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HAGERSTOWN ENTRIES For Hagerstown Telephone Codes , use Post Position number shown im- i mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries. . 4 Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. First Race About 6-8 Mile. Purse ?300. 2-Year-OWs. Maidens. Index Post -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 81878 8 Billies Tryst... 112.. 2 Nevcrfail 112.. 80580 5 Myraplay -112.. 81345 1 Golden Castle.. 115.. 81158 3 Thurnbergia .. 112.. 81826 4 This Play 112.. 6 Pandoras Box.. 112.. 7 Sand Flight.... 115.. 81563 9 Spanish Slipper 112.. 10 The Seasons... 112.. 11 Decorate 115.. 81300 12 Whirry 115.. 13 Little Howee... 112.. 80136 14 Jean Via 112.. Mrs. M. R. Waugh and B. Waugh entry Pandoras Box, The Seasons. G. C. Overcash and Miss G. Baker entry Sand Flight, Spanish Slipper. Second Race About 6 1-2 Furlongs. Middletown Valley Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Foaled in Maryland. Claiming. 80584 5 Sisko "3 103.. 1000 81349 3 Single A 4 114.. 1000 81996 12 Gay Pal 5 114X iOOO 81391 4 Prowess M . . 4 109X 1000 81828 1 Single Fly M 4 109.. 1000 81258 2 Stubble M .. 3 108.. 1000 70400 6 Aisle M 3 103.. 1000 81735 7 Rustic Lady... 3 103X 1000 74799 8 Darg M 3 108.. 1000 81733 9 Steelton M.. 3 108.. 1000 80695 10 Tiphaine M. 3 103.. 1000 81999 11 Semele M... 3 103.. 1000 81997 13 Glen Burnie... 4 109X 1000 Third Race About 6 1-2 Furlongs. Mt. Vernon Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 75926 14 Schley B 8 117.. 500 79587 llEPidawn M.. 4 115X 700 80735 2Kingbird 7 115X 700 77242 4 Harvard 7 117. . 500 81349 1 Tryabit 4 112 X 500 76553 3 Cbsis Baby M 3 105.. 500 62837 5 Greek God M 4 117.. 500 81734 6Rush M 4 107.. 500 75988 7Sandy San 7 107X 500 77212 8Barren Hill.... 5 112X 500 9 Captor M.... 7 117.. 500 77271 10 Humdinger ... 8 117X 500 73785 12 In India M.. 3 105.. 500 13 West Day M 5 112.. 500 Fourth Race About 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 81683 8 Muskoday .... 5 117X 500 70118 7 Claric Amour. . 7 112X 500 78020 9Crasher 8 112... 500 75983 12 May Bar 9 112X 500 75926 1 Marys Way M 6 112.. 500 71288 2 Snifty Ann M 3 100.. 500 75984 3 High Lady M 5 112.. 500 76291 4Priscilla Lee... 4 107.. 500 75876 5 Bless Her Heart 7 112.. 500 75988 6Mums Lad.... 6 112.. 500 64574 10 Rockney 8 117.. 500 81641 11 Starry M ... 3 105.. 500 81734 13Too Gai M.. 3 100.. 500 14 Wild Chicken M 3 110.. 500 Fifth Race About 5-8 Mile. Herald Mail Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 81599 12Shavings ..... 3 100X 1000 75984s 10 Wandering Jim 5 115.. 1000 6 Decorum M . 4 110. . 1000 80737 8 Washout 3 110.. 1500 81733 1 Rock Sun M 3 105.. 1000 74849 2 Altura 8 110X 1000 81879 3Westys LadM 4 110.. 1000 81080 4 Pink Post M 3 110.. 1000 ! 75429 5Nemorc 3 100. . 1000 ! 77155 7 Shrcwmouse M ... 3 110.. 1500 81212 9 Flying Vote.... 3 105X 1000 77898 llChisel 3 105.. 1000 77674 13 Radial 4 110. . 1000 75832 14Dutiful 5 105X 1000 Sixth Race About 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 81997 9 Noisy Miss.... 5 107X 500 82001 10Peach Basket.: 5 102.. 500 74924 5 Thymon 8 112X 500 82001 3 Chief Pettijohn 6 112X 500 81737 1 Dark Abbot.... 6 112.. 500 81350" 2 Lenox Avenue. 6 107.. 500 81683 4 Rube Samuel-son 6 112. . 500 81832 6 Do Tell M . . 6 107.. 500 75575 7 Madges Fellow. 5 112X 500 81332 8 Light Breeze M 4 107.. 500 B. A. Hall and B. Grayson entry Lenox Avenue, Chief Pettijohn. Seventh Race About 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. 81999 8AelIa 3 100.. 700 75989 3Espada M... 5 110.. 700 . 81999 10 Electric Gaff M 3 113 1000 80737$ 5LittIe Stokes .. 4 113X 1000 81641 1 Seco M .... 3 110.. 700 80097 2Red Vest ..... 4 110X 700 81879 4Hacky H 6 112X 700 81645 6 Running Play M 3 110.. 1000 81645 7 Tee Off M... 3 105.. 700 81774 9Pretty Wise . . 3 108X 1000 82000 11 Rustic Flirt M 4 100.. 700 81996 12 Todina M :. 4 110.. 700 81996 13 Miss Catalan M 5 110.. 700 82000 14 Kanem 4 115.. 700