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THE CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB .ShcepsheBay" N. Y. 571 rFifth iwl jpf m I Thursday, Nov. I5tb, L9I6. For the June teeteg, lif . THE FOAM, ,500 ADDED. FOR TWO YEARS OLD NOW YEA RUNGS. By subscription of 0 each, the only 11a-r biHty ifvdeclaigd:by May 1, 1907V or 0 if left in after that date. Starters; 0.aadi-tional. 52,500 which 00 to second and 00 to third- fFiye Turlgs? ?T , 1 THE SURF, ,500 ADDED. FOR TWO YEARS OLD NOW YEARLINGS. By subscription of 10 each, the only lia-bility if declared by iMay lj 1907. ?500 added, of which" 400to second aridfo6 to third. " "V M " : Flye and a Half sF urfong. mr the June if F?f, " p$. THE TIDAL, 0,000. FOR THREE YEARS OLD NOW YEARLI N GS . By subscription of 5 each, the only "-r liability if declared by May 1, 1907r; or 5 if declared by November a, 1907, orf00iif declared by February 1, 190S, or 200 if left in after the last mentioned date. Starters, 50 additional. 5,000 to winner, ,500 to second, ,500 to tJiird, 00 to niDmittatpr af winner, 00 to nominator of second and 00 to nominator of third. y:uZ-h: One Mlje and a Quarter. THE LARjEICE REAjLIZATIOrsT, 0000 ADDED. FOR THREE YEARS OLD NOW YEARLI NGS. Yearlings nominated by November 15. 190G. 50" each, or 5 if declared by November 1, 1907. Starters, . 50 additional. .0,000 added.; The second to receive twp-thirds of starting fees and ,500, the,third one-third of starting fees and 50. The nominators of the winner, second and ihiril horses to receive 00, 00 and 00, respectively. One Mile and Five FurlorigsH :: and4X THE MERMAID, ,000 ADDED. FOR FILLIES THREE YEARS OLD NiOW "YEARLINGS. By subscription of 0 each. " the only liability.if declared by;May 1, 1907; -or 5 if declared by February ltlppsV pr 0 if left in after -last mentioned date; Starters, 0 additional, ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. One f Mile anBaFMrlorjgv For the Autumn Meeting:, THE GREAT FILLY, ,000 ADDED. FOR FILLIES TWO YEARS OLD NOW WEANLINGS1 Bysubsbriptipn of each, tho : only liability if declared by November 1, 1907; or 5 if declared by May l,i1908; ori0 if declared by July 15. 1908; or 00 if left in after last mentioned dike. Stajfters 5p additional. ,0J0 added- of which ,250 to second, 50 to thirdl J0 toh6mVnat6r of winner, 00 t6 riominator of second and 00 to nominator of third;" Six Furlongs: .! " .... - "- . For tfe AHmP 4fti, 1907, and After. THE ANNUAL CHAMPION, 5,000. , i . . . . FOR HORSES NOW YEARLINGS. By subscription of 0 each, the only liability if de-clafed-by vfylay 1, 1907, 0 if by July 15, 1907, 0 .if by November 1, 1907, 5-ifby F.ebruary .1, .1908,. 00 if by July 15, 1908, or 00 if left "in after: the last mentioned date. For horses now two years old. By subscription of 00 each, the only liability if declared by July 15, 1907. .: - . rr STARTERS 00 ADDITIONAL. 520,000 to winner, ,000 to second, ,000 to third, ,000 to nominator of winner, 50 to nominator of second and 50 to nominator of third. - The entry of a horse for this race entitles the horse to start for the race when three years old1 and :each year thereafter on payment of 00 starting fee in each eventir " ; " "Two Miles and Quarter. For the June Meeting, THE LAWRENCE REALIZATION, ,00j ADDED. FOR NOW WEANLINGS. By subscription of 0 each, the only "liability if declared by Novembdr 1, 1907, 0 if by November 1, 1908, or 5 if left in after last ?nentioned date. Starters, 50 additional. 0,000 added. Second to receive ,500 "of added money and two-thirds of starting fees; third 50 Of added money and one-third! of starting fees. Nominators of winner, second and third to receive 00; 00 and??10b, respectively. Yearling entries close November 15, 1907. - . One Mile and Five Furlongs. Entries to be addressed to the CLERK OF II IE COIJRSK. jm cw island mm club, 571 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY.