untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-08


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t- - - $ MYSTEkIAU V CHICAGO BOOKIES $ J in IP Wr m ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE SMM ... . m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS ,7 V I I Mfc. SULLIVAN now ready main s bookies dont like it tm m watch my smoke." DC Again We Up$ Yesterday I si tell you valurioht boy WYESTERDAYS TANFORAN "SPECIAL"! 3?fc fe. 1 Sfi" DT- WON AGAIN - MMMxi and. Paid BIG ODDS. Sorry we cant mention horses J-MffSBSrh-zSr k iandi name for "GOOD REASONS." BUT we sure put jjggw VLB rfWT another STIFF one "IN" on the BOOKIES yesterday. 3fi5E3H .J V Making last four GOOD THINGS at Tanforan WON. 1 1 MBBM - Yesterdays Parlay: CAESARS GHOST, LOST BATTERING RAM, 7th Pinv Saturdays Parlay: NEEDLES, 4.56, WON ROXIE WEIDEL, .96, WON "Remember," SULLIVAN dont sell CODE CARDS. Cheap information will BREAK YOU. PARLAYS; PAY SBIG MONEYS and only small capital needed to play SULLIVAN parlays every day. Try it yourself. Vtr XMAS IS COMING MAKING "SULLIVAN" YOUR SANTA CLAUS m Do your shopping NOW with your BOOKIES money by following SULLIVAN, NOT FOR ONE DAY, ai you CANT judge GOOD INFORMATION on one days trial. Give SULLIVAN a fair trial. DC TODAYS PARLAY 6-1 and 8-1 PARLAY SHOULD PAY 60- "W If you only knew what "SULLIVAN" knows today of these 2 "good things," you would bet bankroll. W- "FREE" ANOTHER 20-1 TANFORAN "SPECIAL" TODAY WILL BE GIVEN FREE TODAY TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SERVICE. Br TERMS, A DAY "TWO HORSE PARLAY" No More No Less CHICAGO READERS: Call at the office. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and we will send you todays parlay in sealed envelope with messenger boy. No charge for messenger service. Out-of-town readers, telegraph your subscription. You net my parlay by fast wire as soon as I receive your subscription. NOW, LETS GO. DONT MISS A DAY YOU WILL BE LOSER IF YOU DO. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, III. Kb ttof weekly mm For Sale on All Newsstands ! i 35 Cents 10 Weeks, .00 Todays Free Code: PIMLICO Aug.-1 8-5-3-5. For cipher code, see page 2, SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: LORD DEAN, 2.56, WON LUCKITE, $ 9.50, WON And our connections tell us they expect to put over ANOTHER BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LATONIA Helmet-10-17. PIMLICO Stick-4B-9. Get in the WINING WAY FOLLOW SUPREMES TRACKMENS PARLAYS FOR WINNINGS?. For full details on TRACKMENS PARLAYS, see PAGE 8, SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932110801/drf1932110801_22_3
Local Identifier: drf1932110801_22_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800