NASRC Convention Delegates En Route to Meeting at Boston: Record Number Registering At Sheraton Plaza Hotel as Conclave Begins on Monday, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-06


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NASRC Convention Delegates En Route to Meetina at Boston Record Number Registering At Sheraton Plaza Hotel as Conclave Begins on Monday MondayBy By FRED GALIANI GALIANISUFFOLK SUFFOLK DOWNS East Boston Mass June 5 A record number of delegates and their wives will begin registering at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel tomorrow for he 19th annual convention of the National Association of State Racing Commissioners Of the 25 states in the U S that have commissions 19 will be represented ac ¬ cording to the present reservation list while two of the three associate member commissions Havana and Mexico will have delegates The NASRC was founded in 1934 making the organization 20 years old but there has been a hiatus in the conventions none being held in 1945 due to the war warAmong1 Among1 those who will check in tomor ¬ row will be Max G Brooks and Ben T Poxson of the Colorado Commission Dr Curtis A Haggard Robert Kloeppel Jr and J Wesley Fly of Florida Paul Serdar William S Miller and Frank Warton of Illinois Wathen R Knebelkamp Louis J Hollenbach Jr of Kentucy Max N To ¬ bias A Drew Otis J Bourg A S Holliday Joseph E Loper of Louisiana Frank H Totman Nathan Whitten Paul Dundas John F Wood of Maine D Eldred Rine hart J William Graham of Maryland MarylandInglis Inglis Arrival From Michigan MichiganAlso Also the entire Massachusetts guest com ¬ missions Allan M MacLeod Thomas J Beldam John E Lawrence Lawrence J Lane James H Inglis of Michigan Earl J Moyer Grove Porter H J Schwab of Nebraska A W Harris Floyd Lamb of Nevada Byron E Redman Emmet J Kel ley Albert W Hamel of New Hampshire Hugh L Mehorter Charles J Sheehan of New Jersey Ashley T Cole Harry J Millar New York Zolton Combos John A Crowley of Ohio Dr Frank Menne and J H Beck Oregon D Thomas Testa Ed ¬ ward R Rughes George D Greenhalgh arid Raymond P P McElroy of Rhode Island IslandAlso Also William Fitzgerald Frank L Christ man of Washington J F Edwards Ralph LePore of West Virginia Dr Miguel Perez Pita of Havana and Ooscar Obre gon of Mexico i iIn In addition to the commissioners in ¬ vited guests from foreign turf bodies will be Eduardo Guirola of the El Salvador race track C C Calder and Oswald Steele of the Jamaica Jockey Club Francisco Astaburuada Ariztia of the Club Hipico de Santiago Chile Angel M Pesqueura of the Commission Hipico de Puerto Rico and Professor F D White of the Prairie Thor ¬ oughbred Breeders Association Canada White is a professor at the University of Manitoba and is connected with the Asso ¬ ciation of Official Racing Chemists which hold their convention in conjunction with the NASRC NASRCLeave Leave for Rhode Island Sunday Following the registration of the mem ¬ bers the convention will open on a social note with the delegates their wives and guests leaving for Rhode Island on Sunday where they will be hosted by the Rhode Island Racing Commission at a clambake and boat trip tripBusiness Business sessions will be held on both the morning and afternoon of Monday when the actual convention will open The morning portion of the day will be devoted to the calling of the roll and addresses by Thomas Beedem chairman of the conven ¬ tion for the host commission John B Hynes Mayor of Boston past president A S Drew of Louisiana and current president D Thomas Testa of Rhode Is ¬ land Following the introduction of foreign turf representatives and the appointment of committee on nominations the reports of the secretary and treasurer will be read Next will come detailed reports from com ¬ mittees appointed to study the various problems in the sport They will be the committees on finance information uni ¬ form rules and procedure night racing international relations off course betting and study of state revenues The morning session will adjourn for luncheon at the Oval Room and then will reconvene at 130 The remainder of the afternoon will also be taken up with com ¬ mittee reports namely those on constitu ¬ tion and bylaws resolutions public rela ¬ tions and legislation legislationA A prominent part of any convention is the entertainment program and that phase of the conclave has been well provided The American Totalisator Company will be hosts at a dinner and dance in the Oval OvalContinued Continued M Page FortyFour Delegates to NASRC Confab En Route to Site at Boston BostonContinued Continued from Page Fire FireRoom Room of the Sheraton Plaza on Monday evening eveningThe The convention will be restricted to morning sessions for the next three days Tuesday mornings report of the committee on nominations will be followed by an open forum at which invited representatives from every branch of the sport will speak speakThere There will be speakers from the American Trainers Association the Thoroughbred Club of America the National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders The Jockey Club the HBPA the American Quarter Horse Association the American Thorough bredBreeders Association the TRA TRPB Triangle Publications the Jockeys Guild the New England Turf Writers Association the Turf Publicists of America and The Jockey Club Foundation Home Inc After adjournment the delegates and their wives will be guests of Suffolk Downs at the races and in the evening will be hosted by Triangle Publications lac at the Hotel Bradford BradfordThe The open forum will be continued at Wednesdays session which will be con ¬ cluded with the election and installation of the new officers Wednesday is Massachu ¬ setts Handicap Day and the delegates will be in force for the running of the big handicap The Massachusetts Racing Com ¬ mission and the states horse and dog tracks will tender the big dinner that eve ¬ ning which is strictly a summer formal af ¬ fair at the Sheraton Plaza The convention will end Thursday morning with the report of the resolutions committee and comple ¬ tion of unfinished business businessAjs Ajs the conclave began it will end on a social note The New Hampshire Racing Commission and Rockingham Park will en ¬ tertain the delegates at luncheon and din ¬ ner at Wentwofth by the Sea on Thursday afternoon

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Local Identifier: drf1953060601_5_2
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