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; i 9 5 7 9 [ 1 1-16 MILES turf course. Old Glendale, May 10, 1955—1:43% — 4—114. Purse QiL D**t* ,800. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of two races on the turf since January 15. OI H I I III Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of one race at one mile or over since April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 16, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,008. 7 j 1 [ 9 | [ 8 5 Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Oate. Track Rec. WL Wt. 13678 Invoked 122 130752 Midway Point Feb57 Hia 1:47% 113 115 14706 Sun Dog May57 Pim 1:48*i 112 114 14539 Alcohol 107 11916 Nickel Pump 112 Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wl Wt 12595 Inthewood 112 140932 Party Punch 116 140933 Singing Bush 112 14243 Flying Bid 112 J 6 5 | 9 • 9 | 7 [ 7 7 I . ! 9 9 J I 9 7 3 J i 8 8 8 ? 6 8 , I 7 J J 8 9 I 3 9 3 8 3 6 5 8 a r l , e s 1 1 0 0 4 4 9 9 4 4 9 g 2 6 13 3 8 8 1 13 3 5 5 10 0 8 8 1 6 6 8 I 8 8 7 7 I 6 ■ 7 1 5 O 12 2 9 9 10 0 7 11 7 7 7 8 ° 9 % 13 i 8 B _ 5 ■ 8 ° 8 % 8 1 8 6 10 0 12 2 8 o 7 7 A £ S 10 ,J 9 InunLa/l 1 90 B. c, 3, by Revoked— Mrs. Primrose, by Gallant Fox. invOKea | ZZ Breeder. H. C. Fain. 1957.5 1 0 0 ,750 Owner, E. Sutliff. Trainer, R. B. Archer. ,500 1956 . 7 M 1 0 ,150 May 4-574LM 1 1 :47Vsf t 5Je 118 681 52 54 5»1 RoduezM3 Alw 68 Sausage 110 Cloud Nine 113 Capt. Don 7 Apr2o-57*Lrl Vs 1:44V%ft 53 110 33 31 571 5»J RodezM* Alw84Gama116 FedlJudge114 MissLightft 7 Apr16-578Lrl 1,s 1:48%ft 27 113 7»1 4J 2 1«o RodezM 6000 72 ArrtBully119 Marbellalll BigRdmon 12 Apr11-57Lrl 6f1:13Vsft 43 122 1051 9" 94 97J RodzMO Mdn 71 ExtraEsy122 JhneGIn122 RylLine 12 Apr 2-572LH 6f1:14%sy 33 122 73J 1h 21 43i RdgzM2 Mdn 71 CrossChannel 122 Manpower122 I Now 12 Jly 12-56-SNar 5lf1KJ6Aft 30 113 9«1 81 72 7" CoxN4 Alw 80 Reverent112 FederalJudge115 HeWill 9 Jly 2-56Del 5lf1:06%ft 40 119 10«i 9" 7» 75 VasilA» Mdn 84 MayoAbbey 119 0calaSam119 KikiK. 13 Jun23-564Del 51f1:07%gd 10 119 10* 10 2 7«3 7* SmallS" Mdn 78 VanDrivV119 ApheChief119 Dk.Trust 11 Jun15-563Del 5 f 1:00 ft 61 119 551 67 63 4*3 CoxN* Mdn 83 H*erHoney116 TtyCross116 OcalaSm 9 Jun 5-563Del SflKWIift 2*119 54 571 5J 433 CoxN» Mdn 82 Gama119 BIckDespot119 ApacheChief 9 April 24 Lrl 3-8 ft :36ysh March 23 Pim 1m ft 1:47%h March 14 Pim 7-8 ft 1:31 %bg MiHwnv Poinf 111 B- c- 3- b» Colonus— Lady Eli, by Bull Dog. Mia way rOlflT • 1 5 Breeder. Mrs. J. P. Adams. 1957.9 3 1 1 ,550 Owner. B. Silver. Trainer, P. F. Gacicia. S7.000 1956 6 1 0 0 ,580 Apr29-577Lrl 1,1:47 ft 21*117*48 22 23 2i GrantH* 6500 78 Humbug 110 Marbella 113 GomgGood 7 Apr 6-573G.P 6f 1:12Hgd 11 119 673 62 47 1h ZkoorW* A5000 81 PaintedCId112 Kensington116 Buzzie 10 Apr 2-57G.P 1,V1:44%ft 21*122 21 421 93 gu HartckWS 6250 70 MsCatsby108 Slmtive119 Sn oDge 10 Mar23-573G.P 1 TV 1 :44%f t 6J 120 43 42 J 53 32J HartackW2 6250 86 JetCometl 17 MaitreDe111 Litebeam 9 Mar19-579G.P 1T« 1:46Vbft 41 119 24 2 1h |«] ArcaroES c50O0 79 Keep0t113 Andy-Mdy117 RhtWingr 12 Mar 1-574Hia 11-8 1:54%sl 5 122 1* 21 341 4" AtksonT2 5000 53 Andy-Mdy1 15 OilStrike117 RudyCId 9 Feb19-577Hia 11-81:54V5m 19 119 32 52 722 734 Atk*sonT3 Alw 31 JckosWk114 BldSplshs119 Micrbe 7 Feb 6-574Hia td,1:47%fm 20 113 22 1h 12 ij AtksonT 5000 78 Ellingtn116 Tachometer116 VelvetF y 12 Jan25-57Hia 1 1-8 1:54%ft 106 112*23 35J 47 7 3 Truman J* 5000 51 MyLstTry117 TigrMtchs112 Pietro 11 Sep11-56 SRkm 6f1:13/sft 59 113 107i 87 8" 8 ShawC* Alw 72 Erins Isle 113 Jiouenetta 110 Deca! 11 April 17 Hia 1-2 ft :51b April 13 Hia 7-8 gd 1:30h March 13 Hia 1m ft 1:42h un Hon 11/1 Ch. g, 3, by Hunters Moon IV— Sun Dance, by Swashbuckler. JUU l/ug I 14 Bret6er Mi j M Fisher 1957. 2 M 0 0 Owner, Miss J. M. Fisher. Trainer, J. Fisher, Jr. i7.25« *1956 . 3 M 0 0 May13-575Pim tc1Ts1:47/5hd 43 112 44 84 5" 5* CoxN3 3500 76 GoldPrize116 Hi-Pine112 ElsingGrn 9 Apr24-574Lrl 6 f 1:13 ft 43 109*54155 57 5« GamblaC2 7000 74 WiseMble118 BfkDpt114 0n teRp s 6 Dec15-563Pim 6f1:134Asy 90 113 117111«6 912 7»i PassreWJ3 Alw 71 CannonFire114 Ariel sBestl 13 CrissM. 12 Dec 8-565Pim 51 f 1:06%ft 214 113 97110810"105 PsreWJ2 Alw 77 Dr.EneJ.121 SecdStrgllS Loukenc 12 Nov29-565Pim 51 f 1:08%ft 100 116 11«J 983 8" 92 PsreWJ" Alw 70 LittleMich 121 Pow-Pow 116 HungUp 12 May 11 Pim tc 7-8 fm 1:34%h May 8 Pim 3-8 ft :36h April 17 Pim 1-2 ft :51%b Alrnhnl 1 fi7 B. c, 3. by Astral— Zither, by Balladier. ICOnoi I U/ Breeder, J. A. Manfuso. 1957 9 0 1 1 ,375 Owner, Mrs. J. A. Manfuso. Trainer, B. M. Price. ,000 1956 10 2 0 1 ,465 May11-574Pim 5lf1:07%ft 10 111*10*3 8*1 6s; 5 RuaneJ9 650081 RoyalNip117 Hoptoitby116 YourShine 10 Apr29-574Lrl 6 f 1:13 ft 51 114 983fl93 6«167 GormanD3 6000 75 ChicgoStlel 19 BritonDm120 JnOF 11 Apr11-575Lrl 6f1:12%ft 11 116 951 63J 55 42 1 Gorman D5 6000 83 NinaGirl 106 Amico 111 JetBase11 Apr 5-575LH 6f1:13Asy 51 116 113 88J 451 421 McLnR" 550078 ChillyPndel 12 ThreeBbs116 FlygBid 12 Mar30-57«Bow 1VS-1:47 ft 50 113 2h 8" 830 82» McLlinRt Alw 59 Gama 122 Pertshire119 GayStar 8 Mar21-57*Bow 6f1:13%gd 43 116 5*133 3"k 21 McLlinRB 5000 83 Spiel 119 Borje116 Marbella 12 Mar11-575Bow 6f1:13%ft 4i 114 9«1 7« 53J 423 McLlinR3 5000 80JetBase112 0Kgan114 FrwayLassie 12 Mar 5-574Bow 6f1:13%ft 5 116 9517414213 McLlinRS 5000 83 KikiK. 106 CampOut112 GirlTrouble 10 Feb25-575Bow 6f1:13%ft 11 116 1101193 8»1 87 NicholsJ3 6500 76HighKevin116 On theRopes118 Sempre 12 Dec12-563Pim U 1:49!4sy 33 118 85 12 16 7 NicholsJO 3500 64 Midsman111 Correlator115 PolisdB s 12 May 6 Lrl 3-8 ft :36%bg April 27 Lrl 3-8 ft :37%b April 24 Lrl 3-4 ft 1:17%b Nlirlfol Pumn 119 B c. 3. by His Nickel— Clara Beau, by Sun Beau. Mime 1 rump ■ »X Breeder. M. Blackbwn. 1957. 7 0 0 0 C0 Owner, M. P. Blackburn. Trainer, Rebecca G. Snellmgs. ,000 1956 16 3 3 3 ,570 Apr16-578Lrl 1,1e1:48%ft 20 113 21 2h 543 77 SnellgsA7 6000 65 lnvoked113 ArrantBully119 Marbella 12 Apr11-575Lrl 6f1:12%ft 14 116 41 31 34 641 SnellgsA 600080 NinaGirl 1C6 Amico 111 JetBase 11 Mar25-575Bow 6f1:13%ft 61 116 1151 953 92 61 SnellgsA7 650075 Royal Nip 112 Spiel 115 Mull-Ryan 12 Mar14-575Bow 7f1:274Aft 91 116 3"k Il Il 431 SnellgsA4 6500 71 BrwseAwhile113 Flowg115 Presenfd 12 Mar 4-57*Bow 7f1:25%gd 17 115 641 7«1 54 54 LawlessR 7500 81 HoosierMny109 Sempre115 GudaMa 12 Feb25-575Bow 6f1:13%ft 10 116 41 1h 31 41 LawlssR" 650082 HighKevin116 On theRspes118 Sempre 12 Feb18-57«Bow 6f1:12y5ft 12 115 64J 45 44 52itNicholsJi 5000 85 Tin Flyer 114 Spiel 114 Little Mich 11 tPlaced fourth through disqualification. Nov28-566Pim 1-701:48 ft 61 117 21 21 64 87 PalmboS 6000 62 Ufo1 17 Lock andBoltl 11 HavitYrWay 12 Nov22-563Pim 1-701:46 si 19 114 42J 531 643 653 Pal*mboS2 7500 73BattleTalk117 lntuition114 OKeeganll Nov 9-56 Lrl 6f 1:13Vbft 43 120 63J 53 2r 2 PalumboSB 5000 80 Mgic Mn114 SbS"gr117 SwtZ yne 12 May 13 Lrl 3-8 ft :37%b May 9 Lrl 3-8 ft :37%b May 5 Lrl 1m ft 1:45%b Inthewood 1 19 B. e, 3, by Pedigree— Compote, by LAiglon. ,ninewooa T I l A. Breeder, H. A. Jones. 1957 . 8 M 2 1 ,175 Owner, H. A. Jones. Trainer, S. S. Birosak. ,000 1956 5 M 0 0 55 Apr24-575Jam 1and 1:46%gd 81 120 98 96 74 63 NicholsJ4 Mdn 65 Royal Haven 120 Baffie 120 Mustato 9 Apr15-574Jam 1 h 1:47 ft 91 113 8 2 48 45135 NicholsJ* Mdn 70SumrSong109 Once aYV108 SunFleet 9 Apr 8-578Jam 1,s 1:45%ft 43 120 671 573 55 4« ArcaroE Mdn 75 RaisgCn120 SumrSg115 RoyalHvn 7 Mar 8-S74S.A 1T1e 1:46V%ft 81 108*12211i6 62 551 SkuseW2 AlwM 68 Firmament 118 Jet 118 Faithful Lad 12 Feb26-574S.A 1c 1:44Sft 4| 115 12412"115119i WtpeJ" 07000 70 TheAxe 117 Silverstorm 119 TelaFella 12 Feb20-573S.A 11:45 ft 33 108*11 "10411 17 1143 SkuseWi Mdn 74RoyalHeir118 Jet118 NothingBetter 12 Feb 5-572S.A 11:45 ft 12 108*1228109163 32 SkuseW* O7000 77 DreamStory113 Llano117 Frozen Pies 12 Jan29-572S.A 1 1:48%m 30 -.06*1212 633 31 2r SkuseW3 5000 61 GoHappy115 Man ofStl 115 BigShdig 12 Oct17-56Kee 7f1:24V%ft 47 118 102 871 55 40 HansnL« 6000 81 Wilcol 18 CosmicFcel 18 Just aTmby 12 0ct12-56Kee 7f1:2SVbft 60 114 9| 8" 79 77i ErbD« 10000 79 Strkgbye117 RictBoy114 SfeMsge 9 . May 16 Pim tc 1-2 fm :50%b May 12 Aqu 1-2 si :51b May 10 Aqu 1-2 ft :52b Nominated for the Belmont Stakes and Preakness. Pnrfv Punrh mncn 1 1 %. Ch- c» 3j bv Heather Broom— Turani, by High Strung. | | rarry O Breeder, J. J. Colando. 1957.. 7 0 1 1 ,350 Owner, L. A. Hallock. Trainer. J. J. Rowan. ,500 1956 6 10 0 125 May 8-57*Pim 6f1:12%ft 29 113 7 4 6" 25 241 CutshawOS 7000 81 BrinDaml 16 SigBush112 DunthGift 8 Apr29-574Lrl « f 1:13 ft 51 116 113103 88 8" CulmneJ4 6500 71 ChicgoSt*le119 BritonDm120 JnOF 11 Apr11-576Lrl 6f1:12V5ft 51 118 60 60 6a 543 CulmoneJ7 7500 81 LadyGem 106 Nyach 121 WiseMarble 7 Apr 8-57*Lrl 6f1:13%sy 83 116 11 31071 75 55 CulmneJ9 800074 Fenmarl 19 lntuition116 PistolShot 11 Mar25-57«Bow 1T1e 1:46%ft 36 116 883 80 83 8" McLlinRS Alw70LordChTy116 StrgPnt119 TerMrsl 9 Mar18-57*Bow 6f1:13%ft 51 116 7" 67 6« 541tMcLlinR Alw79BrseAle106 HsrH*ney109 PntdCIn 7 t Placed fourth through disqualification. Mar 6-576Bow 6f1:12%ft 78 122 127 102 433 33 McLlinR* Alw 84 0ceanGem117 SkyFiddle117 FrnHme 12 Dec14-565Pim 6f1:13%sy 15 118 7«1 73 63 49 PassreWJi Alw 74 Mr.Bowes118 BrhtnDam118 SkyFdle 11 Dec 7-56 Pim 51 f 1 :07%f t 103 118 109110310" 841 PassreWJ4 Alw 82 BdyPop rs118 Mr.Bowes118 RIBIjem 12 Nov21-564Pim 1-701:45 ft 62 121 65168 70 68 PssreWJ9 Alw 76 MlayMiss118 M.UpStrs116 Ptuality 12 May 15 Pim tc 3-8 sf :39b May 6 Pim 3-8 ft :37b May 3 Lrl 3-8 ft :36%h inninn Buch DU n 119 Dk **. c. 3. by Boxthorn— Gay Melody, by Blenheim II. ringing ■■ - Breeder, Boxthorn Farm. 1957. 3 0 0 2 00 Owner, Mrs. R. DeMarco. Trainer, W. G. Myers. ,000 1956 14 3 0 3 ,010 May 8-57«Pim 6f1:12%ft 15 112 54 47137 LawlessR7 7000 79 BrinDaml 16 PartyPchl 13 DunthGift 8 Apr17-574Lrl 6f1:11%ft 19 114 33 53 58 30 CulmoneJ2 700079 Amicol 07 NinaGirl 108 WiseMarble 7 Apr 8-57*Lrl 6f1:13%sy 19 108* 531 8«3 90 9« RootTR" 7500 63 Fenmarl 19 lntuition116 PistolShot 11 Nov22-563Pim 1-701:46 si 31*117 2* 2«i 42J 55 CulmneJ4 7500 74 BattleTalkl 17 lntuition114 OKeegan 11 Nov10-564Lr! 11:467 sft 4 116 1? 12 12 12J CulmoneJ2 6000 81 Just-a-Sec110 AirPty116 FlygRmr 12 Nov 2-564LH 6f1:14/5sy 18 119 42J 551 70 571 LawlessR2 8000 68 TinFlyerl 19 Br dyFibl 14 HavitYrWay 8 Oct24-56*Lrl 6 f 1:14V%sI 37 113 74 741 691 40 McKeeC2 AlwS 66 PajamaTps113 SagsGm114 SeCIsic 9 0ct18-563Mar 51 f 1:08%sy 7-5 *120 3J 33 3 1" tMcKeeC8 Alw Foray *sBoy120 Fomyl 14 HuntersDish 8 tDisquaiified and placed third. 0ct13-564Mar 6lf1:24%ft 53 126 5« 55 4« 3«1 KratzF* AlwS 85 Fenmar126 NoSrender119 LittleMich 6 Sep 8-562Atl 6f1:14%sl 62 116 9«3H» 11311«2 CaflanoA4 750061 SkyMaster116 Astracorn112 KilldeeH April 24 Bel 3-8 sy :36«5hg April 22 Pim 3-8 ft :36%h April 16 Pim 3-8 ft :40b Flvinn °,u Birl 1 1 9 Ch- * 3 b» Blue Flyer— Bidema, by Psychic Bid. r,/m9 » * f Breeder, R. A. Johnson. 1957.7 2 1 1 100 Owner. G. G. Rosenberger Trainer, J. H. C. Forbes. ,000 May 9-575Pim 6f1:13%ft 31 115 1" 1h 1| 15 KirklndA2 500082 JeanOF1 13 NoSurndr115 HighKvin12 Apr30-574Lrl 6f1:134/sft 7 119 11 In 11 22 KirklndA* 4500 76 CrnAdl 116 MarysChidll ElsgGrn 14 Apr24-572Lrl 6f1:137 5ft 91 119 53 23 34 43 KirkldAO 5000 76 ChicgoSfle116 BurrosBy111 JtBse 12 Apr15-574Lrl 6 f 1:13V%ft 61 121 1h ih 2« 43j KirklndA-* 5000 77 On theRopes118 AirParty113 BIkDpt 13 Apr 5-575Lrl 6f1:13Asy 61 118 21 21 21 31 KirklandA8 5000 78 ChillyPende112 ThreeBobs116 Alcohol 12 Mar26-57Bow 6 f 1:14Vfeft 3 116 1 1i 13 12J KirklndA2 3500 80 Preemptor 117 Double116 Turls 12 Mar 4-572Bow 6f1:13%gd 28 120 85110"1131H8 KirklndA9 Mdn 65 Jet Base 120 Phararule120 Doublell May 15 Lrl 1-2 sy :52%b May 7 Lrl 5-8 ft 1:03%b April 22 Lrl 3-8 ft :37%b