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Meeting for Illinois HBPA Nominations Set for May 21 WASHINGTON PARK, Homewooci, 111., May 16. — Emil Denemark stated today that he had been in contact with the national office of the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association and that a meeting will be held in the Washington Park dining room after the last race on Tuesday, May 21 to receive nominations for the presidency of the Illinois HPBA division. At the same time nominations for the local committee also will be accepted. The same procedure will be held the same day at Cahokia Downs for the convenience of the downstate horsemen, Dene-mark stated. Following receipt of nominations the election will be held on Tuesday, June 4. Guy Hottel, national executive secretary -treasurer of the HPBA, will supervise the elections in the Chicago area, while -another representative of the national office will be at Cahokia in the same capacity.