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The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races i at Washington Park Saturday Paid 4718 for 2 HOMEWOOD ILL SATURDAY JUNE 16 1934 Washington Park 1 18 miles Twentyfirst day Wash ingtou Park Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 27 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGcrald Stewards C B Head and R M Swcitzcr Judges W H Shelley F Dunne and E A Hileman Starter H Morrissev Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds OrrOQrJ FIRST RACE 34 Mile Bedght Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3yearolds fourthJune1634Was r and upward Claiming het value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth June1634Was 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtAWtPISt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strlt 9S955lULUNIU w 8 111 3 3 39792LAMP T 61 2 llk KingJ Mrs R Pollard Pollardw 825100 9792LAMP BLACK w 7 113 5 5 21 31 lk 2 KingT J D Mikel MikelWB 137100 97284 VERY WELL WB 6 103 4 2 297192HYMAN 3l 2 3J 3 WintersM J J Coughlin CoughlinWSB 1013100 97192HYMAN WSB 6 116 8 9 85 71 4J 44 SmithJ Superior Stable StableWB 285100 9726407171 WB 4 108 7 6 6l 42 51 5J1 NachelJ Baldwin Bros Brosvn4108 1478100 97263 MONKS BELA WB vn4108 4 108 97 97948372CHIEF 41 51 64 61 AndersonA Mrs L J Remm Remmw 5786100 948372CHIEF GERONIMO w 3 1031 1 14 4 49S339POLYPHOTE 9 9 71 7s StrorigJ Mrs R Lynch LynchWB 3824100 9S339POLYPHOTE WB 4 105 2 1 I1 11 81 81 KeesterP C E Davison DavisonWB 1121100 94752SCOTLAND MISS WB 5 103 6 68 8 5 5h 8J 9 9 HankaW R W Hoffman 27695100 Time 23 473 112 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID ULUNIU 1850 S 572 412 825 100 186 100 106 100 100LAMP LAMP BLACK 318 252 59 100 26 100 100VERY VERY WELL 458 129 100 100Winner Winner B g by Rodgers Assagais Christine by Assagai trained by R Pollard bred by A W Carter trustee Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 215i AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ULUNIU outrun early was lucky to save ground while improving his position and withstood a long drive gamely LAMP BLACK snowed early speed but was forced wide and bore out on the stretch turn then responded to pressure and hung on resolutely VERY WELL saved ground on the turn but tired slightly HYMAN lacked early speed but closed fast in the middle of the track POLYPHOTE quit badly MONKS BELA tired tiredOverweight Overweight Chief Geronimo 2g pounds Polyphote 2 CTOGC SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Judge Leer Oct 7 1933 105 2 109 Purse thirdJune1634Was y a OOO 800 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June1634Was 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 if for more 1 Ib extra for each 100 to 1500 Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSf 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Oddi Strt 9S955LITTLE CYNIC w 110 66 T 61 4 11 HughesII W Sachsenmaier 335 100 97038BOSSIE EYE WB107 1 4 4wllO 8s 7l 7 2J CorbettC Brentwood Stable 787100 97042MYRTLE BROOKS wllO 4 2 2WB112 4 3 61 3l WestropeJ T C Worden 317100 317100able 9S378 KI5SINBUG WB WB112 112 9 98 8 8w05 62 5 3 41 HeiIeR Shandon Farm Stable able 1243100 1243100971953LADY 971953LADY LOUELLA w w05 105 8 87 7 7wllO 32 lk ll 54 KeesterP Glen Erol Stable 494100 97195 = MABEL KRASA w wllO 110 3 33 3 3w05 2k 41 5 6 BolIcroJ R T Watts 605100 60510095955MAY 95955MAY D w w05 105 2 21 1 I1 21 2 71 KingT J D Mikel 1248100 97195 WINDER WB 110 55 5 8 8 8 AndersonA Rosehome Stable 4786100 97193 QUINTAL w 107 7 9 999 9 HarbortO H C McConnolI 11444100 11444100Time Time 23 47A 100 107 Track fast 32 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 LITTLE CYNIC 870 476 360 335 100 138 100 80 100 100BOSSIE BOSSIE EYE 764 458 282 100 129 100 100MYRTLE MYRTLE BROOKS 326 63 100 100Winner Winner B g by Cynic Isabella by Spanish Prince II trained by F Dawson bred by Mrs M Koorner Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 246i AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLITTLE LITTLE CYNIC fractious at the post and slow to get going saved ground on the turn came between horses in the stretch but was tiring at the finish BOSSIE EYE slow to get going saved ground to the final quarter then closed fast on the outside and was wearing down the winner MYRTLE BROOKS frac ¬ tious at the post and always close up finished well KISSINBUG showed good speed but lost ground and andtired tired in the late stages JAY D and LADY LOUELLA tired badly MABEL KRASA tired tiredScratched Scratched 97262 Dojo 110 ClryOGQ THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards out of chute Silverdale June 20 1930 140 NetJune1634Was J t Ot 4 115 Victoria Hotel Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net June1634Was value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 1500if if for more 1 Ib extra for each 250 to 2000 Index Horsoa Eqt A Vt IPst V Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Ktrt 97265FOUR SPOT v w 3 104 4 1 5 3h 21 21 I1 HankaW J Emery 492100 49210097040UNKIE 97040UNKIE TOM WB 3 107 11 9 71 54 5l 31 2k PichonL Milky Way Farm Stable 1834100 95045 TREVALLION w 7 114 6 2 11 24341 31 KacalaJ M Poison 262100 26210097041HEIRESS 97041HEIRESS WB 4 109 77 31 14 lk 41 4 WestropeJ Albert Sabath 935 100 10097115rERECH 97115rERECH WB 3 1051 1 5 8 4 4 51 5 HughesH Mr Mrs J L Wilson 5732100 573210097039ONDOTT 97039ONDOTT WB 4 108 9 11 11 7 7 61 61 WeitzelD Mrs J B Partridge 1279100 12791009S712BATTLING 9S712BATTLING GIRL w 4 111 5 10 1 10 9l 94 71 HarbortO G Henze 1734100 173410096342TACK 96342TACK WB 6 109 8 8 61 61 61 7l 82 NachelJ J McNamara 430100 43010097040LUNA 97040LUNA BRIGHT w 3 97 3 3 41 81 8l 8 9 KingJ R T Watts f82910Q 97121 GRAMARYE w 4 109 2 6 91 91 10l 10J 10 McCrayK Mrs K ONeil 2638100 263810096957HOME 96957HOME WORK WB 5 108 10 4 2 11 11 11 11 WintersM J W Walter Jr t tfMutucl fMutucl field Time 23 43 112 138 142 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FOUR SPOT 1184 S 692 408 492 100 246 100 104 100 100UNKIE UNKIE TOM 1680 900 740 100 350 100 100TREVALLION TREVALLION 412 106 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Coventry Calico bv Craigangower trained by D Womeldorff bred by Mr L A lluilrv Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 322 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFOUR FOUR SPOT racing in his best form and restrained early moved up steadily after half a mile and andwearing wearing down TREVALLION won in a drive UNKIE TOM racing close up throughout responded to urging and hung on gamely TREVALLION showed early speed and responding gamely on the final turn bore boreout out and tired as if short HEIRESS tired after being prominent to midstretch ERECH raced evenly evenlyScratched Scratched 97118s Bay Servant 101 101Overweight Overweight Erech 3j pounds QT QA FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Jimmy Moran June 3 1929 59 2 116 Chesterfield winnerJune1634Was f 4 J JJ Purse Purse S800 2yearolds Maidens Special weights Net value to winner June1634Was 60o second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Eqiiir Odds Strt 9S960GREAT HASTE wl5 6 2 21 23 11 P Harbor Harborw HarbortO J E Widener 185100 969SO GALLACLAY w 115 1 4 34 34 31 2k Fisher FisherWB FisherHW Milky Way Farm Stable fl454100 93794BORN HAPPY WB 115 7 3 14 I1 21 3 SmithJ E R Bradley 144100 Continued on sixteenth page WASHINGTON PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page PRINCE SPLENDOR w 115 2 5 44 4 41 41 WestropeJ T C Worden 96960SULA WB WB115 115 8 87 7 7GALLERNE 8 71 71 51 HcigleR Shandon Farm Stable 807100 807100w GALLERNE w vll2 112 5 56 6 72 51 5h 61 PichonL Milky Way Farm Stable t twl5 97116 CHIEF EVERGREEN w wl5 115 4 41 1 1970385FAIR 5k 61 6 75 KacalaJ W F Axton 10355100 10355100w 970385FAIR COUNTESS w 112 3 8 61 8 8 8 WintersM Calumet Farm Stable 1786100 Coupled as Milky Way Farm Stable entry entryTime Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 MUTUFXS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GREAT HASTE 570 360 240 185 100 80 100 20 100 100MILKY MILKY WAY FARM STABLE ENTRY 872 330 336 100 65 100 100BORN BORN HAPPY 256 28 100 100Winner Winner Gr g by Haste Stephanie by Stefan the Great trained by D E Stewart bred by Mr J E Widencr WidencrWENT WENT TO POST 353 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving f fGREAT GREAT HASTE following the pace closely went to the lead when ready and had something left GALLACLAY fractious at the post saved ground while close iip and finished evenly BQRN HAPPY was hustled to the front went to the inside but tired when challenged PRINCE SPLENDOR followed the pace well under slight restraint was not persevered with in the stretch and should improve GALLERNE raced creenly creenlyScratched Scratched Miss Kiev 112 Lo 112 QryQQj FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3year 50June1634Was CF i OiX 0ds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 June1634Was fourth 25 Claiming price 2200 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 200 to 1600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 2 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 967962MOANE KEALA w 6 105 2 2 2968793PRINCE 31 2l lk 14 HughesH Mr Mrs J L Wilson 968793PRINCE SULIEMAN w 4 115 4 1 196186LADY 96186LADY VA VA w 8 108 8 9 9967963STRAIT 71 61 5s 31 KingT J McNamara 490100 490100967963STRAIT 967963STRAIT JACKET WB 4 109 3 3 3970403NORMAN 2k 31 34 4k KeestcrP W Sachsenmaier 623 100 100970403NORMAN 970403NORMAN D WB 3 106 7 75 5 596796BARDSTOWN 41 4s 4l 54 NachelJ J G Goodwin 1123100 112310096796BARDSTOWN 96796BARDSTOWN WB 3 104 1 14 4 496796MISS 51 54 62 61 HankaW D B Midkiff 3280100 328010096796MISS 96796MISS CORINNE w 5 104 68 8l 81 T T KingJ Mrs R Pollard 6711100 88850 FRENCH KNIGHT WB 4 115 9 6 61 71 8l 81 HeigleR F Umbdenstock 4147100 9671 0LE MISERABLE WSB 3 111 57 9999 HarbortO P Kelley 2051100 2051100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MOANE KEALA 468 330 256 134 100 65 100 28 100 100PRINCE PRINCE SULIEMAN 518 356 159 100 78J 100 100LADY LADY VA VA 356 78 100 100Winner Winner Br m by War Shot Awapuhi by Marsc Abe trained by E McCuan bred by A W Carter trustee Winner entered to be claimed for 2200 2200WENT WENT TO POST 426 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingMOANE MOANE KEALA followed the pace under restraint while saving ground went to the outside of PRINCE SULIEMAN when moving forward and was under pressure to the end The latter set a good early pace and held on well after being challenged LADY VA VA was slow to find her stride lost ground on the final turn and closed with a belated rush STRAIT JACKET followed the early pace under mild restraint and tired tiredScratched Scratched 97040 Cotton Club 108 97267 Fair Image 105 QTQQO SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles Gallant Knight June 25 1932 202 5 123 Seventh 3yearoldsJune1634Was V Running FRANCIS S PEABODY MEMORIAL HANDICAP 2500 added 3yearolds June1634Was and upward Net value to winner 2140 second 500 third 250 fourth 125 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jocke Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97119NAVANOD WB 4 106 5 1 24 21 21 2lfc lk 121 Westrop WestropeJ Brentwood Stable 604100 604100WB7118 96203 PLUCKY PLAY WB WB7118 7 118 1 5 52 3 31 32 2k KacalaJ N W Church 320100 320100w 96882 MARMION w 5 KM 7 7 8 8 62 5l 34 Corbctt Coldstream Stud Stable 1118100 96882 CLARIFY w w4115 4 115 3 3 11 I1 1 22 4k Keester W C Stroube 469100 96540 POT AU BROOMS w 4 109 6 8 T2 51 51 41 54 SmsthJ SmsthJ968822SAZERAC 860100 968822SAZERAC WB 5 112 4 6 3 42 41 62 61 BagurH BagurH968823FRANK A B Letellier 363100 363100968823FRANK 968823FRANK ORMONT w 4 106 8 2 4k 7l 72 7s 7s KincT W F Axton 940100 96107 ALADDINS DREAM WB 4 102 2 4 6k 6k 8 8 8 HarbortO J Lowenstein 6008100 6008100Time Time 24 49 115 140 205 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NAVANOD I 1408 644 414 604 100 222 100 107 100 PLUCKY 100PLUCKY PLAY 644 528 222100 164 100 100MARMION MARMION 560 180 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Hourless Blackflight by Black Jester trained by D S Gordon bred by Mr R C Caldwell CaldwellWENT WENT TO POST 502 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingNAVANOD NAVANOD started fast lost ground on the first turn when unable to get to the front and rated along close to the leader responded gamely when called upon and easily drew clear PLUCKY PLAY showing fair speed from the start was in close quarters on the first turn and well rated thereafter while saving ground moved up when called upon but was not good enough MARMION rated far back for three quarters moved up between horses when urged and finished fast CLARIFY set a steady pace under light restraint but found the distance too far SAZERAC and POT AU BROOMS tired after threequarters Overweight Marmion 1 pound Pot au Brooms 4 07000 SEVENTH RACE34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3110 Memories Purse secondJune1634Was VoJTi Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 600 second June1634Was 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt VL Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqniT Odds Strt 96882DOGMATA w3108 5 8 8WB4109 61 61 21 11 HarbortO H C McConnell 558100 97120MR JOE WB4109 6 5 5WB 5l 5581005l 31 11 24 NachelJ J G Goodwin 633100 95046SIR TEN WB 3 108 10 10 10wB4116 84 74 41 31 CassardJ Calumet Farm Stable J610100 97266ZSUN CAPTOR wB4116 7 3 3WB 2k J6101002k lk 31 4k WestropeJ J Lowenstein 208100 92595 BROAD LIGHTS WB 4109 3 6 6WB3103 11 21 51 51 FelsB Geneseo Stable 1025100 96536DUSTINA WB3103 1 1 1WB3101 41 41 61 6 WintersM Calumet Farm Stable j 97193 JENS SON WB3101 2 2 71 51 7J 74 KingT L M Severson 1308100 89907 ROYAL BLUNDER WB 4 109 9 7 10 84 81 81 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 4481100 44811009k10 96798 TECHNOCRACY WB 3 101 8 9 9k10 91 94 HankaW S Pcabody 3094100 97119DUSKY DEVIL wu4109 4 4 31 91 10 10 SmithJ Blue Ridge Farm Stable 861100 iCoupled as Calumet Farm Stable entry Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DOGMATA 1316 572 470 470MR 558 100 186 100 135 100 MR JOE 732 498 498CALUMET 265 100 149 100 CALUMET FARM STABLE ENTRY 430 115 100 Winner Ch g by Dozer Annie Jordan by Peter Pan tiaincd by H C McConnell bred by Hamburg Place PlaceWENT WENT TO POST 537 AT POST 9 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDOGMATA DOGMATA troublesome at the post and taken to the outside began slowly then moved up fast on the outside after a quarter was hard urged to reach the front and was tiring at the finish MR JOE always prominent lost ground on the last turn and finished well SIR TEN worked his way to the inside moved up steadily after threeeighths but was not good enough SUN CAPTOR showed good speed DUSTINA in close quitScratched quarters early challenged on the last turn and tired BROAD LIGHTS quit Scratched 94370 Judge leer 101 QrrOQ I EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles Montana June 26 1929 150 4 95 Purse S800 thirdJune1634Was J vV Kt 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June1634Was 50 fourtn 525 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA Wtrist i Str Fin Jockeys Eiiulr Odds Ktrt 96956SAMBO BROWN vTlll 1 1 1J I1 11 3s I1 KecstcrP Harncd Bros BrosWB 284100 96714LONGUS WB 7 109 5 4 31 2 21 11 24 KingT W A Mikol Mikolvn4112 203100 97268PAUL T vn4112 4 6 6k 41 31 2 3 McCoyJ J F Rector Rectorw 353100 966653WINIFRED ANN w 5 102 6 3 2l 5l 4 4a 4C HankaW Mrs S Orr 604100 96799PART1ES w 5 105 3 2 4l 31 5s 5s 5 HughesH Mrs E McCuan 3089100 97044 AMERICAN SMILE WB 4 112 2 7 7 6 6 6 6s BolleroJ M J Beauchamp 4957100 495710096884BOSTON 96884BOSTON COMMON WB 1382jlOOTime 4 102 7 5 5 7 7 7 7 KingJ Miss M E Jones 1382jlOO Time 25 50 115 140 153 Track fast fastr r 2 MUTtJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SAMBO BROWN 768 332 232 284 100 66 100 16 100 100LONGUS LONGUS 332 244 66 100 22 100 100FAULT FAULT 270 35 100 100Winner Winner B e by Lucky Hour Recina by Broomstick trained by A Harned bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 612i AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSAMBO SAMBO BROWN admirably rated while making the pace was given a breathing spell after reaching the stretch wore down LONGUS and just got up under superior handling The latter moving up steadily in the back stretch went to the leader when ready lost ground coming into the stretch and weakened at the finish PAUL T shuffled back at the start moved up readily on the final turn but tired thereafter WINIFRED ANN held the others safe easily easilyScratched Scratched 96884Star Play 111 97044Single Stripe 112 112Overweight Overweight Parties 3 pounds OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT WASHINGTON PARK Saturday 3 Races 12392 5 Races 17304 8 Races 27698