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Jack Fisher GREATER THAN EVER TWO-HORSE PARLAY Only SOc Daily On Sale at All Newsstands NOW! SATURDAYS CODE PARLAY: FLYING CHEROKEE, 8.46, WON WISE ANN, $ 6.72, WON FRIDAYS CODE PARLAY: BILLIES ORPHAN, 9.28, WON FRIAR, $ 7.80, WON Its the greatest thing ever introduced to the horse player and price is only 50c. My volume of business enables me to release it so cheap. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TODAY SENSATIONAL NEWSSTAND PARLAY CODE CARDS 2 HORSES DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS! W DAILY 50C DAILY -5p FREE! FREE! FREE! CLUBHOUSE SPECIAL SATURDAYS CLUBHOUSE SPECIAL: VAGABOND, 5.80, WON FRIDAYS CLUBHOUSE SPECIAL: BAY ROSE, $ 9.20, WON SELLING LIKE HOT CAKES Rush to your newsdealer, slip him 50 cents and you, too, will have THAT WINNING "FISHER" SMILE! GO TO YOUR NEWSDEALER NOW FISHER PARLAYS AND FREE SPECIALS ARE A SENSATION! If your newsdealer cannot supply you with the Fisher envelope Wire or Mail for 6 Envelopes Containing 6 PARLAYS AND 6 SPECIALS NO PHONE CALLS NO EXTRA EXPENSE NO WAITING FOR "WIRES" You have it in your hand. Decipher code night before and make your play in the morning. Do your days work. Buy the Form for the results and have That Winning Fisher Smile OPEN SUNDAY RESERVE YOUR FISHER PARLAY NOW! SLIP YOUR NEWSDEALER Dr 50 CENTS MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: WASH. Shoe-81-87-33-1. BAIN. Boot-75-1 9-37-3. JACK FISHER 155 N. CLARK ST. ROOM 1211 CHICAGO, ILL. GEORGE ELLIOTT TURF COMMISSIONER Medicine "Bookies" Dont Like SERVED IN DOUBLE DOSES DAILY SATURDAYS PARLAY: MORSNUFF 0.20, WON FLYING CHEROKEE 8.46, WON BETTER INFORMATION CANT BE BOUGHT AT ANY PRICE 3W GETAWAY WEEK AT SWT WASHINGTON "TPS Startling upsets ! Form wont mean a thing. Youve got to be "in the know," otherwise youll be "shooting at the moon." GET OFF TO A WINNING START MONDAY WITH i TWO LIMIT WINNERS And play with the "bookies dough" for the rest of the week. W OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY DONT HESITATE! ! SUBSCRIBE NOW! ! BHT TERMS DAILY Chicago Clients, Call in Person or Telephone SW FRANKLIN 0595 for messenger service. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. GEORGE ELLIOTT 85 S. Dearborn St. Room 708 Chicago, 111. 0pp. First National Bank Office Open Daily 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. MASTER CLOCKER MONDAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON: Erie-Coral-Jewel-Gear-Hand. RACING BLUE BOOK 64 W. Randolph St. Room 712 Chicago, III. Todays Free Code: WASH. Tan-8-64-33-4. T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting tHf DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY W2 The two horses you are to receive are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No exceptions. No partiality. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: WISE ANNE, .72, Won JEAN LAFITTE, Lost My two horses are advertised every day regardless of results. Legitimate turf information. Fast, rush telegrams sent all out-of-town clients. A fair and square deal assured everybody. MONDAY 0 TO WIN PARLAY 0 TO MONDAY WJ 3W- DONT LET STOP YOU FOM WINNING A BIG BET We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. T. M. FERGUSON. 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. W. D. Baker "BETTER THAN THE BEST" BAKER PARLAY AND A FREE SPECIAL A daily Free 2 Horse Par- 50C Special as lay Every advised by Racing Day. DcMlY our chief clocker. ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NOW if Trackmans Daily Parlays "Tp The Talk of the Turf World SATURDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: DOLLAR PRINCESS 2.60, WON ODD STAR 0.40, WON FRIDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: MR. JOE, 4.82, WON MAD MUIXAH, $ 9.95, WON DONT WISH FOR WINNERS Get Mondays Baker Parlay and Play Them 3T WIN EVERY DAY THE BAKER WAY " Uf Trackmans Daily Specials SATURDAYS TRACKMANS SPECIAL: GOOD AND HOT Withdrawn FRIDAYS TRACKMANS SPECIAL: JUXION, 1.00, WON IT SENSATIONAL im Three Long Shot Winners Monday SLIP YOUR NEWSDEALER WG 50 CENTS and get Mondays information. Go to your newsdealer now. Baker Parlays and Free Specials are a sensation. If your newsdealer cannot supply you with the Baker envelope, WIRE OR MAIL for six envelopes contaitfng 6 PARLAYS AND 6 SPECIALS. The proof of the pudding is in the eating one trial is enough. INVEST 50 CENTS TODAY. MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: WASH. Black-9-20-12-16. WAS H . White-3-1 8-1 8-23. W. D. BAKER 145 West 41st St., 6th Floor New York, N. Y. If YtttMflUt "SEBBSK H ff 4T I IM WW m Accuunco 8 Evky NcwspaM In ...... ........ m in txt CouHTftt FOftm Successful Jl MR. SULLIVAN M Manipulations -N0WBEWTAWM m szs-. 4Cm And BOOKIES dont uke it -Jlf WATCH MY SMOKE y IWHAPrY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN"! SEW No "Depression" for Our Followers We Sure "Slaughtered" Bookies Saturday SATURDAYS PARLAY: FLYING CHEROKEE 8.46, WON MORSNUFF 0.20, WON And there will be plenty Bookies Missing Monday. cWOflD 5 MIL E AFTER ONE . OFMYPHM.RY!WON. LATE THAT flrTERNOON "Wow," and we finished up another BIG WEEKS. Every week for the past sixteen weeks has been a WINNING WEEK for US Give us a trial and CONVINCE YOURSELF "What I can do for you." Da MONDAY "2 BIG WINNERS" 1 And I want everyone to Parlay both, WIN ONLY. TERMS, A DAY EW Chicago Players Dont Go to Track "W before you get my parlay. Come up and see the crowds. See how they are CLEANING UP on my parlays. If you cant come, phone Randolph 9195-9196 and we will send parlay with messenger boy.- "NO EXTRA CHARGE" for Messenger Service. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS TELEGRAPH: "MYSTERIOUS" SULLIVAN 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 1327 Chicago, III. Play Filed Every Noon with DADLY RACING FORM FREE! The Complete New Salary System FREE! Starting January 2, 1932, play of this System has been filed with the Daily Racing Form every noon. Over ,400 was won during this period of 24 weeks, an average of over 20 weekly. Start this play at once and put the next ,400 in your own pocket. The NEW SALARY SYSTEM will continue to win in the future just as it has won in the past. Rush your name and address, but NO MONEY, for a FREE copy of this clever, practical Method that really wins. Amazing new angle. All plays to WIN only. No place or show bets. At or away from track. Three to five horses daily; never more than one horse in same race. Small or large capital. WITH THIS JUST-LEKE-A-S ALARY SYSTEM WILL BE MAILED THE PERSONAL ADVICE OF A SUCCESSFUL OPERATOR CALLED "TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION" Contains sensational advice that should save thousands for race fans. QUIT LOSING! Get this FREE document and avoid the pitfalls that defeat fourteen out of fifteen. Write or wire at once. Send no money. Both Salary System and Stop-Loss Caution are FREE for limited time. The copies mailed to you will be exactly the same as those on file with DAILY RACING FORM and other publications. There will be no obligation on your part. You pay nothing now or later. We do not send you any wires. If given a chance we can show you how profit can be made in racing if business-like methods are used. Write your name and address on the margin of this page if you wish. "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON JOCKEY 118 WEST 44th ST. SUITE 305 NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE, S197.60, Won; ROCK SUGAR, S1 40.40, Won; MANDY, 9.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, S60.60, Won; SYMPATHY, S62.20, Won; CERES, S28.90, Won; JEAN CREST, S21.20. Won; MERULINA, S45.30, Won. SATURDAYS PARLAY: THE FRENCH ROSE, f 0.40, WON VAGABOND, " 5.80, WON STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED SATURDAY IM ON THE INSIDE AGAIN MONDAY BOTH GO AT BAINBRIDGE My connections who informed me on Tuesdays two horses, which resulted in a WIN PARLAY PAYING MORE THAN 170 TO 1, are supplying me with Mondays two. and the results should duplicate the price and performance of BRIGHT COLORS. S38.00. WON, and REPRESENTATIVE, 8.40, WON. . You stand to WIN S1.000 on a small investment Monday. Make a STRAIGHT PLAY and STRAIGHT PARLAY ON THESE TWO AND GO THE LIMIT. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me Monday and convince yourself. Send your subscriptions by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W, 44th St. Suite 305. New York, N. Y.