Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08

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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. COVINGTON, KY., November 7, 1906. Fifteenth day: Latonia Jockey Club. Fall Meeting 24 days. - Weather clear; track fast. 10 books on. Presiding Judge, Charle3 F. Price. Starter J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon. .-tt Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B bNnkers. - Figures -Iriparenthesl8 following the distance or each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried.- y.-.u-!S d f Adl FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 1;12 3 100. Purse Q0 3-ycar-olds and upwards OOEiV 1 Selling. Net value to winner 00. " !lnd Horses AWtPP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H C .P. 8" C5307 TSARA " ty 3 97 1 3 Il l 1- 1 F Burton S Hudson 15 20. 15 .6 -4 - 653C3 ADBELL tvb 5 105 5 14 S"" 3b 3b 21 Abuchon Mrs M Goldblatt 2 .14-521 6-5 3-5 G5327 FUGURTHA w 7 97 11 4 3b, 4 4b 31 J Smith W V Conran . GO GO -6,0 20 -10 65363 LIGHTBURN W 3 99 9 2 6b 5b 53 43 F Keyes L Lemp 3 5 14-56-5 1-2 63331 QUEEN ESTHER tvb 4 102 10 6 95 6 7 5b Swain W A Smith 15 20 20"7 3 G520S OLIVER w 3 100 2 5 2b 21 21 6 Moreland H Herendcen 6 9 8 :21 fi-5 652S6 ANNIE BERRY tvb 3 92 13 7 51 75 61 71 Goldstein J Mclennan 30 50 50 20 10 65363 BAZIL ws 4 105 14 10 13 910 81 Wishard W Gerst v 15 20 20 8 4 652S8 BERNIE CRAMER wb 4 106 4 12 ll2 12 ll1! 9 Seder H -J Harris 30 30 20 5 4 65314 SHIPWRECK ws 3 97 7 1 4 S 9 101 Lloyd C P Kennedy 50 CO GO 20 10 65327 DORMONT tvb 3 97 15 9 10 101 81 111 T Taylor Oots Bros 8- 15 15 6 t 6508S JOE SHIELDS w 3 103 G 13 7b 14 123 12 Hogg J B Riley 40 40 i40 15 8 65327 FLOSS S. wn 3 97 12 11 14 11 132 13 Johansn J McDonald 15 25 25 and 4 651S0KISS V tvb 3 97 3 S 12 13 14 14 R Fisher G -B Smith 20 20 20.8 4 65309 IARONE TVB 3 27 8 15 15 15 15 15 Morris SalleeandLcklelter 10 10 :i0 4 2 . Time, 24J, 4SJ, 1:14J. . v Winner Ch. f, by Ornament May Hempstead- trained by S. Hudson. Went to post at 1:59. At post 4 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving; third. the same. Tsara, showing her best form, was a forward contender from the start and, taking a long lead aftcr.gpinff a quarter, woii all the way with plenty in reserve. Adbell, practically left at the post, closed a blg gap steadily, finished fast and. with a better send-off, could not have lost. Fugurtha ran surprisingly: well and finished gamely. Lightburn ran a poor race and failed to show much speed. Queen Esther Caine. from a long way back in the stretch and showed improved form. Oliver tired badly after going. ?a bilf. DOrmorit was noorly handled and had scant chance. i? Scratched052G9 Follow the Flag, 97 Overweights Lightburn, 2 pounds; Bazil, 3; Bernie Cramer, 4; Joe Shields, 3. f A fC SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:12J 3 100. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selllngr UtlatUil . Net value to -winner 00. :-:- Ind Horses r AWtPPSt Yt. y, Str Fin Jockeys Owners: O H C V 8 G5326 THE GOLDEN BIRD tvb 100 4 13 13b. 7nt 4 11 Lloyd J McDonald 1 30 -"30 -8 4 -653663IDALIA TV 106 1 4 1 11 2 D Austin Mrs J C Milam 21 3 Z 6-5?3-5 65362 SPIDER WEB TV 103 7 7 11 9b" Gl 31 F Keyes W E Walsh 20 50 60 15 8 i 63343 BEAUTIFUL MAYO TV 97 15 2 5 4b 3b 4h C Morris J Arthur 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 6534S GARGANTUA TV 106 9 3 2 3h 6b 5 Abuchon -Mrs M -Goldblatt 6 6 5 2 1 65326 BONNIE KATE w 97 8 11 12 10 10 6b Johansn J Walters 30 30 20 .8 4 65108 POSTER flIRL w 94 2 G 6b 11 7 7 Goldstein G Holle 20 50 40 15 ,8 65345 BEAU BRUMMEL tvsb 97 13 12 9 Sb 91 S3 Goedike John Marklein 20 30 30 10 6 633KG HANDSPIKE TV 94 10 1 4b "gnk S 91 T Taylor W C Overton 30 40 30 12 1! 62S91 VIPSANIA TV 97 3 5 31 2 2b 101 Huestis S Hudson 15 30 30 8 4 6i366-FRENCH EMPRESS TVS 97 5 10 10b igi llh yi Moreland W F King 10 15 15 6 8. 65264 CAHORE TV 94 14 8 7b 61 12 12 R Fisher W C Scott 25 30 12 6 65345 CAMILLE Tvb 100 11 14 14 133 133 135 Swain W A Smith 15 15 05 .1 65345 NANCY HART TV 106 13 15 15 14 14 14 Seder D L Peterson 25 40 40 rlS S 65362 INTAGLIS TV 94 6 9 Sl Fell. F Burton T W Moore 20 " 50 50.18 .8 Time, 24R, 49g, l:15i. Winner Ch. f, by First Mate Amy Robsart trained by W. Wells. Went to post at 2:25. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. . The Golden Bird, showing greatly improved, form, gained steadily on the others from a bad startaad, coming with a rush through the stretch, got up to win in the final strides. Idalla, away well in, motion, showed the most early speed, but tired slightly near the end and will improve. Spider Web, staudJngia hard drive gamely, finished going fast and at a. longer distance would have-won. Beautiful. Mayo.,ranylls-appolhtingly md can do much better. Gargantua tired badly In the .closing drive. Bonnie. Katerana good race and closed a big gap. Vipsanla was a forward contender in the .early stages and, better ridden, might have been closer up. Intaglls was caught In a jam on the first turn and fell. " - . ; , Scratched G47SS Salvisa, 94. t J Overweights Bonnie Kate, 3 pounds; Nancy Hart, 3. d K A f Q THIRD RACE 7-8 Mile. 1:25 3 104. Purse 00. All Ages. Allowances.- POtUD Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPP St V. Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 65347MINNIE ADAMS W 3 114 5 3 3b 31 31 2 1 Nicol F Cook 3-101-3,1-4 out 65148 TELEGRAPHER wb 3 95 3 4 42 41 5 3 2" Moreland W M Majlory 40 100 100 20 , 3 653S3 OLD STONE wn 5 109 2 1 11 21 lb 11 31 Abuchon Mrs M Goldblatt10 20 . 20 9-5"out 64S97 MORTIBOY W 2 771 1 2 2J 11 2 4 42 J Connolly Mrs .M Goldblatt10 20 20 9-5 out 65328WOB COYNE wb 3 101 4 G 5 5 4J 5 5 T Taylor C C McCafferty 4 5 5 2-5 but Counled in betting. Time, 24, 49. 1:14J. 1:27. : "Winner B. f, by Cesarion Bretzel trained by W. E. Phillips. Went to post at 2:47. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won handily; second driving; third the same. Minnie Adam3 got away in a tangle and was saved from the early pace, then took the lead when called ion in the stretch, but had to do her best near the end. Telegrapher ran a good race, saved much ground all the way and. finishing gamely under hard urging, got up In the final stride. Old Stone, away" fully ;in motion, forced the early pace and tired near the end. Mortiboy showed speed. Joe Coyne ran -a badvrace" -and can do much better. " 5 Scratched J53472Noel, 92; G53G4Dr. Spruill, 109; 05296 Tanager, 85. Overwelghts Mortiboy, 3 pounds. Old Stone, singly, place. 2 to 1; show, 1 to 4. Mortiboy, singly, place, 4 to 1; show, evens. CiK i fi FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:391 4100. Purse 00. 3-year-blds and upward. ; - OOtibMrfc Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H OPS 65319 BELDEN ws 3 103 3 1 Sb 6b 6 2b l2 Lloyd J Gass 21 3 3 6-5 3-5 653633RUILOBA w 3 100 5 10 6 3h 31 31 22 F Burton G W Innes 5 5 18-57-5 7-10 63304 WINDSHIELD w 3 103 2 3 lb 1 11 lb 33 R Fisher J C Ferriss Jr 15 20 .20 : 8 " 4 65266 JOE LESSER w 8 109 7 4 3b 21 2b 5b 41 D Austin C E Patterson 5 5 4 2 1 65382 PERCY GREEN ws 4 109 S 6 4b 81 4 62 5b Hogg M Ochsner 20 25 25 10 G 65221 KNOWLEDGE ws 5 109 12 14 9 ll3 62 41 6 Mountain J H Shouldlce 20 25 25 -8 4 6520S2STELLA EICHBURG W 3 100 13 2 21 5b 9 71 72 Moreland R H Clark 15 15 12 4 2 653S7 DUNGANNON w 5 109 1 5 11 102 103 8 S3 F Keyes G H Knebelkamp25 30 30 12 6 65004 PRINCE OF PLESS ws 3 98 9 12 101 12 11 9 9 Wylie J S Bratton 20 25 25 .10 6 64134 GLOBE RUNNER wb 3 100 1G 13 13l 9 123 102 102 Goldstein F W Schmidt 60 75 75 30 15 64061 PETER BECKER W 3 95 15 9 51 4b 7111111 Huestis S T White 60 100 100 40 20 64719 JUCORA " W 4 109 14 7 7 71 SI 13 121 Abuchon P T Weir 20 20 20 8 4 65312 ANTIBIA W 3 104 11 S 122 14 142 142 135 W BhananMrs T D Forsythe30 - 40 30 12 G G33003D. G. TAYLOR wsb 3 100 4 15 15 153 153 15s 14s Swain B J Ossenbeck 5 8 8 3 7-5 65012..QUICKRICH wb 3 100 10 1G 1G 132 132,122 152 T Taylor F B Respess 25 25 23 10 G G5157 HAPPY JACK II. wb 4 112 G 11 14 16 16 1G 16 C Morris - J Arthur 15 20 20 6 4 Time, 25, 49J, 1:151. 1:42. Winner Br. c, by Handspring Allie Belle trained by J. Gass. s. "VYent to post at 3:14. At post G minutes. Start bad. Won driving: second and third the same. Belden had a rough trip and had to weave his way through the compact field and gained steadilyr.anu. going fastest near the end, wore down the pacemakers with case and won drawing away. Rulloba, badly handled and allowed to swerve repeatedly, was probably best and ran a- good race. Windshield, nway well, showed much speed for the first three-quarters, but suffered from slight Interference and tired iiithe final strides. J:;e Lesser had to overcome a lot of interference and ran a good race, Percy Green-mn -surprisingly good race for him. Knowledge had no mishaps. Stella Elchburg quit badly after" going a quarter. D. G. Taylor, timidly ridden, was taken back on the first turn and had no chance .thereafter. Incorrect weight in entries Windshield, OS. , - . Overweights-Antibia, 4 pounds. Ci K A f PC FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:1233100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. - PQ .fcUO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPP St Vi . Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P. S 65367 GOLDPROOF tvb 3 103 6 6 3 42 21 1 Hogg C E Hamilton 6 7 7 21 6-5 653302IDA DAVIS W 5 102 4 1 1J 1 1 23 T Taylor J S Ward 21 21 2 4-5 2-5 652S33NUNS VEILING wsb 3 104 9 7 51 51 41 3 D Austin Denny Bros 6 7 7 3 6-5 65295 AGNES VIRGINIA ws 4 102 3 10 71 61 5 41 F Keyes S M! Henderson 8 15 15 6 . 3 65327 DARING WB 3 109 2 9 8 7b Gl 51 W Allen E J Gildersleevo G 15 15 6 -3 65331 INTENSE w 4 102 11 5 9 8 9 62 C Morris T W Moore 12 15 .15 6 3 65344 POSING w 3 10G 5 4 4b 3b 31 7b Seder J B Respess 6 7 7 21 6-5 6531G LORD DIXON w 4 104 1 2 6 9 8 81 W BhananA Fcnnoll 25 75 50 0 10 65136 HAMILCAR ws S 101 10 8 102 10 10 91 Moreland W S Laird 12 12 10 4 2 653632BENSONHURST ws 6 104 8 3 2b 2b 7b 10. Abuchon J W Brlggs 5 G 4 8-5 7-10 65344 RLUSTER w 3 112 7 11 11 11 11 11 H Larsen E Corrigan 100 150 150.40 25 Time, 24, 49, 1:14. Winner Ch. c, by Goldspinner Glimmer Glass trained by J. W. Hall. Wont to post at 3:44. At post 7 minutes. Start bad. Wou driving; second and third the same. Goldproof ran to Ids best form, was in close quarters during the first half, but saved much ground when turning into the stretch and, finishing gamely, outstayed Ida Davis in the closing strides. The latter "was away running and took a long lead at once, but tired badly at the finish. Nuns Veiling camq frctri a long way back and showed improved form. Agnes Virginia closed a big gap and went; well throughout. Daring also ran a good race and will show to better advantage on a soft track. Posing tired badly; after going -i half. Lord Dixon ran fairly well. Bensonhurst ran a bad race and quit after going a quarter! Scratched C53S4 Optional, 107; G53SC2WhippoorwilI, 109: 05349 Sincerity Belle, 102; 65218 Tinker, 97; 62409 Malvlna, 107. . - . r. OverweightsGoldproof, 1 pound; Nuns Veiling, 3; Posing, 5; Lord Dixon, 2; Bensonhurst, 2; Blus-ter, 3. Ci K A fCi SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:3914100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward." OUXVU Selling. Net valua to winner 00. - v Ind Horses AWtPP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H CPS 653493HEN. WATTERSON tvb 3 97 9 2 Ill3 l2 l3 11 C Morris J Arthur 2 2 7-5 3-5 1-3 65313 HENRY O. wsb 4 103 5 4 41 41 4 22 2 Moreland W K Ball 3 18-518-56-5 3-5 65349 MOCCASIN MAID ws 3 91 3 12 51 Gb 6b 41 32 R Fisher W C Scott 15 20 20 7 3 65284 DR. YOUNG w 3 89 1 11 lib 10 7 71 41 Jno ConleyH B Hildebrand 40 60 60 25 12 65344FRENCH NUN w 3 961 6 C i 5 51 5 51 Lloyd J H Baker 6 6 4 8-5 4-5 65285 PENTAGON tvb 3 103 2 13 61 71 121 91 6 Hogg G Howard 20 GO CO 20 8 652S8 LIDDON wb 4 109 12 3 101 9 9 CI 71 D Austin T F Morris 6 8 8 3 3-2 G5300 SNEER w 5 98 8 1 2b 2b 21 31 8 F Burton M Burton 100 100 100 40 :20 653SG RAVIANA w 4 104 14 14 12 12b nt ut 91 Abuchon M D Miller 10 12 12 G 24 63283 THE LAUREL WS 9 103 10 10 71 111 13b 10 102 Huestis J E Richardson 30 50 GO 20" 10 65349 LUTIE MAC w 3 94 7 9 8 81 81 12 U T Taylor Oots Bros 10 12 12 5 21 65327 ALL BROWN WB 3 94 11 7 14 14 10 131 121 Swain W A Smith 30 50 50 20 7 65193 BOURBON NEWS W 3 97 4 5 3b 3b 3 8113 Johansn J Hergenrether 40 75 75 25 12 65327 SKYTE w 3 94 13 S 13 132 14 14 14 F Hbrand Martin and West 40 60 60 25 12 Time, 245, 50, 1:151, 1:41. Winner Ch. c, by The Commoner Pretence trained by J. Arthur. Went to post at 4:14. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same; third driving. Henry Watterson ran as If he outclassed the others, went into a long lead from the start and was neve" seriously menaced, winning with plenty in reserve. Henry O. was sharply impeded In the early stages and finished with a rush after getting clear. Moccasin Maid, away poorly, ran n good race arid made up considerable ground. Dr. Young came fast near the end. French Nun tired badly near the end. Liddon had a rough trio. --v-fe - Scratched 64926 Kleinwood, 109. , "

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