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Hollywood Park Results Wednesday, May 15, 1957 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST FIFTH DAY OF 55-DAY MEETING, MAY 3 TO JULY 23 NO DAILY DOUBLE UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 14930— 5 Furlongs. Purse S4.5O0. Two-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming price ,500. Net value to winner ,475; second, 00; third, 75; fourth, 50. 6 Winking Louise, 115. A. Maese $ 9 30 $ 4.20 $ 3.40 4-Big As Agoura, 118, J. Longden 3.90 3.20 8-Furyvan. 118, I. Valenzuela 6.50 Time, :59%. Off at 1:48 Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Luckys Darling, Convoke, Nesbit Make Up, Royal Pasha. Pclly Drake, Silver Bunny, Kaffe, Rare Pleasure, Miss El Chicote. SECOND RACE 14931— 5 Furlongs. Purse ,500. Two-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner J3©0 second, ,100; third, 50; fourth, 50. 7-Cymbidium, 119, D. Lewis $ 9.60 $ 5.00 $ 3.70 5-0ne 0 Three., 119, G. Glisson 3.90 3.00 4-Royal Nurse, 119, W. Harmatz 4.60 Time, :581/5. Off at 2:21 ft Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Leisure Lady, Midnight Date, a-Charge-away. Twinkling, Flying Diamond, a-Darling Carol, a-Coupled: Chargeaway and Darling Carol. THIRD RACE 14932— € Furlongs. Purse ,000. Three-year-olds. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,200; second, 80; third, 00; fourth, 00. 8-Wish U Well, 116, B. Pulido 4.70 3.00 2.00 5-Downey Doll, 111, P. Moreno 9.10 5.60 9-Squeeze Box, 117, R. Neves 3 30 Tune, 1:11*4. Off at 2:57 Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Mesmcny. Solid Love, Impertinent, Pop Jones, Nascent, Zacawin, Moonhawk, My Sweetie Pie, Cheers Cookie. FOURTH RACE 14933— S Furlongs. Purse ,000. Three- and four-year-olds. Maidens. Net value to winner ,750; second, ,000; third, 50; fourth, 00. 5-Jet, 113, I. Valenzuela $ 6.50 $ 4.50 $ 2.90 1A-Honeyspooner, 109, G. Taniguchi .50 4.60 6-Roryare, -113, R. York - 4.70 Time, 1:10. Off at 3:33 Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— He Ha, Thunderstruck, Jonesy, a-Money Maker, Joe Tardy, Sweet Tidings, Golden Bear, Cursory, Sure Winner. a-CoupledTHoneyspooner and Money Maker. FIFTH RACE 14934— 1 Mile. Purse 300. Three-year-olds. Claiming price. 0,000. Net value to winner ,575; second, ,300; third, 75; fourth, 50. 1-Magician, 116. J. Lcngden 1 90 $ 7.00 $ 5.00 5-Bank Roll, 113, W. Harmatz 13.10 9.50 7-Double Up, 116, A. Maese 10.20 Time, 1:37% Off at 4:061 Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Sun Hannah, Our Cover Up, Havit Your Way, Dream Story, Tela Fella, Our Bim. SIXTH RACE 14935— 6 Furlongs. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Allowances. Net value to winner ,850: second, ,400, third. ,050; fourth, 00. 2-Myrtle, 111, G. Taniguchi 7.60 $ 8.30 $ 5.70 6-Jolly Sister, 111, R. Neves 4.00 3 30 3-Feature Time, 112, I. Valenzuela 5.10 Time, 1:09%. Off at 4:40J Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Mateka, Flotsam, Punilla, Miss Bulldozer. Africa, a-Quinoa, a-Sinfuf. a-Coupled: Quinoa and Sinful. SEVENTH RACE 14936— 6 Furlongs. Purse 0,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,500; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth, ,000. 3-Pit Boss, 111, W. Skuse 1.50 $ 5.40 $ 340 6-The Chaplain, 119, J. Longden 3.90 2.70 8-Captain Bam, 119, R. York 3 00 Time, 1:092/5. Off at 5:14J Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Lassabatt, Brighter Days, Bisco, Starover. a-Family Album, a-Ballymartial. a-Coupled Family Album and Ballymartial. EIGHTH RACE 14937— 1 1-4 Miles. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,200; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, S400. 2-Pukkha Fcona, 111. H. Moreno $ 9.40 $ 5.20 $ 3.60 11 -Silverado, 111, G. Taniguchi 5.40 3 70 7-Tiff, 114, M. Peterson 4 00 Time, 2:04Vs. Off at 5:49J Pacific Daylight Time. Also ran— Court Risk, Sonoma Falls, Yucca Flat, Brown Bam, Toy Fox, My Jezebelle, Quick Count, Merry Warrior. Golden Rock. Attendance, 23.819; Total Mutuel Pool, ,645,863.