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BLUE BONNETS BONNETSWeather Weather clear track heavy heavyRacing Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago daylight time 145 p m For Blue Bonnets Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im mediately before the names of all j the horses appearing in the entries J First Race 34 Mile Purse 400 3 YearOlds and Upward Foaled in Canada CanadaClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordKopeck Kopeck Sept 1 1930 111 4 116 Index Post Bcst at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price Price97353s 97353s 4 Ruby Stone BB 114 114 4 108X 500 97353 11 Soliloquy BB ll5 114 5108 500 97419 13 Wee Toddler II MR 111 113 8 113X 700 97419 14Fatai Gift BB 108 115 6 103X 500 97353s 3Anoka MR 117 113 5 113X 700 97295 2 Chatham Queen MR 106 114 5 108X 500 97292 lCursive M BB 105 119 3 102 500 97295 5 Par Excellence Wdb 113 114 7 113X 500 50097292s 97292s 6 Lc Canedien CanedienM M BB 109 117 3 112X 700 97292 7Wee MacGregor M MR 108 116 4 108 600 97222 8 Kebbie BB 110 114 5108 500 87128 9 Cudchic M 3107 500 96987 10 Rambling Katie M MR 107 116 5108 500 97222 12 Hard Up M 3 107 500 500Second Second Race 78 Mile Out of Chute Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordJack Jack Atkin Sept 17 1910124 6 111 97293s 1 Chipmunk M BB 112 128 3 105X 500 50097355s 97355s 3 William C 4 115X 500 96911 7 Irish Maiden BB 113 126 6 105X 500 97223 8 Second Story BB 110 129 3105 500 97355 10 Frank Gross ¬ man BB 114 129 5 110X 500 97291 11 Dark Altos BB 110 127 5 105X 500 96577 2 Happy Lady LadyM M 3105 500 97293 4 Sweet Senorita BB 111 128 6105X 500 97297 5 Earl Gaar BB 114 l33sy 6 115X 500 96503 6 Zaidee Sar 106 127 6 110X 500 97293 9 Jolly Gal M 3 100 500 96989 12 Omarcan M 4110 500 97291 13 Imagaie BB 106 128 4 105X 500 97291 14 Glory B BB 108 130 8 110 500 97555 15 Virado 8 110X 500 97293 16 Irish Pearl BB 117 127 5 105X 500 500Third Third Race 34 Mile Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Kopeck Sept 1 1930 111 4 116 97225s 13 Authority Hav 111 112 4 107X 700 97291 14 thunderdrop LF 110 112 5 120X 700 97357 11 Tricycle Trp 112 113 5 117X 500 97297 6 Cornelia Clara Hav 111 114 4 107X 700 70097357s 97357s 4 Hey There Jam 118 l13m 5 109X 500 96827 1 Eleusagon MR 105 113 7 107 700 97069 2 Charlies Girl CP 108 114 5107 700 97357 3ToP Shot Wdb 103 116 3 97 700 97221s 5 Mint Drift FP 106 113 4 115X 700 94466 7 Baimwawa M Det 115 115 3 107 700 972251 8 Dress Circle CircleM M BB 109 115 3 104X 500 97225 9Wrackala M Wdb 112 115 3 97X 700 97150 10 Rough Boy M 4 109 500 97069 12 Snoops Jam 112 114 3 110X 700 61156 15 Snelboc 8 112X 700 97221 16 Hasty Maiden 4104 500 97069 17 Vicki MOP 106 115 3 102X 700 97421 18 Visa MR 108 112 4107 700 700Special Special Race 1 14 Miles To Be Run Between Third and Fourth Races RacesKings Kings Plate 700 Added and Fifty Guineas 3YearOlds and Up ¬ ward Foaled in the Proince of Quebec Track Record RecordAylmer Aylmer June 10 1911 204 4 98 97354 2 Count Bruno 5 131X 97423 1 Loggia 3 112X 97354 3 Sir Michael BB 120 210 4131 I I96987s 96987s 4 Baton DAmour BB 118 212 4129 4129Fourth FurlongsPurse Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordFrench French Lass Aug 29 1930 105 2 108 97354 8 SWEEPVALE NF107Jlp6 3110X1000 96908 10RoseIys OP 112 106 7 111 1000 97419 llFoggy Dew MR 113 109 5 104X 600 60097354s 97354s 2 Colored Artist BB 110108 4 108X 1000 97144s 100097144s 1 Rideau CP 111 108 5 110X 800 96909 5 Optical Dor 106 108 9 114X 600 96579 3 Die Cast CP 104 108 4102 600 96826 4 Maggie Love BB 105 108 5 105 800 97354 6 Imadud Ham 111 108 3115X1000 97421 7 Jean Pittston CP 111 108 5114 600 96742 9 Probate MR 114 109 10 107 600 600Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesCudgel Cudgel Purse Purse 400 3 Year ClaimingTrack Olds and Upward Claiming Track Record William T June 22 1929 152 4 108 97425 10 Bold Bendigo FE 111 153 6 107X 700 96993 6Dark AyrHdG 112 154 7 110X 700 97294 8 Gay Party BB 115 155 5 115X 700 97294s 9 Judge Dircnzo Lat 108 l54sy 7 115X 700 97226 2 Make Believe FE 113 153 7 115X 700 97226s 70097226s 3 Golden Play BB 110 200 6 117X 700 97296s 70097296s 1 Little Jay 5 115X 700 97226 4 Our Pal AP 115152 8 109 X 700 97227s 5 Prince Mexican Was 112 155 7 108X 700 70097226s 97226s 7 Air King Thf 113 153 5 109X 700 Sixth Race 1 Mile Out of Chute Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordMarine Marine Aug 31 1929 136 3 118 96988 9 Cloudy Day Rkmll3143 5 115 X 500 97423 10 Distinct M Hia 108 142 3 95 500 97226 7Replevin Lrl 108 141 9 103X 500 97422 6 Kaffa BB 108 142 8 103X 500 96993 2 Captive 6 108X 500 97425 3 Orkin Aur 107 144 6 110X 500 97071 1 Golden Gwyn GwynM M 3 95 500 97359 4 Jack DOr BB 110 142 9 108X 500 95991 5 Fortune Bay Hia 95139 4110 500 97227 8 Our JewellBB 111 146 4 103X 500 97422 IPSuranto CP 106142 5 98X 500 500Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Out of Chute Purse 400 3YearOlds ClaimingTrack and Upward Claiming Track Record RecordMarine Marine Aug 31 1929 136 3 118 97359 10 Playabit BB 110 141 7115 500 97227 7 Woolorac BB 111 142 8 108X 500 97357 5Littlo WingCP 110 150 5 100X 500 97297 4 Chipola JP 116 139 5 115X 500 97425 llMiss Donovan Trp 93139 3 95X 500 97425 12 Zeal BB 110 141 7 108X 500 97227 1 Verity Ballot FG 110 l45s 5 103X 500 97227 2 Phil RNF 109141 7 108X 500 94454 3Fleckel MFG 108 l44sy 3 93 500 97355 6 Blanchette M MR 109 144 6103 500 96301 8 Punishment 8 108 500 97359 9 Grceah CD 110 140 4 110X 500