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I , . i - . I I ■ HAMILTON ENTRIES. Ilohaldliti. s: Weather wet: track heavy. Racing starts at 2:45 | . m. Chicago time, l:4n. Runs well M mud. ©Superior mud ruuner. Ml maidens. * Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: .»,-.7.. 1:11- 6 US.1 l„,l. Horse. Wl. Bee. A Wt.llan. I Ill-.i:: * CIIVSTI in.. Ill-, 3 1U2. .7--, , •JlJiai Lady London 1D 1:K!-. •" !«« iIS •Jl-jco* Ada Ann.- l«3 1:1.:-. 1 117-71.. 212 i«* Lightning ...110 1:12% U n:: £il.. 21310 l.nria 111 1:121s •"• IIS..JW I 212JCi Constituent 107 1:14-. :. Il»..7t« tl»107t» Kopje Vt 1:13 3 "T-7or, . o|j.;, chuckles » 1:12% 5 123 X 7«B ; 212JH5 l.iherlv Hall 107 1:14% :. 11.. -7U.. . Li;::i Lillian Kripp !»7 l:l«% 1 IW7..7U3 i 2WCB Bebel !»•"- I:tt1 1 112. .t«W Second Race — 3-4 Mile. .: year olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. Selling. Track record: im;:;7.. 1:11—6—11X1 , 1nsss Hustling 108 1:14% i; I", 728 211.V: Spendthrift ..MB l:13%s :: Wl 7» , 21202 Mail I Fro D»-K 1:14% •"• KG- 113 21224 Gartley IM 1:14% 3 KBX7W 21237 Sar.dta 100 1:13% 3 1O4X710 21020* Red Fire l«x: 1:14% :: 108.. 7IM 211 In* Diamond Cluster .. 80 1:13% I 80 7a. 21224* Marion Gaiety 100 1:15% 4 102X705 21203 Caper Same 116 1:13% 1.3 108X705 17420 Shrovetide M ... ■: MS. •an * Sir James, eh. c, by Wm Wright Dynasty 1 1 »4 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3 v ear olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 86375 1:11 6— 11X1 21293* Valas 104 1:15% ■■ •« 700 21293 Meeli.ka 102 1:13% 3 107x09a 21334 Miss Waters 100 1:15% 4 112x690 20104 Marvelous i l i HW 1 : 1 I*-. 3 .»• .080 21117* lalaa 113 1:12% ; n » 890 21292 Maud l.edi Mi ... 7 108. .690 21261* Jim 1 Dn; 1:12% 7 llo tSMl 21260* Peggj 1 9541:14 3 107. .688 Ll.ol Doctor D. Mi 111 1:17 :: 90. .680 21280* Mi s Kdenwoid Mi X, 1:18 :: 82. .673 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Junior i hanipion Pane. •_■ year old-. AUowant • Track record: tKH l »• -.—«— 1 »7. 212S93 King Keptaae HT 725 "1258 Pesky 11O..720 21239 I.liime 11. ■ 71.". 21 154 Phil i agar il: 7io 21201 Early sight 113 i0.j 21201 Beaet iMi k»«..«0t 1*, tl- Race— 1 1-1C Miles. 3-yeai "lis ami upward. Selling. Track record: 85445 1 15% 4 104. 1 21261 Black Dine •. 110. .780 21316 Aprisa 106 1:49% 1 103 693 20576* Bessie Latimer ... 4 Au .895 213161* Suhje.t Mi :: •- 8»5 2LCM Mi-s Wal.i 4 inn 095 21316* adenza Mi .. •" • _ ii«» 20M84* Sliimherer :• !i7 ■ 21202 Our Mabelte 103 1:30% I 90X090 21237* shrew bury Mi ..Ps 1:50% :: «i". ■ *;sr. 21316* King Cotton M...108 1:90% 4 87. .075 Sixth Race— 1 Mile on Turf. I vearold and upward. Selling. Track record: 07812 1:38 . 1 DUi.i 21296** Zodiac MS 1:41% I 101 723 21092 The Bamp 88 1:39% ". 112x720 212969 J. II. Houghton ...114 1:40% 8 11", 715 21031* Gahixy D»l 1:40% 4 88 71". 212961 Luck] George . . . 1 7 1 :42-, 6 107X715 21260 1., iidel 108 1:42 4 100X710 21332 Surpassing 112 1:43% 1 111. .708 Seventh Race — 1 Mile on Turf. 4-v ear-old- and upward. Selling. Track re, , id: 97812 1:38% I 10*. 21332 Astrologer 115 1:40% 6 110x725 21310 Nea Haven 108 1:39% 6 107 720 21296* Louise Travels 102 1:40s 4 l«U 720 21150** lord Mai 105 1:43 5 lo2 7_ i 21330 i l ll.llowav 103 1:40% 0 U5.X72U 21158* Kil.lav 108 l:46%m 4 106x715 21227* Buia W -lsl, Dm 1:42% •", 100x715 21257" Stanley S 110 1:39 7 102. .710 l.iss7 Bunway 103 1:40 I 106X680