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26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Barky Bob Williams YESTERDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: ROLLING SEA, .04, Won LTLE AMERICA, .64, .70, 2nd SATURDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: KNIGHTS GAL, 2.90, WON BILL XO ONE Y, $ 9.32, WON FRIDAYS 11th HOUR PARLAY: JODIE K., 3.12, WON NIGHT JASMINE, 2.94, WON TODAYS-llTH HOUR PARLAY Sf Two Exceptionally Priced Winners Today 3T BE SURE YOU GET THEM "W3 This SERVICE has TREMENDOUS possibilities. It is under the supervision and direction of Americas most capable and trustworthy turf specialists stationed at the various tracks. Every horse released from this office must "RATE" or figure before being sent out for the players investment. "NO HAPHAZARD GUESSING, BUT WINNERS" JUST GENUINE INFORMATION YOU SHOULD MAKE 00 PROFIT ON INVESTMENT A service that is ironclad. A service you can depend upon and stands up like the Rock of Gibraltar. TERMS FOR 11th HOUR PARLAY, PER DAY Try it TODAY arid start making money immediately. YESTERDAYS DAILY DOUBLE: BLUE JOHN, .60, LOST BIANOZ, WITHDRAWN TODAYS DAILY DOUBLE. Two winners. Dont miss them. I have exceptional strong word on both these horses and connections expect 0 TO TODAY It only costs you 50 cents at your nearest newsstand. Be sure you try it today. Get your copy immediately. DONT HESITATE. GET ME? "ENUFF SED." If unable to get it at your newsdealer, send for six 6 days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. SSS-START AND MAKE BIG MONEY BEATING"! SIT YOUR BOOKMAKER TODAY You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE GOO CHICAGO, ILL. CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WE TOLD YOU SO! If you want FREE CODE winners, you must follow Clockers Review Turf Weekly. Get a copy at your newsstand immediately. L I YESTERDAYS 00 SPECIAL: POLITEN, 3.60, WON SPECIAL OFFER: All those subscribing to 10 weeks subscription at S3 of Clockers Review Turf Weekly, will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, THREE 00 SPECIALS. Get your in immediately and play todays long shot 00 Special. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: NORTHERN SIR, 3.44, WON By all means, do not miss Todays Free Code: LINCOLN FIELDS Red-63-48. This one has been held under cover and should pay a MUTUEL OF 0. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: LINCOLN FIELDS Hay-10-12. Comes from the same group of turfmen that slipped us FRIDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: NIGHT JASMINE, 2.94, WON For Col. Matt Bradys Specials, see page 11, Clockers Review. SATURDAYS PARLAY: DOUBLE DARE, " 0.75, WON KNIGHTS GAL, 2.90, WON DONT MISS TODAYS 0- PARLAY Clockers Review will lead you to the pay-off today. We have two long shot specials that should win easily. You can get a lot with a little today. So DONT MISS IT. TERMS, . Wire money. City clients, call. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City Supreme Flash Turf Weekly 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TodayVFroe Code: LINCOLN May-1 -12-1 8-11. OFF TO A FLYING START Our chief trackman is DELIVERING THE GOODS. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: NORTHERN STAR, 3.44, WON GYRO, 0.54, WON We have another limit WIN PARLAY for today, so by all means, dont fail to participate. TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LINCOLN Battle-14-9. LINCOLN Plane-16-5. This is a limit win parlay, so dont miss it. Terms for Trackmens Parlays and for full details on Trackmens Parlays, see page 5, Supreme Flash. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City FREE Win Parlay Today FREE THE PELICAN FOURTH RACE LAUREL . MR. SPONGE - FIFTH RACE LAUREL Dont pay any attention to their respective fields or ny other chatter you may hear. Just parlay both, horses and dont worry about the results. After you are convinced with the above, wire for one days service to TURF TOPICS 1674 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY FREE AGAIN TODAY TODAY CONVINCES EVERYBODY SISTER MARY Second Race Lincoln MONDAYS FREE HORSE: TAZEWELL, 6.10, WON TOMORROW TWO-HORSE PARLAY DAILY FINAL WORD SERVICE J45 West 41st Street New York City T. RILEY, President J. CANNON, Secretary T. McPHERSON, Treasurer General Turf Agency Authorized Turf Commissioners, Established 1918 The racing game cannot be beaten by guesswork. You must have legitimate information. Stop being fooled. Protect your money. Dont be misled. We are affiliated with a number of horsemen who are furnishing us with the most sensational turf information ever released to the public Our terms are within the reach of the smallest as well as biggest player. m DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY PSS Everybody positively receives the same two horses no exceptions. You receive exactly what you pay for when you subscribe to this office. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: INFINITY, .98, .70, 2ND ROLLING SEA, .04, WON Our Two Horses Are Advertised Every Day, Win or Lose THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES TODAY TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY DO NOT FALL TO GET TODAYS PARLAY SUBSCRD3E TWO WINNERS Remit three dollars immediately for todays two advertised horses.. All releases sent by fast wire. Our office open every day from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. GENERAL TURF AGENCY 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 509 -NEW YORK, N. Y. RACING GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE 95.70 NET PROFIT BASED ON A 0 FLAT PLAY FOR PERIOD OF 47 DAYS, ENDING SEPTEMBER 27 EVERYONE WANTS WINNERS BUT-MANY DO NOT LOOK IN THE RIGHT PLACE FOR THEM Weekly Racing Guide Commission Horse is not the ONLY Service available to players, but it DOES PROVIDE ITS CLIENTS WITH WINNERS. Here are some of the releases that have made Racing Guide Commission Horse PROFITABLE and, therefore, POPULAR: SNAPLOCK, 3.70, WON BETTINA H., 4.20, WON PRINCELLA, 4.00, WON GIBBYS CHOICE, 5.96, WON LUCKY CARTER, 8.56 WON WOTAN, 6.14, WON SHASTA LAD, 4.78, WON THE FRENCH ROSE, 3.40, WON KLAIR, 32.46, WON CROWNED HEAD, 5.60, WON CHARLEIGH, 11.94, WON PENCHANT, 5.40, WON CURTAIN CALL, 7.00, WON For This Valuable Release, Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Readers in Following Cities Call Accompanying Numbers: CINCINNATI, O , Main 4200 NEW ORLEANS, LA.. Main 3678 NEW YORK, N. Y.. .... .... .Bogardus 5900 SAN FRANCISCO Market 1624 ST. LOUIS, MO Garfield 4739 LOS ANGELES, CAL Mutual 2757 CLEVELAND, O Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J Those readers who do not live in any of these cities and do not wish to obtain the releases by long distance, may receive this DAILY RELEASE, by WIRE COLLECT, with a six months subscription to WEEKLY RACING GUIDE. Simply send in your subscription for the period and at the rates specified below, and state that you wish RACING GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE wired collect to you each day, and the service will begin upon receipt of cash or money order. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY Subscription Rate One Month, .25; six Months, .00; One Year, 0.00. 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. Paxons Improved Code Card Now Ready RAY PAXONS NEWEST AND. GREATLY IMPROVED CARD IS NOW OFF THE PRESS AND IS BEING MAILED OUT TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS SERVICE FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING OCTOBER 3. Undoubtedly this card will prove to be the most profitable one ever released, and will contain winners galore. You dont want to miss one day of this service, so send in your remittances today. During the past two weeks when track conditions were so uncertain, Ray Paxon more, than held his own in the matter of giving out winners. But this newest card will surpass anything the others have done in the past. You cant afford not to have it. TWO WEEKS SERVICE One Dollar This card is selling for the same price as the old one. It will point out from two horses daily, upward. The information printed on this card is worth many times more than the price of the card. It is the greatest money value on the market today. Subscribe today so you wont miss a single day of this service. You will be more than pleased with the results. Wednesdays Lincoln Fields Release: KILMORE, .70, WON Thursdays Lincoln Fields Release: DEPRESSION, .82, WON A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. Mail all remittances to RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio and receive in return mail my handy code card. A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. TODAYS TWO HORSES: LAUREL Pat-4-2-3-21. LINCOLN FIELDS Dewey-8-24-1 1-10. RAY PAXON is known America over as the best turf informant in the business. If you dont believe it, give his service just one trial. . Players, Notice! Chance of a lifetime. If you play the races I will put you next to a little secret . that should place you above want as long as you live.; Write for free description of my New Discovery. It will open you? eyes. T. SECOR .Anrcra "Americas Premier Turf Ace" JOCKEY PARTINGTON i 118 WEST 44th ST. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. "ffe BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: Wk-- FEU D J0IE 97.60. Won; ROCK SUGAR, 40.40, Won; toV MANDY, S89.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60. Won; SYM- IffiffiHEPfr PATHY, S62.20, Won; CERES. 3.90, Won; JEAN CREST, feA, 521.20, Won; MERULINA, 5.30, Won S YESTERDAYS PARLAY: CATHOP, See 5th Race Lincoln Fields HAMILTON, See 6th Race Lincoln Fields STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY I Stake My Reputation on the Outcome of Todays Transaction I FEEL CERTAIN THAT I CAN PRODUCE ANOTHER WIN PARLAY. BOTH OF TODAYS TRANSACTIONS go at Lincoln Fields. Have been informed that each horse is in splendid condition and ready to win his respective race. One horse may pay a 0 mutuel and the other should reward at 8. All clients are advised to make an ABSOLUTE LIMIT PLAY TODAY. I recommend these two horses highly, as they deserve your unlimited backing. No stone has been left unturned in the endeavor to have them result in a LIMIT WIN PARLAY. An early subscription is advised. I play every horse I sendout. I never made a promise that I did not make good ask your racing associates about my ridine record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. DlLfTELiSPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents REGRENS RECORD FOR SEPTEMBER: 300 WINNERS REGREN probably led all the handicappers of America during the month of September, but this is not unusual. He nearly always does. There were few days during the month that he had fewer than ten winners, and the number ranged as high as TWENTY IN A DAY. The fine part of Regrens picking is that he EMPHASIZES the horses he likes best on the various tracks by printing their names in BOLD TYPE and labeling them "Pay-Off Horses," "Standouts," and "Specials." Then there is his daily Best Bet, which has a remarkable average. PLAY THE REGREN BOLD TYPE HORSES FOR PROFITS TUESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LINCOLN FIELDS Mare-45-26-26. r LAUREL Rich-44-30-30. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. S4 per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail ILLINOIS RACING CHRONICLE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE PRIVATE INFO YESTERDAYS "PRIVATE:" POLITEN, - 3.60, WON POSITIVELY NO MONEY IN ADVANCE WINNINGS OF A PLAY "m BIG PRIVATE WINNER GOES TODAY DONT MISS PHONE Franklin 7564 PHONE Those who cannot call, wire your name and address immediately. We will do the rest. I. R. C, 10 North Clark Street 8th Floor, Chicago 1ST PLAY ON MY PARLAY DAILY FOR ME - HONEST PLAYERS WANTED SEND NO MONEY IN ADVANCE PAY AFTER YOU WIN YESTERDAYS PARLAY: NORTHERN SIR, 3.44, WON GYRO, 0.54, WON If you are honest and reliable, wire your name and address and your promise to bet on my parlay daily for me and remit my share by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please play fair J. C. McAvoy, 145 W. 41st Street, Room 508 v New York, N.Y. PAY AFTER YOU WIN Yesterdays Strictly One Horse: SAWDUST, T . 5.24, WON All "clients remit promptly so I can wire you my next long shot winner. -WILLING TO PLAY BALL WITH HONEST PLAYERS ONLY. MY TERMS WINNINGS OF A S3 STRAIGHT PLAY If -interested, wire- correct name and address. All city client desiring a faster arid more personal service, please call in person for todays release or PHONE FRANKLIN 8057 PHONE MARTY WATSON, 64 West Randolph St.. Room 712. Chicago. UL