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Preparations Started For Dade Parks Meet Annual Twenty-Six Day Session Will Get Under Way on August 2 OWENSBORO, Ky., June 21— Summertime is racing time in Kentucky. And August is the racing month at Dade Park, the racing plant located in western Kentucky near Evansville, Ind., Henderson and Owensboro, Kentucky. The offices of the Dade Park Jockey Club are located at Owensboro; and already these offices are busy handling applications for stall reservations for the coming meeting. The gates of Dade Park will swing open on Saturday, August 2 for the start of the twenty-ninth racing meet at this western Kentucky track and for 26 days the track will be the scene of thoroughbred racing every day except Sunday. The meeting will close with the Labor Day program on Monday, September 1. James C. Ellis, president and general manager; Lester Yeager, associate man ager; and Miss AnnaM. Fisher, secretary-treasurer of the Dade Park Jockey Club, have been busy for the past several weeks putting things in order for the meeting. They have been in contact with stables that have campaigned at the track in recent years and at the same time have been lining up other good stables that race in this section of the Midwest in order that the stables this summer will be filled with the better grade of thoroughbreds. The purses this season will range from 00 minimum to ,800. The daily cards will be made up of seven with eight carded for Saturdays and Labor Day.