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NOTES OF THE TURF FROM OTHER LANDS. Over in F.nghin.l xoaae nsefal horses in Barn-bead, Paalhan, Albany Beef, Asparagaa, Crack «, Doom, Cripple, Poultry Claim, Pearldlrer and I. n. ii|.in hare beea turned out of Uababag. George UMen, brother to Parry Mkka, the crack light weight and s .n of a well knOWD peioiller. 1 .is j, .iiied the vnn.v Vet.riuar.v Corps. II.- bow weighs orer 140 pounds. Only a few months Pack he was riding as a middle weight Jockey. on the secoad day of the First Extra meeting ai Newmarket, June Id, lord Boseberrys American-bred colt, Watergrel, b] Watercress Discipline, carried 128 poinds and easily won the Welter llandi-« - -1 1 from fort] one opponeate and was the favorite :1 1 7 to l, remarkably accurate picking in sack ■ anoaatrona ti.1,1. .1. B. .loei had Black .lester and Pihwa Dorrie engaged in the Princess of Wales Stakes of 2,01 sovereigns added, at the Newmarket meeting i • ■ ter day. Put as h.- ha -cut his mare Iri I Dorrie t,, |oln he other Oaks winner- Glass Doll, our Lassie and Jest, at his stud at Child wkkbury, Black Jester wa . his only si:rter. According to "Deatscher Sport" there will he a t.-iai of twenty days racing at Hoppegartea this season, in addition to the meeting!, nv .1 tor II. mi barg Horn. Hamburg Grossborstri aid Munich. Other raeetings to he held, hut not .t deti-nitelv arranged, include Cologne, Bad" n Badea and kfagdebarg. I a till .Inn.- IS Joe Miller-- record IP 1,1 ..| lolly tin..- runners for the Chester Cap had nerer been pqualled. hui tbfa araa .lone in the Maiden Two-Year-Old Ilaie that day. Mr. I Sherwood. » li- rode in the I bester Cnp that Joe Sillier won, was at Kewmarkel June 15, and he recalled the fact ..f thai race baring been started in two lines. .lock. Ilillin was in Brewers stable before thai trainer returned to Australia, when he had his Indenture transferred to C. Peck, lie is now out oi bis time, and has sail. . I with W. Buckie tor India with sereral animals that Mr. Mumford is tending out p. thai country. Colin Barrett and Wballej will also -ail for India in a boat a ■Maths lime. Somewhat curiously Black Jesters time when wkaaiag tie .1 Stakes ai Newmarket. June 16. u is precis, tin- saaae as thai ol Pommern in the N.w Derby. W. Halsey, one ..t the best |ud«;i asaong the i ckej ol hi- day. alway contended I that the Suffolk stake- course was easier than , the Bpsom mile ami a hall, and taking the I ime . as :, test, i is judgment has Keen borac out. as ],.. winner of the Derby has equalled the time .-t Pommern ami Back Jester, which wa l ::_••,. a taken by three independent watches. The death to..k place on Tuesday. June s. in a i nursing home in London, after a long Ulness, of the - ccoss-c in jockey, Boben Nigtbingall. H« was . a brother of Arthar an. I William Nigbtlngall, and I ■,„.in hi lsTl Bobert had id ridden f« -. r« ral I fears, bat wa at oae time Irsl Jockej noder Na tiohal Hunt llule to Mi. i. Hlbbeft. Iii I he nine ties he had maii snecesses, and i h three brothers ■ frequently rode in the same race Bohert bad the in it on Bur] OMore when the horse started I farorlte for the Grand National won bj The Soarer. II. B. Dnryea auumged to Rel ■ fear of his horses i over to Kuyland from France early in June and I thej are n-w cafel] quartered al Newatarkel m i charge of trainer Marphj Thej are the baj roll l t In.- hi, an-. i. :: bj ItaP. lain Median! : i b stunt tdii ria-h V., :i. bj /.iiifaii I. I Xuffragi tt •: ch st mil .on Crimper, 2, h Malntenon I m/.i ; . . and 1 , bay 111] uv.iiap. _. bj Rabelais Running "Water. Ih, Ire* are all FTeacb, bal the .lam- .; ■ fr this si.],- tin. I all agared Important 1] in American j aekag. i Hoppegartea on gonday, Maj 30 a program 1 of seven event* attracted an a gv regal, id uinetj thr. runners The from value ol the seven races was 2.2110. of which the chief event, the Henckel 1 Benae ae m lei was worth |d.5tai Thai race brought a tie!, I of elgbl three-year-olds, and 1 was won , the I l.-rr.-n von Weinbergs brown 1 . ,it iCii as. which, with Bastenherger in the s.oldh. xcored easll] by two Iragllis from Frelherr r von Oppenbelms ndl Masher, and Herr llaniels l.aninir.l. The winner is l, l.-lino Anmaui , I., the nuwer-up by William the Third Masba. and the third h, Voar Majesty Ladora. »n the following day nlaety-gre horses ran for a total I ot seven races, of which the chief treat, the . Chan i Bennen il 1 1 miles, was won by Frei h.-rr v ppctdieims hy William the : Third— Masba.