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SPECIAL BRILLIANT AFFAIR Best Horses in Country Secured for Narragansett Feature Racing Secretary Pat Horgan Begins Worli Worliat at Plant Predicts One Hundred HundredNominations Nominations PAWTUCKET R I May 10 The Nar ¬ ragansett Special will be the outstanding race of 1935 is the word sent on from New York by racing secretary Pat Horgan who took over his desk at the Pawtucket plant yesterday morning morningHorgan Horgan is just completing a trip through New York Maryland and Kentucky where he has been contacting owners and trainers for stake race nominations and particularly for the purpose of securing the outstanding horses of the year as entrants for the Spe ¬ cial Everywhere Horgan has found the liveliest interest in the Special which under its newly written conditions may and prob ¬ ably will be one of the richest purses of 1935 and net for the winners owner some 65000 It will be remembered that while the Specials added money is now 25000 a further 25000 will be added if two or more winners of the five 1935 features are among the starters startersFor For weeks past Walter OHara Ben Holmes and Horgan have been concentrat ¬ ing on entries for the Special and among the nominations already assured or confi ¬ dently expected are those of the first six horses to finish in the Kentucky Derby the Belair Studs Omaha Sachsenmaier Reuters Roman Soldier Milky Way Farms Whiskolo the Calumet Farms Nellie Flag Mrs C Hainesworths Blackbirder and the Brookmeade colt Psychic Bid These with the Fair Field Stables Sun Fairplay will represent the cream of the threeyearold crop cropAmong Among the older horses certain of nomi ¬ nation and starting if physical condition per ¬ mits will be the champion of champions the Brookmeade Stables Cavalcade Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilts Discovery the Santa Anita Handicap winner F M Alger Jrs Azucar the Belair Stud Stables Faireno Araho Stables Howard and New Deal W R Coes Ladysman and Mrs S B Masons food fiveyearold Head Play PlayOne One hundred or more nominations are certain for the Special which will bring the interest of the racing world to New England