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— Official Racing C hurts . Balmoral at Washington Park §0 Convriehl. 1917 bv Trianslc Publications Inc. ———————— HOMEW00D. ILL . THURSDAY. MAY 16. 1957-WASHINGTON PARK 1 1-8 MILES. Fourth day 6T thirty-day meeting May 13 to June 15. Balmoral Jockey Club. Inc. American Totalisator. Puett Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Weather clear. Steward representing Illinois Racing Board, Ralph W. Choisser. Stewards. William A. Reagan and Aidan Roark. Associate Steward. Teague Pichon. Patrol Judges. Teagite Pichon. Thomas Trotter and Charles J. Gormley. Jr. Paddock Steward. Charles J. Gormley. Jr. Placing Judges. Vasco Parke. Thomas P. Scott and Bennett I. Paike. Clerk of Scales. Frederic Craftcn. Starter. Roy Dickerson. Timer, John Beech. Racing Secretary. Fred Burtcn. Assistant Racing Secretary. Thomas Trotter. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Central Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1956. .36: current meeting. .35. Percentage of favorites in the money. .57. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as cne. field horses individually. Mutuel take. 14 per cent State 6. track 8. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Kuprion Kamera. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 1,531 feet. FIRST RACE I IMLEiaNt of chute. Swaps? Sept. 3. 1956 — 1:33- 3—4—1 30. Purse $£758. 3-year- q q q olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight. 120 lbs. Claiming price. ,000. 1a *+ ? 7 O Net va|ue t0 winner ,590; second. 15; third. 55; fourth. 90. May 16-57— Was Mutuel Pool, 0.600. Index Horses Eqt~A Wt PP St V* i % Str Fin Jcckeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 11888 "GOLD KEY " wbT20 4 5 V2 WW V* 1? CBurr 7000 D V Ostergaard 9lb 13032 NUCLEAR WAR w 120 1 6 6 2! 2 2 2 D Erb 7000 Wilson and Mrs T P Hall Jr 3.70 DOUBLE W. w 120 6 2 9* 5 P 4»J 3* 0 Dodson 7000 P A B Widener 15.90 10986 IN SHAPE wb 115 3 7 72 P 53 3? 44 S LeJeune 7C0O Mrs R L Reineman 8.60 13982? WIS£ EDDIE wb 120 8 1 3* 3 32 58 5* M Weissmn 7000 J E and G Oros 2.30 13982 GEM CUTTER wb 120 5 8 8 8 8 6 6* C Meaux 7000 H F Lukas 4.20 12412 BELAfBER w 115 7 4 41 7* 6-7 74 7* R Bgmnke 7000 Sunny Blue Farm 4.70 13982 C0SM0TR0N wb 120 2 3 21 4 7 8 8 L C Cook 7000 Kirby and Simone 40.90 Time. :23s. :48"«s. 1:13*5. 1:4025. Track good. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid — t Odds to n • 4-GOLD KEY 20.20 6.80 6.60 9.10 2.40 2.30 Ml utuel Prices* i-nuclear war 4.40 3.60 1.20 .so l 6-DOUBLE W 9.60 3.80 Winner— Ch. c. by Jet Pilot— Fulmar, by Hairan. trained by E. Kalensky; bred by Miss M. V. Fisher. IN GATE— 1:51. OFF AT 1:51 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. GOLD KEY got to the front on the inside after going a,bout a furlong and well rated while saving ground thereafter, was never in danger. NUCLEAR WAR was closest to the leader mest of the way and withstood a couple of challenges to save second place. DOUBLE W. moved up in the stretch. IN SHAPE saved ground in the run home. WISE EDDIE was fairly prominent for six furlongs and then tired. GEM CUTTER dropped far out of it soon after the start. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sun David. Aig. 28. 1952-1:09-5—118. Purse ,750. 3-year-olds. Q Q Q Claiming. Weight. 116 lbs. Winners in 1957, 2 lbs. extra for each race won. Claiming 1A 4 7 7 7 pricej ,000. May 16-57 — Was Net value to winner ,590: second. 15; third. 55: fourth, 90. Mutuel Pool. 3,224. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* i Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 142471 GRAY GERMAN wbTl8 4 8 P| A~22 1iJ C Meaux 3000 Costello and Hunter 310 12077 NORDAL wb116 10 6 6 53 4 2»° D Dodson 3000 Gregory and Maggio 47.30 12412 GREENACRES TOM w 116 9 7 82 9» 52 3J J Heckmnn 3000 Marion Stable 13.00 120693 SING ONE SONG wb 116 11 5 3 33 2 41 H Bolin 3000 Partlow Farm 16.90 14247 INUNDATE wb116 2 1 1 11 1 5 G Herndez 3000 J Simpson Jr 18.80 -13313 SURPURTY wb 111 111 10 102 7 6 J D Jessop 3000 J J Lombardo 73.90 124084 CROWHOP w 111 6 10 Jh and 8 V2 D Brumfld 3000 Spring Hill Farm 10.90 142483 SANDYS MINK w 118 3 3 4 7 6 8nk D Wagner 3000 V D-Fein • 11.10 14544 GRACES STAR wb113 8 12 12 12 12 9 L C Cook 3C00 Blossom Stable 4.20 132954 DIOGHAIL w 7 9 114113 10 IP C Burr 3000 Mrs C MacLeod 19.50 134494 BETTER PART wb 113 5 2 22 22 112 113 A Skoronski 3000 C Fritz 6.40 11683 RISQUE SONG w 111 12 4 51 8» 9 12 K Church 3000 H B Frazier 4.80 Time. :23j :472s, 1:13?5. Track good. Official Program Numbers - , — Mutuels Paid - , OcMs to v n • 4-GRAY GERMAN 8.20 5.00 3.40 3.10 1.50 .70 Ml utuel rrices? 10-NORDAL 28.40 14.60 13.20 6.30 l 9-GREENACRES TOM 7.00 2.50 Winner— Gr. g, by Gray Dream— Cove Spring, by St. Germans, trained by J. Badali: bred by G. A. Evans. IN GATE— 2:17. OFF AT 2:17 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start poor. Won driving; second and third the same. GRAY GERMAN was outrun to the stretch, then came to the middle of the track to finish strongly and best NORDAL under urging. The latter made up ground steadily itr the stretch and was going well at the finish. GREENACRES TOM closed ground between horses in the stretch. SING ONE SONG raced fairly well up. SURPURTY. CROWHOP. and GRACES STAR were off poorly. Scratched— 147292 Ro-Add. 120: 03299 Clepo Miss. 111: 13554 Little Doubt. 116: C9140 None Barred. 116. Risque Song claimed by J. C. Dobkin. trainer A. N. Winick. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 11.60 — Double Pool, 8,804. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Mais Boy. May 20, 1950— :57! —2—118. Purse ,750. 2-year-olds. r f f Maidens. Claiming. Weight. 118 lbs. Claiming price. ,500. 1C 0 U U U Net value to winner ,590; second. 15: third. 55; fourth. 90. May 16-57— Was Mutuel Pool, 9.164. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j 3a Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 09326 STAR BOOTS wb118 6 6 62 4» 34 V2 C Meaux 7500 M J Lorino 19.60 14619 THE VERB w 118 4 3 3 34 2 2? R Bgmnke 7500 Mrs S Smith 1.90 13448 KINGS IMAGE w 118 3 5 7* 7* 5 32 J Heckmann 75C0 C S Handelmar; 5.90 134234 ROYAL TALE wb 115 8 7 2h 1 1 44 C Burr 7500 C MacLeod Jr 4.80 10989 CROWING wb115 5 4 4J 5"» 68 53 D Dodson 7500 Spring Hill Farm 2.90 11473 AGATHEA w 115 1 1 1" 21 4J 62 G Herndez 7500 Kennedy-Veale Stable 9.80 CAPTAIN FLASH w 118 7 8 8 8 8 78 R Reynolds 7500 S H Zachar 55.10 SAUCY MISS wb115 2 2 5 and 7h 8 S LeJeune 7500 Mrs R L Reineman 8.90 Time. :23. :47V 1:0025. Track good. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid— r~ — Odds to , ki i n • 6-STAR BOOTS 41.20 9.40 4.80 19.60 3.70 1.40 Mutuel Prices? 4-the verb 3.40 3.00 .70 .50 1 3-KING S IMAGE 3 40 .70 Winner— Br g. by Haltal— Boot All, by Our Boots, trained by W. W. Morrow; bred by Estate of S. D. Riddle. IN GATE-2:43. OFF AT 2:43 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. STAR BOOTS was outrun for half the distance, then came fast in the middle of the track to take command in the last fifty yards and hold THE VERB. The latter was always a good contender and saved ground in the stretch to go steadily to the finish. KINGS IMAGE closed considerable ground in the stretch. ROYAL TALE dashed to the front on the outside nearing the stretch turn but weakened in the last-furlong. CROWNING was unable to keep up. SAUCY MISS stopped badly. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sun David. Aug. 28. 1952—1:09—5—118. Bunting Purse. Purse ,000. A A 1 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of three races other than maiden or claiming. 1C D U U I Weight, 122 lbs. Non-wim:ers of three races in 1957 allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1957 May 16-57 — Was or three races in 1956-57. 6 lbs.; one race other than maiden in 1957 or two races in 1956. 9 lbs. claiming* races not considered. Net value to winner ,300: second. 00; third. 20; fourth. 80. Mutuel Pool. 5,956. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 127063 MANTEAU- w 116 1 4 43 3J 23 14 j Ad~ams~ L L Haggin II .60 121352 OLE ROB wb116 5 3 23 1h 1« 2J J Heckmai.n D R Laughter 3.90 122482 RAJPUTANA wb 114 3 5 5 5 44 3* D Erb Sunny Blue Farm 8.50 141012 CELESTINO R wb 119 2 2 1h 24 33 42 A Skoronski H J Bianco and Mrs L J Roberts 3.90 13493 COLONEL ZERO w 116 4 1 32 45 5 5 R Bgmnke Wilson and Mrs T P Hull Jr 16.10 Time. :23. :4635. 1:11%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers Vi -- Mutuels Paid — - Odds to ,, B • i 1-MANTEAU 3.20 2.40 2.20 .60 .20 .10 Ml utuel rricesi sole rob 3.20 2.80 .60 .40 i 3-RAJPUTANA 2.80 .40 Winner— B. c. by Citation— Stole, by Blenheim II.. trained by H. Hoffman; bred by L. L. Haggin II. IN GATE-3:07J. OFF AT 3:07 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. MANTEAU was taken back early and was under restraint for about three furlongs, then moved fast on the outside when called upon to easily pass OLE ROB in the last furlong. OLE ROB forged to the front of CELESTINO R. after entering the stretch but was unable to resist the winner. RAJPUTANA. slow to begin, was badly outrun to the stretch but was going strongly at the end. CELESTINO R. tired badly in the stretch. COLONEL ZERO broke well but was through after going a half mile. Overweight— Rajputana. 1 pound. FIFTH RACE 1 MILE out of chute. Swaps. Sept. 3. 1956— 1:332s— 4— 130. Purse ,000. 4-year- A A * °s ar,d upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race at one mile or over in 1957. Weight, 1C J U v i. 121 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 1 allowed 3 lbs.: two races in 1957. May 16-57 — Was 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,0C0; if for less. 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner ,725: second, 75; third, 90: fourth. 10. Mutuel Pool, 1,116. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* i 3/* Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 12513 JUST JUDY w7 114 3 6 63 62 62 3~1J D Erb 5000 C C Hillock Z30 08724 THE POSSE wb7115 4 2 1" 1 2J 2J 2i J Heckmnn 5000 J Simpson Jr 2.90 138593 DIE VALKYRIE wb4 115 1 5 5« 54 52 1* 33 J D Jessop 5000 Kleindorfer and Boyd 5.10 13561 GAY RIBBONS w5 111 5 4 4. 4J 3 5* 4 A Skoronski 5000 Gee Jay Emm Stable 21.10 143742 RUMSON HILL w4 115 7 1 2* 2 1J 4* 55 M Duhon 5000 Smith and Howell 4.10 13986 MARITZA wb5113 2 3 3« 3 4 6«s 6* C Burr 5000 M Andrews 6.90 14253 ATTAVAR wb 6 11046 7 7 7 7 7 7 C Meaux 4500 B Terry Jr 10.40 Time, :24Vs, M3 1:13*5 1:39*5 Track fast. Continued on Page Twenty -Six 5 BALMORAL Continued from Page Nine Official Program Numbers ,- Mutuels Paid — , r- Odds to -. ..#-..«! D.:M, 3"JUST JUDY 6W 34° 32° 2» 70 60 M utuel trices? 4-the posse 3» 3.40 .» 70 t 1-DIE VALKYRIE 3.40 .70 Winner— B. m. by Errard— Rebecca R., by High Quest, trained by M. Calvert, bred by B. Q. Muir £ IN GATE-3:32. OFF AT 3:32 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. o» Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. JUST JUDY was not unduly rushed while being rather ■"■ badly outrun early but came strongly when called upon in the stretch to wear down the leaders and win handily. THE POSSE went to the front early and, withstanding a bid from DIE VALKYRIE at the midstretch, continued _ gamely on the inside to the end. DIE VALKYRIE moved strongly on the outside entering the stretch and caught THE POSSE, then weakened. GAY RIBBONS went evenly but did not threaten. RUMSON HILL was 5 used up trying to head THE POSSE in the first half mile. MARITZA had some early speed but stopped badly. 3 Overweight— Just Judy, 4 pounds, Gay Ribbons. 1; Attavar, 4. • SIXTH RACE 7 FURLONGS out of chute. Dogoon, Sept. 3, 1955—1:21—3—124. Sceneshifter 1 *» fl fl *? Purse" Purse S4000- 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of a race other than r I J J J J maiden, claiming, optional or starter race. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of three " May 16-57 — Was races in 1957 allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1957, 6 lbs «* Net value to winner ,3O0jetw9O0jjh|rd1 20; fourth, 80. Mutuel Pool, 3,629. - Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt a Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~0dds to - 3 ]3135. MT. OLIVET wb115 5 2 21 23 13 13 j Heckmnn 0 S Deming 80 r% ?ool E5ESCH C0AT wbm 1 6 5i 55 32 2* s LeJeune Mrs R L Reineman 350 O 889 FREE AND BUSY wb118 2 3 12 ih 2 32 C Burr North Star Ranch 380 *■ 14101-* GEMS BABY w 118 6 1 3 J 33 4»1 4*1 J Adams H H Mundy 8 50 L5 128133 MR. J. D. w112 4 4 4 43 5" 5« K Church Mrs B Kosnick 1360 Z 12813 CRESWOOD SUSIE m 107 3 5 6 6 6 6 H Bolin Hubbard and Voynow 28 30 HI Time :223i- :46Vs 1:11 * s, 1:24%. Track fast. Offtctal „„..,.. Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid— . - Odds to , £ **• M..f.,«l DI-f 5MT OLIVET 3.60 2.80 2.20 .80 .40 .10 Mutuel rrices? i-french coat 340 260 70 30 - i 2-FREE AND BUSY 240 20 J Winner— Ch. c, by Sun Again— Rose-Red, by Display, trained by R. E. Wingfielri; bred by Mereworth Farm IN GATE-3:59J. OFF AT 3:594 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Q mrrltart 90od- Won ridden out; second alld tnird driving. MT. OLIVET was saved while following the pace of FREE AND BUSY and, catching the latter when ready in the stretch, drew out under hand riding in the last furlong. FRENCH COAT came steadily on the inside through the stretch to catch FREE AND BUSY near the end FREE AND BUSY showed good speed in pacemaking but weakened in the last furlong. GEMS BABY was unable to keep up. Scratched— 119781 Mr. Donmar, 112. Corrected weight— Free and Busy, 118. SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sun David, Aug. 28, 1952-1:09— 5— 118. Purse ,250. 4-year-olds 1 1 fl fl A. and uPward- Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 3 lbs.; • J J J * m 1957, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000 May 16-57 — Was Net value to winner ,875; second, 30: third, 20: fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 4,739. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 13794 PRINCE ERIC wb5114 4 6 5h 52 3 1"* J D Jessop 6500 E Denemark 12.70 139854 GINGER C. wb 4 109 2 2 1h 2* 22 2"° R Reynolds 6500 M B Armer 6.90 039873 FIRST REFUSAL wb 8 112 3 1 2h 1h ih 3«» C Meaux 6250 M H VanBerg 10.90 14100 ZADIEJ30Y w4117 5 4 71; 7J 7 42 R Camp 6500 W A Visans 21.70 10293 ACCOLADE wb4112 7 7 8 82 Eh 52 C Burr 6500 E G Biederman 16 60 11567 ACCEPTED wb4117 15 4 61 85 6 K Church 6500 L R Sommer 10.10 13794 COLONELS LADY w 4 109 9 9 102 and 94 7 H Bolin 6500 C M Graham 640 13249? ONE PUTT wb4114 6 3 32 32 4 8"k J Heckmann 6500 Lakeside Stable 4 50 11886 TOKYO GIRL wb 5 110 11 10 11 11 103 9H A Shermans 6500 Spring Hill Farm 1650 C49633 BLANCHARD wb5114 8 8 6 4 5 102 D Erb 65G0 Jacnot Stable 250 H8923 JUNGLE wb 4 114 10 11 ? 102 11 11 D Brumfield 6500 Rockmoore Farm 2940 Time., :225s, :46%. 1:12%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers Vi — Mutuels Paid— v , Odds to * D •* *,. 4-PRINCE ERIC 27.40 11.00 7.00 12.70 4.50 2.50 M.. -..A| utuel rricesj 2-ginger c 8.00 5.40 3.00 170 V 3-FIRST REFUSAL 6.80 2 40 Winner— B. h. by Priam II .— Alibelle. by Alibhai, trained by G. Alexandra, bred by J. W. Hanes and L. Combs II. IN GATE— 4:25. OFF AT 4:25 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. PRINCE ERIC was never far fronwthe pace and, coming strongly between horses in the last sixteenth, was up to win in the final strides. GINGER C. displayed good speed in pacemaking and, saving ground, battled well after being headed by FIRST REFUSAL and out-finished the latter. FIRST REFUSAL took a short lead nearing the stretch turn and, although going a trifle wide in the stretch, went well to the end. ZADIE BOY closed strongly on the outside. BLANCHARD made a mild move nearing the stretch turn but tired badly in the last eighth. ONE PUTT tired badly in the stretch. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE out of chute. Swaps, Sept. 3, 1956— 1:33%-4— 130. Purse ,750. 4-year- 1C f r olds and upward- Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 20 «J U U D allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1957, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,750. May 16-57— Was Net value to winner ,590; second, 15; third, 55: fourth,90. Mutuel Pool. 4.023. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St U I 2 % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 141033 BLAZING ROCKETwb 4 114 11 2 8h 6* 5* 1* 12 H Bolin 2750 W J Schmidt 250 14377 LOCAL CLOVER wb6117 7 4 7r 8 6 33 24 L Gilligan 2750 Ki Ki Stable 9.60 12816 WEE SOLERA wb4112 4 10 5 2h 2h 22 3 L C Cook 2750 W S Harding 9.40 13858 FEUDING w7 114 6 7 9 10 9 5 4 J D Jessop 2750 C Vanscoy 5 20 12493 LE SABRE w 6 114 12 1 2 3h 12 41 53 G Herndez 2750 Asipinc Stable 14 30 139874 FIRST SHANNON w7 114 3 11 102 9h 83 7h 6 M Duhon 2750 Rogers and Crawford 25.00 14620 PLATITUDE w8114 5 6 6 7h 7 8* 7 R Borgeke 2750 Clover Leaf Farm 20.10 12625 GOLDEN KING wb6114 1 8 3 4h 4h 6 81 J Heckmnn 2750 Sterling Farm 22.10 1437T DAISY CUTTER w 4 109 9 3 1 1 3 95 9"" C Burr 2750 W Zakoor 2060 145513 BLUE LICKS w8 117 8 12 12 12 12 112 10 C Meaux 2750 Blossom Stable 4.00 14546 HERES JAKE wb5 117 10 5 1H11h 112 101 112 a Skoronski 2750 J F Parnell 11 60 132762 JANE DANDY wb4110 2 9 4 5102 12 12 J Torres 2750 R Halaus 6270 Time. :23%, :47%: Utt, 1:39%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid— , Odds to — -* la . |D f11-BLAZING ROCKET 7.00 4.60 4.00 2.50 1.30 1.00 Mutuel rricesi 7-local clover 8.00 4.80 300 140 I 4-WEE SOLERA 5.40 1.70 Winner— Br. c, by Unbreakable— Rampart, by Trace Call, trained by W. J. Schmidt: bred by Mrs. H. K. Haggerty. IN GATE-4:52. OFF AT 4:52 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. BLAZING ROCKET was never too far from the pace and, coming strongly nearing the stretch turn, improved his position gradually in the stretch to win going away. LOCAL CLOVER saved ground where possible and staged a good finish. WEE SOLERA was always fairly well up in an even effort. FEUDING closed some ground in the stretch. LE SABRE took a good lead nearing the stretch turn but bore out badly on the turn. DAISY CUTTER tired. BLUE LICKS was badly outrun all the way Scratched— 14545 Industrious, 117; 14376 President Ryan. 114: 146272 Fibre Glass, 114: 14732 Six Gun, 114: 14546 Evening Ember,.114; 14249 Rushing Tide, 114. Overweight— Jane Dandy, 1 pound. Blazing Rocket claimed by J. F. Parnell, trainer J. Bilbrey. Attendance, 7,476; Total Mutuel Pool, 71,255.