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CHARLES TOWN TURF NOTES Hi Kerns arrived from Gulpepper Va with Braw Scot and Magic Girl GirlGeorge George Cochran celebrated rider of thirtyfive years ago is the guest here of Ray Stiver Cochran who rode his last winning race astride Pan Couer at Sanowne France in 1902 is en route to Chicago where he plans to organize a public stable stableGeorge George Johnson 100 North Miami Avenue Miami Fla wishes information of the whereabouts of Evans Johnson an exercise boy who left Miami with the W H Galla ¬ gher stable stableJockey Jockey Eddie Smith was suspended for five days by starter Walter Mara for dis ¬ obedience at the post postJimmy Jimmy Wallace has taken over the en ¬ gagement book of apprentice J Cusimano CusimanoDark Dark Star is the latest addition to starter Walter Maras schooling list listJockey Jockey Sidney Trenchard departs for Rock ¬ ingham Park ParkJockey Jockey J Lantz fully recovered from an operation has been galloping horses and will resume riding shortly shortlyIn In future races Tancred will start from outside the stalls stallsApprentice Apprentice J Steen formerly with Green tree Stable and now under contract to Wil ¬ liam Vincent Dwyer Is having his engage ¬ ments made by Jimmy Mack MackWhile While en route from Baltimore six of mutuel manager Mortimer Mahonys crew met with a slight accident near Frederick Saturday Those In the car were George Reif Walter Feuster Nat Tannenbaum Irvin Brown W Volkert and Buck ODon nell Minor cuts and bruises were suffered but all reported and fulfilled their duties during the afternoon afternoonJudge Judge and Mrs Ed Staylor of the Balti upre traffic court took in Saturdays sport sportRound Round Bend the property of Mrs M V Vlaly laly has recovered from a recent leg in Jury and will soon be seen under silks