One Mile. 6-10 Jack Berry. l:47h 4-19 Thistle Teleel:49h BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Even :37h 3-9 Qn Towton. :37 h Plain Dealer. :38 h 6-10 Sorcery :37h 5-21 Parade Rest. :37 h One-Half Mile. 3-10Isostasy .... :50 h 6-14 Sheila Wood. :49 . h 3- 9 Donnez Moi. :50 h 6-17 Tout Feu... :51 h 5- 31 Mental Strm :52 h 4-30 Venarock ". . :51 h Phosprence . :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 17 Blk Prcess. 1:03 h 5-30 Irish Maidnl:05 h Chatham Qnl:04 h 6-9 Primlin l:03h 5-4 Clear Knightl:03 h 6-15 Rideau l:03h 5- 31 Glee Club... 1:08 b 6-4 Wise Seller.. 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6- 4 Gn Sandals. 1:19 h 6-1 Sidney G. ..1:20 h 6-14 Jge Caverly.l:23 h 6-15 S. -of Songs.l:15h 6-14 Ld Rkville.l:18 h 6-1- Your Flag. .l:17h P. Pat Covyl:17h DUFFERIN PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-1 Bokie B :39 b 6-16 Parisian Kee :40 b 6-17 Danger Zone :39 b 6-17 St. Tuscan.. :39h 6-14 Gay Parisian :41 b 6-9 Sleepy Belle. :41 h 5- 8 Goldn Light :39h Torpedo . . . . :41 h 6- 13 Old Angler.. :41 b 6-1 Tipsy .. :40 b 6-11 Omareen ..:40 b One-Half Mile. 6-15Coll Drage. :53 h 6-17 Pandorus ... :54 b 4- 22 Dick Porter. :52 b Rustic Lad.. :54 b 6-9 Fed. Reserve :56 b 6-2 Rustic Flirt. :53h 6-14 Gnd Duchess :53h 6-13 Reflecting . . :54 b Grand Rox.. :51 h 5-19 Six Bits :55 b 6-14lzetta. :54 b 6-7 Sabana :54 h Irish Davy.. :54b 5-28 Sailor Maid.. :54 b 5- 16 Johns Bes.. :53 b 6-16 Single Hope.. :51 h Lost Spirit.. :55 b 5-16 Tuberose ... :53 b 6- 15Mintmagi ... :54 b 5-14 W.-in-Chcery :54h 6-14 Mish Mash.. :55 d Five-Eighths Mile. 6-15 Bubbling Outl:08h 5-24 Poets Dreaml:09 b 5- 18 Big Bo 1:07 h 6-11 San Carlos.. 1:09 b 6- 17 Margie Moonl:08h 6-15 Sergt Majorl:09h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-16 Arundel ....1:24 b 6-14 Staccato ....l:21b .5-10 Dark Nun... l:21h 6-16 The Afghan.. 1:22 d 6-13 Live One....l:21h One Mile. 6-17 Fair Orb. . . .1:49 h 6-17 Gay Spirit. . .l:51d JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 6-13 AH Stakes... :37 h 6-16 Indiantown . :38b 6-10Boocap :38b 6-15Tybal :38b 6-13 Capt. Jerry.. :39 b 6-16 Ykers Flash :38b 6-14 Don Pedro... :39 b One-Half Mile. 6-13 Bank Shot... :48d 6-16 Lucie I :52 h 6-13 China Bird.. :48d 6-13 Renaissance.. :52b 6-13 Epoch :51b 6-12 The Gen :52b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Allenfern . . .l:09b 6-14 Moon Shy. . .l:03b 6-16 Bora 1:05 b 6-16 Mont Jule.. .l:04 H 6-14 Excursion ..1:07 b 6-14 Volette l:03b 6-14 Lady Sbcaml:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-15 Flying Don. .1:20 b 6-9 San Kai. . . .l:18h 4 Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Muff ..l:33b 6-13 Prince Bulbol:36 b 6-15 Polyfon . . . .l:30d One Mile. 6-15 First Missinl:49b 6-16 Drusus 1:46 h 6-15 Lucky Moon.l:45 h 6-16 Regal Flag. .1:50 b 6-10 Charon .....l:46b . One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-16 Equipoise ...l:57b Equipoise was well in hand all the way. Moon Shy and Volette were together. Charon had an easy trial. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Keith :38h 6-14 Reg. Baddun :38h 6-14 Miss Rome.. :41 b 6-14 Swt Beauty. :41 b One-Half Mile 6-12 Character . . :51h 5-5 Rustily . . . . :53 b 6-15 Last Bid.... :52 b 6-16 Seasaint ... :49 h 6-2 Puppis :40 b 6-14 Sea Rocket. . :51 h 6-14 Point Final.. :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-5 Bo Ballot... 1:03 h 6-2 Ming Sun... 1:03 h 6-9 Balios lK3h 6-16 Nourishment l:02d 6-15Fingal .....1.-04 h 5-25 Oriental Ldyl. -04 d 6-16Gden Wordsl:03h 6-16 Pace .l2d 6-5 Heart Break. l:05h 6-11 PrinceBnie.l:04d 6-15 John F. l:05b 6-15 Venturoso ,.lK4h 6-16 Jubilation ..1K9 b 6-13 Whileaway .1:07 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-15 St. Carl..... l:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5- 8 Jaffa ...... l:32b 6-14 R. V. Winklel:35 b One Mile. 6- 12 Dcing Mack. l:44h 6-14 Marvella .:.l:47h 6-17Faircno ....l:41h 6-8 Wning Hertl:45 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-11 Sct Master.l:55 h