Jockeys Handicapped, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08

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JOCKEYS HANDICAPPED. Dally Racing Form will publish from time to time a table of the rating of the- jockeys riding on American tracks, based on their performances in the saddle. The best riders will be given the, uniform rating of 100, and from that point the others will be graded down according to their estimated relative skill. For a difference of five points between the Jockeys, three points change in the handicap figures assigned the horses in any race must be made. Only riders frequently in the saddle will be given a place in the tables. The following is the present rating: Allen, S .75 Kinney 75 Allen, W 85 Koerner 90 Alex, II SO Knaack 75 Andress. A 75 Knapp, W 100 Archibald, A 75 Knopf 75 Armstrong 75 Kunz 80 Aubuchoii 95 Lauby 75 Austin, D 95 Lee, YJ 75 Austin, J 75 Lee, R 75 Baird 85 Lenahan 75 Baker, C ..75 Liehert 75 Baker, J 75 Lloyd 75 Barnett. J SO Locke 75 Battiste, F 80 Lowe, R. 60 Beckraan "75 Lutes 75 Bedell . 85 Macoy, R. ...1 SO. Bell. C 80 Mahon. T. .... 75 Bergen, J 75 Mangus .. 75 Bergman 75 Mara. W 75 Deny 75 Marslers 75 Bezanson ". 75 Martin, J 100 Bllae 80 Martin, A 75 Blair, R .....75 McCarley. ."..75 UMWtt f " m m 75 McCarthy ,,,,,,, , J5 Boiesen 75 McClain 75 Boland, D i.... 90 McDaniel, R 1 83 Bonner, 8 85 McFadden, F 75 Booker, A. W 85 McGee, W 85 Booker, C SO McGovern 75 Bredin 80 Mclntyre, J. 80 Bowden 75 Mclutyre, W. ......JO Brentman 75 McLaughlin; J. 85 Brussel 80 McNamara 75 Buchanan, W 95 Miles 80 Burns, G. 80 Aliller, W. ........100 Burns, W 75 Minder 90 Burton, F SO Moore, R .... 75 Carroll, J 75 Mor.eland 85 Carson 75 Morgan 75 Chandler, L SO iMoriarity SO Chandler, T 75 Morris, C 85 Cherry 90 Mountain 05 Clare 75 Murphy, C 75 Clark, H 75 Alurphy, J 75 Clark, T 90 Murray, W 75 Clausen. 75 Myers 80 Coane 75 .Newman 75 Coburn 90 Niblack 80 Cochran, H 85 Nicol 100 Coleman 75 Noone ,"80 Conley J 85 Notter 80 Connelly 75 Oliphant 85 Crane 75 OMaboney 75 Crimmlns 85 Oregar 85 : Davis, B 80 Oils 85 Davis, W 95 Ott, W . 75 Dealy, J . . 80 Parker, C 75 Dearborn 75 Pendergast 80 , Dennison, J 75 Perkins 80 Dlllas 75 Perrett; F 80 Dillon 80 Perrine 85 Domlnlck 95 Perslnger 75 Donegan 75 Peters, L 75 Douglas 75 Pickett. R 75 Doyle, W 75 Pope, S 75 Drcyer 75 Pottering 75 Dugan, W. 95 Powers, R. 75 Englander 75 Preston, I 75 Feicht 85 Preston, M 85 Ferris 75 Quarrington 75 Finch 75 Radtke 100 fnn RO Uavnnr 7s Finnegan, J 75 Reidel 75 Finnegan, W 75 ReHly 75 Fischer, W-. S5 Rice, E 80 Fisher, C. 75 Riley, D. 75 Fisher, R 75 Robinson, E. .t 95 Fitzgerald 75 Rosen 75 Flannery 75 Ross, C SO Foley, J 85 Rowan 75 Francis 75 Russell, J 75 Gannon, W. 90 Sandy 75 Gargan 75 Schade 80 Garner 90 Schaller, J. 75 Garner, F. 75 Scoville 80 Garvin 75 Beaton, T 75 Garwood 75 Seder 80 Gaugel 75 Sewell 95 Gerdes 75 Shaw ...100 Goedike - 75 Shea SO Goldstein "80 Sheridan 75 Gordon 75 Shilling, C. H 80 Graham 75 Smart 75 Griffith 80 Smith, B. 80 Gullett 75 Smith, C ..75 Hagan SO Smith, L 00 Hall, D 00 Sobel ....75 Hammond 75 Sperry .., 75 Harrigan 80 Springer SO Harris, C 75 Steele, T 75 Harris, J 85 Sterckx 75 Harris, R 75 Stille SO Harty SO Stokes 75 Head, R 80 Swain 85 Heffernan 80 Swain, F 75 Helgesen 90 Taylor, T SO Heunessy, James ... 85 Tesch ; 75 Hennessy, John .... SO Thomer 75 Herbert SO Thompson, A 75 Herman 75 Travers, W. ....... 90 nicks, J 80 Troxler 95 Hildebrand 100 Truman .....80 Illldebrand, F SO Van Dusen 80 Hodges, W. ........ 75 Vanderhout SO HolHer 80 Vititoe. D 73 Hogg 65 VoDgrafeu 75 Hollander 75 Walnwright 80 Horher S3 Wulshj A. 80 Hudlln 80 Walsh,, E. , 85 fluestls 73 Walsh, J. J go Hunter, H. 75 Walsh, P 75 Hunter, J. 75s Walters, J. 75 Jackson, Harvey ... 80 Wedderstrand 80 Jenkins 75 White 75 Johanessen SO Whitely 75 Johnson, A 75 Williams, B 80 Johnson. J .. 75 Williams, J 75 Jones, J., 90 WilJ!nm. L IT. Jost. P. 80 Wilson, n. S3 KoUer 75 Wishard .80 Kelly, J 75 Wylie" 75 Kelly, M 75 Yorke 75 Kent SO Young, A ....75 Kermath 75 Zurborp , 75 p7.MtuiMiiMMt 9 -r zr-hs " 43 :

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Local Identifier: drf1906110801_6_3
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