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DETROIT TURF NOTES Discovery will lose little time here The son of Display Will be returned to New York Sunday morning Chicstraw and Swiftsport go back at the same time while the Brook meade Stable horses will leave here Tuesday for Belmont Park ParkIt It was impossible for jockey R Jones to come here to ride Time Clock the lad having a AqueductA stakes engagement at Aqueduct A committee headed by Judge DeWitt Merriam of Detroit presented the Edsel B Ford DerbyMrs trophy to the winner of the Derby Mrs Clark widow of the late A B Dade considered Americas premier starter was in the happy throng throngIn In the Mrs Isabel Dodge Sloane party were Mr and Mrs Oliver ODonnell Mr and Mrs Harvey Gibson and Douglas Page Mrs Sloane and party were the guests of Mrs Sloanes sister Mrs Wesson Seyburn After the races Mrs Seyburn entertained the visitors and Mr and Mrs George D Widener WidenerIn In the Fisher box were Mr and Mrs Charles T Fisher Mr and Mrs Charles T Fisher Jr Miss Mary Fisher Bill Fisher Everill Fisher Mr and Mrs J Gorman and Mr and Mrs George Gagnier Judge GagnierJudge Joseph A Murphy director of raoi ing had the honor of being an official for all of the Derbys run at Detroit and also was a steward for the special race between Man o War and Sir Barton at Kenilworth KenilworthThe The stewards granted Mrs Margaret Weiner permission to sell Off Duty Mrs Weiner claimed the plater here and the thirty days have not expired W Emmerson acted for H C Rumage in the transaction