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WINOOKA GOING BACK HOME Australias Great Sprinter to Race No More in This Country and Departs Shortly for forHis His Native Land HOMEWOOD 111 June 12 Winooka is going back home The second American cam ¬ paign of Australias great sprinter having been a distinct disappointment to his owners Matthews and McDonald and his trainer Michael Poison the foreign speedster will have no further opportunity to display in this country the speed that made him a sensation in his native land for several years Announcement to such effect was made late yesterday by Poison and without further ado Winooka and his companion Trevallion which is owned by Poison will be prepared for the long four weeks trip to the land of the kan ¬ garoo garooGreatly Greatly disappointed at the failure of Winooka to exhibit the phenomenal speed that carried him to many records in Aus ¬ tralia Poison said that he will leave Amer ¬ ica with many regrets regretsFirst First of all he stated Winooka is a much better horse than he has shown him ¬ self to be in this country and I am deeply affected by his failure to run at least one race on a par with some of his best perform ¬ ances back home homeI I have been royally treated by every one at every place I have been in America and would like to stay longer It is possible that we may return with another horse or two in a few years yearsOur Our plans are to ship Winooka to San Francisco and after a week there to break the long trip will leave aboard the Mon ¬ terey early in July This is the boat on which we came to America AmericaI I should like to say at this time that if any American owner ever comes to my coun ¬ try with or without horses I would consider it a great honor to entertain him and assist him in any way possible It is my belief that the complete letdown in Winookas training last winter when he led a lazy life at Mr B B Jones wonderful Audley Farm in Virginia was too much of a shock for him H was not accustomed to it and reactions from it were bad in fact he has not yet recovered Our system for resting a horse is altogether different We never let him get soft softAnother Another thing is that in Winookas case we would have to overcome nature which is impossible It is quite probable that he Continued on twentyninth page WINOOKA GOING BACK HOME Continued from first page will never race again going to stud upon his return to Australia AustraliaWinooka Winooka and his entourage left Australia more than a year ago and leaving San Fran ¬ cisco will have a three weeks ocean trip before them before their homeland is reached reachedIn In his first American campaign Winooka started seven times winning four races and an estimated 20300 This year he started twice and was beaten both times timesPoison Poison also stated that the United States government had refused to extend the time of the permits held by him and an assistant This however had nothing to do with his decision to return home such a decision hav ¬ ing been reached before the extension was denied Poison said saidInsured Insured for 65000 Winooka will make the long return trip in the same regal fashion in which he traveled from the land down under to this country