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J J HAMILTON CO CORACING RACING COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERSTERMS TERMS 300 DAILY 1000 WEEKLY The only information that Is worth while Is the in ¬ formation that is accompanied by smart money You may get a lot of tips from almost anyone but when the money is down that Is the time to go with it We have been handling commissions for a good many years and we know when the money Is down SATURDAYS PARLAY PARLAYULUNIU ULUNIU 1850 WON WONSIS SIS AGNES 880 WON WONFridays Fridays Parlay ParlayLADYKIN LADYKIN 920 WON PLAYING ON 900 WON WONThursdays Thursdays Parlay Wednesdays Parlay ParlayRYE RYE 1940 WON HYMAN 1298 WON WONPARADISICAL PARADISICAL 1000 WON ROMAN SOLDIER 880 WON WONMonday Monday Expect 100 for 2 Limit Parlay ParlayNo No matter what your experiences may have bsen in the past with any service you may have done business with you really owe it to yourself to get the advice on Mondays two horses These horses come so strong that we do not hesitate to advise each and all of our clients to go the limit to win and WIN ONLY ONLYACT ACT NOW DO NOT DELAY DELAYMake Make your subscription at once Do not hesitate City clients call at office Out oftown clients wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph Address AddressJ J J HAMILTON CO 139 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO ILL