Baltimore Entries and Form, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08

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BALTIMORE ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p.m. Chicago time 1:13 p.m. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds" and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horses. A.. Wt. Hdcp. 035574s... Josie .Hampton 3.. 107 .700 03394 Snow Ball .... 3.. 107 095 03374 Kiarriesha H 3.. 107 090 03551S... .Kleanor c. 4.. 107 090 01S14 .Waterway 3. .107 090 04927.... Country Lad 3.. 107; GS5 .055553 cWrival 4.. 107 CSO r7CS4 Jig Music ., 4.. 107 GSO 05334 Garment "4 . , 107 GSO Litigant, b. f, by Contract" AVihl puck" 3.. 107 Poriuessing, br. cr by Knight of tile Thistle Octa ; Reed 1 1 . 3.. 107 . Second Race 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds! Allowances. 05372... Orphan Lad 112...... 725 C33SS . . .Botanist. 115. . X . .720 035K5S...Tdor .- 107.. X.. 713 .03411 Eminola ; . . .104. . X . .713 053552 . . .15eldemo 107 710 05308?.. . Betsy Blnford .104.. X . .710 03372s... Iord IJoanerges .113. VX.703 C5308 Charles I. Lee ; .107. X . .700 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. v . - 4-year-olds and. up ward. Selling. 05354.... Blue Coat 4. .110. . X . .725 03509.... Mafalda u. .107. . X . .720 03334.... Felix Mozzes 5.. 110 715 05!54....Stohebr6ok ; ... 4.. 107 713 :C53G9 : . . .Jack Adams -3 . .102. 713 04324 Dixie Andrews .......... 4. .107. . X -.710 5S109s. ..0rton Dobbie G.. 107.... . .710 v 57037 Jerry C : v4 . . 107. . X . . 703 05355..,. Maxey More 4 ...107 700 G55J54. .. .Mamie March 4. .107. . X . .095 05374 .... Calmness 4 . . 107. ..... 590 03390. . . -Roly Poly 4. .102.- 090 Fourth Race About 2 Miles.:- Steeplechase. , 4-year-olds -and, upward. Allowances. C3333 .. .Follow On C..150.. 700 G3391 Northville 4. .140. . X. .095 03310,.. Allegiance 8.. 143 090 03371 .. .Frank Somers -5. .150. . X . .090 03252 John G". Cavanagh G. .144 GS5 05353.... .Bery Waddell 5. .140, . X . .GS3 05371 Oh Promise Me 4.. 132.. GSO 035533 Seventh Ward C..130 G50 Fifth Race 1 3-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upwardi Selling. 05373... Factotum : ...7:5. .102 725 r05?"P. . . jTavannes, .3 . . ,94 . . X . .720 ; C55570 . ..Reidmoore ....3.. 99, .X... 715 0355.90 Sonoma Belle -3. .111. . X . .715 05390 Reveille 5. .111. . X . .710 05270. . .Satirist 10. .10S. ., . . .710 05370 Holloway ;.. 94.. X.. 710 05394 Pleasant Days 55. .102. . X. .7031 G5355.... Winifred A. 3. .101. .X . .705 Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. . 05332. -..Brittanby .- 110 725 05407 Monkey Puzzle 110 720 04S42. . . TWaterfall 110. .... .715 05092 El Toyar 110 715 03332 Private Stewart 110 710 05332 Millstone 107 710 1 , ; -,. i v ; - : 1 : . ; 7 053SS Garters 107.. X.. 703 G4!59. . . . Daisy Frost .107 705 05043.,!. Village King .lio "700 04010 Wilton Lackaye" .310. . .Vi -700 01381 Norwina 107 .70 04233 Wayside 110. . . .-. .095

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