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Delaware Park Steeplechase Program to Be Run as Planned DELAWARE PARK, Stanton, Del., June 5. — The transfer of a part of Aqueducts meeting to Belmont Park will have no effect on Delaware Parks steeplechase program, which gets under way Tuesday, June 11, with the first stake, the ,000 added Spring Maiden, scheduled for June 13. Racing secretary Ty Sheas second condition book, which will be out tomorrow, calls for a race over the jumps every day except Saturdays for the next 10 days. All of the overnight affairs will be over a distance of about two miles and carry a purse of ,300. A previous arrangement with Aqueduct officials calls for no overlap in stakes as the Hitchcock for three-year-old fencers is the only stake scheduled for the New York course after Delaware opens its steeplechase schedule.