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** J-2J mf 20616 gaa 20491 -"• ■17 S 80308 M280 - * 212 21117 -" 210 J1010 " l» -■ -" 2081 10039 ! ! Bra MISS 21W4 -pi 21260 "p« 21007 209 20R62 123! 12321 i2js 12258 1:: 1 236 in.". li,.".»; THIRD RACE-3-4 Mile. S-ycar-olds and upward. Selling 98373-1:11-0-113. "ihui"; 3 :: I l.P.f,, , M4M | 7 -By P,JIa;.D--°l!a1thp/R- »• Stclle. 7S9 Dorval lm70y 1:48 faat 4 109 1 I 1 , ,,, iViiVth ,. i"i , " " .■ H-hritj ]" 20751Dorval 1 1-16 l:49%faal 9-5 M21 1 V * v, ., ,. , ••■»■■ Bnergetle. A.llerndoa Dorval lm70y l:lt..ia-t 2J mi 8 I 5 7. ;.■• "" 1 i ..,!, " " "" l: " " "« Wdbine 11-16 1:47? low 3S-5 95 4 22 1 » s»l J 1 , -, . .• s- " l/v- Celebrity W« Ii. me 1 I s i:.t»,f.,st s in:, 5 7 7 4 c . m , 1 ,. - ■" ■ l,""k- da Claire. Balfron Plmllco 1 l:42%faat 63-20 105 5 44 3 -.■ , ,• •. •, , , , i , , ![""•;"■•, "" "" Boxer Pimlico 1 l:45%slow 13 X L 0 j m • 11 ,. . • .. , [ *■■ l:"-k. 1 ""■r""-- USirtuella MEEI.ICKA. 7" *""» Udy Brya ch. f. 3 107 B. -Juli • Han, ...n :: I FiP-faM 20 M7 3 •• |B Mrel.,lCkv~G,a!;s,w,eed,W- P- Tin- Conghl 3-4 l:15%good 20 103 4 :: 3 31 3 ■."•■. I.". -•"• rv M:l1- v h"v ConKht :: 1 1 : 1 7 -. -1 . . w V. 100 r, r, s. 7 1; if 1 ■ ■ ," "" ,Z ,• , ta" • s,-i,:|aZ ,r.n, . 1 ,,, ,,, BIueBon. 3-4 I:l41fcfa8t fl.l M I n 1" 12 1- • 11. ,," • ■.""•, iM- I: ■ «"" -d. J. Zarate Wdbine 3 1 l:l4%fast rid 102 10 s 11 j i , V nM; Jatl mc** " S*"th r.deCce 3-4 l:lSfaat 23 105 5 7 » M liu jr II, V ""!,": Streak. Borwoo.1 H.deGce 5 f 1 :0744faat M 101 1 7 10 9 .. 1 • : " l": ""• »«"»trri. Fly Home I Foul- ,7 f 1 ,•,,■! 12 107 r, r ,. s -. : ;; .-j | New laven Sil |. , „. Yorkvilhj WATERS, b. f. 4 112 •! V, Lt "",. j l,,,,r"-v "■«*■ » ■ ; " ,!! Ha " , sterling— Lucroce F. J. Ponr.l . 1-1 11:13 Mop S DOS C ,• - , Hamton I l:14«fcfASt 20 100 11 » , , T ,! ,,. ;. , V.V ;;"" ;""- M.,: .!. . „.•„ Conghl S-4 l:17%Mow 11-5 101 I .; 7 71 g.. J CoJStn ?* iitfi L-1"- J.H.H..ntfhton BIueBon. 3IMPM rid 102 I E | n ,- M • -n, : T !l M L Latonla 5 f l:12%hvy S3 112 U 11 11 v " 1- - cr.;V" * ,.. n , "■.!!»; i-"i»-. vn...4 . ,„, „i:,„. .,„ i..,tt.,,ia 1-4 1:18 mad SI M7 I | 3 7 7-1iw...„k 10 i :, , B, S| "■ Bnek.Belh r.. . f 1:]...|,vy H M94 4 ti 7 VI V Randoh 2 i°w.m,Dd I f«»Mon, So.Blll I-ortllrie 61 f l:09V4faat 40 M3 5 •,""""• M""|j Ida IJivinhl 5 6 7 1 ■ G" _ W uncit r, ,1 - , B.WUUaata, Reqgintm, bu, eri MARVELOUS, b. g, 3 99 By Sempronius— Daruma Mrs. A. F. Dayton. 20104 H.deGce . f l:08%good SO MM 1 5 3 5 8T1 C Miller V Minstrel, Hiker, Eginont 184 i H.deGce Bf l:08%good 7 11" 5 ] ] v 2» F Coleman 10 Change, Fly Home, Star of Lore IS«; H.deGce ! 8 l:03* fcmud 20 10 0 7 T- 7-" II Shilling ;i B. Flower, J.B.Harrcll, Rofctn H.deGce 5-8 l:0«fcfast 7- 108 W 1" II 11- G: "i-l Smyth 1". Beflection, Dinah D . Thrill 18303 Pimlico Bi I 1:08 fast 27-10 1"9 1 2 2 2s 2* M Buxton 11 In.lhvii. Light Wing, B. James 18152 Laurel 5-8 59%fast 31-5 102J 2 12 2= !•■ Buxton .» He Wfil. A. X. Akin, Fairllelen 171 I Laurel 5J t l:07«£fast 19-10 1 "S 6 2 2 S»t 4Jl a Davis 15 MayQueen, MeeBcka, LnclcBryn INLAN, ch. g, 6 110 Bv Star Shoot— Outcome J. 0. Lovell. 21117 Conght 3-1 l:tS%good 4 107 I 4 4 1 H" G Burne 12 Steiiata, .1. Zarate, MeeHcka onght 2-4 1:17 slow 20 Ml l s 7 7- 8 |A Claver 8 Gold Cap, Tork Lad, Bichwood .•:;- DorvaJ " f 1:08 faat I M I 7 4 3= Q A Claver in Colors, Mrs. Me., Blue Jay Delmier Ab5-8 l:02%fast 3 117 f .1 Howard s Bird Man, Velio Forty. Jungle ."■•« ii-iiii: r Ai,:, s lsVsfast 3 no 4 4 4 2-1 carn .= 9 MIm chancer. I.. Jake. T. Lark MAUDE EEDI, b. m, 7 108 By Campus— Jessie Ledie CS. R. Sutherland. • II. ii,. ion .. i !■■: fast 100 99 2 5 E 81 85 i: Forehd K Slinpcr Pay. Deposit. Vih-v M. ii, i i Ai, 8 i «m.« rasl s 117 4 :: ::■ W Kelsaj !i Delightful. MaudeLedi. Hontreal :., Illllcn i . r 1:25 fast 6 HI 1 3 :: 41 4",L Goinea » Sykesie. Kyrene. Bombay :., i inn. i. i AbS-H l • «!■■ i.i i 0 H7 .". 7 7,; 7;i I. Gotnes s Sarolta. M real, Dorbie I7 Ihli, r,i Vb5-8 1:01 Cast 12 117 .". 4 31 7 , I. Goinea 9 Pat Gannon. Sarolta. Preserver 1730S Dufferin AbS-8 1.-02 Cast lo 112 1 3 | 3 ] L Goinea S Boeky OBrien, PatCannon. Tyro JIM L., rh. p, 7 110 Bv Ben Stronie — Blue Jacket A. Brent. lamton 2 M 1."f.-v-t 00 102 0 9 11 12 1 .:- B MeDott 12 Miss Gayle, Brandywine. KateK. 15011 i onghl ". f l:0S1ifast 12 1U 7 G i 7 74 c. Could s Birka, Sackcloth, MeCreary 14931 Conghl r.1 f 1 :l ■., slow 15 10110 :i s f,? B»l K Ambrose 11 Murdecal, M.Johnson, Thcsleres 14964 Conght Ab 2 4:02%mud 20 133 5 2 Refused. S Wilson 7 Gnn Cotton. Bigot, The African I4W7 Conght Ah 2 2:f,4%fast 20 135 7 7 Refused. S Wilson 9 Ltaekoia, Petkni, Portarllngtoa] PEGGY L.. b. f, 3 107 Bv Von Tromp— Ishtar R. L. Bresler. • llamton 3 I nii.fa-t 30 98 4 4 2 4- »•*, K MeDott 12 Bendel. Ladylondon, MlssWatera 2 4I40 Ulu Bon. 3 I l:16%slow fid 96 4 4 4 B» 11*«|B MeDott 13 York Lad, Cold Cap. Ada Anne ,ll,in. 3-4 l:i::-fast fM 9612 E 4 6| 8" M MeDott 14 Yorkville. I.. London. York Lad 20424 Wdblne 3-4 1 fid 85 3 2 4 1: 1". --|M McDottla Brandywine, F.cmont. Ma Iain, 1 9907 Havana E 8 I :"7 slow 2 97 4 2 Is l", It 8 Cath. Turner, Elsewhere. R.Maid I Havana 6-8 1:03 good 2] 94 1 1 1 1- U McOerl 8 Ynca. Chil. Trance, Infer. Queen l! « Ha ina 5» f l:17",hvy 13-G N E 3 L2 3|J Gartner C Sordello, Hill Sir-am, Proctor DOCTOR D.. b. g. 3 09 Bv Galveston — Verna Rice H. Oots. lit llamton 3 11:11 fast 10 MB i 7 S 10» ll"SC Vanl unl2 Commensia. V,,dan. Schemer l«r* i onghl 3 I 1:17 slow 30 mi s 34 E .•■ I G VanDun s i;,,l,| Cap, Y,,ik Lad, Biefawond 0,-1:, H0iA.1i 3-4 l:14%fasl f.O Hi s 7 7 C 6"fC VanDun S v. N. Akin. Zin l».l. BeSeetloo • • Horval 51 f 1:081 .fast 25 I04 4 G 2 4l. 71, C YanHun .» Fakir. L. Spdthrlft, IndlflTerenl S0199 Leseton 3 1 l:13%faat fid NS I 13 11 11 11 "J- Van DnI3 Blaektkoni. Royal Tea. RdlthW. MISS r.DENWOLT, blk. f. 3 92 Bv Lord Esterling— Loyal Marie G. E. Allen. 1 ••• Hamton I 1 1 ll,!a t 50 93 12 1"" IS 12 !:,;".l klorya 12 BendeL I. adv London. | Watei I-, t Wind 01 V-8 1:03 h v 4i» loo 7 7 s s s ■ •■ .1 Metealf R Gold. Girl. i*. Crueket. Aniialio • Ii • Wind 01 ., lii good 60 103 "1 Id 10 WM0" A Claver 11 Dengro, Gertbfliiia, Jeff Roberts 1i.r- Windsor i-8 l:00%fast 66 100 E 7 M M l"1.! CalUaaal* Vaarae. AatttJoste. Katharine G.