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1 Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksI t I Key b Breezing d Driving e Easily g Worked from gate h Handily o All out u Eased up bo Bore out ro Ran out Names of horses making fastest fastesttime time at each distance appear in black face type Track record after distance THURSDAY APRIL 29 1954 1954GARDEN GARDEN STATE PARK Track Good 3 FURLONGS Tall Mound 37 bg Necktie NecktieBlack 48 hg Iron Belle 105VH Black Coffee 37 b The Genius 39b Neddies Jones JonesBeau 48bg Iron Heel 104 b b36b Beau Crest 39b Ultra Smart 36b On My Own OwnBrian 50bg Jandy 101 h h395b Brian Boru 36b Virginia Cane 39ysb Puzzler PuzzlerChris 52b LadyanHerst 104 b b36b Chris K 37 b Vray 36b Prairie Chief ChiefComesouteven 50 b Mostest 103 b Comesouteven 404sb Wastrel 40 b Rock em Joe JoeDisgraceful 51b Nona Belle 105b Disgraceful 37 bg 4 FURLONGS Rouge Bull 52b Possum 103Vsb 38 b Atom Age 54 b Solar Bid 49y5b Postaral 103b 103b52b 36 b AgrarianU AgrarianU39Vsb 52b Stop Gap 51 b Royal Vale 101h 39Vsb Assistance Assistance40b 49 b Slide Apart 49ysb Sea Tale 103b 103b48h 40b Bakersfield 48h Sandy Hook 52b Stepchild 102b 102b50b 38 b Betsann 50b Thomas Edward 5iysb TFormation 105 b 38 b Betty Barr Barr39sb 50 b To Cash 484sh Tall Iris 104b 104b535b 39sb Blue Fog 535b Tanglewood 50 b Tamale 102 b b53b 37 bg Book Match 53b Vespers 50 b Wise Doge 102b 39 b Candle Wood Wood40b 51 b Vertrees 495b ZeldaFay 10315b 40b Double H H38b 52b 5 FURLONGS 58 6 FURLONGS 109 38b Euclid Euclid38b 49 b Algasir lOOV6h Canaris 116b 116b49bg 38b Eljaka Eljaka38bg 49bg Bear Market 102sb Happy Rabbit 116 b b49y5b 38bg Evening Moon Moon38b 49y5b Blue Rhymer 1025b Like Hover 115b 38b Fierce Fierce39b 49 b ColetownMaid 103b Liberty Andy 117 b b49y5b 39b Hoop Mood Mood39b 49y5b Dusky Lace 103b Unavailable 117b 117b49b 39b Hot Pilot Pilot36b 49b Dicks Diamond 103V6b 7 FURLONGS 36b Judge M M36b 50 b First Aid 59fsh Coastal Light 128b 128b49bg 36b Lively Jeep 49bg Great Fun 104 b Fighting Fleet 128b 128b50bg 36 b Modest Mary Mary37b 50bg Gander 103 b Mektoub 13115b 13115b48y5b 37b Mrs G R R39b 48y5b HiyaBabe 104b Rusty 131 b 39b Miss Alabama 50 b Hi Billee 101h 1 MILE 137 Tuquest 40 b Maraud 50 b Inlet Miss 103y5b Appease Not 147b 147bGOYAS GOYAS PASS 3f continues to show high speed BAKERSFIELD 4f seems to be rounding to his best form HI BILLEE 5f worked handily all the way ROYAL VALE 50 showed plenty of early speed FIRST AID 5f went 24 47 and 59 in his good trial JANDY C5f seems ready for her best effort LIKE HOVER 6f showed improvement in his trial COASTAL LIGHT 7f and FIGHTING FLEET 7f worked in company DIS ¬ GRACEFUL 3f and TALL MOUND 3f broke well from the gate gateFRIDAY FRIDAY APRIL 30 1954 BELMONT PARK Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Play Scholar 6 FURLONGS1095s Aconite 364sb Permian Permian37b 35h Siwanoy 52b Bavaria Bavaria35h raria 118 b btins Astronaut 37b Prince Hill Hill35h 35h Town Ghost 52 b Chains Chains361sb tins 122 b bbird Bradley 35h Pelouse 361sb Tickley Bender 51 b Catbird bird Seat Seat37b 115 h Battleworn 38 v b Rosaleen Rosaleen35h 37b Take Him Out 49hg Cygni Crash Dive 35h Remand Remand35h 36 b First Watch Crisset 35h Rain Rain37b 37 b 5 FURLONGS 581S Going Away Clubman 37b Side Light Light37b 38 b All At Once 105 b Good Try Try373shg Catterwaul 37b Smoked Ham Ham37b 373shg Belle Request 104 b His Boots Boots38y5h 117b 117b102h Elgol ElgolEugene 37b Shark 38y5h Bojd Francis 102h Hurst Park 118 b b100hg Eugene J I 36 b Surmount 38 b Chevation 100hg Martial Song Song36hg 116h 116h102y5h YouziYama 39 b Sabourin 36hg Doug N 102h Muhurram 117 b Forenoon 38 b To Windward Windward37h 39 b Doc Walker 103 b Peconic Peconic36hg 114h Finical 37h Thunder Hole 36hg Dont Argue II 104 b Queen Carolii Caroline 1141sh Greek Lady 35ysh 4 FURLONGS Domquil 101 h Roman Tread 116 b Gay Greeting 34h Black Relic 47hg Harlem Harlem52b 105 b Scent 117 b Gold Box 36 b Bombez 52b Incidentally 101 b Stella Aurata 114 h Hot Stove 35h Cascanuez 52 b Isle of Wight 104 b Subahdar 119 b Indiana 37b Dauphin Star 51 b London 103 h Vain Puritan 118 b larrtas 37b Directorette 51 b Magic Request 104 b Whirling Home 118 b Islander 35hg Devastation 49 h Next Page 102Hb 7 FURLONGS 122 Indicative 35hg Fast Gal 51 b Outsmart 101 h French Bleu 129 h h103ysh Jamie K 38 b Fearnaught 52 b Pama 103ysh Native Dancer 124b Kaz KazLittle 35h Flaming Comet 54 b ReallyGone ReallyGone50b 105 b Roll Call II 132b Little Wolf 39 b Farnado 50b Son and Heir 103y5b 1 MILE 134 134104b Model Busher 37b GTwo 51 b Square Shooter Shooter49h 104b BeylerBay 145b Mill Neck 38b Itinerary 49h Slugger Cain 104 b Jet Action 140b 6rfe 37b Jedgar 51 b Straight Argo 104 b Patrol 150 b Oedipus 40 b Ladys Night 48 h The Beagle 106 b Sugar Dad 141b Old Joppa 36 h Nomad 48hg Whence 104 b Strong Cable 148b Osagian 36hg Retract 49h Whiffs 101 h Sunny Al 148b 148bNATIVE NATIVE DANCER 7f working unaccompanied and very willingly finished very strong in his f good trial fractions 24 36 47 100 112 124 JET ACTION dm continues to train smartly CHEVATION 5f equipped with blinkers showed high speed working from the barrier STELLA AURATA 6f appears about ready for a top effort GAY GREETING 3f had a good turn of speed TRAINING TRACK TRACKGuayana 3 FURLONGS Guayana 37h Lynn Kony KonyMontana G FURLONGS Ambers Filly Montana 37h NestCePas NestCePasTalora Beau Sir 118ysh 118yshBcnnet Ardent Ardan Talora 37h Sky Ship Bcnnet 117h 117hCarry Akbar Khan 4 FURLONGS Solar Count Carry the News 11 8h Ariel Review Bushers Beam BeamBlenomar 50h Tritium 51 h Mabs Choice 120 b bSaxony Beagen Blenomar BlenomarCaesar 53 b Top Blend 51 h Saxony 119 b Bonne Fete Caesar Did DidEast 50 h h50h 7 FURLONGS Chateau East of Suez SuezHplandes 50h 5 FURLONGS Black Bid 134h Cortlight Hplandes HplandesKillamor 55 b Clipper Ship 105h 105h51h 1 MILE MILEGolden Gemelle KillamorLaFourche Killamor 51h Royal Coyness 106 b b52h Golden Furlong 149 b Giant Cracker LaFourche 52h Star Teddy 104h The Mask 148b WIDENER COURSE COURSE46ysh 3 FURLONGS Fantine Busher 46ysh Myrtle Jet Jet47h 49h War Garland 47 h Free All 35Vsh Free Strider 47h Now Busher 48 h 4 FURLONGS Friendly Ace 48 h Realities 47 h 5 FURLONGS Adage 48h Hickory Stick 47 h Riant 47 h Final Pole 101h 101h46h Command Me 47ysh Imperial Red 47 h Star Garland 46h Flying Pole 102h SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Pollys Ace AceArthurs 37 hg Brother March 49h Crusade 102h Arthurs 35h Polly Chance ChanceBoCap 38 h BluieWest BluieWest37h 50 h Cuanden 101h BoCap 37h Point Up UpBelluno 37h Beach Bull Bull37h 48 hg Deuce Admiral 104h 104h48h Belluno 35 h Pops 37h Cononym Cononym37ysh 48h Eagle Look 102y5h 102y5h48h BaysideJoe PopsBaysideJoe 37hg Pipe of Peace PeaceCold 37ysh Copier 48h Fightalittle 104h 104h50y5h Cold Lake 38h Peach Bud BudCue 37ysh Doctor Wilson Wilson37ysh 50y5h Fire King 101 h h525h Cue Passe 37 h Royal Do DoCrown 37ysh Dudley Darbury Darbury3ysh 525h Hasti Night 103h Crown Derby 374sh Red Lips LipsDouble 3ysh Devils Dream Dream39ysh 48 hg In the Book 103sh 103sh505h Double Choice 37h Rellie RellieEugene 39ysh Early Night Night38ysh 505h Palot 101h 101h50y5h Eugene Boy 37hg Rose Beauty BeautyFlying 38ysh Easy Mae Mae3ysh 50y5h Repelled 103 h h48ysh Flying Jib 3ysh Ruth C CFondest 3ysh Familiar 48ysh Sherry 104 h h4815hg Fondest 37ysh Ramrelo RamreloGypsum 40 b Flying Busher 4815hg Sky Faith 105 h h49h Gypsum 381sh St Jude JudeGo 38 h Futuresque Futuresque36h 49h The Minor 102h 102h49h Go Go Go 391sh Simms SimmsHooptedo 36h Highspeed Highspeed3745h 49h The Pheasant 1031sh 1031sh48h Hooptedo 385h Sew It Seems SeemsHello 3745h In Taste 48h War Finish 10iy5h Hello Pudgy 371sh Sweet Bos BosHaskell 37 h John J Jr 52h Haskell 36VMi Speed Maker MakerHere 37 h Joes Anchor Anchor374sh 52h49yshg 49yshg 6 FURLONGS 109 10950y5h Here I Come 37 h Spar SparJimpro 374sh Lady Luxury 50y5h Andre 112h 112h49h Jimpro 37h Suffazon SuffazonLarry 37 h Mr Cumberland Cumberland36ysh 49h Blue Ember 116h 116h50ysh Larry Ellis 36h Sum Fun FunLees 36ysh Nassau Derby Derby39Vfsh 50ysh DrMoore 114h Lees Way 37 h Susanne G GLums 39Vfsh Powder Smoke 48 hg Little Lark 1144sh 1144sh50V Lums Memory 37h Shannon Gal GalLittle 36 hg Roy Prince 50V h Moondog 115 h h48y5h Little Step 35y5h Spy Lady LadyLot 36 hg Represent Represent3815h 48y5h Real Brother 115h 115h4845h Lot of Nerve 38 h Tiger Harris HarrisMilan 3815h SligoRock SligoRock36ysh 4845h Tactful Pilot 117h 117h48h Milan Boy 39 h Watch It Now NowMelody 36ysh Spy Ring 48h Whatatoy 116hg Melody Ann 39h Wise Margin MarginMeloet 38 h Stola Rose 48hg Meloet 38h War Atom 40 b Tanbark Tanbark37ysh 50 h 7 FURLONGS FURLONGS47ysd Mistic Dash 374sh With Relish 37ysh Time Honored 47ysd Brick 127 h hMiss Miss Community 374shg 4 FURLONGS47 47 Whips 52 hg hgOld Old Tom 37h Ari Gold 47 h 5 FURLONGS 58 1 MILE 136 136Omaha Omaha Fair 37 h Adored 48sh Charleston 10115h Boston Party 143h 143hBELLUNO BELLUNO 3f sparkled in 224s 35 SHANNON GAL 3f and SPY LADY 3f were in company from the barrier ARI GOLD 4f went impressively in 23ys 47 FLYING BUSH 4f and STOLA ROSE 4f were in company from the barrier CHARLESTON 5f worked well as usual FIRE KING 5f and WAR FINISH 5f worked in company PALOT 5f went impressively ANDRE 6f showed a spectacular work in 23 47 59ys 112s DR MOORE 6f worked handily as did LITTLE LARK 6f and MOONDOG 6f BRICK 70 showed an impressive move in 48 11 3V 127 BOSTON PARTY went a handy mile in 50 116 143 143ASCOT ASCOT PARK Track Muddy 3 FURLONGS Copper Pot 44 h 4 FURLONGS Mft Make Haste 56h 56hMiss Miss Challenge 42hg Socialite 56 d dBrunhilde Brunhilde 43ysh Mahat 43yshg He Wolf 57 b Timeothemoon 7b Due to adverse track conditions very few workouts were recorded GARDEN STATE PARK Track Fast GrayAir 3 FURLONGS Mr Gray 36b James Error 49 b No Tribute 102 b Air Courier 36b Mister Dover DoverAce 38 b Karens Penny 49 b Never Sink 101 h Ace Var 36b Next Best BestAnthony 37b Lois Cheer 50 b Peleliu 104 bg Anthony C 37 b Our Dance DanceARadac 37b Lower Case 49 b Quelle 102 b ARadac 38 b Our Champion ChampionAlls 36b Miss Olympia 53 b Roman Fair 102 b Alls Fair 36 h Prince Regent RegentBrunham 36b Miss Dazzling 49 b Right Down 100 h Brunham Wood 375b Pisgah Road RoadBobbys 36 b Mikeaby 50 b Sunday Lunch 104 b Bobbys Bull 36 b Prize Winner WinnerBertie 3515b No Case 49 b SkyBim 107 b Bertie 37 b Pearl Diver DiverBlue 36b Opium War 50 bTeanecker 105b 105b5iysb Blue Nancy 36b Quary Slave SlaveBit 37 bgpaddys Day 5iysb Tonga Prince 103ysb Bit o Whiz 37b Rippish 36b Picked 49 b Valentois 104 b b48hg RampionBull Bolo Flyer 39 b Rampion 37y5b Prompt 48hg 6 FURLONGS 109 10948b Bull BullX X 38 b Roman Rocket RocketBrass 37 b Rocket Blue 48b Astute 114h Brass Ring 39b Sky Command CommandCover 37b Sunfar 52b Coffee Money 117b Cover Off 36 b Spring Chick ChickCats 38 b Square Dancer 53 b Cedaresque 11 8b 8b51b Cats Whiskers 36 b Star Prince PrinceCousin 37 b Sterling Son 51b Influence 113h 113h48bgKing Cousin George 37 bgTurkish Gold GoldDel 37b Searsie 48bgKing Charles 116 bg Del Valley 37b Time Table 39b Wood Song 51 b Lord Chadwynne 116 b Dapper 37 b Tops Again 38 b 5 FURLONGS 58 Lovely Wave Farjac 37 b Veronicas Veronicas37b 39b Bank Coals Freemenow 37b Warm Enough Enough37y5b 37b Blueberry Bush Giddy Gracye 37y5b Whitleather Whitleather37b 39b Cablet Gosh 37b 4 FURLONGS CabletCutting Cutting Edge His Boy 36b Andys Beauty 52 b Educate 104 b Royalee 116 b bHelfast Helfast 35 h Activate 50 b Extract 103 b Seer 116 b bIrishforluck Irishforluck 37 b Blue Pencil 49b Enchantee 106 b Thee and Me 114ysh 114yshMr Mr Web 363sb Bee Arr 48 b Faga La 101h 7 FURLONGS FURLONGSMajor Major Point 38 b Clover Magic 48ysb Gem Lure 105b Broken Promise 128b 128bMiss Miss Charm 36 b Dove Tint 51 b General Fang 104 bgNight Baker 128b 128bMyrnaArlene Myrna MyrnaArlene Arlene 371sb Find 48 b I Up 102b 1 MILE 137 137My My George 361sb Grandpas Sue 49b Immense 1021sb Abbezac 143b 143bMajor Major Bob 3615b High Button 48y5bglnbeat 104 b Air Attack 145ysb 145ysbMissGretchen Miss MissGretchen Gretchen 39 b Joiner 52b Larry A 104b I Gee Gee 149Vbb 149VbbMarcador Marcador 3b July Clover 48b Mon Homme 103ysb Popadaris 145Vfeb 145VfebPRIZE PRIZE WINNER 3f and HELFAST 3f worked in company FIND 4f was not extended in his trial JAMES ERROR 4f seems ready for a good effort BEE ARR 4f showed plenty of early speed RIGHT DOWN 5f went 23 47 and 100 in his good trial ASTUTE 6f showed improvement in his trial INFLUENCE 6f worked very impressively MENEMSHA 6f went handily all the way BROKEN PROMISE 7f continues to train well ABBEZAC breezed a useful mile mileLAUREL LAUREL RACE COURSE Track Good 3 FURLONGS Whirling Bat 39 b Reine Lea LeaAstrum 52 t 6 FURLONGS FURLONGS36hg Astrum SpaBeaker 37hg WhyTino 36hg Spa 54 b Chevron Chevron37b Beaker SprintessDelibertuity 36h Zest 37b Sprintess 51b Iron Pigeon Delibertuity 36h 4 FURLONGS Tom Bus B BDover 51bg Lovely Devil Devil51b Dover Coast 36h Adearishe 51b Wac WacDark 52b Mr Skip Dark Signorina 36h Abbe Dryad 52 b bDevils Pantata Pantata51b Devils FURFond Rush 36h Asterline 51b 5 FUR FURLONGS59 Repetoire Fond Dream 37b Big Finale 52 b Bridge Clul ClulFlaming 103h Stag Flaming Blue 40 b Brudou 49h Chetta ChettaFussy 104b Texan Sigh Sigh103h Fussy Lady 36h Cap Checker 52 b Clever Def DefGaelic 103h Verger Verger103b Gaelic CapitalistHer Gal 38b Dinner Winner 49 h Capitalist 103b Varsity Varsity104b Her Hero 36h Dada 51b George Cru CruMiss 104b War Bullet Miss H A 37 b Extortionist 51 bg Happy Mer MerOh Memories 103Vfeh Oh JoyOn Susan 37b Fiery Light 50h Jet Joy 104b 7 FURLONGS FURLONGS104h On Duty 38 b Grecian Maid 50 h Mister CI CIOne 104h Lajoie Lajoie101h One Tear 36hg Happy Playtime 51b Prince Rid RidRoman 101h Prefect Prefect1031sh Roman Orgy 39 b Lost Fox 51bg Rouche RoucheStar 1031sh Swampoodle Star of Texas 36y5bg Luess 50h Ready Nov NovSquad 103 h Squad Car 38 b Mr August 51b Short Bid BidTrust 105 b 1 MILE MILE101b 137 Trust BoWilted Me Not 38 b Promptness 52ysb Shadow Bo 101b Blue Wayne Wayne105b 147b Wilted 38 b Right Star 52b The Moor 105b Laeternal 147b JAMAICA Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Nimble Myth 36h KingJolie 49b Belldiver Alidon 36 hg Prejoli 38b Hypalong HypalongBrad 47hg Jonskid Brad 37 b Peter Lane 39 b Long Lea LeaBermuda Leat 54 b Sir Rustom Bermuda Lily 37b Ruffles 37 b 5 F FEarly FURLONGS 58 Squared Away Away37b Early Light 36 hg Spy Defence 37b John Jord JordHydrogen Jordan 105 b Sad Zac Zac36bg Hydrogen Bomb 39 b TowsonTown 36bg Harry B BLea 104b 1 MILE MILE138 Lea Rondi 38b Van Gogh 36 hg Teragram TeragramMighty 105 b Blaireau 1U 148 b bjck Mighty Son 37 b 4 FURLONGS Ted M MMagic 103b Crosslock jck 148 b Magic Words 35 h Ethel Collins 50bg 6 FU FURLONGS109 Midnite Raid AQUEDUCT Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Listen Liz 38 hg Bubbling Gold GoldLady 50 hg 5 FURLONGS59 Ash Tray Lady Brownie 38 b Dark Ruler RulerMissGodie 48h BonZevial 105 b Battle Mount MissGodie 39 b Frankentine FrankentineMontrachet 53 b Harpes 104 b Black Jaguar Montrachet 37 b Glorious Emma EmmaNebullus 53 b Sandwyck 106b Carnival Cat Nebullus 373sb Georges Girl GirlOh 49 h Yellow Mist 104b 104b49h Darbome Oh Iris 36h Out of Reach ReachOccupado 49h 6 FURLONGS110 Dry Martini Occupado 37 hg Prince Pania PaniaPassing 50ysb Impasse 115 b b49b Earmarked Passing Jack 36h Petal PetalPavion 49b 7 FURLONGS 122 Fancy Bonnet Pavion 37 hg Raes Bid BidRay 51 bg Thorn 130 h h49ysh Gladar GladarIm Ray Baby 39 b Sound Barrier BarrierStrategic 49ysh Im in Trouble Strategic Lady 39 b Stringling 50 hg 1 MILE Jillion Barrels 4 FURLONGS Wileu WileuBiiPet 53 b Chased Again 143ysh Late Return BiiPet 50h Winsome Won 50 h Sunshine Nell 143h LINCOLN DOWNS Track Muddy 3 FURLONGS My Ruthie 38 h Bolingover 53 b 5 FURLON FURLONGS58 Nangaff Nangaff37h 37h Buzz a Bit 54 b b50h Claire Dauber 37h Swamp Theatre 37h Hatfield 50h Grass Skirt Skirt53h Codac 38h White Brand 40 b Merry Tulip 53h Gunning Island Island50h Fen Fire 39 b Warrior Sands 39b Stepenmate 50h Quatrefoil Quatrefoil53h King Care 38 h Smashing 53h Romalay Lenity 4 FURLONGS 53 b War Cable HATFIELD 4f has his speed GRASS SKIRT 5f worked handily STEPENMATE 4f seems to be in form formBOWIE BOWIE RACE COURSE Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Rough Spin 37b Sea Play 51 bg Big Battle 123b Admiral Jr 37Vsb SkyRoamer 36ysbg Sun Lillian 51 bg Dorious 119Vsb Best Air 36b The Butcher 40b Tilly Tally 50ysb Mr Chauncey 11 6b Big Finale 37y5b Wise Mike 37b 5 FURLONGS59 Pharas Beauty 116 fa Bounding Sea 39 b 4 FURLONGS 46 David R 104b Peddie 115h Charing Ray 37 b Dynamite B 524b Flaming Lady 1061sb Sans Egal 116bg Flag Officer 36hg Eddie F 50bg Fast Dance 109b Greek Son 37 hg Robbys Miss 521sbg Marys Bubble 103bg 1 MILE 139 Ivachance 36ysb Silver Bland I50y5b Pinks 109b 109bLight Light Muffin 38b Spring Grove 51b 6 FURLONGS 110 110s s Hope 147b 147bQuestion Question Five 36 b Sir Leinad 50 bg Alameda Kid 116b Royal Top 148 b bBEST BEST AIR 3f still has her speed PHARAS BEAUTY 6f looks and acts well HOPE dm and ROYAL TOP dm worked in company with HOPE dm being slightly the best SANS EGAL 6f SEA PLAY 4f FLAG OFFICER 3f and GREEK SON 3D broked well from the barrier FORT MIAMI Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Eternal Busy 37h Onapar 37h Kels Love 54 b 54bgBreach Flos Time 38ysbg Pat Keen 38bg Quarter Lady 54bg Breach 39fa Golden Drive 38b Snow Wave 37b 37bBroken Broken FURLONGSBenvenuto Crown 37ysh KilEtt 39b Star of Peace 38bg 5 FURLONGS Benvenuto 37ysb LuJo 38b This is That 39 bg Deploy 107b Coventry 107bCoventry Ed 37h Louis N 38bg Prince Picard 104sb Charyon 104sbCharyon H 39ysb Naomi 38 b 4 FURLONGS The Blue Goose 104 b Collins Girl 38b Noisy 383sb Begonia 55 b 6 FURLONGS Debbie FURLONGSDebbie Smith 39 b One Turn 40 bg Debbies Day 53b Cecil M 121 b BROKEN CROWN 3f and BENVENUTO 3f were together in a good moves ONAPAR 3f and SNOW WAVE SNOWWAVE 3f continue to show good form THE BLUE GOOSE 5f and PRINCE PICARD 5f worked in company PIMLICO Track Good 3 FURLONGS 4 FURLONGS47 5 FURLONGS59 Ulna Galcibo 39b Als Call 54 b Barclay Gal 105 h 6 FURLONGS HOVfe High HOVfeHigh Trend 37 h Bitter Pill 54 b Fan Song 105 h Eeyea M9 b Miss Barclay 38V b EveretteT 50h Mr Hurry 105hg Joe Mandell 118h Parlor 118hParlor Pink 38b Little F 5iy5h North Steed 105h Marshall at Arms 118hg QuigStar 118hgQuigStar 38 b Sailors Choice 52h Scub 106Ab Pompano 116h Royal 116hRoyal Pale 39ysb Wee Moon 51h Tims Rhyme 105h Wood Witch 119 b HIGH TREND 3f has his early speed in short trials EVERETTE T 4f continues to show good trials ULNA trialsULNA 5f went evenly throughout EEYEA 6f and WOOD WITCH 6f worked in company SPORTSMANS PARK Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Degree DegreeEn 54b Paralytc Paralytc54b 51hg Galadear 105 b En Fleur 37b Grand Juror JurorRoyal 54b Royal Chest Chest51b 50 h Gambler 107b Royal Rush 37 hg Lady Elliot ElliotSparkling 51b Steak Bone 52b My Dividend 106 b Sparkling Girl 38 bg Lucky William WilliamScarlet 52 b Streamliner Streamliner50h 51b Nugget Gold 109 b Scarlet Love 39 b Lovin Lady LadySo 50h Tempting Tempting51b 52b Spitfire Time 1HMhg So Reply 38bg La Breeze BreezeWhirlahead 51b Uncle Tom 52V5b Sulmari 105 bg Whirlahead 386b Lons Choice 51 b 5 FURLONGS59 Takare 104h 104hg 4 FURLONGS Marabout 53b Brooky 104h 6 FURLONGS FURLONGS54b Ahsa Beauty 53b Miss Bobbin 54b Chartint 108bg Moon Trump 121 h h51b Andros 53b Phil D 51b Earl Jr 106b 7 FURLONGS 125 12555b Columbus Bound 50b Practical 55b Flight Captain 107bg Prize Money 134h SATURDAY MAY 11954 11954SPORTSMANS SPORTSMANS PARK Track Fast Dogs Up 3 FURLONGS 4 FURLONGS Jumbo Lies 53 b Judge Joe G 108 b b51hg Black Sands 51b Jump Tune 51hg Just Eight 106b 106b50h Argufy 37hg BeMiDear 51b Little Captain 50h Milnick 105bg 105bg52b Fairn Square 39V4b Champions Boy 51bg Poaching 52b Spring Buck 107 b Leo P McL 37hg Ciled Orphan 53 b Sky Jeep 50 h C FURLONGS MissWabash 36h Demosthenes II 53 b Topper B 51 b MrWiggins 121b Sweet Freedom 37b Dutint 54 b 5 FURLONGS 595 Talc Mor 120b 120b108bg Smartjax 37 h Fleet Dream 51 hg Bittie Doons 108bg 7 FURLONGS 125 Space Cadet 39 bg Fine Fettle 53b Chow Chow 108 b Battle H 133 b CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Good 3 FURLONGS Pursuance PursuanceBeckys 36 h King Shannon 50 h Sandra Rae 104V4b Beckys Pride 38 b Rays Surprise 37 h Red Curtice 49 h 6 FURLI FURLONGS110 Beanir 35h Styrunner 38 b Smart Apple 53 b Bloom 115h Beau Nash 39 b Some Question 39 b Sherry L 53 b Inseparable Inseparable38y5b 119 b Balas Gem 36h Svidhod 38y5b Top Traffic 50 h Kangasu 117h 117hMr Cherry Flame 36h Tahitian 37 h Mr Dubuque 116h Corpick 36 h 5 FURLONGS 58 8 Platan 122b Doty Redbird 4 FURLONGS46y5 AlsabAce 106 b Reinspect 115 h h102h Dixiette 39 b Arbitrate 51 b Blue Reno 102h Tall Pine 117Vfeb Jett Fire 39 b Futuramatic 50h Dasheff 105 b b106b Marjie Jane 38h Future Romance 48 h My Friend 106b 7 FURLONGS 122 No Peeky 38h Fearful Odds 50h Sunny Dale 104 b Rivas 133 b Prince Eric 35h Girlea 52 b Sixty Two 105 b Vagabond King 134b BEANIR 30 showed good speed in her short trial FUTURE ROMANCE 40 did a good move RED URTICE 40 worked well in hand BLOOM went eevnly throughout her six furlongs work GARDEN STATE PARK Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Pomposity PomposityAmerican 37b River Gate 51 51b To Cash 104b American Pluck 371sb Proud Pomp PompAir 37 bg Rivas Son 50 50b ValsBest 103 bg Air Colonel 38b Royal Briar BriarAndane 36Vsbg Ring King 49 b Windsor King 103 bg Andane 39b Sunfar SunfarBig 37 bg Romandale 495 103b Big stayerBeachline Thrill 37 bg stayer 38b Ralist 5W 103 b Beachline 38 b slide Rock RockBig 37 b Singalea 503 Big Leaguer 38b skipper Bill BillBanquet 40 b SoakinWet 52 52y5b 6 FURLONGS1093fc FURLONGS1093fc53b Banquet Belle 39b six Bills BillsBillJudd 39 b SlamminHarp 53 53b Bakersfield 114h Bill BillJudd Judd 39 b Sanskrit 35h Swivet 52 52363sb b Bolepo 116b Best SanskritBest In 37 b TOP Bet 363sb Tempero 51 b Bit o Whiz 119 b b50b Certainly BetCertainly 39 b Thru Express 39 b Tourney B 50 50b Barbara Belle 117 b Calm ExpressCalm Warrior 37b Taylorslown 38 b Valley King 52 5235h b Blue Fog 120 b b50b Casipia TaylorslownCasipia 39b Tamala 35h valcarie 5W 5W36bg 50b Be Flying 117b 117b50b Celeb TamalaCeleb 37 bg Tease 36bg Wild Hal 50 50b Caboose 11 5b TeaseDr Dr Link 38 b Tanglewood 36bg Welch Pride 48 h Closed Door 115bg Derry TanglewoodDerry 40b Valiant Lady 37b 5 FURLONGS585 FURLONGS58536b 58 Double Header II 117 b Emmymed LadyEmmymed 37 b wicked Susan 36b Agitator 105 b Day Round 116 b StarEva Easter SusanEaster Mystic 39 h Winsome Star 37 bg Amaut Royal 105 10535h b East Gale 116 b Eva Talon 38b Yellow Dot 35h Barclay Joe 102 hg Evas War 1161sbg Fabulous 4 FURLONGS Busy Nellie 103 b FredR 118 b Falcon Reward 37 bg AH Yours 53b BillVeit BillVeit50bg 103 b Father Tiber 118b Fighting Cub 37 bg Business Trip 50bg Blen Fly 104 b Giddy Grayce 116bg 116bg1031sb Go Unmasked 35 h Blue Mirage 54 b Censorship 1031sb HiyaBabe 116 b Gala In 374bg Born Anew 51 b Comesouteven Comesouteven49b 107 b Irish Admiral 116 b Gifted Hazel 36bg Bilkajim 49b Carolina Rex Rex51b 103 b King Clover 116 b b106b Heavenly Days 36y5bg Bruhnam Road 51b Dawn Hop 106b LaCorredora 115Vfeb Inflame 375b Ballachulish 52 b Fred R Jr Jr50b 105 Late Model 115h 115h105b Islerrific 371sb Dead Image 50b Gay Street 105b Merry Chatter 115 b Kissme 36b Davids Dream 50 bg Granuele 103 bg Oil Gene 115b 115b107b Ethnot 37b Errasina 53 b GaddyB 107b Pass Bon 116 b Letumgo 40 b Ellens Best 50b GaddyB50b Game In Hand 102 b PeninHand 116b 116b102ysb Lampo 37sbg Elliot L 51 b Gerry Greyson Greyson5iysb 102ysb Page Pug 118 bg bg102ttbg Larkchord 38b Go Lightly 5iysb Hit Bit Bit50b 102ttbg Rates Best 11 6b Little Fishook 37b Guided Bomb 50b HiyaBoy 107 b Setabul 113h Lady Sailor 351sh Happy Victor 53 b n Direct Direct51b 106 b Tall Iris 116 b Miss Shadow 38 b Indian File 51b Liberty Star Star51b 103 b Yama 115 b b103Vfeb Miss Alabama 36b June Fate 51b Lucky Pancho Pancho50b 103Vfeb YockJim 117b Mr Mischief 38b Kahn 50b Light Bonnet Bonnet50b 107 b b102Vsb Maries Best 39 b Loridale 50b MissFlosilda MissFlosilda4Sb 102Vsb 7 FURLONGS FURLONGS105b Marian Royal 39 b Llanfair 4Sb NateHerzfeld 105b Dangerous Alp 129b New Citizen 395b Live Ticket 48 h Pry Miss 105 b Little Greg 129b New Home 39 b New Dream 51 b Polemos Polemos481sb 104 b b106b Not Idle 37 b Piping Arms 481sb Sandy Hook Hook52ysb 106b 1 MILE1372 Nimble Doll 37 bg Prefereto 52ysb Springing 105b Charity Ball 143h Noble Warrior 37Vsbg Power Rider 50b Springing50b Swamp Angle 102 bg Romalay 147 b Our Gob 35 h Quip 48 b SirValjean SirValjean50b 103 b Sir Goya 143 h Our Claudia 38 b Ripper 50b SheriffiMeehan 104 b Stay Wei I 144 b LADY SAILOR 3f showed improvement in her trial REALIST 4O and GUIDED BOMG 4O were in company QUIP 40 seems ready for a good effort HIT BIT showed plenty of early speed BAKERSFIELD 60 seems to be rounding to his best form LA CORREDORA 6O continues to train well SETUBUL 60 went handily all the way CABOOSE 60 was not extended in his trial STAY WELL breezed a useful mile SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Saucy Bit 39h Mr Rhythm 50 hg Fancy Talk 101 h h48h Alairne 38h SootzUs SootzUs375h 37 hg My Preference Preference37h 48h Finchhaven 1C2 hg Brown Cella 375h Shes Got It It35hg 37h Marjohn Marjohn37h 494 h Gleaming Doll 102 h h49hg Bold Design 35hg Tippy Do 37h Master Bob 1 1 1363sh 49hg Gay Spree 105 h h52h Briar Creek 37 hg Top Spring 363sh NaraVisa NaraVisa37h 52h Karen L 102h 102h48h Bernie Moose 37 h The Winner Winner36hg 37h Nu War 48h Leestown 106 b Brief Symbol 36hg Tinaja Tinaja37hg 37 h Noble Lasha 48 h My Truly Fair 103h 103h51h Brief Rythm 37hg Toyahvale Toyahvale38h 37 h OTroon OTroon36y5hg 51h Model King 101h Champ Sorter 38h Tricrest Tricrest361sh 36y5hg Peas Pudin Hot Hot35hg 51 h Peach Bud 101h 101h52h Conns Tiger 361sh Woodvale Hills Hills38h 35hg Phantom Eye 52h Past Tense 103h 103h48h Czarose 38h Whiz 37 hg Point Barrow 48h Pollys Ace 103h 103h48Hh Eterne EterneFort 36hg 4 FURLONGS 47 Pamjon Pamjon38sh 48Hh Pavold 1025h 1025h48h Fort Monmouth 38sh Beach Sand 50 hg Queenswave 48h Raintree 100h 100h50h Floor Boss 35 h Barbareba 48V4h Rocket Light 50h Swede Pete 100h Flying Mile 39 h Broommaker 482 h Roman Jean Jean374sh 49 h Second Look 101 h h484sh Flying Fleet 374sh Blue Quail S2h Susanne G G363sh 484sh Thatsmybabe 103hg 103hg493sh Folding Dough 363sh Bob Stewart 48h Summer Duck Duck38h 493sh Western Night 101 h h5144h Fair for All 38h Cotramel 50 h Shell Diver Diver37h 5144h War Lass 103h In Class 37h Connie Rab 483sh Set Cable Cable371sh 4845hg 6 FURLONGS 109 10950ysh Little Whim 371sh Countessina 48h Super Bug Bug37h 50ysh Broadway Jack 114h 114h501sh Last Hope 37h CarBev 503shg Self Styled Styled36y5h 501sh Big Toes 118 h Mike the Crier 36y5h Dacci 48h Strong Tie Tie36h 49 hg DoDo 119 h h49hg Maidens Reward 36h Export Trade 50 h Susan Amy Amy36h 49hg Julika 115 hg Morlove 36h Extra Five 491shg Utopia 48 h Nagging Wife 115h 115h514sh Mr Burn 37 hg Fusby 5145h Wide Request 4735hg Pooge 117h 117h50Vfeh Mary Godfrey 36 hg Five Anes 50Vfeh 5 FURLONGS 58 Pearls Reward l15h l15h48h Poppy Day 37h Fran Jr 48h Buzzy Navarro 104 h Sun Bud 11 6h 6h49h Quick 11154hRush T 38hg Gay Priam 49h Bassington 101 h Wise Margin 111h Rush and Tear 37 h George Arden 49 hg Circulant 103 h h49h hRelics Relics War 38ysh Helen Tar 49h Cold Jack 1024sh 1 MILE136 MILE136Ruddy Ruddy Leaf 37 h Head Mono 50 hg Cash Request 103h Coincident 144 h h49sh hStamp Stamp 37 h Klimie 49sh Equihaze 107 b Supernova 144 h hFLOOR FLOOR BOSS showed high speed in his three furlongs move BOLD DESTGN and WOODVALE HILLS were in company from barrier in their sparkling three furlongs move BARBAREBA went an impressive four fourlongs as did CONNIE RAB COUNTESSINA and QUEENSWAVE DACCI 40 and MY PREFERENCE 4f were in company in their move BASSINGTON went a handy five furlongs as did FANCY TALK SWEDE PETE showed high speed in his five furlongs move 23 475 100 RAINTREE went a sparkling five furlongs in 23 48 100 WESTERN NIGHT went a creditable five furlongs WISE MARGIN went a sparkling six furlongs in 23 37 11iys FORT MIAMI Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Golden Ace 40b Sir Rock 38b Partition 55 b bThree Bewilder 39 b Grabro 41 b Swans Cadet 38 b Three Joes 52V4b Black Storm 40 b Jolly Flyer Flyer40b 39 b Trudy Crofi 37 h h38b Call Out 40b Jean Battle 38b XenJr 39 b 5 FURLONGS FURLONGSMerry Colonel Upjohn 40 b Little Robert Robert39b 41 b 4 FURLONGS FURLONGS38b Merry Thought 107 b bMr Chicken Sadie 39b Miss Curling 38b Cookina 51 b b39b Mr Deep 107b 107bSki Erra B 38 b Preference 39b LenaDeen 52 b b38b Ski Slope 106b 106bTerrys Golden Gem 38 b Pink Gin 38b Moon Boy 51 b Terrys Image 107t TRUDY CROSS 30 went along in very handy fashion BELMONT PARK Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Reimburse ReimburseAegean 37 bgSupreme Power 50b 6 FURLONGS109 Aegean Sea 38 b Sting Bee BeeBig 3 h Seasoning 48 hgActiveDuty 116 Big Clown ClownBell 36h Telegramma TelegrammaBell 3714b Straight Face 48b Batfish 117 11750b Bell of Blue BlueBiloxi 40 b Sky Sweeper SweeperBiloxi 371 bgShiny Dime 50b Blandystone 118 11848hgBeau BiloxiBougent Biloxi 36teb Sabourin SabourinBougent 35hgTaras Hall 48hgBeau Gar 1134 Bougent BougentBlue 35hg Tarquina TarquinaBlue 37 bgTarfside 495h Ficor 118 Blue Warbler WarblerCaretaker 38 b Tigris TigrisCaretaker 38 b Validon 48h Free All 118 118501sh Caretaker CaretakerChit 36 hgTaleek hgTaleekChitchat 37b Winnie the Imp 501sh Gallant Roy hie41 Chit Chitchat Chat ChatCoast 37 bgVeryUltra 5 FURLONGS 58 Giorgetti Coast Home HomeCub 39 bgTwo Stars 3754b Amon 106 b Jane E 118b Cub Scout ScoutClusium 39 b Woody Glen Glen35hg 38 b Big Print 103 b KathyT 120 b ClusiumCount Clusium 35hg Black Saint 104 b Master Ace 119b 119b101b Count Poise PoiseCountess 37 bg 4 FURLONGS Brown Booter 101b On Your Own 114h Countess Fleet FleetEmardee 37 bgAffrighted 49 b Bounce Back 105 b Par Amour 117b Emardee 36 b Alford 49 h Bimini Bay 106 b Porterhouse 115b 115b102h EmardeeExpressive Expressive 38b Arrius 48hgCynlhia C 102h Principle 117 b Expletive ExpressiveExpletive 36yshg Black Consul 49Mh Chechessee 105 b Royal Haste 119 b ExpletiveEnsign Ensign Bill BillEvery 37bgBlanquita 49h Dr Stanley 105 b Roman Tread 116h 116h103b Every Hour HourFashion 37Vfebg 37VfebgBattle Battle Over 495bgFlower Queen 103b Rosen Cavalier 116 h Fashion Page PageGo 36ysh Calibogue 51b Glencannon 103 hgShining 114 h h102h Go Man ManHigh 38 b Dutch Gift 49hglndian Smoke 102h Stolen Joy 120 b b104b High Dividend DividendJowade 36ysbg Decimal 48hgLet Down 104b Salinika 116h 116h102h Jowade 40 b Dear Brutus 495b Mr Turf 102h Tahiti 116Vfeb 116Vfeb102h JowadeJayWalker JayWalker JayWalkerKuwait 37 b Deep Run 49Vbb Mufti 102h VTwo 114 h Kuwait KuwaitLarchall 36y5h Ever Best 50hgPreception 105 b Larchall 35V5h Golden Pear 49b Pine Cone 105 b 7 FURLONGS 122 122l03b LarchallMontagnais MontagnaisMaripan Montagnais 38 b Geometric 49 hgSummerTan l03b Blue Skies 130 b Maripan MaripanMr 35Vsh GroverB 49 b Sickle Rose 105 b Pleiades 134 b Mr Paul PaulMicrose 40 b Hasty Boy 49h Queens Story 104 b Postcard 134b MicroseNear Microse 395bgLadyJacowar 49 b Sea Glint 103 hgTalora 129sh Near Shore ShoreOverboard 36ysh Mighty Turf 49 hgRimsickle 105 b 1 MILE134 Overboard OverboardOurValdina 39 b Mandil 49h Seven Spades 102 h Cascanuez 1435h OurValdina OurValdinaParty 37 bgMomus 47h Sun Warrior 102 h Cannonade 143 h Party GossipPicot Gossip 40 b Nairn 4915h Small Comfort 102 h Escargot 143h Picot PicotPampas 364sh Nascalla 49y5b Skeeier 104 b FlyWheel 141h PampasQueens Pampas 37b 0Pen Show 50b Truxton 106 b High Gun 143h 143h105b Queens Hero HeroQueen 375b palm Tree 49y5b The Flea 105b Riverina 143h Queen Nasra NasraPericlean 37 bgReal Objective 50 b Turf Sun 104 b Montevideo 147 h Periclean PericleanSailor 38 b Rinkeydink 48hg Three Wishes 104 b Open Sesame 140Vfeh Sailor SailorRoyca 38 b Rhesus 495hgWedding Gown 105 b Quite Happy 145 b Royca 37 bgSpinning Top 47 h Zhara 106 b Sun Shower 150 b bOPEN OPEN SESAME was joined by FLOWER QUEEN 5f the last fiveeighths of her excellent mile trial BEAU GAR 6f is ready for his top effort VTWO 6f and HINSING 6f were impressive working in company ON YOUR OWN GO was not fully extended PORTERHOUSE 6f is rounding slowly to his best form SPINNING TOP 4f displayed her usual good speed is DID MOMUS MOMUSBELMONT BELMONT PARK Track Fast TRAINING TRACK 3 FURLONGS Cold Command 5 FURLONGS Primed Eastern Glow Awaken 104b Roman Spring Birdwood Kumasi Brightest Star 106b Rajput Desert Wind II Leighton Busy Blues 105 b Racing Fool Dignitary Last Knight By Jeepers 107 b War God Little Dell Light Note Flying Fury 106b Metal Image Ma Pouliche Fantan 104ysb 6 FURLONGS Miss Nell Maebliss Hot Blood 105b Armageddon 118 h Puff PuffProscenium Marston Moor Hostage 104b Canee ArmageddonCanee 120 b Proscenium Peggys Brandy Herahine 106b CaneeCharlet Charlet 122 b Roxys Rocket Piedmont Belle Indiscretion 105b CharletGuayana Guayana 117 h Sharp Look Rozs Pride Incognita 103 h GuayanaHush Hush Hall HallLee 119 h Sanfoin Roman Patrol Java Belle 105b Lee Cee CeeOneida 117 h Sea View Silurian Lalun 106b Oneida 118 h Whitewash Salakatchie LalunMoose Moose Moose 104 h Sonar OneidaSonar 118 h 4 FURLONGS White Skies Make a Play 105 b SonarTourmaline Tourmaline 118 h BOWIE RACE COURSE Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Bay Orders OrdersBernrough 51 b Worth A Bit 53b Singing Lance Bernrough 38b Blue Bar 50 b What Goes 51b White Drift Drift50b Best In 39ysb Aspire 50b Wee Major Major49b Clear Day 39 b Chilog 49b 5 FURLONGS 59 Dr Almac 39 b Converge f 49 b Attention Fans 103b 6 FURLONGS110 FURLONGS110104b Elrick 36hgDorothys Miss 49b Armored Car 104b Air Troop 116b 116b103b Get Busy 36ysb Dover Dam 51 b Aviette 103b Best Air 114h Helen Maisel 39b Duo Control 53 b Big Flight 104 bgBetHappy 117b Helicon 37b Double Twist 51b Bold Blue 101 h Beau Black 117 b b105b Hot Dog 394sbgDoctorIs Pride 545b Copper Kettle 105b Cuckoo Clock 119b 119b104Vfeb Joes Jeannie 37 b Ethel Stone 50b Cleves Dream 104Vfeb Dynamite B 121b Lauranne 37sb Furry Friend 50ysb Croton Boy 104 b Linsdream 119b 119b103b Mothers Boy 394sb FireScreen 51 b Darling Daddy 103b Nantucket 119b 119b104y5b Mrs Mac 38sb Gottabegood 50b Herald Harbor 104y5b Ocean Breeze 115h Mowleesha 37 b Legal Larceny 53b Major Pomp 102 b Persian Road 117 b b102b Meeting Night 39b Miss Tease 49b Mouse Way 102b Skyode 118 b b100h Sir Lopez 37b MissTacaro 48h Nirgal Lad 100h Smiley 118b 118b102b Spy Lark 37b Prince Natchan 50b Punkin Vine 102b The Spaniel 114 h h104b Sun Jeep 37ysb Power N Glory 53 b Rio Passes 104b Vets Boy 117b 117b104bgZagging Tom my too 39y5bgRun Off 50 b Reddy Teddy 104bgZagging 11645b Tide Lands 36b Ring ORoses 49 b Slipstick 105 b b1045b 4 FURLONGS46 Swizzle 51bgSkyTop 1045b 1 MILE139 Apple Pie 51 b Straga StragaAlma 50bgSergeant Monk 103 b Classy Chance 145b 145b104b ScampieAlamedan Alma B 51 b Scampie 51bgShining On 104b Lucky Dog 149 b Alamedan 51bg Twintone 49b Sir Chatter 103 b Turnpike 146 b RING OROSES 4f continues to train well NIRGAL LAD 5O is being brought to hand in good fashion BEST AIR 60 showedmarked improvement in her good trial OCEAN BREEZE 60 went very handily in Bis good move BOLD BLUE 5O looks and acts well APPLE EYE 40 and FIRE SCREEN 40 breezed together ELRICK 30 Straca 40 and REDDY TEDDY 50 broke well from the barrier LAUREL RACE COURSE Track Fast 3 FURLONGS In the Market MarketBrush 50 b Census 103h White Poppy 104 b Brush Burn 40b Infaith InfaithBig 50 b Caveswood 102h 6 FURLONGS 109 Big Metal 38b Icecapade IcecapadeBlenmint 51 b Escarp 104 b Arson 115h 115h103b Blenmint 37b Joycey G GFreedom 49 h Four Jacks Jacks48h 103b Bold Sirdar 117 h h103h Freedom Won 37sb Jack the Great GreatImmortality 48h Graham Graham51b 103h Birdie L 117h Immortality 38 b Jofield JofieldLees 51b Golden Vale Vale50b 104 b Copake 11 6h 6h103y5h Lees Highpep 37 b Lady Belmont BelmontMasfiado 50b Helen Star 103y5h Converse 120 b Masfiado 371sb Leachie LeachieMiss 51 b Laurin A A494sh 107 h Dream Devil 119 b b104b Miss Stella 37 h Moon Dash DashMarengo 494sh Landseair Landseair51b 104b Fixed Charge 120 b b1045b Marengo 371sb Miss Elliot ElliotMarch 51b Ladd LaddWsh 1045b GwenyG 11 8b 8b104b March Deb 37b Natural Bridge BridgeSwick Wsh Mondaval 104b Girder 118b OregonTwo Swick 374b On to Oregon 49 h Mikes Money Money50h 105 b Jolly Star 118b Two Lumps 38 b Rocky Ridge RidgeVelvet 50h Peripoise Peripoise51b 103 h Maro 119b 119b107b Velvet Touch 37b Stay Cool 51b Prime Mover Mover49h 107b Mah Heavens 116h 116h103h 4 FURLONGS Solar System SystemAllegretto 49h Rigor Mortis Mortis49h 103h Rare Knave 117b Allegretto 49 h Tanakilt 49h Roaring Bull Bull51b 103 h Scotch Dare 118b 118b103b Bills Best 52 b Unoccupied UnoccupiedBaggage 51b Seeonee Seeonee49h 103b Saddle Bags 11 9b Baggage Boy 49 h Velvet Touch TouchColumcille 49h Sir Helios 104 b Side Saddle 120h Columcille 48h War Dauber DauberCount 54 b Scotch Bim Bim49y5h 107 b 1 MILE 137 Count Galla 49h Webber J JCross 49y5h Shamrock Hill 104 b Big Dome 145h 145h103b Cross Bones 52 b You First FirstEternal 49h The Trooper 103b Heirloom 145 h h103b Eternal Pet 54 b 5 FURLON FURLONGS 59 Territory 103b Repeat Mandate 145 h Effortless 146y5bCOLUMCILLE 49h BradF 103 bg War Vessel 103 h Winging Along 146y5b COLUMCILLE 4f and JACK THE GREAT 40 displayed keen speed ROARING BULL 5O and WAR VESSEL 50 were in company in a handy move REPEAT MANDATE went a useful mile PIMLICO Track Good 3 FURLONGS Eternal Fan FanArthur 50h Scrapper 53 b Bete Noir 117h 117h49h Arthur Charles 38 b Fleet Gold GoldCareful 50 h Tax Cut 49 49h DAmaso 118h Careful Devil 365ri Green and Gold GoldJimminetty 52h 5 FURLONGS 59 5952h 5934 First Verse 117 b Jimminetty 39 b Gao GaoKevs 52h EjayLaing 105 b Inhibited 117 h Kevs Sensation 38 h Hydroter 50 h Glyndon Lady 104 10451h h Nances Lass 118h 118h104b Miss Boxie 39 b Inspirit InspiritNances 51h G R Petersen 104 104b PongaTip 118h Nances Lad 40 b Irish Myth MythTape 53 b Henrys First 106 10651h b Quiz Finder 119 b StrongTanuka Tape Reader 38 b Jerry Strong 51h Julinia 104 104525h h Special Design 1174shg Tanuka 37h Let Loose 525h Knotty Jack 103 10351h 103h 1174shg103h Sensation Jr 117h 4 FURLONGS 47 Love Lock LockBurnt 51h Our Ace 103 10352h 103h 7 FURLONGS126 FURLONGS126104y5h Burnt Child 51h Mindful MindfulBorder 52h Party Special 104ys514ih 104ys Ed the Great 1304sh Border Lord 52 h Mr Lobknow LobknowBlazon 514ih Penocc 103 b b104hg Blazon Star 52h Mike Terry TerryBofus 54 b Salisbury 104 104hg 1 MILE 137 137103h Bofus 49 h Northerlea NortherleaBit 53 b Strato 103 103h Beknighted 147h Bit HenryBalmy o Dream 51h Prince Henry 51 b Twice Teddy 104 b Care Battle 145 h Balmy Miss 52 h Running Chanci 50 h Westover 104 10452b b Evil Pat 150 b Bad Margie 51h Radical 52b Windy 105 b Iforu 145 h Ball Hawk 53Vfeb Ramp 50 b 6 FURLONGS 110 From Afar 147 h h117b Carter F 52 h Respond 49h Billy Clifton 117b Steel Town 146h CAREFUL DEVIL 3f has early speed in short trials HYDROTER 4f and RUNNING CHANCE 4 wert on even terms throughout OUR ACE 5f continues to show good works ED THE GREAT 70 worked very handily CARE BATTLE worked a useful mile Continued on Page Ft WORKOUTSKey LATEST WORKOUTS Key BreezIng oDriving eEasily g Worked from gate hHandily o All out u Easeo up bo upbo Bore out ro Ran out Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in appearin black face type Track record after distance Continued from Page FortyOne AQUEDUCT Track Fast 36hAnaconda 3 FURLONGS Polish 36h Landscaping 47h Selective SelectiveLeaping 103 h h50b Anaconda 35h Productive 38 b bBasilia Leaping 50b Shanny ShannyPayucano 104 b Basilia 36h Robarm 37 b Payucano 53 b Snoozie SnoozieRelic 105 b Belle Ban 36hg Spugs 39 b bBlack Relic Gold 52 b Scotstoun ScotstounSearching T04 b Black and Blue 39b Singing Girl 37b 37bBeau Searching 49h 6 FURLC FURLCTurfs FURLONGS 110 Beau Brook 38 b Savoire Faire 39 b bCold Turfs Toy 50 hg All Is Well 116H Cold Pike 38 b Stack 38 b bCote 5 FURLONGS 59 CODorsett CODorsettAttentive 118 b b104b Cote Dazur 37 hg Sandwich 37 b bCherry Attentive 104b Carnival Cat CatBleu 114h Cherry Gal 37b Samona 36h 36hConfess Bleu Feature 103 h Easy Whirl WhirlBirdie 116h 116h104b Confess 40 b TheTormentil 38 b bCrucial Birdie Lulley 104b Flying Mane ManeCellini 117 b Crucial 38 b Tireune 37 h hCaustic Cellini 104 b Gusto GustoDangerous 116h Caustic 38 b 4 FURLONGS FURLONGSDuck Dangerous Sun 104 b Matagorda MatagordaHaviland 115h Duck Hunter 38b Azure Beauty 51 b bEastern Haviland 106 b Mr Alside AlsideJays 117 h Eastern 37 b Blue Valley II 51 b bFlapper Jays Mom 106 b Press PressMy 116 h Flapper 36h Carbeau 50b 50bGypsies My Cut In 106 b Putney PutneyNo 11 6h Gypsies Gold 37 hg Dream World 49h 49hGrand No Sun 105 b 7 FURL FURLOne FURLONGS122 Grand Fine 37 b Doby Doc 51 b bMiss One Grand 105 b Flambeau FlambeauPlatoon 128h Miss Stifle 36hg Gallair 50b 50bNarrative Platoon 105 b 1 1Prism MILE 49hbid Narrative 37 b Lenny Gale 49h Prism 104 b Alternative AlternativeSirMiron 142h bid Prospector 38 b Lost Treasure 51 b SirMiron 105 b Full Flight 14245h JAMAICA Track Fast 3 FURLONGS Mara Moo 38 b Duke Hi HiMuraibrook 47 hg Roman Sheila 102Hb 102Hb48hg Air Service Muraibrook 38 b Dead Duck DuckNorthquest 48hg 6 FURLONGS 109 Admirals Belle Northquest 38 bg Elrose ElrosePapa 52 b Alidon 122 b b51b Comets Glow Papa Cat 38 bg Emotion EmotionPolo 51b Border Son 117b Cinuhta Polo 37 b Flat Side SideSwocp 51 b Bandoneon 119 b Charco Swocp 36h In the Round RoundTetu 51 bg Early Light 117 b b51b Dedicate Tetu 39b Plurabelle PlurabelleVal 51b Lofty Legion 11 6b 6b52b Firebrake Val 37 b Realistic RealisticWigwam 52b Milk Baron 117b Fittowin Wigwam 36b 5 FURLONGS 58 Martyr 113 h h102b Hartsville 4 FURLONGS Audrey Lee LeeBogie 102b Prestissimo 121 b Islamarada Bogie Miss 53b Dan Giddings GiddingsBegorra 104 b Seebit 121 b Imurguy Begorra 50 b Donfield DonfieldBronze 102 h Sheilas Double 116hg Light Music Bronze Age 51b Golden Prince PrinceBlack 104b 116hg104b Uncle Don 121 b Mama Shane Black Way 51b Platterpuss 102 h Uncharted 118b ASCOT PARK Track Heavy 3 FURLONGS 3 Ginobis Sun 42b Ray Star 44Vsb 4 FURLONGS 461 Interfere 43b Ten0Two 43Visb Zayna 59b 59b43b Copsa 43b Melbas First 43 b Two Knave 43b 1 MILE 140 14043b Clear Brook 43b Penny Singer 159b Due to track condition there was not many workouts this morning morningLINCOLN LINCOLN DOWNS Track Good 3 FURLONGS Merry Tulip 39 b Flying Circle 53 b Third Division 54 b bVerona Verona 39 b Golden Choice 54b U Call 52 h hount ount Easter 384sh Honey Kist 53 b bCelandine Celandine 3735h 4 FURLONGS Imurgal 53h 5 FURLONGS 58 loor Boss 38b Andromeda 54 bNMiss Flushing 53h Direct Mister 106 h hocarno ocarno 39b Bamma 54 b Sideline 54 b Prince Villon 104h U CALL 4f looks good CELANDINE 3f is coming around to good form