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. i 1 AIR EDITION The Morning Telegraph Containing Complete Past Performances for ARLINGTON PARK ON SALE AT RACE TRACK ONLY Price 50c |ftJpL The Finest in Harness Racing *dand8lS? Now THRU AuG- 9th V FRIDAY, JUNE 27th Se I 4800 West Cicero Avenue , South to J300 I Sprint Trot Championship 9m4-*Mktmmm,*m*m*mim : 1 X . m ■ ■ stations. SIX AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS " » street car X ; Cicero Avenue connecting bus with transfer , privileges direct to Grandstand entrance. _ V .SPECIAL BUSES DIRECT TO TRACK V [ POST V / MOUTH Howard Avenue "L" 700 lS N. / T I fjk C 1 " Edgpwarer Beach Hotel . .7 10 I PPlfcV fT1 ™ I ■ Sunnyside and Shendan fa JO 7 0 I ••-jV / *Y N- :mmW:MhVk. g% #% V / »-0* -* l WEST Pu,askl Jfld VVar.hmgton . . . 7 30 Wp / _ IH *wnRh X-jfl/ -~~*-~~~ SOUTH 63rd and Cottage Grove 6 30.7 30 Jand~S% I NINI RACES NIGHTLY ¥ W DAItY DOUBlt ♦ 1st mand twk intes co« Bishop a-nai