Baltimore Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08

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BALTIMORE FORM CHART. " PlMLlCO. PIMLICO, ME., November 7, 1906 Sixth day. Maryland Jockey Club. Fall Meeting 12 days. f -.-- r ; " Weather clear; track fast. 23. books-on. . Presiding Judge, Frank J. Bryan. Stf-rter, A. B. Dade: Secretary; W. P. Rlggs. " Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse arid weight carried. -- d A lrr FIRST RACE and 1-2 Furlongs. l:07i C 99. 00 added. H-year-olds. Maidens. jQOob.V 1 Special Weights. Net value to winner 60. !Ind Horses AWtPP St 4, xk Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 4d332DOC KYLE wn 110 S 2 in Vh Vh U J Lee C W Richardson 21 13-513-51-5 1-2 65332 MEDDLESOME BOY w 107 5 6 61 CJ 7 2"t J DennisonMrs L S Farigle 10 20 15 C 21 GSoStJUNE TIME wb 107 2 5 21 21 3H 3n Englder J Garson 5 G 3i 7-5 7-10 653R2"DIEBOLD 110 9 3 5 4J 2and 4i Mercado A L Aste 10 15 15 G 3 65350 DAN KALI we 110 1 10 3ii 3S M 51 OBrien W Huffman 10 20 15 6 2. 6531S MONKEY PUZZLE "Wii 110 -4 0 10 10 5 6s J -Johnson E W Lagerroth 7 6 2 7-5 64452 GEORGE B. WD 110 3 S 71 8J 7 Hagan G Beckett .7 7 6 2 G-5 6518! QUEEN- OF KNIGHT w 107 11 7 71 8l 9J 84 Miles H Angarola 30 40 .40 15 6 65318CXMMODORE THEIN W 110 7 1 "4S 51 61 S2 J Walsh J J TWackessey 10 15 15 6 21 65368 THE GALLOPER w 107 10 4 9- 92 10 10 Nodrie P T Pumphrey 25 40 40 15 C BERWYN . w 110 6 11 11 11 11 11 Koerner T Clyde 10 23 20 S 4 TiniCi 24i, 49, l:02t, 1:09. AVUiner Br c, by Fatherless Miss ItUodie trained by W. Hollar. Went to post at 2:17. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Doc Kyle showed the most speed all the way, but in the filial furlong tired wheni Meddlesome Boy closed iip and Lee had "all he eould do to make him last long enough. Meddlesome Boy was outrun for the first three furlongs, then made up a lot of ground and finished fast and gaining. June Time showed; speed", but tired from racing after the winner. Diebold ran well, was; best and would have won with a competent riier. Darikali ran a fairly good race and might liavg Iieen closer up but for" some Interference. Scratched 05318 Cambyses, 110. . CandK A SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. l:13i 1114. 00 added. "3-year-ohis and upward. fjOxUO Selling. Net value to winner 55. lud Horses AWtPP StVi Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P -S " 6535DHOORAY wb 3 115 2 2 21 2i 21 lh Hagan A X. Asto 1 1 1 out 65065 BELLE STROME w 4 122 7 3 1- Is 1J 22 J Johnson Arverne Stable C S 8 21 4-5 65211 CADICHON w 3 112 5 4 41 31 3nt 31 W Riley U Z DeArman 8 12-10 3 1 6536D3KILTS w- 4 125 3 5 51 A 41 4 J "Walsh M Welsh 15 20 15 4 7-5 65353 KNT" OF RHODES w 9 112 4 7 7 6"-5 OLeary P M Burch 12 23 25 8 4 65333 HYPERION w 4 122 1 1 3nk 5nk 5and 620 J Lee G C Smithson 13-513-513-54-5 out 65369 CONTENP WB 8 122 6 C 7 61 7 7 Barnett D Reynolds 60 100 100 30 15 Time, 21, 49, 1:15. ; Winner Ch. c, by Plaudit Readina trained by C. II. Diebold. post at 2:37. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Hooray ran in a forward position all the Way and wore Belle Strome down In the last few yards under a liard drive. -The latter showed superb speed, set a good pace, held on gamely at the end and would have woiiif better lidden. Cadichou ran in improved form and finished gamely. Kilts ranwell and would have been third with a good ridsr up. Knight of Rhodes began slowly, but finished fast. Scratched 65351 Quadrille, 117; 05354 Blue Coat, 125; 647S7 Akbar, 120; OS457 Cedric, 117. Incorrect .Wight In entries-Contend, 117. R. A AO THIRD RACE 1 1-1C Miles. l:4Si 1108. The Country Club of Pimlico Stakes. v O O rxAJandy Value ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25. nd Horses . AWt PPSt4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q-H OPS 65352 WEIRDSOME "W 6 100 2 2 55 4J 32 21 in Hagan D L Holden Jr 4 6 4 8-5 9-10 65351 ANNETA LADY w 3 103 5 3 31 lh l1! I1 23 Koerner C W Richardson 2 11-59-5 3-5 out 65390GREVILLA tvb 3 93 0 4 6s 6 6 52 3 Englder E 31 Mitchell 7 12 10 4 S-5 653132BRYAN w 4 108 3 5 22 22 21 32 4 W Riley U Z DeArman 4 6 5 8-3 7-10 65317THE CLOWN w 3 110 7 1 4 3 42 4 5and J Lee G Brown Jr 2 2J 21 4-5 2-5 653182NOBLESSE OBLIGE w 4 105 J 6 l2 5 51 62 6 J Walsh Oakley Stable 50 100 60 20 8 65333 NONSENSE w 3 93 477 7777""J Schaller Mrs R Bradley 20 40 40 12 5 Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:41 J, 1:48J. Winner Ch. g, by Atheling Maggie Weir trained by E. II. Hanna. Went to post at 3:04. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. .Welrdsouw closed up very gamely in the last sixteenth and, catching Anneta Lady tiring, got up, in time to win out. ririeta Lady had rib mishaps, set a fast pace for the best part of the. distance and hnng on well in a good race. Grevilla was saved, from the early pace, came with a rush at the end "and would have won in a few more yard. Bryan was. prominent .for-over seven furlongs, then tired and was eased up. Tlie Clown tired when called on in the. stretch. Scratched Co40S Hyperion, 10S; 05390 Sonoma Belle, 100; 05390 Euripides, 93; 05373BelIe of Jossa-mlne. 105. FA l f FOURTH RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4:23--l.r.S. 00 added. O tt iL-J 4-year-olds and upward."- Allowances. Hunters. Net value to winner 8ti. tnd " Horses AWtPPSt3 6 9 12-StrFln Jockeys Owners - -- Q JVC p S 5S633.1T.ELLEARE ws 5-15S 10 ",2 1 Ink 1? ii to Savage1 Mr SIcMurtrie 6 6 "5 "2 "6-5 652762MOUNT, HENRY W 4 137 9 6 3 32 5 53 2 2 Soffel H S Page . 15 30 20 8 4 ,53?73J:ni;TELLUS WSS1 7 I if ? 3i 2i 3 ? Rogan I .FOX v. .2 1I-5JH1 ?"5 1 1 . 62119 KIRKLEVINGTN TV 7 165 8 8 5 5s 2k 4s 5J 45 Moon E Crozier 5 10 10 4 2 51S13 ESSEX WB 3 137 5 4 7 7 6 31 4 5 A Hewitt D Green 10 15 10 4 2 653713MY GRACE w 5 151 15 4s 4. 4 6" T520 6 Robinson Oakley Stable 8 10 8 3 S-5 65255GYPSIC ws S 160 2 3 6 6 8 S 8 72B Mr OBrienJ J OBrien C 10 8 3 8-5 632733OTHO VAUGH TVs 5 IBS 3 10 9 95 75 7 7i S G "Wilson F II Von Staden 10 15 10 4 2 64937 PALEFACE w 5 144 C 11 10 10 9 Pulled up. Asberger R S Sloane 30 CO 60 20 10 GS45S FLARA w S 163 4 9 S S8 Fell. Mr AtksonA B Atkinson 20 40 30 15 7 B53S9 RUEENS W 8 165 11 7 Fell. E Heider H Joyce 6 15 15 6 3 Time. 4:32. Winner B. g, by Sykeston Dew of June trained by A. Allen. Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second and tbird the same. Toll-fare bandied its weight well, fenced finely and, showing much the most speed, won eased up. Mount Henry came from a long way back,- improves with Tracing and will be a good steeplechaser. Nutellus tired under his big weight. Essex fenced in 2ood Style, but is a half-breed and probably not a stayer. Kirk-levington had no mishaps. Gypsic pulled up lame. Itubens fell at the third jump, Flara at the fifth and Paleface was pnlled up at the ninth. Overweights Flara. 3 pounds. CtZAl l FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1:07J 3 09. 400 added. 2-year-olds. Fillies. O Q -bJL JL Selling. Net value to winner G0. Ind Horses - AWtPPSt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C PS 65314 SUSANNAH w" 99 1 3 l3 1 1 1 J Johnson K C Bates 30 40 30 12 6 65372 LUCY MARIE TV 109 4 8 71 45 4 2b Koerjier J J Mackessey 3 31 .3 G-5 3-5 C4771 LAURA A w 104 2 4 2 2l 3 3l Noone G Connell 11-52J 2 9-102-5 65372 EMINOLA w 109 S 10 10l 10s 61 4 Mrs R Bradley C 7 .C 2 .1 GSSSoWANOY w S6 9 1 4 51 51 51 EnKlder J Garson 3 6 5 2 1 65314 BETTIE LANDON ws 99 11 6 31 3 2 62 J Walsh Oakley Stable 20 25 25 10 5 653SS DAIRY MAID -S9 6 2 5b 7 7J 71 J Schaller Joe -West 40 100 60 20 10 637372MISS JERSEY w 99 7 .7 61 61 8 8j Hagan M Welsh 10 40 30 12 6 651S9 SILVER POINT 94 3 5 11 11 11 9 Mercado A L Aste 40 50 50 20 10 C5372 NELLIE RACINE w 99 . 5 9 81 S2 91 103 Jno HensyM Jordan 10 45 15 6 3 65314aBLACK FLAG tvs 104 10 11 Si 9 10 11 Clare W Chamberlain 8 "12 10 4 2 Time, 12i, 24, 40, 1:02, 1;00. Winner B. f. by Filigrane Carooua trained by R. J. Walden. Went to .post at 4:10. At post-5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Susannah begun quickly and obtained a winning lead in the first quarter, held her advantage, but tired and was all out at the end and -doing her best to stall off the rush of Lucy Marie. The latter was best and would have wou with an even break and no interference, closed up very fast at the end and would have been in front in two more strides. Laura A. ran in a good position all the way and finished gamely, but could never get up. Emlnola, worth remembering In the same company, closed a big gap. Bettie Landon rhowd ppeed, but quit In the stretch; Scratched -G53CS Willetta, 00. K A l O sHth RACE 1 Mile. 1:40? t 105. f400 added. 3-year-olds and upward. y Qb JL JU Selling. Net value to winner 50. "ind Horses " AWtPP St and Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 65370 IVANHOE w 4 104- 2 1 1 1 l2 lJ 11 J Johnson Arverne Stable 8 10 G 2 4-5 65370 BLUE BUCK tvb 5 104 3 3 3b 2b A- 41 2.1 J DennisonMrs W Keating 3 4 31 1 1-2 61911 RAMA wn 3 87 6 . 6 .4 31 3b 3b 3b Englder U Z DcArman 7-5 7-511-101-2 out 65351 SINGING MASTER W 5 104 5 7 52 aJ 2b 21 43 Jno HensyM Jordan 8 12 12 4 8-5 653742WIDOWS MITE wb 6 99 1 2 62 62.- 51 52 53 Noone Queen City Stablel3-53i .31 1 2-5 65374 PARKVILLE TVB 5 107 7 5 ? 7 7 7 62 OBrien C Hill 20 40 30 10 4 65333 EDGELY tvb 4 104 4 4 2 4b C 6 7 R Head P Gallagher 15 25 20 7 3 Time, 24, 491, 1:14, 1:42. Winner Ch. g, by Hermence Georgia Kinney trained by T. E. Mannlx. , Went to post at 4:45. At post G minutes. Start good! Won driving; second and third ths same. Ivanhoe showed the most speed all the way and ran in much improved form, hung on well under a hard drive and won holding his own. Blue Buck ran in a good position all the way, was going fast" at the end and can beat tfcls.sort when at his best. Rama had no mishaps and ran well, but was all out at the end to beat Singing Master. The latter made up a lot of ground and moved up on the stretch turn into, a contending position, but tired in the stretch run. Widows Mite can do much better. Scratched 65394Chippewa, 90; G53702Chyfonte, 99; 01950 Vagabond. S7.

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Local Identifier: drf1906110801_2_9
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