Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-28

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LATONIA 9 "ii i The "Daily Double" on the Winners okf the Second and Third Races I at Latonia Thursday,. Paid 9.82 for j i.-------- - .--..-.--.a; LATONIA, KY., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. ""1932 Latonia 1 mile. Fourteenth day. Latonia Jockey Club, Inc. Fall meeting of 28 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, C. F. Price. Association Stewards, C. B. Head, T. C. Bradley and E. Hogg. Placing Judges, W. H. Shelley, S. Goodpaster and S. H. McMeekin.- Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. j Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. .Chicago time, 1:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds ; 7 pounds ; 10 pounds. l7f7 FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924 1:09 3 107. n v7 i Flest Rcservo Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special Oct.-27-32-Lat weights. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt GRACEFUL LAD w 115 2 7 lh l3 l4 Is MorrisonR Devereaux Bros 530-100 -77570 YARNALLTON wb 115 4 11 73 64 44 23 CorbettC T Piat 389-100 773643BAGGAGE MASTER wb 115 9 .2 3s 21hJ2.x 52 LaidleyO A Kane 971-100 77315 PRINCE VINE wb 115 1 5 4:41i3h 4lFowlerD M M Riddle 5018-100 77360 PASS CHRISTIAN v wb 115 3 12 12 84 51 53 CurranW Southland Stable 1729-100 77534 THISTLE TOM wb 115 7 1 21 31 7s 61 RileyG G Collins 1036-100 77364 HIGH DIVER wb 115 10 9 91 9s 8s 7" McCoyJ C Nuckols 534-100 775323JUST BUCK wb 115 12 3 61! 5" 61 8s BagurH Mrs F Swain 1562-100 70008 BIG MOMENT w 115 6 4 51 7b 94 93 ClcllandO J T Hughes 656-100 77533 SPORT MARVEL w 115 8 8 8W104 101 MeyerJ Sudduth and Elliott t OUR TROUBLE w 115 5 6 11" 12 12 111 FinnertyR J C Milam 600-100 77532 EVIDENTLY wb 115 11 10 101 ll2 11" 12 FronkW C W Moore t tMutuel field. Time, :24, :49?, VAVS. Track muddy. S2 MUTUELS PAID . OFFICIAL BOOKING? ODDS v GRACEFUL LAD 2.60 .46 $ 5.70 530100 223100 185100 YARNALLTCN 4.58 3.86 129100 93100 BAGGAGE MASTER 4.20 110100 Winner Ch. c, by Ladkin Grace of Ogden, by Ogden trained by T. F. Devereaux; bred by Messrs. O. C. and G. Y. Hieatt. WENT TO POST 2:01. AT POST 3 minutes. ; Start good for all but Pass Christian out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. GRACEFUL LAD, making his first start and suited by the;going, had speed from the start, drew clear at the turn and, continuing strongly to the end, won without need of pressure. YARNALLTON began slowly, improved his position steadily to the final five-sixteenths and was going well in the late stages. BAGGAGE MASTER, a strong factor throughout, weakened slightly in the final eighth. PRINCE VINE had no mishaps. PASS CHRISTIAN, away poorly, showed a fine effort. THISTLE TOM-quit. JUST BUCK dropped out of it before going a quarter. Scratched 77532 Bianoz, 115; 77319 Frank Ormont, U5r 77179 Loradale, 115; 74476 Terry Hill, 115; 77490 Sweet Pal, 115; 77490 Chestnut Tree, 115; 74629 Ondott, 115; 774903Long John, 115. fJURAi SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924 1:09 3 107. A ,Vn, r Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second,- 0ct.-27-32-Lat 100; third. 5; fourth, 5. - Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77491COOTS wb 6 118 12 1 42 2h l2 l3 FageL M Simmons 325-100 T72383BRIMSEY w 4 114 11 5 54 41 3h 2" HerndezF L and H Unger f3049-100 77489 TWILL w 4 114 10 6 61 74 41 31 MeyerC H G Shoemaker 4141-100 77451 ITSO w 5 114 7 7 71 6" 51 41 MoranW Green and Finn t 77491DONDAY wb 3 110 2 4 32 51 64 51 SouthG C A Marone 284-100 77448DUNNY BOY wb 3 111 9 2 1" l1 .2" 6 MontgyR F H Carpenter 332-100 76794-VONNIE w 3 106 1 3 2h 31 7s 7s MarshioB E H Von Roenn 611-100 77322 ARISTOCRAT w6114 8 8 92 9s 82 83 MartinE H McGarvey 5442-100 77059GRAND UNION wb 3 106 4 9 82 8" 9s . 9s SauterT J B Respess 3514-100 774483MAGNA MATER w 3 108 6 10 105 10s 10s 10s McCoyJ O Viau 1333-100 7731 6R1TA ANN w3103 511 11 11 11 11 BagurH C Kloentrup t 77 4533EPIDEMIC wb 3 111 3 Left at post. FinnertyR Mrs R J Wilkerson 1262-100 tMutuel field. Time, :24, :49, 1:1 6l. Track muddy. , S2 -MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS-COOTS .50 .64 . $ 4.60 325100 232100 130100 BRIMSEY Field 17.50 6.96 775100 248100 TWILL 26.12 - 1206100 Winner B. g, by Broomstick Pigeon Wing, by Hamburg trained by M- Simmons; bred by Mr. H. P. Whitney. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST-2:31. AT POST 1 minute. Start bad out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. COOTS, away fast, was rated close to the pace, drew into command when straightened up in the stretch and won with speed -to spare. BRIMSEY lost ground, rallied to pressure and, holding on stubbornly, outlasted TWILL. The latter, under strong urging in the final half mile, was going boldly in the closing stages. ITSO lost ground and finished fast in a good effort. DONDAY, up close from the start, was blocked in the stretch and with better luck might have been closer up. DUNNY BOY had speed, but quit after five-eiehths. GRAND UNION, MAGNA MATER and RITA ANN were away poorly. EPIDEMIC was blocked by GRAND UNION at the start and was left. Scratched 77569 Hamilton, 109; 77491sGunfire, 114; 774472Flag Flying, 111; 77359 Shasta Lad, 109; 77571 Green Wave, 111; 75627s Rector, 111; 77131 Dis Dame, 111; 77451 Eleanora M., 106. f7f7CtAO THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 19241:093107. Vo r Triplet! Creek Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-dlds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Spe- Oct.-27-32-Lat cjai weights. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77532POT AU BROOMS w 115 3 2 21 1 lc 1 CorbettC Coldstream Stud Stable 86-100 77358LE MINISTRE w 115 10 1 6i 5 3s 2 SouthG W Pohlabeln 364-100 76498 CURLY HEAD wb 115 13 . 1" 2s 2i 35 FutrellJ Albert Sabath 6677-100 77315 JIM MACAW wll5 4 6 3 4 41 41 RileyG J L Butler 391-100 75844 LAST SECOND w 115 2 7 4" 64 65 51 MeyerJ Mrs E L Swikard 17301-100 77213 SPECKLE wb 115 5 4 5 31 51 6 McAuliffeD A J Stallings 895-100 77179 SOL HAWK -vb115 9 9 7 7 -7 72 McCrayK P L Fuller f 9368100 73156 BLOKI w 115 11 10 105 9 8 8J FinnertyR Southland Stable t BECKVILLE w 115 811 ll1 103 9s 9s MeyerC E McKinney 40141-100 77570 ROBIN ADAIR wb 115 6 8 83 83 104 104 MartinE Trimpe and Eyerman 12281-100 77315 CHAT ON wb 115 7 12 12 12 11s 11s McCoyJ G Leidermeyer t STILL BETTER wb 115 12 5 9l 11" 12 12 MorrisonR Mrs G Mitchell 7848-100 fMutuel field. . Time, :234i, :49. 1:1 6te. Track muddy. , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POT AU BROOMS .72 .52 $ 2.70 86100 26100 35100 LE MINISTRE ... .. 3.18 3.38 59100 69100 CURLY HEAD . .......... 8.90 345100 Winner Ch. g, by Pot au Feu Broomiola, by Broomstick trained by J. Howard; bred, by Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST 3:01. AT POST 3 minutes. ... Storl good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. POT AU BROOMS, much the best and away fast, was steadied along the first three-eighths, drew into command with a rush at the stretch turn and won thereafter. LE MINISTRE, avVay fast, was unable to keep up, gave improved speed after reaching the stretch and was; widely best of the others. CURLY HEAD, given a hustling ride, had speed, saved ground and weakened badly in the stretch. JIM MACAW quit. LAST SECOND had no mishaps. SPECKLE quit. Scratched 77532 Foxev Burt, 115; 72957 March King, 115; 77532 Like. 115; 77490 Terry Lad, 115; 77315 Exclusive, 115; 77570 Simple Honors, 115; Americus, 115; Over C, 115. r7ryfl2fO FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924 1:09 3 107. 4 4 Ot:0 Purse S600. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, Oct.-27-32-Lat 00; third. 5; fourth, S15. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vj Str Fin Jockeys, Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 773613CAYUGA w 7 114 6 2 -11 11 l1 li FinnertyR Shady Brook Farm Stable 90-100 77448HAMBURGER JIM w4109 3 6 34 32 2l 21 DicksonD J W Brackman 1271-100 77569FORT WORTH w 7 113 10 3 41 4 34 3 McTagueC G Keeton 1085-10C 76553 SCOTLAND BEAUTY wb 3 108 11 11 101 71! 6 4 McLlinEM C W Hay 1686-100 77491THE KING wb 4 113 5 7 63 5 5s 51 BagurH C E Hudson 1822-100 64991POMPEIA wb3103 9 5 2 2s 41 64 SouthG W R Coe 659-100 7741 03LADY JAY w3103 810 91 83 74 74 SauterT W-Stueve 1568-100 71513DONT TOUCH wb3!06 1 8 5" 6" 8 85- ChristnR C A Pugh - 6207-100 77240NORMAHAL w 4 115 4 12 12 12 101 91 FageL W A Whiteside 8309-100 61198SWEET JOE w4 109 2 9 11s 111 12 104 CantrellL E McKinney s 77451 CAPTS DAUGHTER wsb 5 111 12 1 81 103 ll2 ll1 FronkW Laurel Stable 72007 MY HOBBY w 6 114 7 4 71 9 9" 12 FisherHW Southland Stable 885-100 MutueI field. Time, :23?s, :49. 1:16. Track muddy. , S2 MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . CAYUGA $ 3.80 $ 2.82 $ 2.60 90100 41100 30100 HAMBURGER JIM 5.94 4.16 197100 108100 FORT WORTH 4.92 146100 Winner B. g, by Trojan Wawbeek, by Rockton trained by J. H. Moody; bred by Mr. E. F. Whitney. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:30. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. CAYUGA began fast, gave good speed under steady restraint the first three-eighths, bore out badly at the stretch turn and, shaking off POMPEIA, withstood HAMBURGER JIM while bearing "to the insidVin the late stages. The latter, close to the pace, saved much ground at the stretch turnand was in close quarters approaching the finish. FORT WORTH, a strong factor throughout, held on gamely. SCOTLAND BEAUTY began slowly. THE KING had no excuse and fell when galloping back after the race. POMPEIA had speed, was forced very wide by the winner at the turn and, dropping back when impeded, never recovered. MY HOBBY was outrun. - Scratched 77451 Norias. 114; 75396 Perfect Play, 114j 77448 Town Limit, 106.; 77489Barashkova, 115; 77447 Bright Moon, 108; 77489 Don T., 114; 60403 Edina, 108; 77406sPrince Farthing, 110. Corrected weight Captains Daughter, 111; My Hobby, 114. rTTtfSAzl FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Sun Flag, June 20, 1924 1:09 3 107. Gladiola 4 4 Urtyb Purse. Purse S600. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; Oct.-27-32-Lat second, S100; third. 5; fourth. S15. ; Index Horses Egt A Wt PI St V Vj Str Fin .lookc.TR Owners Bqiiiv. Odds Strt 77449 LITTLE GERTIE w 115 4 2 l2 l1 l2 li RichardA W F Axton 896-100 77319SOEUR BLANCHE w 115 10 1 42 21! 23 22 MoranW Greentree Stable - 292-100 751362COPLEY SQUARE wll5 8 7 81 5" 41 3" TinkerH Mrs J H McCoole " 771-100 774072PINK SLIPPER w 115 2 5 5l 62 5s 41! DicksonD Mrs A Dunne 4332-100 77490ROSE GLORY wll5 5 6 2" 34 31 55 CorbettC D M Rhodes 207-100 RED POLLY wllO 1 4 31 41 65 61 FronkW Dixiana 2815-100 77409 PROUD PRINCESS w 115 6 3 64 7s 7s 74 PichonL W H Whitehouse 386100 77404NEW BABY w 115 7 9 9s 8! 8s 84 RileyG J W Parrish 2065-100 77273 MISS ADELE w llO 3 8 71 9s 9s 9s SouthG Chestnut and Poe 31115-100 - SARA LEE w ill 910 10 10 1010 ClellandO Sudduth and Elliott 23311-100 fMutuel field. Time, :23?s. :49. 1:17. Track muddy. , S2 MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LITTLE GERTIE ....9.92 0.03 $ 5.40 896100 404100 170100 SOEUR BLANCHE 5.44 3.10 172100 55100 COPLEY SQUARE 4.16 103100 Winner Br. f, by Flight of Time Hazel, by Alvescot trained by W. Lewis ; bred by Mr. G. G. Wedding. WENT TO POST 4:00. AT POST minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving? second and third the same. LITTLE GERTIE, at home in the going and having fine speed from the start, drew into an easy lead before going a quarter, weakened slightly after five-eighths, but outlasted SOEUR BLANCHE. The latter, under light restraint for the first three-eighths, responded mildly when called on, bore over badly, in the stretch and closed well when straightened up near the cnd. COPLEY SQUARE began slowly, gradually improved her position in the final half mile and was going strong at the end. PINK SLIPPER raced well. ROSE GLORY was under strong urging from the start and weakened in the last eighth. RED POLLY tired. PROUD PRINCESS never threatened. NEW BABY was outrun. Scratched 75556 Britlon, 115; 77447 Ebony Lady, 110; 76792 Just Umber, 115; 77404 Noahs Mary, 110; 77236 Cherapp, 115; 76843 Red Cinders, 115. Overweight Sara Lee, 1 pound. r7F7 A K SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Chilhowee. Oct. 14. 1924 1:48 3 115. Navy Day Purse. 4 4 :tJ Purse SSOO. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 0 ct.-27-32-Lat 00;, third. S35; fourth. S15. Claiming price. S1,000. Index Horses Egt A WtPPSt Ms Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. ,Odds Strt 77496 LADY DEAN w 4 110 10 3 23 1"- 14 P" 14 FronkW Dixiana 454-100 77453 ORCHESTRATION w4113 8 4 1" 24 33 32 2" FinnertyR E Bischoff 2979-100 774035STOP GAP w5 113 5 6 41 43 23 24 34 FowlerD M M Riddle 256-100 77453SETHS BALLOT wb 6 108 7 2 35 32 45 48 412 CantrellL J J Butler - 305-100 760532MAI SAN w 4 105 6 10 9J 72 64 52 54 BagurH V B Young 4159-100 774532TROTWOOD w 4 113 3 7 74 63 5s 64 62 McDmtL J F ONeil 625100 77453 ROYAL SPORT wb 5 113 1 1 64 84 83 83 71 McAuliffeD A J Stallings 898100 77320 WOOD RIVER w 5 113 .9 8 10- 91 94 9 81 MorrisonR G J Mandel 1029-100 77535 MORESBY w 4 113 2 5 52 52 72 71 9s RileyG A Newman 1051510,0 77495 REJUVENATION wb9113 4 9 8110 10 10 10 McCoyJ T Coffey 8681100 Time, :24, :50, 1:17. 1:45. 1:59. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS- LADY DEAN 1.08- .50 $ 4.98 454100 225100 149100 ORCHESTRATION 19.68 8.46 884100 323100 STOP GAP 4.04 - 102100 Winner B. f, by Chilhowee Dorothy Dean, by Marchmont II. trained, by C. Van Dusenj bred by Mr. C. Van Dusen. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:27. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. LADY DEAN, away fast and greatly assisted by her riders tactics, crowded back ORCHESTRATION when leaving the back stretch, drew clear at the stretch turn-and, carrying out STOP GAP through the stretch, got away with a lucky win. ORCHESTRATION had speed, was in close quarters at the far turn, saved ground thereafter and, holding on well, outlasted STOP GAP. The latter lost much ground when moving up at the lower turn, was forced very wide by the winner in the stretch and weakened in the closing strides. SETHS BALLOT, up close from the start and under restraint the first five-eighths, failed to rally when urged hard. ROYAL SPORT was outrun. WOOD RIVER was running out much of the trip. TjrfGAG SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Chilhowee, Oct. 14, 1924 1:48 3 115. Purse 00. 4 4 CPO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, Oct.-27-32-Lat 5; fourth. S15. Claiming price. S1.000. Index liorses Egt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 77496 ED LARK w5113 2 2 34 21 2s 11 l4 MoranW Mrs A G Woodman 469100 77320ROXIE WEIDEL wb 7 110 3 1 Is l2 lh 210 2,s McCoyJ J Abrams 56-100 77538 RUNAR w4110 1 3 21 3! 3s 31 33 FisherHW C J Kelly 682-100. 771913BOBBY POWERS wb 5 113 4 4 45 4s 44 44 4l FageL W A Whiteside 2034-100 7736lBIG SHOT w 5 108 5 5 5s 54 54 54 51 CantrellL J Spencer 4108-100 77365 LINCOLN PLAUT wb 7 113 8 7 71 74 7 78 62 McCrayK M H Jordan " 3682-100 77452 MARY MARVIN wb 5 110 7 6 6 61 61 6" 7s PichonL H C Ragan 1523-100 77241 FAIR MENT wb 4 1141 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 MeyerJ R Logan 10203-100 Time, :24?, :49, 1:16. 1:44, 1:58. Track muddy. , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ED LARK 1.38 $ 3.42 $ 2.86 469100 71100 43-100 ROXIE WEIDEL 2.36 2.26 18100 13100 RUNAR 3.22 61100 Winner Br. g, by Vulcain Marie Blanche, by Watervale trained by A. Ayers; bred by Mr. J. Butler. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. v - WENT TO POST 4:55 j. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. ED LARK, kept well up from the start, saved much ground the final half mile, slowly wore down ROXIE WEIDEL and came away fast in the last sixteenth. ROXIE WEIDEL, hustled along from the start, bore out badly after reaching the back stretch, had to be taken under strong restraint at the stretch turn and slowly gave way to the winner approaching the final eighth. RUNAR weakened badly, but was best of the others. BOBBY POWERS had no mishaps. BIG SHOT was under Urging throughout. LINCOLN PLAUT raced very wide. The others had no mishaps. , - Scratched 77495 La Fcmme, 105; 77495 Conswater, 113. I Qvorwcijjht Fair Ment, 1 pounds. r7r7fd-F7 EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Chilhowee, Oct. 14, 1924 1:48 3 115. Purse 8. ?Wr? 4-year-plds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, Oct.-27-32-Lat S35; fourth. S15. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Egt A WtPPSt Vi .Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. Odds Strt 7705D PLUTARCH wb 4 H3 10 5 2l 1 Is l4 Is CorbettC J Heelan 611-100 773213TOMMY TICKLE wb 7 108 5 2 1" 23 2s 23 21! BagurH Leader Stable 408-100 77408TOMMY w6108 8 4 52 51 52 4s 3 DicksonD TH McCaffrey , 1479100 77611PLAYBILL wb 4 108 2 7 43 44 42 3" 4 Carroll J , F E Moore 3383100 77495BROAD AXE wb9 108 7 9 71 62 64 62 -5J SouthG Mrs F J Uhlein 2963-100 77365 SHARON wsb 7 113 61010 10 8s 7s J64 McCrayK MrsTWRae 38046100 77496 FLORIDA GOLD wb.8 113 9 3 34 33 3" 5s 71 ClellandO J Turley 375100 77496JCORBEAU w 6 113 4 6 83 71 71 81! 81 BuckE L J Sandrock 142100 771823BLACK PANTHER wb 8 108 3 8 9 92 92 9l 93 ChristnR Mrs F Sharpe 15470-100 77322 HAM wb 6 113 116 84 10 10 10 MontgyR H Weis 5349100 Time, :24, :49, i:i6J6. 1:44. 1:58. Track muddy. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PLUTARCH 4.22 $ 6.36 $ 5.06 611100 218100 153100 TOMMY TICKLE - 6.10 5.06 205100 153100 TOMMY 7.84 292 100 Winner B. c, by Durbar II. Minnow, by Minoru trained by W. E. Jones; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:25. AT POST H minutes. Start good but of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. PLUTARCH, much the best, easily raced TOMMY TICKLE into submission, drew into a decisive lead rounding the stretch turn and won in a canter. TOMMY TICKLE, hustled along from the start, saved ground throughout, could not withstand the winner approaching the second turn and weakened in the final three-sixteeths, but outstayed the others. TOMMY saved ground and outfinished PLAYBILL. The latter, weakly handled and, under stronger fidmg, might have been closer up. BROAD AXE began slowly. FLORIDA GOLD quit badly after showing speed the first three-quarters and was eased up in the stretch. CORBEAU began slowlv and, showing dull form, was always outrun. Scratched 77495 Chorister, 108. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT LATONIA Thursday 3k Races, 32.12; 5 Races, 04.46; 8 Races, 29.34

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