untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1933-07-29


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Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, CaU Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio Main 4200 New Orleans, La Main 3678 New York, N. Y .Bogardus 5900 San Francisco, Calif. Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio. .. . .Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: LATONIA Pat-53-7. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: LATONIA Fat-24-51. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 29 Code number 53 should read letter "G" instead" of letter "B" as printed for issue of July 29th. FRIDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: TIMOROUS, .36, WON FRIDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: SMEAR, .02, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, HL 538 South Dearborn St. Chicago, HL Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON: September-Omaha-Boston-Cleveland. FREE 10-1 WINNER FREE Just to prove the caliber of my "INFO." $ $. Call in person or phone.. DEARBORN 9297. Out-of-town players, wire and- receive fast reply. SAM CLARK, 36 W. Randolph St., Suite 404, Chicago.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933072901/drf1933072901_22_9
Local Identifier: drf1933072901_22_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800