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HOW TO READ PAST PERFORMANCES WHAT ARE PAST PERFORMANCES? DAILY RACING FORM past performances are a transposition of DAILY indicate his virtues and his faults; will tell you the distance he prefers; the RACING FORM charts. Every past performance line tells the story of how track condition he favors; his recent workouts — EVERYTHING of import- the particular horse you are interested in ran on a particular day. Every- ance in evaluating form. All racing secretaries and handicappers MUST thing you need to determine the probable result of a race is included in each analyze past performances before they draw conclusions. The line below, thoroughbreds past performances. A brief study of each horses record will from Elbas record, clearly reveals how he performed in his last race. EXAMPLE OF PAST PERFORMANCES AN EXAMPLE OF PAST PERFORMANCES AS THEY APPEAR IN . . .. . . . r k Runner. D X Good Mud B Runner. m ® . Superior u Mud B Runner nAr DAILY RACING FORM Elba ,WU X ~ 1 1 ft B * * bT Arbiel— Alicia Tte, by Sempronius. •■•ELBA X 118 I ■. 4, by Arbiel— Alicia Tee, by Sentproniys 195S i*w..i«oi i? u 1 3 J *385 • ,*" *0 Breeder, W. L Wall 1956 3 18 1 ,458 Owner, J. N. Croft. Trainer J. Strong. ,888 1965 12 M 1 3 ,385 S8 000 yJHk 7-56tS.A 6f1:10%ft 3e*120 43 32J 2r 1"» StoutJiO C80Q051 Wherrie 114 Zacawon 112 Fone Me 12 Feb 3-563S.A 7f1:23%ft 2i 115 125J S4 4? 48 NadeauG? Alw«2Yutu114 Jims Town 117 Pops PaMO Jan28-563S.A 7f 1:2354ft 7 115 8*1 7«i 45 33J JohnsonT* Alw87 Roaming0scr113 HighDrift108 Jonesy 12 Dec28-553S.A tc7f 1:26%fm K 118 610 5* 4« 3*i NadeauG* Alw 162 Vigor 109 Ligl . Jean 111 Big Question 12 S * S - Nov 9-555Jam 1,V1:45Aft 5 120*23 53 5» 63 FisherRS Aiw 71 BraiBrith 11 J Whirl sBell 119 BigFIt 9 o t -*• «= E i. " Now. 9, 1955— Daily Racing Form Time, 1:44*5. fast. - g o « 5 5 -gw JiSI*! !MSS I V* £ 53J 53i ElliottWi Hcp0 84Jacktown118 LeeMor118 BelovedMiss 12 i £ -? Z - -gf ? - ? , f Sep29-554Bd 1*1:44%ft 2 119 23 1h 1 14 3nk EI»iottW5 AlwM 89 JuneJl15 MyHonJyBee115 Bubblestm 12 E-SS * -i 8 E SS? E Sep2r-554Be1 U1:4«tft 7J 114 4 J 3 V 2h GonlezL Mdn 86 Tordar 112 HotChocobt i114 OurGift 12 5 2 $ £ L. i C £ S I 1 ,2 * Feb 7 SA 3-8 ft :36ysh Feb 2 SA 1-2 ft :47%h Jan 29 SA 1m si 1:44%b * *V , v - The earnings line, giving each horses racing record for the current ond preceding year, k 0x1 important part of the complete pas* performances. In addition to the records themselves, it furnishes 0 clue to the class of races in which the horse has been running and reveals whether bis earning copacity has increased or diminished in the years coverage. "M" in the record column indicates maiden. A "maiden" is 0 horse who at the time of starting, has never won a race an the flat in. any country. A "maiden jumper is one who has never won 0 steeplechase or hurdle race. N MEANING OF EACH PAST PERFORMANCE CALL " • « -2 m I "2 £ ORDER OF FINISH WITH WEIGHT • ? fc— 9 .. «*_ S E_ ii .§£. W £ 1 1 * . if « £ If finish shows horse won, second, third and si t °c S 5 f S. 2 t £ |s • -f S fourth horses are given. -«= . m * £ Ws mi ■* «c »|2 .Ec Hl«» ~ * i If second, first, third and fourth horses are " Sa I •. C * • 9 ? * sf g-os? c» s S • * shown. 5 •sl£C ill cts" *JT ttI" S S* * S 1 H J «hown. ; ll I I I 5 1 111 I III 111 Hi If IF I Hi |l Maced. first, and third horses are J .VFeb7.56« S.A 6f 1.10*5 ft 3e* 120 4J 31 2 1-SroutJ1 cSOOO 91 Wherrie 114 Zacawon 112 Fone Me 12 VARIOUS ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PAST PERFORMANCES Speed ratings give a comparison of a horses running time with the record established at »ha» *r»rir ™ ■ rp*BRac ***r£!!!*"n Definition prior to the opening of the current meeting. If a horse eoSs the tricknmiSSfSJtSS C*m,fl9 Ra" " A ra5e h which each horSf entered can be daimed or a desi5- ard he is credited with a rating ol 100. For each one-fifth of a second slower than that record one !£ Pncem conformity to the conditions of the race. ln point is deducted. Thus, for a horse running the distance two and two-fifths seconds slower than the case M,W0 record, the speed rating is 88 100 minus 12. If a horse breaks the record his speed rating will exceed Handicap HcpO An event in which weights are assigned by the track handicap- " m $£eel . n? of J02,.wo.u,d. ,ndiC,ale that a horse bettered the track standard by two-fifths of a per for the purpose of giving each horse an equal opportunity second. - To determine the final time of a horse other than the winner add one-fifth of a second for of winning. Horses are not subject to be claimed. eacn length the horse is beaten by the winner. Thus a horse finishina sixth beaten a total of wwen u-.a » ,..,— — — a ... lengths bv the winner who ran the distance in 1:W%, would have run the distan« in 1 1l4 sS A,,6wancM A,wM A. » ***** ut0 non-winners, with a weight allowance pro-ratings, in races where The Racing Form adds a footnote listing a running time that varies With the ff£J*.P£L*J** ha" Piously started in a claiming race. SffiS 3*andJ*9-** *• computed on the official track time and not the time taken. bV the ., , HorSeS n0t subject to c,aimed- Ltc J- f°n , . Maidens. Special „ WeigMts Mdn For non-winners carrying special weight or weights as stated wu it— prior to December « 1. 1955 «.r when a track record was broken the new time standard was used •" conditions of race. Horses not subject to be claimed. ahJ£ , m«,l 2,r Jflm-Iin" will s"bs1eJuen? be fa.ces However ."I6* the ne* method as "plained Optional Claiming Races A race restricted to horses running " for a claiming price or w«n« companson maintained throughout the meeting. Entered NOT to be claimed oflOM who have previously run for a Sin? prfce The9 term OP fair . . Entered t0 BE claimed 800C° TIONAL CLAIMING means just what the name implies, the Th. .Ll r LSLi t u "hrse s jPf1 Pmances * shows L h.s latest workouts, including the track over owner having the option of entering his horse for a price MB- whirh -Airh th/w.nrirnMl 1« "1! If w °kth traLCkutuhe ? *5 trial* the Ume- and the man"er in 9« le to be claimed or not entering his horse for a price not nt n«fnrlanrnc wh£ % ?i V abburev,atons used are the same as those used in the eligible to be claimed. If an owner does not want to enter his LS *S* SSS-r % • ■ i ieri fll0* ihe track abbreviation they indicate that the work- horse to be claimed, his horse must meet the "optional" con- ♦ «n 1** training track. All workouts are on the main track unless otherwise designated. ditions set down by the racing secretary in order to be eligible h liSiil W-,1 . « "i5 are US5 t0 scribe h0*.,efch„ h-orse *orked: b-breezing, e-easily, to compete These conditions appear in the past performances JidtoS/that ZhJ, :Ln-:? ,UPK re ra smfi T J0,,ows one of the abbreviations it preceding each race. All horses who race in optional claimers. nSLVi 9 y breakn9 fr0m the Starl,n9 »ale- but are not entered t0 ta cIaimed- must have raced at some TSr t,nw f * a sPeciFied claiming price to obtain a classification. a When shown u before distarce indicates distance of race Is "about" and not exact and they must again race for a claiming price if the owner tc Shown before distance indicates race was run on the turf grass course. wishes to reclassify his horse in a lower category. Also, winners TRACK CONDITIONS of optional claiming races when entered NOT to be claimed, can Main Course: ft— fast, gd— good, sy— sloppy si— slow m— muddy hv— heaw * rot °e eligible for the same class of race next time out unless Turf Couree: hd— hard, fm— firm, sf— soft. entered eligible to be claimed. APPROXIMATE FINAL ODDS Starter Allowance A3000 An event run under allowance conditions restricted to horses e When shown after pdds indicates horse was a member of a stable entry, coupled in the wagering who have Previously started for the designated claiming price Denotes horse was a member of the mutuel field. or less stated in the conditions of the race ln this case the Indicates horse was favorite. horse must have previously run for a claiming price of 000 APPRENTICE ALLOWANCES ■ ess. Horses in -Starter Races" are not subject to be claimed lowymboifappS JeTtoTweghf «Se* " *" *" " "" " "* **" "*** H8W tX%and.*~- "** ™ "* COnteSled Unde "Handicap" § indicates a 2 or 3 pound weight allowance has been claimed this allowance varies in different ... states: • 5-pound allowance: : 7-pound allowance; .*. 10 pound allowance. ci-i 5pecial w;0ht We.ght cm/ SpfW A a race t in which A- L the weights are fixed by the racing secretary DEAD-HEATS AND DISQUALIFICATIONS Jhes* weights are not necessarily scale weights. * aTvir? fi2i?hei.lnu a dead;hJea..t * ? d1saified- a oagger t will precede the jockeys Starter Special Weight , SaOOO A starter race as defined above only run under "Soecia! ™ susurtus «cU7reiiated heneath the pa p rformance iine «* that s foj,d » assaS 5*s ?S A.dwM Maiden" AHowance. £S SSmSH d«h«,wH. bebstituted for the claiming price. «A— -; » wgeysr Sasfss **»+,+. ~ ai-* * «* «« s « . -s « 8S and££* SPWS 55hlWl8*Sfc STAKE RACES »« on of the year, less sex allowances. Amount for which horse was entered to be claimed is Indicated by figures printed after Jockeys .ta£? fitaXSLi0. "5i«"r!Su[f i 5lake ?Cu vf Les sl;9hty **»*«* to the rules of different name. Optional claiming races are indicated by a superior "o" immediately preceding or following the tXV- JL"-9!" ttai-a.stakes race .? .m "hh stakes are to be put up by the owners of the claiming price. Before claiming price "o" denotes horse was not entered to beclaimed! °o" a ter c?aim! Jdnce of fte rnnSa HT andLB2* may bl.a?ded 1a.nd whicn c,oses at ,east 72 hours in ing price indicates horse WAS entered to be claimed. A small "e" before claiming p ice denotes horse sS dl fniMnn ?» Lj£ .mw°"ey ch.""31 » ""test as a stakes race; the was claimed out of that particular race. Where the capital letter -A," "H" or "S3 precedes a claiming ! TuSlSLFI bv ♦ arf the SUmS uPaid ** - t«howners of the horSM nominated. This type of race price a "Starter Race" is Indicated. A detailed explanation of the various type races follows- i.d,CBated "* past Performances by a capital "S? following the abbreviation of the conditions under Type of Race Abbreviation Definition g | t Wt.CtjteUi. Stake races are contested under the following conditions: Allowance -AlwS"; ■TSLSlV "* EnUanU ■" n0t SUbjCCt U !SS? ""n under allowance conditions, whereas "AlwfS" would kidkate an allowaTe race corn «« 6Mnne«. pe oyj,. the steeplechase course Hurdle races are denoted by a single bracketed "£H."