Thorncliffe Park, Daily Racing Form, 1933-06-02

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THORNCLIFFE PARK t : , The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Third Races at Thorncliffe Thursday Paid 90.30 for """""""""" - TORONTO, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933. Thorncliffe Park 1 mile. Fourth day. Thorncliffe Park Racing and Breeding Association. First summer meeting of 7 days. Marshall Cassidy Stall Gate used Weather clear. Stewards, D. S. Gillies and J. P. Turner. Judges, W. A. Hewitt, E. Allan and D. A. Boyle. Starter, M. Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds: 7 pounds: 10 pounds. ftl QftO FIRST RACE-3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932 1:11 G 106. Busher Jackson i . i MTM Purse Purse 00- 3-yearolds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to win- june-i-w-im ner 50; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 2 lbs. extra for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt 14 1and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81895GOLDEN SPUR , vv 4 111 1 2 41 2" 21 Is MannF W F Morrissey 2521-100 81792 CANTERBURY RAIN w3 105 5 1 11 11 1 21 ParadiscJ R Tooomath 2255-100 81844sDON VERN wb 4 111 8 6 34 34 3l 31 Thomas J A J Halliwell 190-100 81655 CHATWATER wb 3 105 7 11 101 74 71 4 MattioliJ Mrs L L Charlton 955-100 81574-CRACKLE w 3 102 9 8 7 4 4" 5 BurriHJ J L McKnight 1135-100 81697 ALMOND wb 4 111 , 610 81 64 6" 64 CraverL Mrs L Baird 2410-100 69853 CAGEY wb 3 109 412 54 54 5l 74 StudleyW Mrs C O Iselin 510-100 81843 SATIN EAGLE wb 5 114 11 9 12 81 81 84 AimersT Mrs W W Young 77244 NATANIS wb3114 3 7 94 9s 91 94 DougrtyF Mrs I R McDonald 7815-100 77290 PEEVED wb. 3 109 10 5 6l 10 104 10 PolIardJ -MrsEALange 2140-100 76869 BUTTON UP wb 4 109 12 4 Ul 11s 11 114 WestH M McCann 74450FORTUITOUS w 3 107 2 3 2l 12 12 12 OsborneH A J La Belle 2755-100 Mutuel field. Time, :23. :48. 1:14. Track fast. , r -52 HUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 . GOLDEN SPUR $ 7.05 $ 4.00 $ 2.70 2521100 100-100 35100 CANTERBURY RAIN 24.75 6.75 11374-100 237100 DON VERN 2.50 25-100 Winner Ch. g, by John P. Grier Lady Wood, by Honeywood trained by W. F. Morrissey; bred by Meadowview Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:35. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. GOLDEN SPUR, close up all the way, responded gamely to punishment and was up to wear down CANTERBURY RAIN in the final strides. The latter showed good speed, was steadied along in front and held on well. DON VERN was a factor from the start. CHATWATER, slow to start, closed a big gap. CAGEY was unable to improve her position in the stretch. FORTUITOUS showed early speed, but tired badly. CRACKLE closed a gap. Scratched 81894 Princess Pyre, 105; 79961!Dark Colleen, 105; 81894 Animation, 105; 81735 Eereeious. 102; 64765 Palais Royal, 111; 81843 Hamina, 105. Overweight Satin Eagle, 5 pounds; Peeved, 2. C-fl QQ1 SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Queensway, Sept. 18, 19311:002112. Charlie Sands u.nfT Purse Pur 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 5; June-l-dd-Tht thirdf 55o; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 lb. extra for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt 14 .14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81699LADY HOCKBERGER wll5 4 1 14 l4 14 14 DougrtyF J O Burttschell 77MOO 81612CHRYSMUTE w 112 5 3 21 24 2 24 LegereE BALangmuir 540-100 80580 DISTRIBUTE w 110 2 4 3" 44 4 3 FodenN C Smythe 420-100 81612 GIFT ROMAN wb 110 3 2 44 34 34 4" PollardJ Fair Fields Stable 410-100 81776 PORT ROYAL w 107 1 5 5k 51 54 5s FellowsF H R Dulany Jr 3780-100 81514 SIR WELLAND w 103 6 6 6 6 6 6 CraverL C E Furry 7690-100 Time, :23, :47. 1:00. Track fast. , MUTUEIS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY HOCKBERGER $ 3.55 $ 2.70 $ 2.20 774100 35100 10100 CHRYUJE 3.75 2.75 87100 37-100 DISTRIBUTE .., 2.80 40-100 Winner B. f, by Chilhowee Pipestem, by Hourless trained by J. O. Burttschell; bred by Swingalong Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:11. AT POST minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. LADY HOCKBERGER went to the front in the first few strides and, drawing away into a good lead, was not menaced. CHRYSMUTE, closest to the pace throughout, continued gamely, but was unable to reach the winner. DISTRIBUTE closed resolutely. GIFT ROMAN tired in the final strides. SIR WELLAND was outrun all the way. Corrected weight Port Royal, 107. THIRD RACE-3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932-1:11-6-106. King Clancy 1 soVtf Purse- Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; June-1-33-Tnf second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt 14 li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77332POWDER MONKEY w 4 110 1 6 5 l" 1" 11 MadeleyF G Baker 1105-100 81843INCESSANT wb 4 105 7 5 6 44 3 24 HicklingA W H Wright 95-100 81843 ALTS HE B wb 5 110 9 1 2k 5s 21 31 WilsonT H Gallagher 420-100 81575 BLACK JEWEL wb 4 108 5 3 44 64 72 4" LongoJ P S Pedlar 3400-100 81894 ROBOT wb5110 2 4 14 3" 44 54 VercherT A J Halliwell 525-100 79655THEONE w 6 105 4 9 84 8s 61 6 AtkinsG C S Mitchell 7700-100 81658 MINTMAGI wb 5 112 8 2 3k 2" 50k 7rt LegereE BALangmuir. 725-100 77017 THE MARQUISE wb 5 110 6 8 71 74 84 84 TownrowR Mrs J Badame 2610-100 81844 HOT SPRING wb 3 101 3 7 9 9 9 9 MrchseG B A Langmuir Coupled as B. A. Langmuir entry. Time, :23, :48, 1:14. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s POWDER MONKEY 4.10 $ 7.90 $ 4.00 1105100 295100 100100 INCESSANT 3.20 2.50 60100 25100 ALTSHEB 3.20 60100 Winner Ch. g, by Mars Pink and Yellow, by Broomstick trained by F. Gilpin; bred by Mr. W. M. Jeffords. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:45. AT POST 12 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. POWDER MONKEY, saved early, moved up leaving the back stretch and, withstanding a game challenge from ALTSHEB, held INCESSANT safe. The latter moved up on the outside near the stretch and. closed gamely. ALTSHEB, steadied throughout, challenged gamely, but tired near the end. BLACK JEWEL closed with a burst of speed. ROBOT showed early speed. HOT SPRING was never a factor. THE MARQUISE was outrun all the way. Scratched81892 Phar Crest, 108; 81789 Princely Pal, 105. Overweight Theonc, 2 pounds; Mintmagi, 2; The Marquise, 2; Hot Springs, 3. O-fl QCO FOURTH RACE 11-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1931 1:44 3 107. Charlie 0--f,-0 Conacher Purse. Purse S700. 4-year-olds and .upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. June-1-33-Tnf rjet vaue to winner 50; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 14 li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81570 SEA KALE wb 7 110 11 4l 44 3"k 1 14 TownrowR J Badame 1521-100 81660 FRIGID FROSTY w4107 5 3 32 3 24 24 2" FatorE C Cox 2000-100 81 8425PAR EXCELLENCE w 6 107 7 7 52 .5l 52 31 34 WestH R H New 190-100 81795LORD CARDIGAN wb 7 112 3 4 21 21 1" 4 44 Pollard J L Frosch 630-100 81660 PAT GAIETY w 6 113 2 2 7 61 7 7 5Bk GirardC J Glassco 855-100 81841 FREETHINKER w 6 107 4 5 ll 144 5nk 64 MattioliJ S B Crawford 1050-100 81795 DAN McCRIMMON w 4 107 6 6 61 7 62 61 7 DougrtyF C S Mitchell 3800-100 Time, :24, :49. 1:14. 1:41. 1:48. Track fast. , MTJTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS v SEA KALE $ 5.05 $ 3.40 $ 2.40 152100 70100 20100 FRIGID FROSTY 12.30 4.40 515100 120100 PAR EXCELLENCE , 2.40 20100 Winner B. g, by Alasnam Sea Froth, by Inferno trained by J. Badame; bred by Mr. J. E. Small-man. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 4:30. AT POST minute. Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third the same. SEA KALE, saved for three-quarters, moved up in. the last quarter and, taking command in the stretch, wop going away. FRIGID FROSTY, saved early, disposed of LORD CARDIGAN, but was unable to withstand the closing challenee of the winner. PAR EXCELLENCE, slow to settle into his best stride, closed gamely. LORD CARDIGAN tired after racing close up. PAT GAIETY closed a gap. FREETHINKER showed good speed for three-quarters, then tiredi Scratched 81897Candy Man, 107. Overweight Pat Gaiety, 3 pounds. O-j QQ J FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932 1:11 6 106. Bob Gracie Purse. OluOTt Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, June-1-33-Thf 00 ; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 2 lbs. extra for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Vi Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81615 LULLABY II. w 5 110 1 3 l,k ll 11 1J MattioliJ Mountain Rose Stable 195-100 77510BLACK DIAMOND wb 7 114 5 2 3 3 3 21 MozerR Erindale Stable 100-100 81749 BUBBLING OUT w 5 116 4 1 4 4 44 3 McCannG Four Ls Stable. 23010Q 2S1NA W"l 2 4 2421 TownrowR A Thompson MO-100 719 FRIAR CLIFF w7112 3 5 5 5 5 5 MadeleyF E Lceson 22lSl00 Time, :23, :47, 1:1. Track fast. iffiJU, .TlTS. i-S TrSf" SSSFSSa IbSfiSS?0 ;..vr.:::: 2M iS jm Winner B. m, by Eilangowan-Chansonnettc, by Thrush trained by T. Walsh; bred .in France by J Mr. II. R. Lawrence. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:04. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. rTAv?- ? faclor frora he start shook off BYLONA and drew away in the dosing eighth. BLACK UlAWOIMU, rated close up, moved up in the stretch and closed gamely. BUBBLING OUT, tmtrun earlv closed fast and was along to take third place in the last stride. BYLONA raced close up all the way but tired in the last sixteenth. FRIAR CLIFF trailed far back. 81985 SIXIH RACf 1 1aMils- Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1931-1:44-3-187. Alex Lewinsky june-i j7n1Yhf int PUrse: crse .!??- J-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 58; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 25. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 2 lbs extra for each" 58 to ,509. Index Horse. Egt A WtPPSt K S Str Kin Jockeya Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 81896POPCORN wb4U1 1 1 24 21 23 1 1" MannF C J Patchett 310-100 8 898BUSHMAN w5115 3 2 4 3 31 2i 2 FodenN J E Smallman 55-100 S JKSSScS- "SP 4 4 V11 3 35 Dousrt-F TEPerrett 81843 OMAREEN WB7110 2 3 3" 5s 5 41 4" RallsC C N Mooney 1360-100 SSSrtF WZ2and 66 6 6 6 6 5FatorE C F Mitchell 2025-100 81747 TOP HATTTE w 6 113 5 5 51 4J 4s 51 6 JenkinsV J Salem 3070-100 Time, 24, :49and, 1:14, 1:48, 1:47. Track fast. Winner-B. c, by Peanuts-How JTair, by Fair Play trained by A. Watts; bred by Mr. R. L. Gerry. Jl Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:39. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. mtcE?IL. d. t0 Pace! went to the front when called upon and, hard ridden, lasted .to hold tav fvAXTiP6. Ater Sa.ved earI moved UP on the outside in the sketch and just failed to get up; INDIAN DANCE set the early pace, but could not keep pace. OMAREEN closed gamely. J GLEE CLUB was always outrun. Scratched 81792 Isostasy, 108. " Overweight Top Kgttie, 3 pounds. 81986 SEVENTH RACE-1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1931-1:44-3-187. Ken Doraty " Purse: flrse 57M- 3-year-olds and upward. Net June-1-3aYh June i 33-Thf Claiming. value to winner 50; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt ,4 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owner. EqnlT. Odds Strt " 569 MAKE BELIEVE w6111 1 2 7 5" 5! 21 12 SargentF S Mason WW fSSFJY 5111 3 4 414V24lk 23 DeweseM Ridgewood Farm Stable 245 100 81893 WOOLORAC w7113 4 1 2 2J V- 3 3 FatorE C H Neal 1145-100 ESSSSSiii? WZ2E 6 5 31 341 511 4k DohertyF Mifair stab, S 81898 THE TOUT w 6 113 7 8 61 7s f? 61 51 RerailrdP T L Evans 390-100 81844 KOENIGSMARKH. w7111 2 3 1 1" 31 4i 6! ObertW G B Foley 1065-100 SJSJSSSK WBIJS2 8 6 5i6k 7,1711 7 Tll0masJ Mrs D Boyle 3045-100 81896 DOCTOR T. wb 6 103 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 MozerR E P Barnes 1655-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:465 Track fast MAKF RFITFVF TeMU3?? P,? OFTICIAL BOOKING ODDS . woolorac 350 Jg 75-10B lejjj 0VinBvS 2?r Khaam-Rfd Hood, by Polymelus trained by C. Middleton; bred by Le Mar Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO P0ST-:17. AT POST 4 minutes. . Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. MAKE BELIEVE moved up fast in the last three-eighths, went to the outside of the leaders in the wri nplr drew,utt ,NERAL JOY took the lead in the stretch, but could not withstand the winner. WOOLORAC could not keep pace m the stretch. UPSET LAD closed a gap. KOENIGSMARK II. showed early speed, but tired badly. THE TOUT was never prominent. Overweight Make Believe, 1 pound. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT THORNCL1FFE Thursday 3 Races, 10.40; 5 Races, 58.35; 7 Races, 04.75

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