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ROCKINGHAMS TOTALISATOR Test of New Machine Will Be Made MadeNext Next Sunday and Public Invited Invitedto to Witness the Demonstration SALEM N H June 12 A test of the new totalisator to be used during the race meet ¬ ing at Rockingham Park June 23 will be Held next Sunday when the race track will be thrown open to the public which will be given a demonstration ot the board with a human brain brainBecause Because the new tote has never been operated in this section before Lou Smith has decided to invite the countryside to the track for this demonstration which will be in charge of Mortimer Mahoney mutuel manager An imaginary race will be set up in ordei to demonstrate to the public exactly how the board operates showing the total amount of money wagered in the straight place and show pools poolsThe The public will be permitted to go to the selling windows for tickets and the oper ¬ ation will be exactly the same as though a race were rim Many of the mutuel clerks will be on hand to provide tickets for the public in this test testIn In order to provide a colorful background for the tote test as well as the public inspection of the plant with its new im ¬ provements the track management has ar ¬ ranged for a three hour band concert from 1 to 4 p m Joseph Gladyez of Manchester N H will conduct the 172nd Artillery Band at Manchester ManchesterIt It is expected that an immense throng will flock to this beautiful track trackBecause Because of the steady demand for stable room from leading racing establishments of the country secretary Jim Munroe will start work on two more barns this week which will boost the capacity of the track to 1505 stalls Exactly 120 new stalls will be completed this week which will increase to 400 the number of new stalls since last years rac ¬ ing a clear indication that Rockingham has struck a popular chord among the horsemen who are shipping here from all points of the country