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I CLAIMS AND SALES All Forlorn winner of the third race at Dufferin Park Saturday was claimed by Miss L C White represented by Strenuous the amount involved being 1750 1750Nix Nix and Hunter claimed Betty Wee out of the second race at Detroit Saturday for 1500 1500J J W Walter Jr claimed Little Cynic from W Sachsenmaier for 1500 out of the second race at Washington Park Saturday Clay SaturdayClay SutphSn before shipping the S W Labrot string from Toronto to Rockingham Park disposed of the twoyearold Tolimata to J R Mclntyre MclntyreThere There were two claims made in the first race at Detroit Saturday Lan went to Nix and Hunter for 1200 and Piping Hot to Mrs J McGraw for 1500 1500Miss Miss M L Ellis at private sale purchased the Canadian bred Bankswan from R S McLaughlin The twoyearold has been turned over to G C Gardner to train at Dufferin Park ParkShipp Shipp and MacMaster disposed of Skibo Athens and Our Johnny Saturday morning at Fairmount Skibo and Athens went to B Hernandez while R M McDonald pur ¬ chased Our Johnny Skibo carried the Her ¬ nandez colors in the seventh race Saturday and Our Johnny raced for his new owner in the eighth eighthMrs Mrs G Boselt claimed Wrackell out of the seventh race Friday at Blue Bonnets for 600