Minnie Adams Falls Lame: Cooks Double Derby Winner Takes the Feature Race at Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08


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MINNIE ADAMS FALLS LAME. COOKS DOUBLE DERBY WINNER TAKES THE FEATURE RACE AT LATONIA. Joe Coynes Running Evokes Judicial Action-Favorites and Outsiders Break Even Henry WatteTson in Form. Cincinnati, 0., November 7. Minnie Adams, at and short price, won the feature race, but onlyafter a hard struggle to wear down the leaders In the early stages. Her seeming lack of speed during the first half caused a belief that her defeat was imminent, and wailing expressions from those who had backed her were heard in many quarters. Nicol, who rode her, however, using good judgment, sent her along sharply after rounding the stretch turn and wore down the leaders In the final drive, winning comfortably. Her failure to display more speed during the race, and the close victory she achieved was explainable by the fact that she pulled up very lame. Joe Coynes failure to show good form and Telegraphers good race were the surprises of the race. The latter was a 100 to 1 shot, and managed to get up in time to beat out Old Stone, coupled in the betting with Mortlboy as the Goldblatt entry, in the last stride for second place. Judge Price was dissatisfied with the running of Joe Coyne and had C. C. McCafferty before him to explain. The latter attributed the horses poor showing to the fact that he sulked. Judge Price rtold the -owner that in future all ther horses from his stable would have to show more consistency If he wanted to race at this track. Favorites and outsiders split the card during the afternoon, Minnie Adams, Belden and Henry Watter-son, the latter recently acquired by James Arthur, being the choices that were successful while Gold-proof, Tsara and The Golden Bird came to the rescue of the bookmakers. Large fields were again in evidence, excepting In the third race and crowding was again in vogue. Intaglis came to grief by falling In the second race, however, his rider, F. Burton sustained no Injury by his tumble. Judge Price announced today that Messrs. Grainger and Winn, who composed the investigation committee with Price to look into the Flscher-Dunn-LHommedieu case will arrive here tomorrow, whea a decision in the case will be handed down. Malvina, carded as a starter In the fifth race, was ordered withdrawn by the judges for lack of identification. Starter Holtman, unaware that the horse had been scratched, kept the field at the post until one of his assistants, who he sent over to locate the horse, was made acquainted with the fact that the filly had been withdrawn. Further depletion of bank rolls among the bookmakers forced a pair of the layers to withdraw from the ranks. George Hendrie, principal owner of the tracks that comprise the Highland Park circuit, was among the visitors. Windshield, which finished third, was recently purchased at auction for 0 by John Ferriss, Jr. An offer of 00 for him was refused. Jockey T. Taylor was fined 5 by the starter for disobedience at the post Jockey F. Burton was fined 5 by the judges for foul riding In attempting to carry Windshield wide in the fourth race. Joe Young has purchased at private terms from E. Fitzgerald, Uncle Henry, which he will race this winter at New Orleans. Most of the horses comprising the string of Fred Cook have gone amiss. Tom Dolan and Missouri Lad, both which were worked last night pulled up lame, and now Minnie Adams will have to be shelved for some time to enable her to recover from the lameness that she sustained today.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906110801/drf1906110801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1906110801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800