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I r 1 J t c f i c r i I j 1 1 1 j : , ; BUSY AT SPORTSMANS PARK Preparations Well Under Way for Inaugural of Fall Meeting on Monday, Oct. 10. CICERO, 111., Oct. 3. With the opening of the National Jockey Clubs fall meeting of nineteen days at local- Sportsmans Park little more than a week away, general manager E. J. OHare and his assistants are busy with the more important preparations for the meeting. Stable registrations are being received daily and the racing colony on the grounds was augmented by arrivals from Riverside Park and other points during the past few days. Racing secretary Robert Shelleys first condition book was well received by horsemen and trainers and with a big improvement in the class of horses over the spring meeting assured, he hopes to fill all handicaps and condition events carded. Thomas Brown, starter, plans to inaugurate the important schooling of horses next week and will use the improved Bahr gate, from which all fields for races other than those started out of the two chutes, will be dispatched during the meeting. Stables tmd the track at Hawthorne will be opened during the period of Sportsmans Park season and upward of 300 horses will be quartered there with close to 300 finding accommodations at the tidy and complete half mile course. Two chutes have been built at Sportsmans Park since the inaugural meeting, one at the five-eighths post and the other at seven-eighths. Permanent Bahr stall gates have been placed at both chutes, while the latest Bahr gate, used at Hawthorne, will be utilized at other points where races may be started. 4