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DUFFERIN PARK INAUGURAL Little Saratoga in Toronto In ¬ augurates Final Spring Meet ¬ ing at That Point TORONTO Ont June 16 The last weeks racing of this spring season for Toronto got under way today with the opening of Dufferin Park The Metropolitan Racing Association course one of the most popular half mile tracks in the country promises to provide a week of thrilling sport sportPainters Painters and carpenters have been busy for the past week or so whipping little Saratoga into shape All of the stablea have been treated to a coat of whitewash The grandstand has been painted white and green while the rails have been gone over and it is safe to say that Dufferin Park never appeared in more spic and span order than at the present time timeWith With few exceptions all of the more im ¬ portant stables that took part in the pre ¬ vious three local meetings are on liand ready to take part The entire string xf H C Hatch in charge of Lloyd Gentry which cut such a figure at both the Kenilworth and Long Branch meetings is remaining over to take part in the meeting meetingThere There is no dearth of jockeys the follow ¬ ing having been issued badges N Fpden S Young A Snider R J Fisher R Watson P Remillard G Pruchnicki T Dougherty H Murray J Lennie N Wall J Ford J Thomas R Mozer T Aimers R Wimmer C W Smith R Townrow G McCann E Waiters J McLaren and C Walters WaltersThe The officials of the meeting are Stew ¬ ards W R Nbrvell J Evans and L E Marsh placing judges C Allen and D Boyle starter Thomas Clark clerk of the scales A Simms paddock and patrol judge W G Kelly racing secretary W R Norvell