Leading American Jockeys, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-10


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| LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Dublin Taylor wound up the Latonia meet-| ing with six winners during the final week. His total for the year is now 149 winners. Litzenberger and Coucci are tied for second place in the race for American jockey honors, with 115 winners each. Coucci rode three winners last week while Litzenberger was riding two. The weeks honors went to Jack Westrope, who scored with ten of his mounts at Arlington Park, and seems to be making a comeback, which may regain for him the big following he enjoyed in Chicago last year. Following are the records of the thirty leading American jockeys from January 1 up to and including the racing of last Saturday: Last Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp PC Wk Taylor, Dublin 696 149 101 99 347 .21 6 Litzenberger, E... 546 115 101 90 240.21 2 Coucci, S 530 115 84 91240.22 3 Porter, E 568 106 81 72 309 .19 3 Winters, M 552 105 87 79 281 .19 6 ! Jacobs, J 643 103 88 79 373 .16 0 Haas, L 513 102 85 77 249.20 1 Peters, M 442 92 66 61223.21 4 Wright, W. D 449 85 74 64 226.19 8 Helm, M 459 83 67 48 261.18 2 Watson, R 395 81 73 49 192.21 5 Arcaro, E 496 81 73 71271.16 5 Hunter, J 500 79 79 58 284.16 1 Westrope, J 432 78 66 55 233.18 10 Manifold, H 495 74 68 65 288 .15 6 Summers, D 403 72 59 45 227.18 1 Meade, D 414 72 62 59 221.17 2 IKing, T 383 70 64 64 185.18 5 McCown, D 531 67 56 61347.13 9 I Rosengarten, C. ..500 63 61 80 296 .13 0 I Wall, N 402 62 53 45 242.15 0 j Dronet, L 487 62 86 61 278 .13 3 Balaski, L 323 58 55 53 157 .18 4 Robertson, A 364 58 57 40 209.16 2 Jones, R 401 57 58 52 234.14 1 Gilbert, J 356 57 65 56 178 .16 3 Grayson, H 356 56 60 50 190 .16 4 Tipton, A 364 54 59 52 199.15 1 Keester, P 254 54 46 30 124.21 2 Hughes, H 281 53 33 46 149.19 5 . — i i — — A i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934071001/drf1934071001_9_6
Local Identifier: drf1934071001_9_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800