4th Det, Daily Racing Form, 1946-06-06

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3-4 MILE out of chute. First of All, July 25, 1942-1:09%— 3— 111. Cass Purse. M ■ *L **N • Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Combination. Non-winners of a race of ,205 Hill lcV since July 1. Weight, if entered not to be claimed, 118 lbs. Weight, if entered to be claimed for ,000, 113 lbs.;, if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs.; if for ,000, 6 lbs. Non-winners since May 24 allowed 4 lbs. No apprentice allowance for those entered not to be claimed. Chart Book Todays Index No Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 993193 Royal Red Mar46 0P1:11% 118 114 99705 Cyclorama Jan46GP1:11% 120 103 l99008*Bill G. Feb46 0P1:12 114 108 Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 99561 Vice Admiral Jun45 Wdb 1:11% 115 114 99706 Fay Foo Sep45 Det 1:12% 110 104 1 93368 Valdina Marge Jun45 CD 1:14% 107 104 Rnunl R,/| Y 1 1 if Ch. h, 5, by Pilate Tootsiecake by High Time. ivuyui ieu /n I I *♦ Breeder Miss Mary V Fisher. 1946 . 4 2 1 1 ,050 Owner, White Spot Farm. Trainer, M. Barton. 1945 11 3 5 1 ,750 May30-465Det 3-41:13%ft 2 *118 4 32 3 33 CookW 2 Comb 76 RipAway116 AnniesRply111 Boy-PIn 12 Mar28-464O.P 3-4 1:1214m 7-5 41 15 1 V 12 V MilganP? Alw 83 PlayHands108 Stoogie110 ThreeClors 10 Mar21-4650.P 3-4 1:11%ft 7-5 4118 4 3 2h 2" FranklinE Alw 90 Putitthere 115 Bolo Tie 118 Bill G. 12 Marll 46«0.P 3-41:11%ft 6 118 6 Iff Iff P KeiperP Alw 89 Roytig 111 Tawny Lady 108 Bill G. 10 Nov20 4560.P 3-41:12 ft 4 114*1 42j 43 2 HartwickRB Alw 86 Topnard 113 Fifth 108 Yes or No 9 0ct27 453C.D 3-41:12%ft 4 116*7 3« 41 53J HartwkRO Alw 80 AnniesReply112 Zacapet116 PlayHds 12 Sep25 45°Det 3-4 1:13%m 8-5 4108 1 Iff V 2J TurkC5 HcpO 80 ManyLands 117 IhoutAbout 106 Dimit 5 Sep19 455Det 3-4 1:1114ft 17 116 4 23 22 22, KeiperP Comb 86 ManyLands113 MonoMler105 Air-an 6 June 5 Det 3-8 gd :37%b May 29 Det 3-8 gd :37%b May 24 Det 3-8 ft :41b Cvclnrnmn 1ft? B "• 6 b Playdale Kitty Baker by Harry Baker. v-yuurumu "vO Breeder W E Smith 1946.12 2 1 1 ,500 Owner, A. Ferrara. Trainer. S. Valenti. ,000 1945 10 1 4 1 ,700 Jun 3-465Det 3-41:15%sl 3*115 3 32 53 11" CookW c6000 56 SuptrMarines115 GayFrka105 Builder 11 May27-466Det 3-41:14%sl 3 116 2 34 4| 32 Cook W3 5500 71 FlorizanSam113 RipAway118 All Good 8 May21 464HdG 3-4 1:13%go 26 124 1 1 7 8" ClarkSS 10000 69 ChgoDr 121 ForverMinel HighBss 8 May15-464HdG 3-41:14%m 2 119 4 V V V ClarkS2 5000 75 Walloon 122 NoraBelle 117 SunMoss 9 Apr24-462HdG 3-41:13 ft 3 115 3 34 42 45 jemasN3 6000 77 R*hFeats107 Bohemia113 PIeShow 8 Apr17 464HdG 3-41:12%ft 5 112*2 1h 2 2"* CherryW? 5500 84 Victim 112 RoughFeathers 114 Pelops 12 Apr10 464Bow 3-41:14 ft 5 114*10 82j 74 74 PadgettDS Alw 77 Winter Song 115 Victim 113 Abiel 10 May 20 HdG 3-8 gd :36%h May 14 HdG 3-8 ft :36h May 7 Pirn 3-8 ft :36%h Bill 1,1 G X Iftft Blk « 8 ° Jock Rei°ice= D» SweeP * WO Breeder Sterling S Gano 4 J E Glass 1946.6 1 1 1 ,300 Owner Johr Farm. Trainer V Horton. S8.000 1945 17 5 3 0 ,810 May27-465Det 3-4 1:14%sl 7-5 *113* 1 2 21 Iff SulvanT5 6000 73 GayFranka104 MarieJ.113 Sameron7 Mar21 4650.P 3-41:11%ft 13 113*3 42 42J 44 WallaceHS Alw 86 Putitthere 115 Royal Red118 Boo Tie 12 Marll 46«0.P 3-41:11%ft 5 118 4 33 4 4?J PrattH2 Alw 81 Royd Red 118 Roytig111 TawnyLady 10 Feb28-4650P 3-4 1:1114ft 2*115 2 22 22 33 ClarkSS Alw 84 ClaremtMiss107 Roytig111 RkwdLou 8 Feb25 46«0.P 3-41:11%ft 6 114 5 24 2 2 ClarkS HcpO 87 Holdall 113 Allisonia 112 TawnyLady 7 Feb8 464FG 3-4 1:13%go 9 121 1 3 52 53 GuerinE2 Alw 77 WalkieTalkie114 Eqnimous119 Juillon 12 Dec12-455FG 3-4 1:12%ft 2*115 5 42 3» 13 GuerinEO AlwB 84 PlayGrier 111 Old Silk 109 MiaMaria 12 Nov27 454FG 3-4 1:1314m 7 117 3 32 34 45 1 Pratt H Alw 72 Tomos 119 Quillon 119 Hi-Ty 6 June 3 Det 1-2 si :49h May 26 Det 3-8 m :36y5h May 22 Det 3-4 ft 1:17%h Vice ▼ ice Mumirui Admiral X / 1 • 1 4 Ch. h, 5, by War Admiral-Mary Keen, by Victorian. ■"♦ Breeder, J O Keene. 1946.3 0 0 0 Owner, W E. MacDonald. Trainer, W. E. MacDonald 1945 19 2 2 3 930 Jun 1-465Det 3-4 1:1314m 12 105 2 52 52 520 BassttA* HcpO 58 DmondDick115 ManyLds113 Umpydn 5 May30-465Det 3-4 1:13%ft 26 113 2 84108108J DewhtJS Comb 71 RipAway116 AnniesRply111 RyalRd 12 0ct18-455Duf 1ft 1:5414ft 2*116 3 22 2 2J DewhurstJ* Alw Scallyne111 OldFhful 112 WnPrince 7 Oct13-455Duf 7-81:29%ft 5 116 4 32 34 33 DewhstJ2 HcpO Depressor 111 Frishore 113 Gyntaf 7 Oct 3-455 Duf 1ft 1:54 ft 8-5 115 3 5» 54 44 CrtneyG HcpO PaulJ.113 Koraway111 WstportPoint 6 Sep29-455Wdb 1 1-81:56%m 5 115 1 Iff 1"* 2"* RemildPS HcpS StdEasy105 FyPilot110 Wstp"tPoint 6 June 4 Det 5-8 gd 1:05h May 27 Det 1m m 1:502/5h Fnv Fnn uu 1 fA B f- 4- °y T|9er Stirred Up by Stimulus. u vf Breeder. E K Thomas. 1946.3 0 0 0 00 Owner, O. F. Woodward. Trainer, H. Trotsek. ,000 1945 13 2 3 3 ,950 Jun 3-46«Det 3-41:14%sl 21 110 4 65 65J 42 HartH* Comb 72 Valda Senora110 SeeD.115 Ben Gray 8 May16-465C.D 3-4 1:15 m 25 111 5 55 43 44 ScurlkDS Alw 65 Jimpin 109 Jamae113 Hitlt 6 May11-462C.D 3-41:14%m 47 109 8 9310M1020 SclockDO Alw 56 Duquesne 117 GayTown 111 Jamae 11 0ct22-454CD 3-4 1:134/sft 35 109 10 Wi 88 84 SclockD2 Alw 69 Jacks Jill 118 Gaga 112 Jamae 12 Sep24 457Det 1ft 1:49%m 6 107 4 22 33 34 HartH4 Comb 62 Romulus 118 Fettacairn 104 HughieL 5 Sep21-454Det 3-41:12%ft 5 103J 1 53 64 3"" HrtwkWO Alw 84 BigWsh112 HistyMakr106 Agrarn-U 10 Sep15 45?Det 1tc1:38%ft 10 105 3 24 32 33 HartH3 HcpO Baumbach108 Swoon113South Dakota 8 Sep 6-454Det 3-41:12 ft 4 110*3 23 22 23 HartwickR Alw 84 FdiesPal 118PIrBrand 108PrtyPlane 6 June 1 Det 5-8 m 1:07h May 9 CD 3-4 ft 1:18y5h May 6 CD 3-4 ft 1:16h Valdina ▼ uiuinu Marae X 1 ftj. B- »" . * Sun Teddy-Annedire, by Sweep. murge U*+ Breeder. Valdina Farm. 1946 1 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. B. Hernandez. Trainer, B. Hernandez. ,000 1945 23 4 4 2 ,700 Jan30-46?F.G 1ft1:47%ft 11 105* 4 6" 6" 6" KeeneH2 AlwB 64 PlovrBrd105 CampsFirst111 BabyGd 6 Dec28-458F.G 1-70 1:56%hy 5 112 4 4M 40 5" JnsnWL4 AlwC 10 Ibex 110 SnksWinters 110 Distantlsle 5 Dec14-458F.G 1-701:50%hy 7 110 7 713 85 822 ScurlkD4 AlwC 38 Vestibula 103 Ibex 113 Innate 9 Dec 4-454F.G 1ft 1:49 ft 3 112 2 H 1 32J ScurlkD2 AlwB 71 Vollon115 LitReigh117 Sassy Patcia 7 Nov28-453FG 3-41:17%hy 4 113*6 74 70 6" BassB AlwB 48 Old Silk 111 See D 116 Happy Prince 8 Nov22-45?FG 1ft 1:49 qd 9-5 *114 4 14 13 2* H,swthW2c3500 73 LightReigh117 GraysBay108 Valdivia 8 June 4 Det 3-8 gd :37y5h May 31 Det 5-8 ft 1:03%h May 28 Det 1-2 gd :53%b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1946060601/drf1946060601_12_3
Local Identifier: drf1946060601_12_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800